LMAO. Good one techie!. And by no means is that list anywhere near to
being complete.
Oh, you mean wanted the whole thing? }

This is actually for FreeBSD but 99.95% of it is just Linux stuff that's
been ported. Also this is a six-month-old collection. They've added over
a thousand new ports since I downloaded these.
archivers/9e Explode Plan9 archives
archivers/arc Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
archivers/arj Open-source ARJ
archivers/bicom Data compressor in the PPM family
archivers/bzip A block-sorting file compressor
archivers/bzip2 A block-sorting file compressor
archivers/cabextract A program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
archivers/dact Dynamic Adaptive Compression Tool
archivers/deepforest A simple compress utilty using on JDE
archivers/dpkg Package maintenance system for Debian
archivers/fastjar A version of JDK's `jar' command written entirely in C
archivers/fileroller An archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
archivers/freeze Compression program - often used in QNX
archivers/gshar+gunshar Allow packing and unpacking of shell archives
archivers/gtar GNU version of the traditional tar archiver
archivers/gzip A compression utility designed to be a replacement for compress
archivers/ha The HA archiver using the HSC compression method
archivers/hpack.non-usa.only Multi-System Archiver with open keys PGP-based security
archivers/lbrate Extract/decompress CP/M LBR archives
archivers/lha Archive files using LZW compression (.lzh files)
archivers/libarc Tiny C library to decompress data in several popular compression formats
archivers/libcabinet A portable library and utility to use Microsoft cabinet files (.cab)
archivers/libcomprex Transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files
archivers/lzo Portable speedy, lossless data compression library
archivers/lzop Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library
archivers/macutils Utilities for Apple Macintosh files
archivers/makeself A neat script to make self-extracting archives
archivers/mscompress Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
archivers/mtf A Unix reader for the Microsoft Tape Format used by NT Backup
archivers/nomarch Extracts files from the old `.arc' archive format
archivers/nulib NuFX archive utility
archivers/p5-Archive-Tar Perl module for creation and manipulation of tar files
archivers/p5-Archive-Zip Perl module to create, manipulate, read, and write Zip archive files
archivers/p5-Compress-Bzip2 Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library
archivers/p5-Compress-Zlib Perl5 interface to zlib compression library
archivers/p5-IO-Zlib IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
archivers/p5-Mac-Macbinary Perl module that can extract info from Macbinary files
archivers/parchive Parity Archiver - makes multiple parity volumes from a set of files
archivers/pear-Archive_Tar PEAR tar file management class
archivers/ppunpack Decompresses Amiga PowerPacker files
archivers/py-bzip2 Python Interface for bz2 Compression Library
archivers/py-tarfile Python library for reading and writing tarballs
archivers/rar File archiver (binary port)
archivers/rox-archive Archive management tool for the ROX desktop
archivers/rpm The Red Hat Package Manager
archivers/rpm2cpio Convert .rpm files for extraction with /usr/bin/cpio, needs just perl
archivers/ruby-bz2 A Ruby extension to use libbz2
archivers/ruby-zip A Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
archivers/sectar A program to create encrypted tar archives
archivers/squsq Compressor/decompressor for CP/M "Squeeze" compressed files
archivers/star Unique standard tape archiver with many enhancements
archivers/stuffit Stuffit Archive Creator and Expander
archivers/szip A fast compression utility
archivers/tardy Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
archivers/ucl A data compression library with low memory usage during decompression
archivers/unace Extract, view & test ACE archives
archivers/unadf Extracts files from .adf-files used by Amiga emulators
archivers/unarj Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives
archivers/undms Converts .dms Amiga disk images to uncompressed .adf images
archivers/unlzx Extracts .lzx archives from Amiga systems
archivers/unrar Extract, view & test RAR archives
archivers/untar Lists/Extracts files from a "*.tgz" or "*.gz" archive
archivers/unzip List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
archivers/wzip A preprocessor for lossy data compression
archivers/xdms An Amiga DMS archiver unpacker
archivers/xmill An efficient compressor for XML
archivers/xpk The eXternal PacKer (XPK) library system
archivers/zip Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
archivers/zipios++ A java.util.zip-like C++ library for reading and writing Zip files
archivers/zoo Manipulate archives of files in compressed form
astro/SETIsupport JAVA application that shows current state of seti@home client
astro/celestia Scriptable space flight simulator for X
astro/dgpsip Differential GPS over IP communication device
astro/ephem An interactive terminal-based astronomical ephemeris program
astro/fooseti GTK+ frontend to SETI@Home
astro/gkrellmearth A plugin for GKrellM that displays a rotating earth
astro/gkrellmoon A moon clock plugin for Gkrellm
astro/gkrellmseti A SETI@home plugin for GKrellM
astro/gkrellsun A Gkrellm-Plugin that displays the local sun rise and sun set times
astro/glunarclock A GNOME applet which displays the current phase of the Moon
astro/gpsdrive A GPS navigation system
astro/gpsman A Tcl/Tk-based GPS management utility
astro/jday Astronomical julian date calculator
astro/ksetispy Monitors the progress of the SETI@home client
astro/ksetiwatch A monitoring tool for the seti@home client
astro/libnova Astronomical Calculation Library
astro/linux-setiathome Donate idle cycles to the search for space aliens - Linux i686 version
astro/luna Display the moon's phase
astro/match A program for matching star lists
astro/nightfall An interactive binary star application
astro/openuniverse OpenGL Solar System simulator for X Window System
astro/p5-Astro-ADS An OO Perl interface to the ADS abstract service
astro/p5-Astro-Catalog A generic stellar catalogue object
astro/p5-Astro-DSS An OO interface to the 1st and 2nd Digital Sky Surveys
astro/p5-Astro-MoonPhase Perl interface to calculate information about the phase of the moon
astro/p5-Astro-SIMBAD An OO Perl interface to the SIMBAD astronomical database
astro/p5-Astro-SunTime Perl interface to calculate sunrise/sunset times
astro/p5-Astro-Sunrise Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
astro/p5-GPS Perl interface to GPS receivers
astro/p5-Geo-METAR A perl module that processes METAR information from NOAA sources
astro/p5-SETI-Stats Perl module for local/remote access to SETI@home stats
astro/phoon Phoon displays the phase of the moon
astro/planets An orbital simulator
astro/py-metar Python module that provides access to NOAA's METAR weather reports
astro/pyweather Python script that downloads weather data and can be cronned
astro/rmap Generates images of the Earth centered at a particular location
astro/roadmap Vector-based GPS moving map
astro/saoimage Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory image utility for X
astro/sattrack Real-time satellite tracking and orbit propagation program
astro/seti_applet An applet that displays current status of seti@home client
astro/setiathome Donate idle cycles to the search for space aliens
astro/spacechart SpaceChart is a star chart viewer for GNOME
astro/sscalc A sunrise/sunset time calculator
astro/starplot 3-dimensional viewer for star charts
astro/stars Star field demo
astro/sunclock Shows which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
astro/tkseti Tk-based interface to SETI@Home
astro/wmglobe A neat xearth-like WindowMaker dockapp
astro/wmjupiter Dockapp that displays information on jupiter
astro/wmmoonclock Displays the phase of the moon, plus orbital data
astro/wmsolar A dockapp that displays the solar system viewed from top
astro/wmspaceweather A DockApp that shows the weather at geosynchronous orbit
astro/wmsun A dockapp that displays the rise and set time of the sun
astro/x3arth Updates X root window with satellit views of earth
astro/xearth Set the root window to the image of earth
astro/xephem An interactive astronomical ephemeris program
astro/xglobe Displays a view of the Earth (like xearth) with a rendered photo map
astro/xphoon Set the root window to the moon in its current phase
astro/xplanet Draw pictures of the earth textured by an image
astro/xtide Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor
astro/xworld Earth as seen from the direction of the sun
audio/HVSC-Update Update program for the HVSC C= 64 SID tune collection
audio/Maaate MPEG audio analysis toolkit
audio/abcde Front-end sh script to encode CDs in ogg or mp3 format
audio/abcmidi Convert abc music files to MIDI and PostScript
audio/abcselect Extract parts, movements, etc from abc music files
audio/ac3dec Software for research in digital audio coding/decoding
audio/adpcm An Intel/DVI IMA ADPCM codec library
audio/afsp Audio file conversion utilities and library
audio/agsatellite Client that allows you to share your music on Audiogalaxy(TM)
audio/alienwah "Paul Nasca's AlienWah LADSPA Plugin"
audio/amp Another mp3 player
audio/ample Allows you to listen to your own MP3's away from home
audio/arts Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
audio/ascd A dockable cd player for AfterStep or WindowMaker
audio/audacity "Audacity is a GUI editor for digital audio waveforms"
audio/aumix Audio mixer for X11, terminal, or command line
audio/aureal-kmod A FreeBSD Driver for Aureal Vortex based soundcards
audio/autocd Compact disc control utility
audio/autools A collection of programs to manipulate audio files
audio/autozen Adjust brain waves with sound
audio/baudline A real-time signal analysis tool and an offline time-frequency browser
audio/beep Beeps a certain duration and pitch out of the PC Speaker
audio/bladeenc MP3 encoder
audio/blop Bandlimited oscillator plugins for LADSPA-aware audio applications
audio/bonk Lossy/lossless audio compressor
audio/btc A tool for creating bass tablature
audio/cam Cpu's Audio Mixer [curses based]
audio/ccaudio "C++ class framework for manipulating audio files"
audio/cd-console A curses-based console CD player
audio/cd-discid Backend utility to retrieve CDDB discid information
audio/cd2mp3 Easy to use MP3 manipulation and creation tool
audio/cdparanoia A CDDA extraction tool (also known as ripper)
audio/cdplay CD-player with text-based user interface
audio/cdplayer.app A CD player with CDDB support resembling OpenStep's OmniCD
audio/cheesetracker An Impulse Tracker clone
audio/chordpack Script to convert ChordPro files to HTML, ASCII, and TeX
audio/cmp3 An ncurses based frontend to mpg123
audio/cmt The Computer Music Toolkit (CMT) is a collection of LADSPA plugins
audio/cplay A curses based front-end for various audio players
audio/csound Sound synthesizer
audio/csound-manual Manuals for Csound
audio/cymbaline mpg123 console frontend
audio/dagrab Read audio tracks from a CD into wav sound files
audio/dap Audio sample editing and processing suite
audio/darkice An IceCast, IceCast2 and ShoutCast live audio streamer
audio/denemo Graphical score editor
audio/discid Identify audio cd in your drive
audio/easytag Tag editor for MP3 and OGG files
audio/ecasound Multitrack audio processing software
audio/ecawave Simple graphical audio file editor
audio/ermixer A command-line, ncurses, and Qt-GUI OSS audio mixer
audio/esound A sound library for enlightenment package
audio/evilbar Minimalistic statusbar with XMMS control, APM status and clock
audio/extace An Audio Visualization plugin for the X Window System
audio/faad A LC, MAIN and LTP profile, MPEG2 and MPEG-4 AAC decoder
audio/fcplay Future Composer Reference Player
audio/festdoc Documentation for Festival
audio/festival Multi-lingual speech synthesis system
audio/festlex-cmu CMU American English pronunciation dictionary for Festival
audio/festlex-oald Oxford Advanced Learner's pronunciation dictionary for Festival
audio/festlex-ogi Composite pronunciation dictionary from ogi.edu for Festival
audio/festlex-poslex English lexicon for Festival
audio/festogi-spanish Mexican Spanish support for Festival
audio/festvox-abc Mexican Spanish male voice for Festival speech synthesis system
audio/festvox-don British English male voice for Festival speech synthesis system
audio/festvox-el11 Castilian Spanish male voice for Festival
audio/festvox-hvs Mexican Spanish female voice for Festival
audio/festvox-jph American English male voice for Festival
audio/festvox-kal16 American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festival
audio/festvox-kal8 American English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
audio/festvox-ked16 American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festival
audio/festvox-ked8 American English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
audio/festvox-mwm American English male voice for Festival
audio/festvox-ogirab British English male voice for Festival (non-commercial use only)
audio/festvox-rab16 16 kHz British English male voice for Festival
audio/festvox-rab8 British English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
audio/festvox-tll American English female voice for Festival (no commercial use)
audio/flac Free lossless audio codec
audio/fmio FM radio card manipulation utility
audio/freebirth A bass synthesizer, step sequencer, and sample player
audio/funktrackergold A curses MOD/FNK music tracker
audio/gdrdao GTK-based GUI frontend for cdrdao, disk-at-once audio CD recorder
audio/gkrellmms GKrellM XMMS Plugin
audio/gkrellmms2 GKrellM XMMS Plugin
audio/gkrellmss A plugin for GKrellM with a VU meter showing left/right channel audio
audio/gkrellmvolume GKrellM volume plugin
audio/gkrellmvolume2 GKrellM volume plugin
audio/glame A powerful, fast, stable, and easily extensible sound editor for GNOME
audio/gmixer X11/gtk+ mixer control
audio/gnapster GNOME client for the online mp3 community called napster
audio/gnomeaudio Sound files for use with GNOME
audio/gnomemedia Multimedia applications for the GNOME desktop
audio/gnomemedia2 Multimedia applications for the GNOME 2.0 desktop
audio/gnowavcut A GNOME/GTK+ based RIFF PCM Wave file splitter
audio/gnump3d A streaming server for MP3, OGG vorbis, and other streamable audio files
audio/gnupod A set of Perl scripts for using an Apple iPod
audio/gogo Very fast MP3 encoder using recent x86 processors' features
audio/gqmpeg Another gtk-based MP3 frontend
audio/gramofile Audio recording and tick/scratch reduction for e.g. vinyl records
audio/grip GTK front-end to external cd rippers and mp3 encoders
audio/gsi GSI - general sound interface
audio/gsm Audio converter and library for converting u-law to gsm encoding
