Susan posted earlier that she is willing to pay for a new domain and
hosting, but would prefer the "ownership" be of more than one person and
not to include her. The intent, as I understand it, is an effort to
ensure the site will live on should Susan become unable to continue for
whatever reason. Hey, we all have personal lives and who knows what will
happen tomorrow.
I am willing to contribute/donate towards this and would be interested to
know if anyone else would like to as well.
I'm not sure how those interested would prefer to handle it. An option
could be a paypal account that people could donate to. How else might
this be accomplished?
Another PL domain and site is imminent and Susan will be the
webmaster/mistress. Anyone have other ideas for the funding…paypal, good
or bad idea…just rely on individual donations maybe? I'm not sure. I can
be contacted with email through either domain in my sig. use webmaster@
if you think you need to or simply post here.
Btw…my vote for the name is pricelessware-acf.org but it doesn't matter
that much to me really. A rose is a rose by any other name
hosting, but would prefer the "ownership" be of more than one person and
not to include her. The intent, as I understand it, is an effort to
ensure the site will live on should Susan become unable to continue for
whatever reason. Hey, we all have personal lives and who knows what will
happen tomorrow.
I am willing to contribute/donate towards this and would be interested to
know if anyone else would like to as well.
I'm not sure how those interested would prefer to handle it. An option
could be a paypal account that people could donate to. How else might
this be accomplished?
Another PL domain and site is imminent and Susan will be the
webmaster/mistress. Anyone have other ideas for the funding…paypal, good
or bad idea…just rely on individual donations maybe? I'm not sure. I can
be contacted with email through either domain in my sig. use webmaster@
if you think you need to or simply post here.
Btw…my vote for the name is pricelessware-acf.org but it doesn't matter
that much to me really. A rose is a rose by any other name