Gary Brown
I need a loud, clear cordless speakerphone that I can hear over
the computer fans. Significant nerve deafness, tinnitus, and hearing
loss make voices unintelligible over background noise. Although the
fans aren't particularly noisy, soft-spoken people (believe me there
are lot of them, including my wife) are difficult to understand.
Clarity is important (volume doesn't help much with nerve deafness).
Price about $100..$150 is OK but will go higher if need be. Other
features not important - we already have and answering machine and
our 19th century phone system offers few options.
I need a loud, clear cordless speakerphone that I can hear over
the computer fans. Significant nerve deafness, tinnitus, and hearing
loss make voices unintelligible over background noise. Although the
fans aren't particularly noisy, soft-spoken people (believe me there
are lot of them, including my wife) are difficult to understand.
Clarity is important (volume doesn't help much with nerve deafness).
Price about $100..$150 is OK but will go higher if need be. Other
features not important - we already have and answering machine and
our 19th century phone system offers few options.