audio/gtkgep A guitar effects processor for GTK
audio/gtkpod A GUI to upload songs and playlists to iPod
audio/holyshout Streaming audio to Icecast/shoutcast supports multiple bitrate stream
audio/icecast A streaming mp3 audio server
audio/icecast2 A streaming mp3/ogg-vorbis audio server
audio/ices A streaming source client for icecast 2
audio/id3ed An id3 tag editor for mp3 files
audio/id3el An add-on to edit an id3 tag for mpg123-mode (mpg123.el) on Emacsen
audio/id3lib Library for manipulating ID3v1/v1.1 and ID3v2 tags
audio/id3ren Mpeg Audio Layer 3 util: rename files, edit tags, search, etc
audio/id3tool A utility for manipulating mp3 ID3 Tags
audio/id3v2 Command line id3v2 tag editor
audio/juk JuK, a music manager and jukebox for KDE
audio/juke A simple curses/ncurses based juke box program
audio/ksmp3play An curses-based MP3 player
audio/ladspa "Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API"
audio/lame ISO code based fast MP3 encoder kit
audio/liba52 A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3
audio/libao Portable audio output library
audio/libaudiofile A sound library for SGI audio file
audio/libcdaudio A library for playing audio CDs
audio/libmikmod MikMod Sound Library
audio/libmusicbrainz 2nd generation incarnation of the CD Index - audio metadata
audio/libogg Ogg bitstream library
audio/libsamplerate Secret Rabbit Code: a Sample Rate Converter for audio
audio/libshout A library providing routines for connecting and transmitting data to the icecast server
audio/libshout2 Routines for connecting and transmitting data to the icecast server
audio/libsidplay A Commodore SID-chip emulator library to play SID music files
audio/libsidplay2 Library to play Commodore 64 SID-tunes cycle accurate
audio/libsndfile Reading and writing files containing sampled sound (like WAV or AIFF)
audio/libvorbis Audio compression codec library
audio/libworkman Workman library required by some audio apps
audio/linux-esound RPM of esound
audio/linux-libaudiofile RPM of audiofile
audio/linux-vsound Utility for capturing audio streams from Linux binaries
audio/lopster GTK+ client for Napster
audio/lplayer A QT program to queue lots of MP3s for random XMMS play
audio/mad High-quality MPEG audio decoder
audio/maplay MPEG audio player/decoder decoding layer I and II MPEG audio streams
audio/mctoolame-decoder A LayerII MPEG Audio decoder which supports multi-channel encoding
audio/mctoolame-encoder A LayerII MPEG Audio encoder which supports multi-channel encoding
audio/mhwaveedit A graphical program for editing sound files
audio/midimountain MIDI sequencer
audio/mikmod Mod player which plays MTM, STM, XM, MOD, S3M, ULT, UNI and IT mods
audio/mixer.app Another mixer intended for the windowmaker dockapp
audio/mp32ogg Convert MP3 files to Ogg Vorbis files
audio/mp3_check Verifies the integrity of mp3 audio files
audio/mp3asm MP3 frame level editor
audio/mp3blaster MP3 console ncurses-based player
audio/mp3butler A program for renaming mp3 files
audio/mp3c A CD to mp3c converter with a console frontend
audio/mp3check A tool for checking and fixing mp3 archive inconsistencies
audio/mp3chew A program to rename mismatched and garbled MP3 filenames
audio/mp3ck A consistency check utility for MPEG Layer 2 or 3 files or streams
audio/mp3encode MPEG layer I, II and III audio file encoder
audio/mp3gain A tool to normalize the gain of mp3 files
audio/mp3info Tool to manipulate ID3 tags for MP3 files
audio/mp3mover Rename mp3s and manipulate them
audio/mp3rename A renaming program for mp3 files based on their id3tag
audio/mp3stat Read information about mp3s and oggs bitstream
audio/mpegaudio An MPEG/audio Layer 1 and Layer 2 encoder/decoder package
audio/mpg123 Command-line player for mpeg layer 1, 2 and 3 audio
audio/mpg123.el Front-end to mpg123/ogg123 audio player for Emacsen
audio/mpg321 A free command-line mp3 player, compatible with mpg123
audio/mpmf20 File transfer tool for the MPMan MP-F20 portable MP3-player
audio/mppdec Command-line player/decoder for musepack audio
audio/mpt Mike's Playlist Thingie is a fingerprinting based playlist generator
audio/mq3 A minimal mp3/ogg player written in Qt
audio/muse Multiple Streaming Engine
audio/musicbox X11 front-end for mpg123
audio/musicbrainz 2nd generation incarnation of the CD Index - audio metadata
audio/mutemix Adjusts a mixer
audio/mziq A Perl frontend to mpg123
audio/napster An MP3 sharing, search, and chat client for the OpenNAP network
audio/nas Network Audio System
audio/nogger No-frills, GTK-based Ogg Vorbis player
audio/normalize A tool for adjusting the volume of wave/MP3 files to a standard level
audio/nosefart A player for NES Sound Format (NSF)
audio/nspmod MOD/S3M/MTM tracker that does its own DSP, uses VoxWare v2.90+
audio/openal A 3D positional spatialized sound library
audio/opennap The OpenNAP open-source Napster server
audio/opmixer Adjusts a mixer
audio/osalp Open Source Audio Library Project
audio/p5-Audio-CD Perl interface to libcdaudio (cd + cddb)
audio/p5-Audio-Wav Perl modules for reading and writing Microsoft WAV files
audio/p5-CDDB A high-level interface to the Compact Disc Database
audio/p5-CDDB-File Parse a CDDB/freedb data file
audio/p5-CDDB_get A high-level interface to the Compact Disc Database
audio/p5-MP3-ID3v1Tag Edit ID3v1 Tags from an Audio MPEG Layer 3
audio/p5-MP3-Info Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files
audio/p5-MPEG-ID3v2Tag Perl module that provides a way to write/read ID3 v2.3 tags
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Client A Perl module that provides access to the musicbrainz client API
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-Queries A Perl module that provides the musicbrainz query constants
audio/p5-MusicBrainz-TRM A Perl module that provides access to the musicbrainz client TRM API
audio/p5-Shout Perl glue for libshout MP3 streaming source library
audio/p5-Xmms Interactive remote control shell for xmms
audio/p5-libvorbis Perl extension for Ogg Vorbis streams
audio/p5-tagged Read, change and write different tags of MP3 audio files
audio/pd Pure Data, a MIDI-capable real-time audio processor/synthesizer
audio/pimp3 Rate your mp3s for a randomized playlist you will actually like
audio/play A simple audio file player
audio/playmidi MIDI player
audio/py-ao A python wrapper for ao, an audio device abstraction library
audio/py-cddb Python module to fetch information on audio CDs from CDDB
audio/py-id3 Python module for retrieving and setting ID3 tags on MP3 files
audio/py-mad Python module that provides the MPEG Audio Decoder interface
audio/py-musicbrainz MusicBrainz bindings for Python
audio/py-ogg Object-oriented Python bindings for the ogg library
audio/py-vorbis Object-oriented Python bindings for the vorbis library
audio/py-xmms XMMS Remote Control Library for Python
audio/pysol-sound-server Python extension module to play sounds and background music
audio/quelcom A set of command-line utilities for MP3 and wave files
audio/radio Radio over the Internet
audio/raproxy Progressive Networks RealAudio Proxy Kit 3.0 beta 1
audio/rawrec A utility to record and playback raw audio data
audio/rebler A program to convert mpeg2 and ac3 into DivX with ac3 audio
audio/replay Another GTK-based mp3 player
audio/resid Cycle-based SID emulator engine
audio/rexima A ncurses-based console mixer
audio/rio Tool for transferring files to and from the Diamond Rio .mp3 player
audio/rio500 Utilities for Diamond Rio500
audio/rioutil A program to inferface with the Rio600, Rio800 and psa[play devices
audio/ripenc Script that automates the ripping, encoding, and naming of CD's
audio/ripit A perl-script frontend for encoding audio CDs to MP3 files
audio/rosegarden The Rosegarden Editor and Sequencer suite
audio/rplay Network audio player
audio/rsynth Speech synthesizer
audio/ruby-audiofile A Ruby binding to the audiofile library
audio/ruby-esound A Ruby binding to the EsounD library
audio/ruby-freedb A Ruby library that provides access to Freedb/CDDB servers
audio/ruby-mp3info A Ruby library to access to low level information on mp3 files
audio/ruby-mp3tag A Ruby module to manipulate ID3v1.1 tags in MP3 files
audio/ruby-musicbrainz MusicBrainz bindings for Ruby
audio/ruby-qt2sound Qt2 sound extension for Ruby
audio/ruby-smf Ruby module to handle Standard MIDI Files
audio/ruby-vorbisfile A Ruby extension wrapping libvorbisfile
audio/ruby-xmms XMMS bindings for Ruby
audio/s3mod MOD/S3M player
audio/sbagen A sequenced binaural wave generator
audio/sdl_mixer A sample multi-channel audio mixer library
audio/sdl_sound A SDL audio library and player for some popular sound file formats
audio/sfront A translator that converts MP4-SA files into efficient C programs
audio/shntool Multi-purpose .wav/.shn processing utility
audio/shorten Fast and optionally lossless compression for waveform files
audio/shout Program that sends mp3 streams to an icecast/shoutcast server
audio/sidplay A Commodore SID-chip emulator that plays SID music files
audio/snack The Snack Sound Toolkit
audio/snd Multitracking sound editor and utilities
audio/snowstar A GUI interface to copy files to/from the Diamond Rio
audio/songprint Library for acoustic fingerprinting of music from Freetantrum (TM)
audio/sonice Sonice eases reencoding of .ogg files
audio/soribada Soribada client
audio/soundgrab Interactively select and save sections of an audio file
audio/soundtracker Mod player/tracking tool which supports XM and MOD formats
audio/sox SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
audio/speex An open-source patent-free voice codec
audio/sphinx Speech recognition system
audio/spiralloops Loop-based sampler
audio/spiralsynth MIDI-capable synthesizer for X
audio/spiralsynthbaby Synthesizer plugin for SpiralLoops
audio/spiralsynthmodular An object orientated modular softsynth / sequencer / sampler
audio/splay An audio player that decodes MPEG Layer I,II,III and WAV files
audio/splaytk A tk based interface for splay
audio/streamripper Splits SHOUTcast stream into tracks
audio/streamtuner A GTK+ stream directory browser
audio/streamtuner-live365 A Live365 plugin for streamtuner
audio/streamtuner-local A plugin for streamtuner that browses a local MP3 repository
audio/sweep A sound editor for the GNOME/GTK 1.2 desktop
audio/swhplugins Steve Harris' huge Collection of LADSPA Plugins
audio/tclmidi A language designed for creating and editing standard MIDI files
audio/teamspeak_client Client side of a group voice chat system
audio/teknap Console napster client
audio/tempest_for_eliza A program to send AM radio signals using a PC monitor
audio/terminatorx Realtime audio synthesizer that allows you to "scratch" on audio data
audio/timidity MIDI to WAV renderer and player
audio/timidity++ Software MIDI player
audio/timidity++-emacs Emacs interface for TiMidity++
audio/timidity++-gtk Gtk interface for TiMidity++
audio/timidity++-motif Motif interface for TiMidity++
audio/timidity++-slang Slang interface for TiMidity++
audio/timidity++-tcltk Tcl/Tk interface for TiMidity++
audio/timidity++-xaw Xaw interface for TiMidity++
audio/timidity++-xskin X11AMP skin interface for TiMidity++
audio/toolame Optimized mpeg 1/2 layer 2 audio encoder
audio/tosha Read CD digital audio and video data via the SCSI bus
audio/tracker MOD player
audio/trm TRM generator to generate acoustic fingerprints
audio/trommler A GTK based drum machine
audio/umix An advanced tool for adjusting soundcard mixers, designed as a replacement for aumix
audio/vorbis-tools Play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
audio/vorbisgain Calculates a percieved sound level of an Ogg Vorbis file
audio/vsound Utility for capturing audio streams from programs with OSS output
audio/waveplay A simple wav file player
audio/wavplay A wav player and recorder
audio/wmcdplay A CD player for the WindowMaker dock
audio/wmfmixer An audio mixer for the WindowMaker dock
audio/wmix An audio mixer for the WindowMaker dock with TV-like OSD
audio/wmmixer An audio mixer for the WindowMaker dock
audio/wmmp3 A front-end for mpg123 in a Window Maker dockapp
audio/wmrecord General purpose audio recording utility for the WindowMaker dock
audio/wmsmixer An audio mixer for the WindowMaker dock
audio/wmtune Dockable radio program for the BT848/878 and RadioTrack cards
audio/wmusic A remote control dockapp for xmms
audio/workman Open Look-based CD player tool
audio/wsoundprefs A utility for configuring sounds to play for Window Maker events
audio/wsoundserver The sound server for Window Maker
audio/x11amp X11-based MP3 player with nice graphical interface
audio/xcd A Tcl/Tk CD player
audio/xcdplayer CD player for X
audio/xhippo A Generic music player for UNIX systems
audio/ximp3 A simple console MP3 player
audio/xmcd Motif CD player
audio/xmix Mixer for X Window System
audio/xmixer Audio mixer (gtk and Xlib) for X11R6
audio/xmmix A Motif based audio mixer
audio/xmms-a52dec A52 (aka AC3) decoder plugin for XMMS
audio/xmms-audiofile XMMS plugin to allow playing libaudiofile supported files
audio/xmms-bonk XMMS input plugin to play bonk files
audio/xmms-cdparanoia Cdparanoia plugin for XMMS
audio/xmms-cdread A XMMS input plugin for read AudioCD via IDE bus
audio/xmms-crossfade XMMS Output plugin for crossfading between songs
audio/xmms-crystality Realtime XMMS plugin for remastering mp3 sound
audio/xmms-faad XMMS plugin for faad
audio/xmms-fc A XMMS future composer input plugin
audio/xmms-kde Integrates XMMS into the KDE3 Panel
audio/xmms-ladspa "XMMS Plugin that provides LADSPA Plugins to XMMS"
audio/xmms-liveice Use XMMS for streaming audio to Icecast servers
audio/xmms-mad A XMMS input plugin that uses libmad
audio/xmms-mailnotify "XMMS plugin, that plays a sound on incoming mail and opens the MUA"
audio/xmms-midi XMMS input plugin to play midi files
audio/xmms-musepack XMMS input plugin for playing MPC Musepack (.mpc, .mp+) files
audio/xmms-osssurround OSSSuround adds Surround Sound capabilities to XMMS
audio/xmms-pipe Controls XMMS with a named pipe
audio/xmms-quix3dn A 3D-sound effect plugin for XMMS
audio/xmms-shn XMMS plugin to allow playing shorten-compressed audio
audio/xmms-sid XMMS input plugin to play SID files
audio/xmms-sndfile XMMS plugin to allow playing libsndfile supported files
audio/xmms-sndstretch Plugin for xmms to change the pitch and/or speed
audio/xmms-speex XMMS input plugin to play speex files
audio/xmms-tfmx XMMS Input plugin for playing TFMX tunes
audio/xmms-uade Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator with XMMS Input plugin.
audio/xmms-volnorm Volume Normalizer plugin for XMMS
audio/xmp A player for many different Amiga and PC module formats
audio/xmpeg3 Simple TCL interface to the Amp Mpeg-3 player
audio/xmradio Motif based FM tuner (for use with bt848 driver)
audio/xnap A pure java napster client; also, supports OpenNap & giFT (FastTrack)
audio/xsidplay Graphical front end for libsidplay
audio/xtuner Xwindows interface for the RadioREVEAL and RadioTrack FM radio cards!
