'Kyle Horatius Kosmo' wrote:
| Hi all.
| I am able to access msnews.microsoft.com, news.grc.com and
| privatenews.microsoft.com via Outlook Express.
| Is it possible accessing alt.privacy.spyware, alt.comp.anti-virus and
| alt.comp.virus via OE as well?
| My apologies if this post is considered "off topic" but accessing goups
| via OE is in my opinion so much more 'user-friendly and I tried to find
| an answer using the Google search facilities but was not successful.
IF your ISP provides news service, you must set up an Outlook Express news
account for the news server your ISP provides. While in Outlook Express,
start with
and then enter the requested information.
The name of the account, the name that appears in 'From:' , and the email
address can be anything (the email address must be the proper format, but
should NOT be your real email address - use a guaranteed non-existent
address that ends in @invalid.com ).
The 'Server name' you must obtain from your ISP.
The 'Account name' is the user ID you use for your ISP account.
The 'Password' is the password you use for your ISP account.
These ISP 'Account name' and 'Password' are just for access to the server,
and do not become part of any posts. There are tens of thousands of
newsgroups, and your ISP may not carry nearly that many. To see a list of
the newsgroups available, set up the account, then click on 'Newsgroups' in
the Outlook Express toolbar.
Phil Weldon
| Hi all.
| I am able to access msnews.microsoft.com, news.grc.com and
| privatenews.microsoft.com via Outlook Express.
| Is it possible accessing alt.privacy.spyware, alt.comp.anti-virus and
| alt.comp.virus via OE as well?
| My apologies if this post is considered "off topic" but accessing goups
| via OE is in my opinion so much more 'user-friendly and I tried to find
| an answer using the Google search facilities but was not successful.
| TIA........KHK.