audio/xwave Audio player/recorder/editor for the X Window System
audio/yamt Yet Another Mp3 Tool which helps you to organize your mp3s
audio/zinf GTK-based MP3 player
benchmarks/bonnie Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
benchmarks/bonnie++ Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
benchmarks/bytebench The BYTE magazine benchmark suite
benchmarks/dbench A simulation of the Ziff-Davis netbench benchmark
benchmarks/dbs A distributed network benchmarking system
benchmarks/iozone Performance Test of Sequential File I/O
benchmarks/iozone21 Performance Test of Sequential File I/O (older version)
benchmarks/lmbench A system performance measurement tool
benchmarks/nbench BYTE Magazine's native benchmarks
benchmarks/netperf Rick Jones' <
[email protected]> network performance benchmarking package
benchmarks/netpipe A self-scaling network benchmark
benchmarks/pipebench Pipebench shows current throughput/amount of data through a pipe
benchmarks/polygraph A benchmarking tool for Web proxies
benchmarks/postal Benchmark SMTP/POP servers
benchmarks/postmark NetApps file system benchmark
benchmarks/pybench An extensible benchmark suite for Python
benchmarks/rawio Test performance of low-level storage devices
benchmarks/siege A http regression testing and benchmarking utility
benchmarks/stream Synthetic benchmark program that measures sustainable memory bandwidth
benchmarks/tcpblast Measures the throughput of a tcp connection
benchmarks/tmetric A bandwidth measurement tool
benchmarks/ubench Unix Benchmark Utility for CPU(s) and memory
benchmarks/xengine Reciprocating engine for X
biology/L-Breeder Allows you to display and breed L-system forms
biology/act A DNA sequence comparison viewer based on Artemis
biology/artemis A DNA sequence viewer and annotation tool
biology/avida Avida is an auto-adaptive genetic system designed for ALife research
biology/babel Converts among various molecular file formats
biology/biojava Open-source java tools for processing biological data
biology/chemeq Outputs LaTeX code for chemical reaction
biology/clustalw CLUSTAL W Multiple Sequence Alignment Program
biology/coalesce A program to fit population models
biology/crimap Creation of multilocus linkage maps
biology/deft Density functional molecular orbital calculation
biology/distribfold distributedfolding.org distributed protein folding project
biology/dna-qc A quality control algorithm for DNA sequencing projects
biology/emboss A collection of open source tools for genetic sequence analysis
biology/fasta A collection of programs for searching DNA and protein databases
biology/fasta3 A collection of programs for searching DNA and protein databases, v3
biology/fastdnaml The faster variant of DNAML, makes phylogenetic trees using maximum likelihood
biology/flip Flip is used to find/translate orfs
biology/fluctuate A program to fit population models
biology/genpak GP is a set of small utilities to manipulate DNA sequences
biology/gff2ps Converts gff-formated genomic data-sets to PostScript
biology/gperiodic Displays a periodic table of the elements
biology/grappa Genome Rearrangements Analysis and Phylogeny Software
biology/hmmer Profile hidden Markov models for biological sequence analysis
biology/kinemage A molecular visualization program with special functions
biology/lamarc A package of programs for computing population parameters
biology/libgenome Toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software in C++
biology/migrate A program to estimate population sizes and migration rates
biology/molden Display molecular orbitals and electron densities in 2D and 3D
biology/mopac Semi-empirical (MNDO, etc.) molecular orbital calculation
biology/nab This is nab (nucleic acid builder), a language for macromolecules
biology/ncbi-toolkit NCBI development toolkit, including BLAST 2 and GenBank/Entrez support
biology/nclever NClever is a character-based version of NCBI's Entrez program
biology/ortep3 The Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Plot Program for Crystal Structure
biology/p5-AcePerl Perl5 interface to the ACEDB genome database system
biology/p5-bioperl A collection of Perl modules for bioinformatics
biology/p5-bioperl-devel A collection of Perl modules for bioinformatics (developer's release)
biology/paml Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML)
biology/phylip A Phylogeny Inference Package
biology/platon Tool for viewing molecular/crystallographic structures
biology/povchem Simple yet powerful tool to generate POV from a PDB file
biology/primer3 Primer3 helps to choose primers for PCR reactions
biology/psi88 Plotting wavefunctions (molecular orbitals) in 3D
biology/py-biopython A collection of Python modules for bioinformatics
biology/pymol Free and Open-Source molecular modeling system
biology/rasmol Fast Molecular Visualization Program
biology/recombine A program to fit population models across sites
biology/ruby-bio Integrated environment for Bioinformatics written in Ruby
biology/seaview Multiple DNA/protein sequence alignment editor
biology/seqio A set of C functions which can read/write biological sequence files
biology/sim4 An algorithm for aligning expressed DNA with genomic sequences
biology/spdbv Deep View Swiss-PdbViewer is a Protein viewer and analysis tool
biology/tRNAscan-SE An improved tool for transfer RNA detection
biology/t_coffee A multiple DNA or protein sequence alignment package
biology/tinker A general purpose molecular modelling package
biology/treepuzzle Maximum likelihood phylogeny reconstruction using quartets
biology/treeviewx A phylogenetic tree viewer
biology/wise Intelligent algorithms for DNA searches
biology/xdrawchem Chemical drawing program
biology/xmolwt Calculate formula weight and percent of each element for a given formula
cad/atlc A tool to calculate the impedance of transmission lines
cad/calculix A Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program
cad/cascade A simple tool to analyze noise and distortion of a RF system
cad/chipmunk An electronic CAD system
cad/chipvault A project organizer for VHDL and Verilog RTL hardware designs
cad/cider A mixed-level circuit and device simulator (includes SPICE3)
cad/electric A Sophisticated electrical CAD system
cad/felt A system for Finite Element Analysis
cad/geda The "meta-port" for gEDA
cad/geda-symbols gEDA symbols
cad/geda-symcheck gEDA symbol checking utility
cad/geda-utils gEDA utilities
cad/gerbv A Free Gerber Viewer
cad/gnetlist gEDA electronic schematic capture tools, netlister
cad/gnucap The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
cad/gschem gEDA electronic schematic capture tools
cad/gtkwave Electronic Waveform Viewer
cad/gwave Waveform viewer for analogue electronic simulation tools
cad/irsim An event-driven logic-level simulator for MOS circuis
cad/iverilog A Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
cad/kaskade Adaptive linear scalar elliptic and parabolic problem solver
cad/leocad A CAD program that uses bricks similar to those found in many toys
cad/libgeda gEDA tools base utility library
cad/linux-eagle An easy to use, yet powerful tool for designing printed circuit boards
cad/magic An interactive editor for VLSI layouts
cad/mars Maryland Routing Simulator
cad/ngspice_rework A circuit simulator derived from spice3f5
cad/oregano Schematic capture and simulation of electrical circuits
cad/pcb X11 interactive printed circuit board layout system
cad/pdnmesh A finite element program
cad/pisces A 2-d electronic device simulator
cad/qcad Professional CAD system
cad/qfsm A graphical tool for designing finite state machines
cad/qmls Quine-McCluskey Logic Simplifier
cad/sceptre SCEPTRE is a general purpose circuit analysis program
cad/sis Synthesis program for the synthesis of sequential circuits
cad/slffea San Le's Free Finite Element Analysis
cad/spice A general-purpose circuit simulation program
cad/tkgate A Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
cad/transcalc A analysis and synthesis tool for RF and microwave transmission lines
cad/vipec Analyze high frequency, linear electrical networks
cad/xcircuit An X11 drawing program [especially for circuit schematics]
cad/ziarc ZiaRC is a Resistor Calculator
chinese/CJK A LaTeX2e macro package which enables the use of CJK scripts
chinese/FreeWnn-lib A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Chinese client libraries)
chinese/FreeWnn-server A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Chinese server)
chinese/abiword A cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor, with BIG5/GB available
chinese/acroread-chsfont Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (for Chinese Simplified)
chinese/acroread-chtfont Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (for Chinese Traditional)
chinese/acroread5-chsfont /a/asami/portbuild/i386/4/ports/chinese/acroread5-chsfont/pkg-comment
chinese/acroread5-chtfont /a/asami/portbuild/i386/4/ports/chinese/acroread5-chtfont/pkg-comment
chinese/arphicttf Four Chinese Big5/GB TrueType fonts made by Arphic Technology
chinese/aterm A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
chinese/auto-tw-l10n The automatic localization for Traditional Chinese zh_TW.Big5 locale
chinese/autoconvert Intelligent Chinese encoding converter
chinese/bg5pdf Convert Chinese-Big5 encoded files to PDF, using PDFlib
chinese/bg5ps Convert Chinese-Big5/GB encoded files to Postscript, using TTF fonts
chinese/big5con Big5 Chinese console
chinese/big5fs Reads Big5 filenames on Joliet, VFAT and NTFS filesystems
chinese/bind8 The Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, an implementation of DNS
chinese/bitchx A zh-tw cursor movement friendly, wrapping clean BitchX
chinese/c2t Translates GB/Big5 encoding to tone pinyin
chinese/cce GB Chinese console
chinese/cdict5 Chinese-English / English-Chinese dictionary
chinese/celvis A vi/ex clone that speaks Chinese
chinese/chinput Chinese GB2312,BIG5,Japanese code input server
chinese/chinput2 Another Chinese GB2312 and Big5 X11 input server
chinese/chinput3 Chinese GB2312,BIG5 code input server
chinese/chitex ChiTeX/ChiLaTeX let you use Chinese Big5 codes in TeX/LaTeX documents
chinese/cle_base The base set of CLE packages needed in Linux mode, support both GB & Big5
chinese/cless A better pager utility (and it speaks Chinese)
chinese/cmexfonts Big5+ Chinese Mingti bitmap font (by CMEX & DynaLab) for X11
chinese/cnprint Convert Chinese-Big5/GB encoded files to Postscript, using TTF fonts
chinese/cwtex CwTeX let you use Chinese Big5 codes in TeX/LaTeX documents
chinese/cwtexttf Five Chinese Big5 TrueType fonts made by cwTeX
chinese/cxterm An xterm that speaks Chinese
chinese/dia Diagram creation program, similar to Visio
chinese/dictd Dict protocol (RFC 2229) server
chinese/dictd-database A Chinese <-> English dictd words database
chinese/emacs20 GNU editing macros
chinese/enscript ASCII-to-PostScript filter
chinese/eterm X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm that supports traditional Chinese (Big5)
chinese/fcitx A simple and fast GBK Chinese XIM server
chinese/firebird A Common BBS Server with its own customized INN News Server
chinese/fortunetw A very classic fortune file in Taiwan
chinese/gb2jis Convert GuoBiao Hanzi to JIS Kanji
chinese/gb2ps Converts Chinese GB (simple) encoded text to PostScript
chinese/gbfs Reads GB2312 filenames on Joliet and VFAT filesystems
chinese/gbscript Converts GB simplified Chinese text to PostScript
chinese/gnumeric The GNOME spreadsheet
chinese/gugod-clean A pretty font modifyed from X11 schumacher-clean that match kcfonts
chinese/hanzim A Chinese character learning-aid program
chinese/hc Hanzi Converter -- converts between GB and BIG-5 codes
chinese/hztty A translator between GuoBiao / Big5 and HZ
chinese/irssi A zh-tw cursor movement friendly, wrapping clean irssi
chinese/jis2gb Convert JIS Kanji to GuoBiao Hanzi
chinese/joe Joe's own editor
chinese/kcfonts Kuo Chauo Chinese Fonts collection
chinese/kde3-i18n-zh_CN Simplified Chinese messages and documentation for KDE3
chinese/kde3-i18n-zh_TW Traditional Chinese messages and documentation for KDE3
chinese/kon2 Kanji On Console -- Display kanji characters on your own console
chinese/libtabe Unified library for Chinese text processing
chinese/links Lynx-like text WWW browser
chinese/linux-gtk RPM of the Gtk lib, zh-Big5/GB-ized
chinese/lunar Convert between Gregorian Solar Calendar (SC) and Lunar Calendar (LC)
chinese/metalist A Chinese port of Slash-Like Automatic Storytelling Homepage system
chinese/mkisofs Create ISO9660/JOLIET/Rock Ridge filesystems, Big5 compatible
chinese/moefonts-cid MOE CIDFonts converted by Adobe
chinese/moettf Three Chinese BIG5 TrueType fonts: Kai LiShu Sung SungExt
chinese/mozilla-tclp Mozilla Traditional Chinese Language Pack (TCLP)
chinese/mplayer-fonts A chinese font pack for the mplayer OSD and SUB
chinese/mule-freewnn Multilingual emacs, with FreeWnn support built in (Only the executables)
chinese/muni Find Unicode values for Chinese characters
chinese/mutt The Mongrel of Mail User Agents with Chinese support
chinese/ntuttf Seven Chinese Big5 TrueType fonts made by NTU
chinese/nvi-big5 A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for big5
chinese/nvi-euc-cn A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for euc-cn
chinese/nvi-euc-tw A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for euc-tw
chinese/openoffice-zh_CN Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
chinese/openoffice-zh_TW Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
chinese/oto Show you font info and add new 'name' and 'cmap' tables
chinese/oxford A English to Chinese(GB) dictionary
chinese/p5-Date-Chinese Perl module to calculate dates in the Chinese calendar
chinese/p5-Encode-HanConvert Traditional and Simplified Chinese mappings
chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-Numbers Converts numeric values into their Chinese string equivalents
chinese/p5-Lingua-ZH-TaBE Chinese processing via libtabe
chinese/pine4 A Program for Internet News & Email with Chinese(BIG-5) support
chinese/pyDict A Chinese <-> English dictionary, under both console and X11
chinese/pycodec Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets
chinese/qe QE is a PE2-like editor program under U*nix
chinese/qterm QTerm is a BBS client in Unix
chinese/rxvt A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color & Chinese
chinese/rxvt-big5 Chinese big5 locale enabled RXVT program, slave port from X11/rxvt
chinese/rxvt-gb Chinese GB locale enabled RXVT program, slave port from X11/rxvt
chinese/stardict English-Chinese dictionary
chinese/stardict2 English-Chinese dictionary
chinese/tcl83 Tool Command Language which supports Chinese
chinese/telnet 8bit compatible telnet client for Chinese input
chinese/tin Easy-to-use threaded newsreader with NOV/NNTP support
chinese/tintin++ "a client program specialized to help playing muds(devel version)"
chinese/tk83 Graphical toolkit for TCL which supports Chinese
chinese/tocps Translates PostScript files with Chinese characters
chinese/ttf2pt1 True Type Font to Postscript Type 1 Converter with chinese maps
chinese/ttfm A Big5/GB enhanced TrueType Font Manager
chinese/ve NTHU-CS Maple BBS 2.36 BBS-like editor
chinese/vflib Vector font library with free vector font, BIG5 and GB supported
chinese/wangttf Ten Chinese Big5 TrueType fonts, made by Dr. Hann-Tzong Wang
chinese/xcin25 Chinese input method server under X
chinese/xemacs XEmacs text editor version 20, with XIM support and Big5 settings
chinese/xemacs21 XEmacs text editor version 21, with XIM support and Big5 settings
chinese/xmms X Multimedia System --- An audio player with a Winamp GUI
chinese/xpdf Chinese-traditional xpdf font support
chinese/xsim A simple and fast GBK Chinese XIM server
chinese/zhcon A fast Console Chinese System which supports framebuffer device
comms/acfax Recieve faxes using sound card and radio
comms/asmodem Displays the modem status, designed to match AfterStep
comms/bayonne Multi-line general purpose voice telephony server
comms/bforce Simple ifcico like Fidonet technology mailer
comms/bforce-kst Simple ifcico like Fidonet technology mailer
comms/birda Bohlin's IrDA utilities, ported from NetBSD's pkgsrc
comms/bpl+ B Plus file transfer protocol
comms/comserv Provide network access to local serial ports and make remote ports appear local
comms/conserver Manage remote serial consoles via TCP/IP
comms/conserver-com Application that allows multiple users to watch serial consoles
comms/ecu Extended Call Utility
comms/efax Fax send/receive program
comms/gfax A GNOME pop-up fax manager
comms/ghfaxviewer a GNOME compliant fax viewer which ist capable of displaying TIFF G3 faxes
comms/gkermit File transfer utility using the kermit protocol
comms/gnokii Tools to talk to Nokia cellular phones
comms/gsmlib A library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems
comms/hamlib Shared libraries for Amateur Radio Equipment Control Applications
comms/hylafax Fax software
comms/ixj Driver for Quicknet Internet PhoneJack and LineJack. Used by OpenH323
comms/java-commapi Sun's Java Communications API
comms/java-commapi-freebsd Java Communication API for FreeBSD
comms/kermit Serial and network communications package
comms/kpsk A PSK31 digital radio communications application for the KDE 3.x
comms/lrzsz Receive/Send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol. (unrestrictive)
comms/ltmdm Driver for the Lucent LT Winmodem chipset
comms/mgetty+sendfax Handle external logins, send and receive faxes
comms/minicom An MS-DOS Telix serial communication program "workalike"
comms/mlan API for Dallas Semiconductors 1-wire lan devices
comms/mlan3 Version 3.00 beta API for Dallas Semiconductors 1-wire lan devices
comms/mserver Network modem sharing server
comms/mwavem Loadable module and user excutable to support IBM Mwave ACP modem
comms/plp Transfer data between a Psion Series 5(mx) and Unix
comms/pr A daemon that connects local terminal device to a terminal server
comms/py-serial Serial port encapsulation library for Python
comms/qico An FidoNet Technology Network (FTN) compatible mailer for Unix systems
comms/qpage SNPP client/server for sending messages to an alphanumeric pager
comms/ruby-serialport A Ruby library to communicate via the RS232 port
comms/ruby-termios A Ruby interface to termios
comms/scmxx Data exchange utility for Siemens mobile phones
comms/scud Tell your CID capable modem to answer those annoying calls
comms/seyon A communications package for the X Window system
comms/sms_client A simple UNIX SMS client to send messages to phones or pagers
comms/snooper Serial line protocol analyzer (need two serial interfaces)
comms/sredird RFC 2217 compliant serial port redirector
comms/tits A server which provides telnet(1) access to one or more tty ports
comms/tkhylafax A tcl/tk interface to Sam Leffler's fax package
comms/tkscanfax Tcl/Tk frontend for fax scan/receive/send program (command is tkfax)
comms/viewfax Display files containing g3 and/or g4 coded fax pages
comms/vpb2 User mode API for Voicetronix 4 port analog DSP telephony cards
comms/vrflash Flash kernels and romdisks to the Agenda VR3
comms/wy60 Curses-based emulator for the Wyse 60 terminal
comms/xcept A decoder for the CEPT (Btx) protocol
comms/xlog An Amateur Radio station logging application
comms/yaps Yet Another Pager Software: send messages to pager (SMS, TAP, ...)
comms/yawmppp A Window Maker dockapp that helps with easy use of pppd
comms/zmtx-zmrx Receive/Send files via ZMODEM protocol. (unrestrictive)
comms/zssh Interactively transferring files to a remote machine while using ssh
converters/aish Ish/uuencode/Base64 converter
converters/base64 Simple program to convert binary files to base64
converters/btoa Encode/decode binary to printable ASCII
converters/chmview Extractor from .chm files
converters/cn2jp A library for code translation between Chinese and Japanese
converters/dosunix Manipulation of text files in a mixed DOS/Windows and Unix environment
converters/dumpasn1 Dumps the contents of an ASN.1 encoded file, e.g. an SSL certificate
converters/enca A package for detecting encoding of text files
converters/fconv Converts DOS or Mac-style files to Unix format, and vice-versa
converters/fribidi A Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
converters/gbase A program to convert between the 4 common bases used in programming
converters/i18ntools Tools for the conversion to and from UTF-8 Unicode encoding
converters/iconv Charset conversion library and utilities
converters/iconv-extra Additional charsets for the iconv library (those from the Unicode site)
converters/iconv-rfc1345 Additional charset modules for the iconv library (from RFC1345)
converters/ish Binary-to-text file-encoder
converters/konwert Modular converter between charsets and filter
converters/ktextdecode The simple text conversion utility for KDE 3
converters/libiconv A character set conversion library
converters/libutf-8 Unicode conversion routines between UCS-4 and UTF-8
converters/mimelib C++ class library for manipulating messages in MIME format
converters/mmencode Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
converters/mpack External MIME packer/unpacker
converters/mule-ucs Universal encoding system for GNU Emacs 21
converters/mule-ucs-emacs20 Universal encoding system for GNU Emacs 20
converters/p5-Boulder An API for hierarchical tag/value structures
converters/p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages
converters/p5-Convert-ASN1 Perl5 module to encode and decode ASN.1 data structures
converters/p5-Convert-BER Perl5 module to encode and decode objects using Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
converters/p5-Convert-Morse Perl module to convert between ASCII and Morse codes
converters/p5-Convert-PEM Read/write access to ASN.1-encoded PEM files with optional encryption
converters/p5-Convert-Recode Front end to the GNU recode program
converters/p5-Convert-TNEF Perl module to read TNEF files
converters/p5-Convert-UU Perl5 module for uuencode and uudecode
converters/p5-Convert-UUlib Perl5 interface to the uulib library (a.k.a. uudeview/uuenview)
converters/p5-MIME-Base64 Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
converters/p5-String-Multibyte Perl module to manipulate multibyte character strings
converters/p5-Text-Iconv Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
converters/p5-Unicode-IMAPUtf7 Perl extension to deal with IMAP UTF7
converters/p5-Unicode-Map Perl class that converts strings to/from 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format
converters/p5-Unicode-Map8 Perl class that implement efficient mapping tables between 8-bit charsets and Unicode
converters/p5-Unicode-MapUTF8 Perl class that implements conversion between arbitrary charsets
converters/p5-Unicode-String These are experimental Perl5 modules to handle various Unicode issues
converters/psiconv A conversion utility to convert Psion 5(MX) files into other formats
converters/py-iconv An iconv wrapper with unicode codec for Python
converters/py-iconvcodec Universal unicode codec using iconv(3) for Python
converters/recode Converts files between character sets and usages
converters/ruby-dump.rb A binary data dumper module for Ruby
converters/ruby-iconv An iconv wrapper class for Ruby
converters/ruby-lv A Ruby library to use LV's encoding conversion engine
converters/siconv Convert data from one character set to another
converters/tnef Unpack data encapsulated into Microsoft Outlook's application/ms-tnef format
converters/trans Character Encoding Converter Generator Package
converters/tuc Text to Unix Conversion
converters/unix2dos Translate ASCII files from DOS (cr/lf) to UNIX (lf)
converters/utf8conv Convert hexadecimal Unicode character values to UTF-8
converters/uudeview A program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
converters/uudx Extractor from uuencoded files
converters/uulib A library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
converters/xdeview An X11 program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
converters/xunicode A library for making toolkits support Unicode
databases/adodb A database library for PHP4
databases/arcexplorer Lightweight java-based GIS data viewer
databases/bbdb Big Brother Database
databases/bbdb-emacs20 Big Brother Database
databases/cdb A fast lookup database library & utilities
databases/clip xBase and Clipper language compatible compiler
databases/cyrus-imspd The cyrus IMSP (Internet Message Support Protocol) server
databases/db2 The Berkeley DB package, revision 2
databases/db3 The Berkeley DB package, revision 3
databases/db4 The Berkeley DB package, revision 4
databases/db41 The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.1
databases/db41-nocrypto The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.1
databases/dbXML Java Native XML Database
databases/dbconnect Use C++ object API to allow applications to connect to databases
databases/dbf Show and convert the content of dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files
databases/dbf2mysql Programs to convert .dbf files to MySQL tables and vice versa
databases/dbh Disk Based Hashtables
databases/dbmetrix Another GTK+ frontend for mysql
databases/dbtool Store and retrieve data in a key/value format in a hash database
databases/dbview View dBase III files
databases/edb Enlightenment Database Library
databases/fastdb Main Memory Relational Database Management System
databases/firebird The open-source InterBase(tm) 6.0 spin-off (Classic version)
databases/firebird-devel The open-source InterBase(tm) 6.0 spin-off (Classic version)
databases/fireprofile Library to help profiling where programs are using MySQL
databases/freetds Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
databases/gadfly An SQL database written in Python
databases/gauche-gdbm GDBM interface for Gauche
databases/gbib Editor/browser for BibTeX bibliographic databases
databases/gdbm The GNU database manager
databases/gigabase Object-Relational Database Management System
databases/gmysql GTK+ frontend for mysql
databases/gnats Cygnus GNATS bug tracking system
databases/gnomedb Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME environment
databases/gqlplus SQL*PLUS with commandline editing, history, and name completion
databases/grass An open source Geographical Information System (GIS)
databases/gtksql Graphical query tool for PostgreSQL and/or MySQL
databases/java-sqlrelay Java classes to access to SQL Relay
databases/jdb JDB manipulates flat-ASCII databases from shell scripts
databases/jdbc-oracle816 The JDBC drivers for Oracle 8.1.6
databases/libdbi Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
databases/libgda Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
databases/libgda2 Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
databases/libgnomedb Library components for the GNOME database frontend
databases/libiodbc An ODBC 3.x driver manager, for universal data source access
databases/libsdb Simple database library
databases/libudbc Openlink UDBC SDK
databases/lsdb Lovely Sister Database
databases/lsdb-emacs20 Lovely Sister Database
databases/mdbtools Utilities and libraries to export data from MS Access databases (.mdb)
databases/mergeant Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME 2.0 environment
databases/metakit C++ embedded database engine, supports Python and Tcl
databases/mird A free database library with transaction support
databases/msql The Mini SQL server, version 2
databases/myodbc ODBC driver for MySQL
databases/mysql++ Complex C++ API for MySQL
databases/mysql-editor CGI scripts in Perl to edit your MySQL tables
databases/mysql-gui A graphical SQL client for MySQL
databases/mysql-jdbc-mm The mm JDBC interface for MySQL
databases/mysql-navigator MySQL database server administration package for KDE
databases/mysql2pgsql Convert a MySQL dump to a PostgreSQL dump
databases/mysql323-client Multithreaded SQL database (client)
databases/mysql323-server Multithreaded SQL database (server)
databases/mysql40-client Multithreaded SQL database (client)
databases/mysql40-server Multithreaded SQL database (server)
databases/mysql41-client Multithreaded SQL database (client)
databases/mysql41-server Multithreaded SQL database (server)
databases/mysqlman MySQLMan is a web based MySQL database manager written in perl
databases/mysqltcl TCL module for accessing MySQL databases based on msqltcl
databases/mytop A top clone for MySQL
databases/namazu2 Full-text search system intended for easy use
databases/oracle7-client Oracle 7 client
databases/p5-ApacheDBILogConfig Perl module that logs access information in a DBI database
databases/p5-ApacheDBILogger A module that tracks what's being transferred in a DBI database
databases/p5-AsciiDB-TagFile Perl tie class for a simple ASCII database
databases/p5-BerkeleyDB Perl5 interface to the Berkeley DB package revision 3
databases/p5-CDB_File "Perl5 interface to the CDB package"
databases/p5-CDB_File-Generator Generate massive sorted CDB files simply
databases/p5-Class-DBI Simple Database Abstraction
databases/p5-DBD-CSV DBI driver for CSV files
databases/p5-DBD-Excel A class for DBI drivers that acts on Excel files
databases/p5-DBD-InterBase DBI driver for InterBase RDBMS server
databases/p5-DBD-LDAP DBI interface for accessing LDAP servers
databases/p5-DBD-ODBC DBD module interfacing the ODBC databases
databases/p5-DBD-Oracle DBI driver for Oracle RDBMS server
databases/p5-DBD-Pg Provides access to PostgreSQL databases through the DBI
databases/p5-DBD-SQLite Provides access to SQLite2 databases through the DBI
databases/p5-DBD-Sybase A Sybase DBI driver for Perl 5
databases/p5-DBD-XBase Provides access to XBase (dBase, Fox*) database files through DBI
databases/p5-DBD-mysql MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
databases/p5-DBI The perl5 Database Interface. Required for DBD::* modules
databases/p5-DBIWrapper Perl extension for generic DBI database access
databases/p5-DBIx-AnyDBD DBD independant class
databases/p5-DBIx-Browse DBIx::Browse - Perl extension to browse tables
databases/p5-DBIx-DBSchema An OO-interface to database schemas
databases/p5-DBIx-DataSource Database-independent create and drop functions
databases/p5-DBIx-Password Allows you to create a global password file for DB passwords
databases/p5-DBIx-Recordset Perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access
databases/p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder Perl extension for easy SQL SELECT Statement generation
databases/p5-DBIx-Table Class used to represent DBI database tables
databases/p5-DBIx-Tree Perl module for generating a tree from a self-referential table
databases/p5-DBIx-XHTML_Table Create XHTML tables from SQL queries
databases/p5-DBIx-XML_RDB Perl extension for creating XML from existing DBI datasources
databases/p5-DBZ_File Perl module to access a DBZ database
databases/p5-GDBM Perl module to use the GNU Data Base Manager (gdbm)
databases/p5-GraphViz-DBI GraphViz:

BI - graph database tables and relations
databases/p5-Ima-DBI Database connection caching and organization
databases/p5-MLDBM Store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash
databases/p5-MLDBM-Sync MLDBM::Sync - safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
databases/p5-Metadata Perl implementation of Dublin Core compatible metadata
databases/p5-Mysql Perl5 modules for accessing MySQL databases
databases/p5-Pg An interface for using perl5 to access PostgreSQL databases
databases/p5-ResourcePool-Resource-DBI ResourcePool::Resource:

BI - A ResourcePool wrapper for DBI
databases/p5-SQL-Statement A perl5 module for SQL parsing and processing
databases/p5-Search-Namazu Namazu library module for perl
databases/p5-Tangram Orthogonal Object Persistence in Relational Databases
databases/p5-Text-Query-SQL Text-Query-SQL provides query builders for SQL databases
databases/p5-Tie-DBI Perl module implementing Tie hash to a DBI handle
databases/p5-hp200lx-db Perl5 module to handle HP 200LX palmtop computer databases
databases/p5-postgresql-plperl The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
databases/p5-sqlrelay Perl5 modules to access to SQL Relay, including a DBD interface
databases/pgaccess A powerful GUI PostgreSQL database administration tool and toolkit
databases/php-sqlrelay PHP modules to access to SQL Relay
databases/phpmyadmin A set of PHP-scripts to adminstrate MySQL over the web
databases/phppgadmin Web Based Postgres Administration
databases/postgresql-devel Development snapshots of PostgreSQL's latest features
databases/postgresql-docs The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
databases/postgresql-jdbc The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
databases/postgresql-libpq++ C++ interface for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql-libpqxx A new C++ interface for PostgreSQL
databases/postgresql-odbc PostgreSQL ODBC client support
databases/postgresql-plruby PL/Ruby procedural language for the PostgreSQL database system
databases/postgresql-pltcl The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
databases/postgresql-tcltk The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
databases/postgresql7 The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
databases/postgresql72 The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
databases/postgresql_autodoc Automatic documentation generator for postgresql databases
databases/puredb Set of libraries for creating and reading constant databases
databases/pxtools Collection of tools to work with Paradox databases
databases/py-MySQL Access a MySQL database through Python
databases/py-MySQLdb Access a MySQL database through Python
databases/py-PyGreSQL A Python interface to PostgreSQL, including a DP-API 2.0 wrapper
databases/py-PySQLite A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite embedded SQL engine
databases/py-SQLDict Python dictionary wrapper around a SQL database
databases/py-bsddb3 Python extension module for BerkeleyDB 3 and 4
databases/py-cdb Python interface to D. J. Bernstein's CDB (constant database) library
databases/py-gdbm Python bindings to the GNU dbm library
databases/py-oops Object Oriented Database Library For Persistent Storage in Python
databases/py-psycopg The high perfomance Python adapter for PostgreSQL
databases/py-pyPgSQL A Python DB-API 2 compliant library for using PostgreSQL databases
databases/py-sqlrelay Python modules to access to SQL Relay
databases/pydbdesigner Graphical designer for relational databases
databases/rdb A fast, portable, relational database management system
databases/rdfdb A lightweight RDF database
databases/ruby-bdb Ruby interface to Sleepycat's Berkeley DB revision 2 or later
databases/ruby-bdb1 Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with full feature support
databases/ruby-cdb Ruby interface to D. J. Bernstein's cdb (constant database) library
databases/ruby-dbd_interbase InterBase driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbd_msql mSQL driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbd_mysql MySQL driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbd_odbc ODBC driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbd_pg PostgreSQL driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbd_proxy Proxy/Server driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbd_sqlite SQLite driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbd_sqlrelay SQLRelay driver for DBI-for-Ruby
databases/ruby-dbi DBI-for-Ruby - a common interface for SQL-based databases
databases/ruby-gdbm A Ruby extension to GDBM library
databases/ruby-interbase Ruby interface to Interbase library
databases/ruby-msql Ruby API for mSQL
databases/ruby-mysql Ruby module for accessing MySQL databases with a C API like interface
databases/ruby-o_dbm An OODB-like DBM module for Ruby
databases/ruby-odbc Ruby extension library to use ODBC data sources
databases/ruby-postgres Ruby interface to PostgreSQL library
databases/ruby-rdbc1 Ruby Database Connectivity
databases/ruby-search-namazu Ruby library which wraps libnmz of Namazu
databases/ruby-sqlrelay A Ruby module to access to SQL Relay
databases/sqlite An SQL database engine in a C library, including a Tcl wrapper
databases/sqlrelay A persistent DB connection pooling/proxying/load balancing system
databases/sqsh Interactive tool for querying Sybase database servers
databases/sybase-ocsd Headers and static libraries of Sybase OpenClient
databases/tcl-Mysql TCL module for accessing MySQL databases
databases/tdb Trivial Database
databases/tinycdb Analogous to cdb, but faster
databases/tkgnats Graphical frontend for the free bug-tracking system
databases/tora Toolkit for Oracle, a GUI db admin kit supporting MySQL only (for now)
databases/typhoon A relational database library
databases/unixODBC ODBC library suite for Unix
databases/xmbase-grok Graphical Resource Organizer Kit
databases/xmysql X11 front end to the MySQL database engine
databases/xmysqladmin X11 front end to the mysqladmin command of the MySQL database engine
databases/zodb The Zope Object Database, a persistent object database for Python
databases/zodb3 The Z - Object Database for python
databases/zpygresqlda PostgreSQL database adapter for Zope
deskutils/abacus Spread sheet for X Window System
deskutils/aspostit An AfterStep dockable version of XPostIt
deskutils/babytrans GTK+/GNOME front-end for Babylon Translator .dic files
deskutils/bigyear A program to print a large (one month per page) calendar
deskutils/bulb GNOME applet to warn about task terminations
deskutils/cal Enhanced color version of standard calendar utility
deskutils/cbb Checkbook balancing tool
deskutils/checkrdf A tool for RDF site summaries based news-check
deskutils/dailystrips Utility to download or view your favorite online comic strips daily
deskutils/gaddr A GTK (and optionally, GNOME) address book
deskutils/gcal The GNU Gregorian calendar program
deskutils/gdeskcal A calendar for the gnome2 desktop with smooth alpha-blending
deskutils/gdeskcal-skins Skins for gdeskcal
deskutils/gemcal Calendar program for MHC
deskutils/genius Arbitrary precision calculator for Gnome Desktop Environment
deskutils/glabels A programm to create labels and business cards
deskutils/gmcal GMCAL is a GTK+ frontend for the libmcal package
deskutils/gnofin Light-weight GNOME based financial management program
deskutils/gnomepim Gnome pim package
deskutils/gnotime GnoTime is a time tracker for gnome2
deskutils/gtimer A timer for your personal activities
deskutils/gworkspace GNUstep workspace manager
deskutils/ical A calendar application
deskutils/ithought An extensible text management system
deskutils/jlj Jerry's command-line LiveJournal.com entry system
deskutils/karamba Display various information right on your desktop
deskutils/kbirthday KDE kicker-applet that reminds you of birthdays and anniversaries
deskutils/kdepim3 Personal Information Management tools for KDE
deskutils/knowit A note manager with tree organization that uses RTF for storage
deskutils/kronolith Kronolith is the Horde calendar application
deskutils/krss KDE Rich Site Summary viewer
deskutils/libmrproject Library backend for MrProject project management application
deskutils/ljcharm A menu-driven python-based livejournal client
deskutils/logjam A GTK interface to user journals on
deskutils/logjam2 A GTK interface to user journals on
deskutils/loserjabber A GTK interface to user journals on
deskutils/mcal A libmcal powered cal replacement
deskutils/mencal A variation of the unix command cal
deskutils/mhc Message Harmonized Calendaring system
deskutils/mhc-emacs20 Message Harmonized Calendaring system
deskutils/mhc-xemacs21-mule Message Harmonized Calendaring system
deskutils/mnemo Mnemo is the Horde notes and memos application
deskutils/moneydance A Personal Finance Manager
deskutils/mrproject Project management application for Gnome 2
deskutils/nag Nag is a simple, multiuser task list manager
deskutils/narval Network Assistant Reasoning with a Validating Agent Language
deskutils/notebook Organizer for storing information and to-do lists
deskutils/offix-trash Trash from OffiX
deskutils/phpgroupware A web based GroupWare system
deskutils/plan An X/Motif schedule planner with calendar
deskutils/preferences.app GNUstep workspace manager
deskutils/rolo Text-based contact management software
deskutils/rox-memo Appointment/TODO management for the ROX desktop
deskutils/rubrica An addressbook for the gnome2 desktop
deskutils/sliderule The part of X11R3's xcalc featuring a slide rule
deskutils/teapot Full-screen curses based spread sheet program
deskutils/tuxcards Tool for managing notes within a hierarchical tree
deskutils/wmpinboard Post-it notes for the WindowMaker dock or AfterStep Wharf
deskutils/xcalendar A calendar with a notebook for X11 (internationalized version)
deskutils/xinvest A personal finance tracking and performance tool
deskutils/xmaddressbook X11/Motif-based addressbook program
deskutils/xmdiary Personal and group calendar utility
deskutils/xopps A tool which lets you draw Gantt charts
deskutils/xpostit PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
deskutils/xpostitPlus PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
deskutils/xrolo Electronic rolodex
deskutils/xwrits Reminds you to take wrist breaks
deskutils/yank A simple notekeeper and todo-list manager for GNOME
deskutils/zorro A simple to-do list manager
devel/ElectricFence Debugging malloc() that uses the VM hardware to detect buffer overruns
devel/ORBacus A CORBA 2 implementation
devel/ORBit High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
devel/ORBit2 High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
devel/SpecTcl Free drag-and-drop GUI builder for Tk and Java from Sun
devel/a2dev Apple II 6502 assembler, linker, loader, and object file viewer
devel/aap A build tool alternative to make with internet access and CVS support
devel/ac-archive A set of useful GNU autoconf macros
devel/acpicatools Some utilities for Intel ACPICA (Debugger, ASL Compiler and etc.).
devel/adabroker A full Ada ORB to develop CORBA application
devel/adacurses Curses library for Ada
devel/agenda-headers All headers which are needed to develop for Agenda VR3 PDA
devel/agenda-libs All libraries which are needed to develop for Agenda VR3 PDA
devel/agenda-snow-libs SNOW libraries which are needed to develop for Agenda VR3 PDA
devel/agenda-static-libs Static libraries which are needed to develop for Agenda VR3 PDA
devel/ald Debugger for assembly level programs
devel/alf Abstract Large File
devel/allegro A cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming
devel/amulet A free C++ GUI library
devel/anjuta Integrated Development Environment for C and C++
devel/antlr ANTLR: ANother Tool for Language Recognition
devel/apr The Apache Group's Portability Library
devel/arch A distributed source code management / revision control system
devel/arm-aout-binutils FSF Binutils for embedded ARM cross-development
devel/arm-elf-binutils GNU binutils for vanilla ARM cross-development
devel/arm-elf-gcc295 GNU cross compiler suite for vanilla ARM targets.
devel/arm-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/arm-rtems-g77 FSF F77-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/arm-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/arm-rtems-gcj FSF JAVA-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/arm-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/arm-rtems-objc FSF OBJC-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/as80 A lightweight 8080/8085 assembler
devel/asis GNAT implementation of the Ada Semantic Interface Specification
devel/asl Assembler for a variety of microcontrollers/-processors
devel/asmutils A set of UNIX utilities written in assembly language
devel/astyle A reindenter and reformatter of C++, C and Java source code
devel/atk A GNOME accessibility toolkit (ATK)
devel/atlas A C++ reference implementation of the Atlas protocol
devel/aunit A unit testing framework for the Ada '95 programming language
devel/autobook GNU autoconf, automake and libtool - The Book
devel/autoconf Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
devel/autoconf213 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms (legacy 2.13 version)
devel/autoconf254 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
devel/autoconf257 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
devel/autodia Automatic Dia XML - from Source Code and Data
devel/autogen The Automated Program Generator
devel/automake GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
devel/automake14 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (legacy version 1.4)
devel/automake17 GNU automake generates input files for GNU autoconf
devel/avarice Atmel AVR JTAG programmer and debugging interface for avr-gdb
devel/avltree An in-memory index w/ binary and string keys and key counts
devel/avr-binutils GNU binutils for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
devel/avr-gcc FSF gcc-2.95.2 for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
devel/avr-gdb GNU GDB 5.2.1 for the AVR target
devel/avr-libc A C and math library for the Atmel AVR controller family
devel/avrdude Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR CPUs
devel/avrprog Program to drive a simple parallel port programmer for Atmel AVR CPUs
devel/bcc Bruce's C compiler (with as and ld); can do 16-bit code
devel/bcpp A utility similar to indent for C++ code
devel/bglibs One stop library package by Bruce Guenter
devel/bicyclerepair A python refactoring tool
devel/bin86 16-bit assembler and loader (conflicts with devel/bcc)
devel/bison A parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
devel/bison1875 A parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
devel/boaconstructor A cross platform RAD GUI Building IDE for wxPython
devel/boehm-gc Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
devel/bonobo The component and compound document system for GNOME
devel/bonobo-activation An object activation framework for GNOME 2.0
devel/bonobo-conf Bonobo configuration moniker
devel/boost Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
devel/bugbuddy A bug reporting tool for GNOME
devel/bugbuddy2 A bug reporting tool for GNOME 2
devel/bugzilla Bug-tracking system developed by Mozilla Project
devel/buildtool A set of portable software build utilities
devel/byaccj A java extension of BSD YACC-compatible parser generator
devel/c2lib Library of basic structures and memory allocators for C
devel/c2man Generates man pages from C sources
devel/c4 A CVS-like Frontend to Perforce
devel/c_c++_reference C/C++ reference manual for KDevelop
devel/c_parser A C99 Parser
devel/camlp4 Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml
devel/cbrowser Graphical front end for cscope and cscope clones
devel/cc65 Cross-compiler for 6502-based systems, includes 65816 assembler
devel/ccache A tool to minimize the compile time of C programs
devel/cccc C and C++ Code Counter
devel/ccdoc Extracting comments from C++ source and generating HTML
devel/ccmalloc C/C++ memory profiler and memory leak tracer
devel/cdecl Explains complicated C/C++ declarations in plain English
devel/cdialog An enhanced version of 'dialog' to work with ncurses
devel/cdk Curses Development Kit for speedy development of full screen programs
devel/cdoc Extracts documentation from C source code comments
devel/cflow A call graph generator for C code
devel/cflow2vcg Convert the result of the cflow utility in a VCG format
devel/chora The Horde CVS web-viewer
devel/clanlib Cross-platform game SDK
devel/clig Auto-generate an (argc, argv) processor, usage message, and manpage
devel/clint A static source code checker for C++
devel/clo++ Command line parser generator
devel/cmake A cross-platform make
devel/codecrusader A UNIX IDE for X inspired by MetroWerks CodeWarrior
devel/commoncpp GNU project portable class framework for C++
devel/cons A Perl-based Make Replacement
devel/cons-test A test bed for `Cons' development
devel/cook Like make(1), but more powerful and clean
devel/cppadvio Advanced i/o, networking, and arithmetic compression C++ classlib
devel/cppunit C++ port of the JUnit framework for unit testing
devel/cproto Generate C function prototypes and convert function definitions
devel/crossgo32 Cross Development Environment for 32-bit DOS
devel/crossgo32-djgpp2 DJGPP V2 libraries and compatability for crossgo32 crosscompiler
devel/crossgo32-djgpp2-pdcurses PD curses for crossgo32 crosscompiler with djgpp v2 libraries
devel/crystal A 3d/2d development API
devel/cscope An interactive C program browser
devel/cssc A workalike for the source code control system SCCS
devel/ctags A feature-filled tagfile generator for vi and emacs clones
devel/cutils Miscellaneous C programmer's utilities
devel/cvs+ipv6 IPv6 enabled cvs. You can use IPv6 connection when using pserver
devel/cvs2cl CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script
devel/cvs2html Perl script to turn ``cvs log'' output into HTML
devel/cvs2p4 CVS to Perforce Converter
devel/cvsadmin A simple program to administrate users of a CVS repository
devel/cvsbook A tutorial and reference for CVS
devel/cvsd CVS pserver daemon
devel/cvsdelta Cvsdelta summarizes differences between local and in-cvs files
devel/cvsgraph Graph the life story of a file under CVS or RCS
devel/cvslines Wrapper to ease merging of changes between CVS branches
devel/cvsmapfs Helps keep track of modes and permissions of files in cvs
devel/cvspadm Tool for CVS pserver user administration
devel/cvsplot A perl script which analyses the history of a CVS-managed project
devel/cvsps CVS patchsets
devel/cvsstat Transforms the output of 'cvs status' to a sorted ASCII table
devel/cvsutils CVS utilities which facilitate working with local working directories
devel/cvsweb WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees
devel/cvswrap Helper for multiple CVS repositories.
devel/cweb Literate programming tools for the C language
devel/cxref C program cross-referencing & documentation tool
devel/darcs Yet another replacement for CVS, written in Haskell
devel/darts A C++ template library that implements Double-Array
devel/ddd Data Display Debugger -- a common graphical front-end for GDB/DBX/XDB
devel/decompyle Python byte-code decompiler
devel/devtodo Tool to effectively maintain todo lists aimed at developers
devel/dia2code A small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram
devel/diffconvert A converter between context diff and unidiff formats
devel/directfb Graphic development lightweight API
devel/distcc Distribute compilation of C(++) code acrosss machines on a network
devel/distel Distel extends Emacs Lisp with Erlang-style message passing
devel/dmake Another hyper make utility
devel/dmalloc Portable debug memory allocation library
devel/doc++ Javadoc style C++ documentatation system
devel/doctorj A tool for analyzing Java code and documentation
devel/dotconf A simple, powerful configuration-file parser
devel/doxygen A documentation system for C and C++
devel/e4graph A C++ library that persistently stores graph like data
devel/ebnf2yacc EBNF to YACC
devel/eboxy Create simple GUI interfaces for entertainment PC
devel/ecb Emacs Code Browser
devel/ecb-emacs20 Emacs Code Browser
devel/ecgi A library for the creation of CGI-based Web applications
devel/eieio Enhanced Integration of Emacs Interpreted Objects
devel/eieio-emacs20 Enhanced Integration of Emacs Interpreted Objects
devel/elf A commandline based ELF header analyzer
devel/elfio C++ library for reading and generating files in the ELF binary format
devel/elftoaout ELF to a.out conversion tool by Jakub Jelinek and Pete Zaitcev
devel/elib Collection of useful routines for Emacs lisp programs
devel/elib-emacs19 Collection of useful routines for Emacs lisp programs
devel/elib-emacs20 Collection of useful routines for Emacs lisp programs
devel/entity A really rapid XML-based application development system
devel/error Analyze diagnostic error output from compilers and other processors
devel/esdl A library for accessing SDL and OpenGL through Erlang
devel/f77flow Analyze the structure of a fortran77 program
devel/fam A file alteration monitor
devel/fampp A C++ wrapper for fam from SGI
devel/fastcrc Fast CRC routines
devel/fastdep Fast dependency generator for C/C++ files
devel/fc++ Functional Programming in C++
devel/ffcall Foreign function call libraries
devel/fhist Utilities to maintain file history, do file comparisions and merges
devel/fib Fibonacci Heap Library
devel/flick The Flexible IDL Compiler Kit
devel/fnccheck A profiling library/utilities for C/C++ programs
devel/fnorb A CORBA 2.0 ORB written in Python
devel/fortran-utils Tools for use with Fortran code, from 4.4BSD
devel/fpp Fortran preprocessor for FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90 programs
devel/freelibiberty A freely-redistributable libiberty clone
devel/freescope Source code browsing on UNIX-like operating systems
devel/frink A tcl formatter and static tester
devel/ftnchek Fortran 77 semantic checking utility
devel/funnelweb A powerful literate-programming macro pre-processor
devel/g-wrap A tool for exporting C libraries into Scheme interpreters
devel/g2c Glade to C translator
devel/gaa GPL Argument Analyser
devel/gconf A configuration database system for GNOME
devel/gconf2 A configuration database system for GNOME
devel/gcvs High-end interface client for CVS
devel/gdb52 GNU GDB 5.2 developmental snapshot
devel/gdb53 GNU GDB 5.3 developmental snapshot
devel/gdbmods Wrapper for gdb -k to provide kld symbol information
devel/gengameng An SDL game engine library
devel/gengetopt A tool for generating a C function which parses command line arguments
devel/gettext GNU gettext package
devel/getxml An XML internationalization tool
devel/gide GTK-based IDE for the C programming Language
devel/gindent GNU indent
devel/glade A user interface builder for GTK+/GNOME
devel/glade2 A user interface builder for GTK+/GNOME
devel/glg Open Application Builder (code generator) for the GTK and/or GNOME
devel/glib12 Some useful routines of C programming (previous stable version)
devel/glib20 Some useful routines of C programming (current stable version)
devel/global A source code tag system
devel/glui GLUT-based C++ user interface library
devel/gmake GNU version of 'make' utility
devel/gnome-devel The "meta-port" for the GNOME development API
devel/gnome2-devel The "meta-port" for the GNOME 2 development API
devel/gnomebuild A GNOME Build Framework (GBF)
devel/gnomecommon Common automake macros for GNOME and GOME 2.0
devel/gnomecrash A small coredump analysis tool for GNOME
devel/gnomedebug A GNOME Debugging Framework (GDF)
devel/gnomevfs GNOME Virtual File System
devel/gnomevfs-extras A plugin for gnomevfs2 to browse smb shares with nautilus2
devel/gnomevfs2 GNOME Virtual File System
devel/gnustep Objective-C libraries based on the OpenStep standard
devel/gnustep-make GNUstep makefile package
devel/gob2 A preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C
devel/gorm Graphical Object Relationship Modeller
devel/gperf Generates perfect hash functions for sets of keywords
devel/gputils GPUTILS is a set of utilities for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
devel/gtgt General (or GNU) template generation tools
devel/gtranslator A GNOME application for developing ".pot" files used with GNU Gettext
devel/gvd GNU Visual Debugger, a graphical front-end to gdb and jdb
devel/happydoc A tool for extracting documentation from Python source code
devel/hp48cc C-like compiler that translates input code to the HP48 RPN language
devel/hs-alex Alex is a Lex-like package for generating Haskell scanners
devel/hs-buddha A declarative debugger for Haskell 98
devel/hs-c2hs C->Haskell, an Interface Generator for Haskell
devel/hs-drift A type sensitive preprocessor for Haskell
devel/hs-green-card A foreign function interface preprocessor for Haskell
devel/hs-haddock A documentation tool for Haskell
devel/hs-happy An LALR(1) parser generator for the functional language Haskell
devel/hs-hat A source-level tracer for Haskell 98
devel/hs-hdoc HTML documentation tool for Haskell
devel/hs-hmake Intelligent compilation management tool for Haskell programs
devel/hs-hpl Haskell Ports Library provides ports in Haskell
devel/hs-idoc A No Frills Haskell Interface Documentation System
devel/hs-popenhs A popen-like library for Haskell
devel/hs-tclhaskell-ghc Tcl/Tk binding for Haskell
devel/hypersrc Source code browser
devel/i386-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i386-rtems-g77 FSF F77-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i386-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i386-rtems-gcj FSF JAVA-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i386-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i386-rtems-objc FSF OBJC-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i960-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i960-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/i960-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/icu International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
devel/icu2 International Components for Unicode
devel/id-utils The classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
devel/idlefork An official experimental development fork of IDE for Python
devel/ifd-test IFD Test Suite for PC/SC Lite
devel/imake Imake and other utilities from XFree86
devel/imake-4 Imake and other utilities from XFree86
devel/inilib A C++ lib which provides a method of saving the "state" of a program
devel/invitation_to_ruby A talk given by Jim Weirich, a brief introduction to Ruby
devel/ixlib A small C++ tools library based on STL
devel/jakarta-ant Java- and XML-based build tool, conceptually similar to make
devel/jam A build utility like make(1)
devel/kaptain A tool for building/running QT GUIs for commmand line programs
devel/kdbg A graphical user interface around gdb using KDE
devel/kdesdk3 KDE Software Development Kit
devel/kdevelop Powerful IDE for developing KDE/Qt-based apps
devel/kelp KeLP is a software infrastructure for parallel computing
devel/kimwitu A tool for processing trees (i.e. terms)
devel/kimwitu++ A tool for processing trees (i.e. terms)
devel/korelib A cross-platform C++ library for developing modular applications
devel/kprof A profiling tool for KDE.
devel/kyra Kyra is a simple Sprite engine written in C++
devel/lbpp A front end to GCC from Liberty Basic source code
devel/lemon An LALR(1) parser generator. Similar in function to yacc and bison
devel/leoarg A class for parsing command lines
devel/libIDL A library for creating trees of CORBA Interface Definition Language files
devel/libPropList Property library for gnome and Window Maker
devel/libU77 Adds Fortran intrinsics missing from f2c
devel/libafterbase AfterStep basic functionality library
devel/libargparse A command line argument parser library
devel/libast A library of assorted spiffy things
devel/libavl A library for balanced binary trees
devel/libbonobo A component and compound document system for GNOME2
devel/libcache C library that allows a programmer to parse sentences easier
devel/libcapsinetwork Network library aimed at easy development of C++ server daemons
devel/libchipcard "A library for easy access to chipcards."
devel/libchipcard-kde "KDE tools for LibChipCard"
devel/libcii Library from "C Interfaces and Implementations" by David Hanson
devel/libcoro C library that implements coroutines
devel/libdict Library providing access to ``dictionary'' data structures
devel/libdjbdns Public domain DNS client library
devel/libdlmalloc Small, fast malloc library by Doug Lea
devel/libdsp C++ class library of common digital signal processing functions
devel/libedit Command line editing library
devel/libelf "A public ELF file access library similar to libelf(3) in Solaris"
devel/libevent Provides an API to execute callback functions on certain events
devel/libffi Foreign Function Interface
devel/libformat C++ library that supports printf style like format printing
devel/libfs++ C++ library which provides a file_iterator class
devel/libg++ A libg++ container classes for EGCS and later versions of GCC
devel/libgetline A small, portable, and easy to use command line library
devel/libghthash Generic Hash Table
devel/libgii GGI API for input sources
devel/libglade GNOME glade library
devel/libglade2 GNOME glade library
devel/libgnugetopt GNU getopt library
devel/libgsf An extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with structured file formats
devel/libgtop GNOME top library
devel/libgtop2 GNOME 2 top library
devel/libhash A library for manipulating hash tables
devel/libical An implementation of the IETF's Calendaring and Scheduling protocols
devel/libmba A collection of C modules potentially useful to any project
devel/libmcve Library to allow credit card processing through MCVE
devel/libmtrie A library to build an IP-netmask based mtrie.
devel/libol Library needed by syslog-ng
devel/libole2 Support library for OLE functions (MS-Excel) for gnumeric
devel/liboop A low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based OS
devel/libpdel Packet Design multi-purpose C library for embedded applications
devel/libredblack Library that provides the red-black balanced tree algorithm
devel/libshbuf Library for Shared Buffer IPC
devel/libshhmsg Library for displaying messages
devel/libshhopt A library for parsing command line options
devel/libsigc++ Callback Framework for C++
devel/libsigc++12 Callback Framework for C++
devel/libsigcx libSigC++ Extras
devel/libslang Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
devel/libsoup A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C
devel/libstocks A C library which can be used to fetch stocks quotes
devel/libstrfunc Handles CGI forms, MIME, templates, date conversions, etc
devel/libstroke A stroke translation library
devel/libtai A library for storing and manipulating dates and times in second/attosecond
devel/libtar A library for manipulating POSIX and GNU tar files
devel/libtecla Interactive command line editing facilities
devel/libtool Generic shared library support script
devel/libunicode A library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
devel/libusb Library giving userland programs access to USB devices
devel/libuta A Graphical User Interface library for C++
devel/libvanessa_adt Library that provides ADTs (queues, dynamic arrays and more)
devel/libvanessa_logger Library that provides a generic logging layer
devel/libvanessa_socket Library that provides a simple layer for TCP/IP socket operations
devel/libvc A vCard library
devel/libxalloc A memory allocation library with error checking
devel/libzvbi Routines to access raw VBI capture devices
devel/lightning Generates assembly language code at run-time
devel/lincvs Graphical CVS front-end using QT
devel/linguist A tool for generating translations of strings used in i10 Qt programs
devel/linux-libglade RPM of libglade
devel/linux-runrev Revolution is a rapid application development environment
devel/linux-sdl12 Cross-platform multi-media development API (linux version)
devel/linux-understand_java Understand can parse a Java project helping reverse engineer it
devel/linux_devtools-6 Packages needed for doing development in Linux mode
devel/linux_devtools-7 Packages needed for doing development in Linux mode
devel/linux_kdump Linux-compatability ktrace.out processor
devel/linuxthreads POSIX pthreads implementation using rfork to generate kernel threads
devel/log4c Logging for C Library
devel/log4cpp A library of C++ classes for flexible logging
devel/lwp A userspace thread library
devel/m4 GNU m4
devel/m6811-binutils The binutils-2.9.1 cross-toolchain for the 6811
devel/m6811-gcc The gcc-2.95.2 cross-compiler for the 6811
devel/m68k-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/m68k-rtems-g77 FSF F77-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/m68k-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/m68k-rtems-gcj FSF JAVA-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/m68k-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/m68k-rtems-objc FSF OBJC-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/make++ A drop-in replacement for GNU make
devel/makedepend "A dependency generator for makefiles"
devel/makeplus A set of GNU Make rules for building packages with gmake
devel/memcheck Memory Allocation Checker
devel/meta-cvs A more capable version control system than CVS, built around CVS
devel/mico A CORBA 2.0 implementation which goal is freely available
devel/mime C library to parse mime data
devel/mingw Cross development for Windows
devel/mingw-bin-msvcrt Headers and Libraries for Windows cross-development
devel/mingw-binutils FSF binutils-2.11.90 for Windows cross-development
devel/mingw-gcc FSF gcc-2.95.2 for Windows cross-development
devel/mingw-opengl-headers OpenGL headers from Microsoft(TM) for Windows development with Mingw
devel/mips-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/mips-rtems-g77 FSF F77-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/mips-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/mips-rtems-gcj FSF JAVA-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/mips-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/mips-rtems-objc FSF OBJC-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/mipsel-linux-binutils GNU binutils for mipsel-linux cross-development with SNOW ABI
devel/mipsel-linux-gcc Gcc-2.97 for mipsel-linux cross-development with SNOW ABI
devel/mipsel-linux-kernel-headers Kernel headers for linux 2.4.0-pre9 for development for mipsel-linux
devel/mk Andrew Hume's mk by way of Research Unix, Plan 9, & Inferno
devel/mkcmd Command-line parser and manual page generator
devel/mkmf Creates program and library makefiles for the make(1) command
devel/mm Shared memory allocation library for pre-forked process models
devel/mob Memory Organization Benchmarks
devel/moonshine A customizable IDE that supports a wide variety of languages
devel/motor A powerful text mode based programming IDE
devel/mprof Memory Profiler and Leak Detector
devel/msp430-binutils GNU binutils for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
devel/msp430-gcc FSF gcc-3.2 for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
devel/msp430-gdb FSF gdb-5.1.1 for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
devel/msp430-libc Libc for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
devel/msrc0 Meta source fake-out script for building ksb tools
devel/nana Support for assertion checking and logging using GNU C and GDB
devel/nasm General-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
devel/ncurses Library for terminal-independent, full-screen output
devel/newfile A tool for creating starter files in various languages
devel/newt Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit: console I/O handling library
devel/ngpt NGPT is a next generation pthread implementation based on GNU pth
devel/noweb A simple, extensible literate-programming tool
devel/nspr A platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
devel/oaf Object Activation Framework for GNOME
devel/ocaml-classes Ocaml Object interface for ocaml's standard library modules
devel/ocaml-findlib OCaml package manager
devel/ocaml-pcre Perl compatible regular expressions for Objective Caml
devel/ocamlweb A literate programming tool for Objective Caml
devel/omniORB A robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python
devel/oniguruma A BSDL Regular Expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
devel/openzz An interpreted dynamic parser
devel/orbitcpp C++ bindings for ORBit, a CORBA 2.2-compliant ORB
devel/ossp-al Defines an abstract type of buffer that can move data without copying
devel/ossp-cfg A library for parsing arbitrary C/C++-style configuration files
devel/ossp-ex OSSP ex is a small exception handling library for use in C
devel/ossp-l2 A C library for a flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility
devel/ossp-val OSSP val is a flexible name to value mapping library for C variables
devel/ossp-var A flexible, full-featured and fast variable expansion library
devel/p4.el Perforce-Emacs Integration
devel/p4api Perforce API (static libraries and header files)
devel/p4db Web/Perforce Browser
devel/p4delta Summarizes and manages differences between local files and Perforce
devel/p5-Agent Perl module that provides a foundation for software agent developers
devel/p5-Algorithm-Diff Perl interface to compute differences between two objects
devel/p5-Algorithm-MDiff Perl interface to calculate m-difference between two objects
devel/p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain Perl class capable of creating Markov chains and output based on them
devel/p5-Algorithm-Permute Perl interface to handy and fast permutation
devel/p5-Alias A perl module that performs aliasing services
devel/p5-AppConfig A Perl module for reading configuration files
devel/p5-AppConfig-Std A subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options
devel/p5-AtExit AtExit - Perform exit processing for a program or object
devel/p5-Attribute-Handlers Attribute::Handlers - Simpler definition of attribute handlers
devel/p5-B-Graph Perl Compiler backend to diagram OP trees
devel/p5-BSD-Resource Perl module to access BSD process resource limit and priority functions
devel/p5-BSD-stat A stat() with BSD 4.4 extentions
devel/p5-C-Scan Perl5 module to scan C language files for easily recognized constructs
devel/p5-Cache-Cache Cache::Cache -- Perl Cache interface
devel/p5-Cache-Mmap Cache::Mmap - Shared data cache using memory mapped files
devel/p5-Carp-Assert Executable comments like the ANSI C library assert.h
devel/p5-Carp-Datum Debugging And Tracing Ultimate Module
devel/p5-Cdk Perl5 module for Curses Development Kit
devel/p5-Class-Accessor Automated accessor generation
devel/p5-Class-ArrayObjects Utility class for array based objects
devel/p5-Class-Autouse Defer loading of one or more classes
devel/p5-Class-BlackHole Base class to treat unhandled method calls as no-ops
devel/p5-Class-Container Glues object frameworks together transparently
devel/p5-Class-Contract Design-by-Contract OO in Perl
devel/p5-Class-Data-Inheritable Inheritable, overridable class data
devel/p5-Class-Date A Perl class for easy date and time manipulation
devel/p5-Class-Default Static calls apply to a default instantiation
devel/p5-Class-Delegation Object-oriented delegation
devel/p5-Class-Factory Base class for dynamic factory classes
devel/p5-Class-Factory-Util Utility functions for (factory) classes
devel/p5-Class-Fields Set of modules to operate with inheritance, fields, members access
devel/p5-Class-Generate A Perl5 module to simplify creating class hierarchies
devel/p5-Class-Hook Add hooks on methods from other classes
devel/p5-Class-ISA Report the search path for a class's ISA tree
devel/p5-Class-Inner A perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
devel/p5-Class-Inspector Provides information about classes
devel/p5-Class-Loader Load modules and create objects on demand
devel/p5-Class-MakeMethods Generate common types of methods
devel/p5-Class-MethodMaker Perl module for creating generic methods
devel/p5-Class-ObjectTemplate An optimized template builder base class
devel/p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-DB An optimized template builder base class with lookup capability
devel/p5-Class-ReturnValue A return-value object that can be treated as a boolean,array or object
devel/p5-Class-Singleton Perl module that describes a singular object class
devel/p5-Class-Tangram Create constructors, accessor, update methods for objects from Tangram
devel/p5-Class-Tom A perl module to transport objects from one system to another
devel/p5-Class-Trigger Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers
devel/p5-Class-WhiteHole Base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
devel/p5-Clone Clone - recursively copy Perl datatypes
devel/p5-Config-General Perl5 module for handling Apache-style configuration files
devel/p5-Config-Ini Perl interface to MS-Windows registry and .ini files
devel/p5-Config-IniFiles Perl5 module for reading .ini-style configuration files
devel/p5-Config-Setting A class that provides an easy interface to use config files
devel/p5-ConfigReader Perl5 module to read directives from a configuration file
devel/p5-Coro Coro - coroutine process abstraction for perl
devel/p5-Curses Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization
devel/p5-Curses-Application Curses application development framework
devel/p5-Curses-Forms Provide high level APIs for rapid UI design on the console
devel/p5-Curses-Widgets Curses-based widgets and functions
devel/p5-DB_File-Lock Perl module to use the DB_File with Lock
devel/p5-Data-Compare Data::Compare - compare perl data structures
devel/p5-Data-DumpXML Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
devel/p5-Data-Flow Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
devel/p5-Data-HexDump A simple hexadecimal dumper
devel/p5-Data-Properties Data:

roperties - persistent properties
devel/p5-Data-Serializer Modules that serialize data structures
devel/p5-Data-ShowTable Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
devel/p5-Data-TemporaryBag Handle long size data using temporary file
devel/p5-Data-UUID Module for generating Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
devel/p5-Date-Calc Gregorian calendar date calculations
devel/p5-Date-DayOfWeek Determine the day of the week for any date
devel/p5-Date-ICal Perl extension for ICalendar date objects
devel/p5-Date-ISO Converts dates between ISO and Gregorian formats
devel/p5-Date-Leapyear Perl module to determine if a particular year a leap year
devel/p5-Date-Manip Perl5 module containing date manipulation routines
devel/p5-Date-Pcalc Gregorian calendar date calculations
devel/p5-Date-Roman Perl module to play with Roman dates
devel/p5-DateConvert Perl5 module to convert dates between any two calendrical formats
devel/p5-Devel-Constants Perl module to translate constants back to their named symbols
devel/p5-Devel-DProf A Perl code profiler
devel/p5-Devel-Leak Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
devel/p5-Devel-Modlist Perl extension to collect module use information
devel/p5-Devel-ObjectTracker Track object life to detect memory leaks
devel/p5-Devel-Peek A perl5 data debugging tool for the XS programmer
devel/p5-Devel-Profile Tell me why my perl program runs so slowly
devel/p5-Devel-Profiler A Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp
devel/p5-Devel-StackTrace Stack trace and stack trace frame objects
devel/p5-Devel-Symdump A perl5 module that dumps symbol names or the symbol table
devel/p5-Devel-ptkdb Tk debugger for Perl
devel/p5-Dialog Perl interface to dialog(3)
devel/p5-Encode-compat Compatibility interfaces for Encode.pm on Perl < 5.7.1
devel/p5-Errno A perl5 module providing access to System errno constants
devel/p5-Event A Generic Perl Event Loop
devel/p5-Exception-Class A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl
devel/p5-Exporter-Lite Lightweight exporting of variables
devel/p5-File-BasicFlock Perl5 module for file locking with flock
devel/p5-File-Binary Perl interface to modify and read binary files
devel/p5-File-Cache Perl module implementing a persistent object store
devel/p5-File-DirSync Perl5 module for synchronizing two directories rapidly
devel/p5-File-FTS Perl extension for File Traversing System
devel/p5-File-Flock Perl5 module for file locking with flock
devel/p5-File-Lock Perl5 module for file locking (flock,fcntl)
devel/p5-File-MMagic Perl5 module to guess file type like file(1)
devel/p5-File-NFSLock File::NFSLock - perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
devel/p5-File-ReadBackwards File::ReadBackwards -- read a file backwards by lines
devel/p5-File-Remove Perl5 module to easily removes files and directories
devel/p5-File-Slurp Perl5 module for single call read & write file routines
devel/p5-File-Spec A Perl module for portably manipulating file specifications
devel/p5-File-Sync Perl5 module interface to the UNIX sync(2) and POSIX.1b fsync(2)
devel/p5-File-Tail Perl Module to read the end of a file as it's appended to
devel/p5-File-Temp Perl5 module to generate temporary files or directories safely
devel/p5-File-Tools Perl5 module for several file operations: Copy, Recurse and Tools
devel/p5-Filter A number of source filters for perl5 programs
devel/p5-Filter-CBC Source filter for Cipher Block Chaining
devel/p5-FreezeThaw A module for converting Perl structures to strings and back
devel/p5-Getargs-Long Parse routine arguments
devel/p5-Getopt-ArgvFile Perl module for processing argument vectors
devel/p5-Getopt-Declare Declaratively Expressed Command-Line Arguments via Regular Expressions
devel/p5-Getopt-Long Perl module for extended processing of command line options
devel/p5-Getopt-Mixed Perl module for processing of both short and long command line options
devel/p5-Glade-Perl The Perl project building code for Glade
devel/p5-Heap Perl extensions for keeping data partially sorted
devel/p5-IO Various IO modules for Perl
devel/p5-IO-Multiplex IO::Multiplex - Manage IO on many file handles
devel/p5-IO-String Simplified Perl5 module to handle I/O on in-core strings
devel/p5-IO-Stty Perl5 module that hacks around IO::File deficiencies
devel/p5-IO-Tty Flexible I/O Perl5 module that allows manipulation of pseudo-TTYs
devel/p5-IO-stringy Perl5 module for using IO handles with non-file objects
devel/p5-IPC-Cache Persist data across processes via shared memory
devel/p5-IPC-Locker Provide a server for locks and clients to access that server
devel/p5-IPC-Run IPC::Run - Run subprocesses with piping and redirection
devel/p5-IPC-ShareLite A simple interface to access shared memory
devel/p5-IPC-Shareable Share Perl variables between processes
devel/p5-IPC-SharedCache Perl module for managing a SysV IPC shared memory cache
devel/p5-Include Perl5 package which allows use of macros defined in 'C' header files
devel/p5-Inline Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
devel/p5-Inline-ASM Write Perl Subroutines in assembler
devel/p5-Inline-CPP Write Perl subroutines and classes in C++
devel/p5-Inline-Filters Common source code filters for Inline Modules
devel/p5-Inline-Java Write Perl subroutines and classes in Java
devel/p5-Inline-Tcl Write Perl subroutines in Tcl
devel/p5-Ioctl Perl module that provides a way to get the value of C ioctl constants
devel/p5-Locale-Maketext A framework for software localization and inheritance-based lexicons
devel/p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy - Maketext from already interpolated strings
devel/p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon Use other catalog formats in Locale::Maketext
devel/p5-Locale-PGetText Pure perl implementation of GNU gettext
devel/p5-Locale-gettext Message handling functions
devel/p5-LockFile-Simple Perl module implementing simple file locking
devel/p5-Log-Agent A set of perl modules that allows you to enhance logging capabilities
devel/p5-Log-Agent-Logger Log::Agent::Logger - a logging interface for perl
devel/p5-Log-Dispatch A suite of OO modules for logging messages to multiple outputs
devel/p5-Log-Dispatch-Config A log4j equivalent for Perl
devel/p5-Log-Log4perl Log4j implementation for Perl
devel/p5-Log-TraceMessages Perl extension for trace messages used in debugging
devel/p5-Mac-FileSpec-Unixish Perl module with functions to manipluate pathspecs in Unixish style
devel/p5-Make Perl module implementing 'make' and script
devel/p5-Memoize Transparently speed up perl functions by caching return values
devel/p5-OLE-Storage_Lite Perl module for OLE document interface
devel/p5-ORBit The perl binding for ORBit
devel/p5-Object-Realize-Later Object::Realize::Later - Delayed creation of objects
devel/p5-POE Multitasking and networking framework for perl
devel/p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS POE component for non-blocking/concurrent DNS queries
devel/p5-POE-Component-Client-HTTP POE component for non-blocking/concurrent HTTP queries
devel/p5-POE-Component-Client-POP3 Impliment a POP3 client POE component
devel/p5-POE-Component-Client-Ping POE component for non-blocking/concurrent ICMP ping
devel/p5-POE-Component-Client-UserAgent LWP and LWP:

arallel based POE component
devel/p5-POE-Component-DBIAgent POE Component for running asynchronous DBI calls
devel/p5-POE-Component-DirWatch POE directory watcher
devel/p5-POE-Component-IKC POE Inter-Kernel Communication
devel/p5-POE-Component-IKC-ReallySimple POE Component for simple inter-kernel communication
devel/p5-POE-Component-JobQueue POE component for processing large numbers of tasks with finite numbers of workers
devel/p5-POE-Component-Logger A POE logging class
devel/p5-POE-Component-Pcap POE component for non-blocking use of Net:

devel/p5-POE-Component-RSS A module for event based RSS parsing
devel/p5-POE-Session-Cascading Stack-like POE Sessions
devel/p5-PPerl Make perl scripts persistent in memory
devel/p5-PV A perl5 library for text-mode user interface widgets
devel/p5-Parallel-ForkManager A simple parallel processing fork manager
devel/p5-Params-Validate Validate method/function parameters
devel/p5-Parse-RecDescent A recursive descent parsing framework for Perl
devel/p5-Parse-Yapp Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
devel/p5-Penguin A framework for passing digitally signed perl5 code between machines
devel/p5-Penguin-Easy A quick and easy implemention of the p5-Penguin module
devel/p5-PerlMenu Perl5 module for displaying menus with Curses
devel/p5-Proc-Background Perl interface to running background processes
devel/p5-Proc-Daemon Perl module that provides a method to daemonify a Perl script
devel/p5-Proc-PIDFile Perl5 module to prevent multiple instances of a process from running
devel/p5-Proc-ProcessTable Perl interface to the unix process table
devel/p5-Proc-Reliable Run external processes reliably with many options
devel/p5-Proc-Simple Perl5 module to launch and control background processes
devel/p5-Rcs Perl Object Class for Revision Control System (RCS)
devel/p5-Rcs-Agent A perl module for RCS archive manipulation
devel/p5-ReadLine-Gnu Perl 5 module that allows Term::ReadLine to use GNU readline
devel/p5-ReadLine-Perl Perl 5 module for Term::ReadLine editing without GNU readline
devel/p5-Religion Perl5 module to install die() and warn() handlers
devel/p5-ResourcePool A generic way to use connection caching for any kind of resources
devel/p5-Resources Perl5 module handling application defaults in Perl
devel/p5-SDL Perl Bindings for SDL
devel/p5-SPOPS Simple Perl Object Persistence with Security
devel/p5-Search-Binary Perl module that implements a generic binary search algorithm
devel/p5-Server-FastPL Perl module to eliminate the compile-time of big scripts
devel/p5-Set-NestedGroups Perl module for grouped data eg ACL's, city/state/country etc
devel/p5-Set-Object Perl module to manage sets of objects
devel/p5-Set-Scalar Perl module containing a set of scalars, including references
devel/p5-Sort-ArrayOfArrays Sort an arbitrary array of arrays
devel/p5-Sort-Versions A perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
devel/p5-Storable Persistency for perl data structures
devel/p5-String-Approx Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching)
devel/p5-String-CRC32 Perl interface for cyclic redundency check generation
devel/p5-String-Checker Perl module implementing an extensible string validation interface
devel/p5-String-LRC A perl interface for longitudinal redundancy check generation
devel/p5-String-Parity A perl5 module to generate and test even, odd, mark and space parity
devel/p5-String-Random Perl interface to generate "random" strings
devel/p5-String-RexxParse Perl module that provides an interface to REXX parsing routines
devel/p5-String-Similarity Perl module that calculates the similarity of two strings
devel/p5-Sub-Uplevel Sub::Uplevel - apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
devel/p5-System2 System2 - like system(), but with STDERR available as well
devel/p5-Term-ANSIColor Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
devel/p5-Term-ProgressBar Perl extension to display a progress bar
devel/p5-Term-Prompt Perl extension for prompting a user for information
devel/p5-Term-Query An interactive question-response user interface module
devel/p5-Term-ReadKey A perl5 module for simple terminal control
devel/p5-Term-Screen Basic screen + input class
devel/p5-Term-Size A Perl5 module to handle window size changes.
devel/p5-Test-Builder-Tester Test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder
devel/p5-Test-Class Test::Class - Easily create test classes in an xUnit style
devel/p5-Test-Differences Test:

ifferences - Test strings and data structures for differences
devel/p5-Test-Exception Test::Exception - test functions for exception based code
devel/p5-Test-Harness Run perl standard test scripts with statistics
devel/p5-Test-Inline Test::Inline - Inlining your tests next to the code being tested
devel/p5-Test-Simple Basic utilities for writing tests in perl
devel/p5-Test-Unit PerlUnit testing framework
devel/p5-Tie-Cache LRU Cache in Memory through a tie interface
devel/p5-Tie-DB_FileLock Locking access to Berkeley DB v1.x
devel/p5-Tie-IxHash Perl module implementing ordered in-memory associative arrays
devel/p5-Time-Duration Rounded or exact English expression of durations
devel/p5-Time-HiRes A perl5 module implementing High resolution time, sleep, and alarm
devel/p5-Time-Object A Perl OO interface to time and dates
devel/p5-Time-Period A perl module that contains code to deal with time periods
devel/p5-Time-Piece Time:

iece - Object Oriented time objects
devel/p5-Time-modules Set of modules for time manipulation
devel/p5-TimeDate Perl5 module containing a better/faster date parser for absolute dates
devel/p5-TraceFuncs A perl5 module to trace function calls as they happen
devel/p5-Tree-DAG_Node Super class for representing nodes in a tree
devel/p5-UNIVERSAL-exports Lightweight, universal exporting of variables
devel/p5-VCS Library for generic Version Control System access in Perl
devel/p5-VCS-CVS Perl module that provides a simple interface to CVS
devel/p65 An assembler for the 6502 microprocessor
devel/parrot The Parrot GUI Builder
devel/patch GNU patch utility
devel/pccts The Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
devel/pcl-cvs-emacs An Emacs-based front-end to CVS
devel/pcl-cvs-emacs20 An Emacs-based front-end to CVS
devel/pcre Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
devel/pcre++ A wrapper class around the pcre library
devel/pcsc-lite A smartcard development library
devel/pear A framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components
devel/pear-Console_Getopt PEAR command-line option parser
devel/pear-Date PEAR Date and Time Zone Classes
devel/pear-HTML_Common PEAR::HTML_Common is a base class for other HTML classes
devel/pear-HTML_Select_Common Some small PEAR classes to handle common <select> lists
devel/pear-I18N PEAR internationalization package
devel/pear-PEAR PEAR Base System
devel/pear-install Prepare the installation of the PEAR framework
devel/pedisassem A disassembler for Win32 code (PE format)
devel/perforce Perforce client and server
devel/perltidy Indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read
devel/pharmacy GNOME frontend for CVS
devel/php-dbg Debugger for PHP4
devel/picasm Portable assembler for 16C84 series PICs
devel/picp Driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer
devel/picprog Serial port pic16c84 programmer
devel/pinstall A tool for installing files according to a packing list
devel/pkgconfig An utility used to retrieve information about installed libraries
devel/ply Python Lex-Yacc
devel/pmake The parallel make(1) program from the Sprite project
devel/popt A getopt(3) like library with a number of enhancements, from Redhat
devel/portcheckout Checkout and build ports and all depending ports
devel/portlint A verifier for FreeBSD port directory
devel/powerpc-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/powerpc-rtems-g77 FSF F77-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/powerpc-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/powerpc-rtems-gcj FSF JAVA-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/powerpc-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/powerpc-rtems-objc FSF OBJC-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/ppl The Parma Polyhedra Library
devel/prcs The Project Revision Control System
devel/projectcenter.app A development environment for GNUstep
devel/prototype Prototype Makefiles allows very fast project start ups
devel/pth GNU Portable Threads
devel/ptl A user level multi-thread library based on POSIX 1003.1c API
devel/ptypes C++ Portable Types Library
devel/publib Publib is a library of C functions for various purposes
devel/py-ansistyle Add ANSI color capability to output streams
devel/py-ciphon A module for python that adds cpan-like functionality
devel/py-coro Python coroutine implementation
devel/py-ctypes Python module allowing to create and manipulate C data types
devel/py-cxx Make it easier to extend Python with C++
devel/py-dialog Python Dialog
devel/py-fam Python Interface to the File Alteration Monitor
devel/py-fileutils File I/O related functions and classes
devel/py-fortran Creating extensions to the Python language with Fortran routines
devel/py-freebsd Python interface to FreeBSD-specific system libraries
devel/py-game A module designed to write games in Python
devel/py-grouch A system for describing and enforcing a Python object schema
devel/py-htmlkit Python package that assists in the dynamic generation of HTML content
devel/py-istring Interpolated Strings
devel/py-kjbuckets Graph and set datatypes for Python (C extension)
devel/py-kqueue Python interface to kqueue(2) and kevent(2) system calls
devel/py-log4py A python logging module
devel/py-logging Logging System for Python as in PEP282
devel/py-mx-experimental The eGenix mx Extensions - EXPERIMENTAL Package
devel/py-ncurses A ncurses binding for Python
devel/py-omniorb Python bindings for omniORB4, a CORBA 2.6 ORB
devel/py-optik A command-line parsing library for Python
devel/py-orbit Python bindings for ORBit, a CORBA 2.2-compliant ORB
devel/py-orbit2 Python bindings for ORBit2
devel/py-period A basic time period checking libary
devel/py-plex Lexical Analysis Module for Python
devel/py-pqueue Fibonacci-Heap based Priority-Queue Extension for Python
devel/py-psyco Python Specializing Compiler
devel/py-px Perforce p4 wrapper and Python Perforce interface
devel/py-repl Replacement for readline and interactive environment for Python
devel/py-reverse A set of tools for reverse engineering Python code
devel/py-ro Python Remote Objects
devel/py-roxlib Python libraries for ROX
devel/py-sip Python convenience link to sip library
devel/py-spark Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit
devel/py-twisted An event-based Python framework for internet applications
devel/py-ui A user interface library written in Python
devel/py-unit Unit testing framework for Python
devel/py-vmaps Python Arrays on mmap()
devel/py-xoltar-toolkit Functional programming, lazy expressions and thread pools for Python
devel/py-yaml Python YAML parser
devel/py_otp_interface A native python implementation of an Erlang/OTP node
devel/pychecker A python source code checking tool to help hunting common bugs
devel/pyrex Programming Language for writing Python extension modules
devel/qextmdi Qt extension for creating SDI/MDI user interfaces
devel/qssl QSSL is a Qt plugin that helps applications use OpenSSL
devel/qt-designer GUI C++ IDE based on QT
devel/qtez Qt Rapid Application Development Environment for X Window System
devel/qtk A neat development tool for various languages
devel/ragel Compile regular languages into executable C/C++ code
devel/re2c Compile regular expression to C (much faster final code than flex)
devel/regexx A complete regular expressions C++ solution
devel/regexxer An interactive tool for performing search and replace operations
devel/replay A program that helps you fix a build interactively.
devel/rhtvision Complete C++ Text User Interface (TUI) library
devel/rinfo List status of files checked out of RCS repositories
devel/rlwrap Readline wrapper
devel/robodoc Code reference program similar to cxref that produces HTML
devel/rpc2 An interprocess communication library
devel/rtplib A library for developing applications over RTP
devel/ruby-amstd A collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
devel/ruby-aspectr Ruby libraries for Aspect programming
devel/ruby-avl AVL tree class for Ruby
devel/ruby-bsearch A binary search library for Ruby
devel/ruby-byaccr Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc' and 'Berkeley Yacc for Java'
devel/ruby-cache A Ruby library for caching objects based on the LRU algorithm
devel/ruby-calendar Ruby modules to handle various calendars
devel/ruby-cvs A Ruby library to provide a high level interface to a CVS repository
devel/ruby-date2 An alternative date class for Ruby
devel/ruby-dialogs A simple Ruby interface to dialog(1)
devel/ruby-fam FAM bindings for Ruby
devel/ruby-filelock A Ruby module which provides file locking mechanism
devel/ruby-flex_rb Ruby flex regular expression matching extension
devel/ruby-gconf A Ruby interface to GConf (1.0.x)
devel/ruby-gconf2 A Ruby interface to GConf2
devel/ruby-gemfinder A simple class browser (built with Ruby/Tk) for Ruby modules/programs
devel/ruby-gettext A Ruby implementation of the gettext library
devel/ruby-glib2 Ruby binding for GLib2
devel/ruby-gnustep A Ruby interface to the GNUstep development environment
devel/ruby-inline Inline::C allows you to embed C/Ruby directly in ruby scripts
devel/ruby-intl A simple wrapper of GNU gettext for Ruby
devel/ruby-jttui Textmode User Interface by Jakub Travnik
devel/ruby-libglade A wrapper library of libglade for Ruby
devel/ruby-libglade2 Ruby binding for Libglade2
devel/ruby-libgtop A Ruby interface to libgtop
devel/ruby-locale A simple Ruby module that provides setlocale(3)
devel/ruby-metaruby A reimplementations of some Ruby parts in Ruby, Perl's tie equivalent
devel/ruby-mmap Ruby interface to manage memory-mapped file objects
devel/ruby-mock An RUnit extention that makes it very easy to implement Mock Objects
devel/ruby-ncurses A Ruby interface to ncurses
devel/ruby-nodedump Displays the internal structure of a parsed Ruby program
devel/ruby-pcsc-lite Ruby extension for the UNIX PC/SC Lite API (MUSCLE)
devel/ruby-poll An object-oriented interface to the poll(2) system call for Ruby
devel/ruby-property Simple properties scheme for Ruby
devel/ruby-racc An LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
devel/ruby-rbbr A GTK+2-based Ruby module browser
devel/ruby-rbison Generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file
devel/ruby-rbtree An implementation of Red-Black Tree for Ruby
devel/ruby-robjectteam Enables the ObjectTeams paradigm to the Ruby language
devel/ruby-rreadline A pure Ruby implementation of the Readline library
devel/ruby-rudl A high level library to use SDL from Ruby
devel/ruby-sdl Ruby extension library to use SDL library
devel/ruby-setup.rb Common installer script for ruby packages
devel/ruby-slang S-Lang extension module for Ruby
devel/ruby-strongtyping A little Ruby module that adds strong typing facilities
devel/ruby-sysvipc Ruby interface to use System V IPC system calls
devel/ruby-textbuf Gapped text buffer extention for Ruby
devel/ruby-tzfile TZFile handling library for Ruby
devel/ruby-yaml A YAML serialization specification implementation for Ruby
devel/rudiments A utility C++ class library for daemons, clients, servers and more
devel/rvi A simple interface to RCS
devel/rvm A persistent VM library
devel/scandoc A C/C++ documentation generator
devel/scons A build tool alternative to make
devel/sdcc Cross compile 8051 code
devel/sdl12 Cross-platform multi-media development API (developm. vers.)
devel/sdl_ldbad A SDL Linux Developer's BandAiD
devel/sdlmm A C++ Wrapper for the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
devel/sdts++ C++ library for SDTS related development
devel/sedsed sed debugger/tokenizer/indenter
devel/semantic A lexer, parser-generator, and parser for Emacs
devel/semantic-emacs20 A lexer, parser-generator, and parser for Emacs
devel/sfio The Safe/Fast I/O Library
devel/sgb The Stanford GraphBase: A Platform for Combinatorial Computing
devel/sh-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sh-rtems-g77 FSF F77-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sh-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sh-rtems-gcj FSF JAVA-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sh-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sh-rtems-objc FSF OBJC-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/shapelib C API for reading and writing ArcView Shapefiles
devel/shmap Shared-memory-based hashmaps
devel/showgrammar Convert a yacc grammar to syntax diagrams
devel/shtool The GNU Portable Shell Tool
devel/sigslot C++ Signal/Slot Library
devel/silc-toolkit Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) development toolkit
devel/simgear A toolkit for 3D games and simulations
devel/simulavr A simulator for AVR microcontrollers
devel/sip Python to C++ bindings generator
devel/soup A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C
devel/sourcenav Source code analysis tool
devel/sparc-rtems-binutils FSF binutils- base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sparc-rtems-g77 FSF F77-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sparc-rtems-gcc FSF C/C++-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sparc-rtems-gcj FSF JAVA-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sparc-rtems-gdb FSF gdb-5.2 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/sparc-rtems-objc FSF OBJC-gcc-3.2.1 base-port for RTEMS development
devel/spin An on-the-fly verification system for asynchronous concurrent systems
devel/spirit An object oriented recursive descent parser generator framework
devel/splint A tool for statically checking sourcecode for security vulnerabilities
devel/st State Threads Library for Internet Applications
devel/stlport Adaptation of SGI's Standard Template Library
devel/stlport-icc Adaptation of SGI's Standard Template Library for icc
devel/str Generic String Library
devel/strace A portable process tracer
devel/styx A scanner/parser generator
devel/subversion Version control system
devel/swarm The Swarm Simulation System
devel/swig11 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
devel/swig13 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
devel/swig13-doc Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator - Documentation
devel/swigruby Ruby module for SWIG 1.1
devel/sysconftool Helps to install application configuration files
devel/t1lib A Type 1 Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
devel/tcl-memchan Two new channel types for in-memory channels in TCL8
devel/tcl-neo The NeoTCL part of NeoWebScript -- an Apache TCL mod
devel/tcl-trf Data conversion, digests, compression, error-correction for Tcl
devel/tclcheck A program to check the nesting of parenthesis in tcl scripts
devel/tclcl Tcl/C++ interface used by ns and nam
devel/tclgetopts Pure TCL code for command line options parsing
devel/tcllib A collection of utility modules for Tcl
devel/tclreadline GNU readline for TCL
devel/tcltls SSL extensions for TCL; dynamicly loadable
devel/tclxml API for parsing XML documents using Tcl
devel/tdl To-do list manager
devel/templ Source code templates generator
devel/terminality A cross-platform terminal manipulation library
devel/tide T3X Integrated Development Environment and T3X Tool classes
devel/tinyq A stripped down version of Qt 3 for use as a utility library
devel/titano An IDE for GNOME desktop
devel/tkcon Tk console for Tcl
devel/tkcvs Tcl/Tk frontends to CVS and diff
devel/tkp4 Tcl/Tk frontends to Perforce's p4
devel/tkref A programmer's GUI reference for Tcl/Tk and major packages
devel/tmake Extremely portable perl-based make utility
devel/towitoko UNIX driver for Towitoko smartcard readers
devel/tpasm Cross-assembler for 680x, 68hc11, 6502, Sunplus, 8051, Z80, PIC, AVR
devel/tpg Toy Parser Generator -- A parser generator in Python
devel/trio A fully matured and stable set of printf and string functions
devel/tvision The Turbo Vision C++ CUI library for UNIX
devel/uclmmbase Common subroutines for UCL mbone applications
devel/ucpp A C preprocessor and lexer
devel/uds UDS (Useful Development Stuff) Collection
devel/uisp A versatile programmer for atmel AVR microcontrollers
devel/umbrello UML Modeller
devel/understand_ada Understand can parse a Ada project helping reverse engineer it
devel/understand_c Understand can parse a C/C++ project helping reverse engineer it
devel/upnp Universal Plug and Play Software Development Kit
devel/ups-debug X based source level debugger for C, C++, and Fortran
devel/varconf A Configuration System for the STAGE Server
devel/vb2c Convert Visual Basic forms to GTK C code
devel/veepee A user orientated scripting environment for embedding in applications
devel/viewcvs Python version of Zeller's cvsweb
devel/vtcl An Application Development Environment For the TCL/TK language
devel/whups WHUPS is a web-based bug tracking system
devel/wizard Classes for writing MS-style 'wizards'
devel/wxGlade GUI builder for wxPython/wxWindows written in Python
devel/xmake A powerful make utility
devel/xparam A general-purpose tool for parameter handling in C++
devel/xtl A library for R/W structured data to/from an external representation
devel/xwpe A Borland-like IDE programming environment
devel/xxgdb An X window interface for gdb
devel/yacl Portable programming library for C++
devel/yasm A complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
devel/z80-asm A Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler
devel/zthread A platform-independent object-oriented C++ threading library
devel/zziplib A library to provide transparent read access to zipped files
editors/AbiWord An open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
editors/AbiWord2 An open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
editors/MathPlanner A mathematical design and publishing application
editors/aee An easy editor with both curses and X11 interfaces
editors/apel A Portable Emacs Library for emacs21
editors/apel-emacs19 A Portable Emacs Library for emacs19
editors/apel-emacs20 A Portable Emacs Library for emacs20
editors/apel-mule A Portable Emacs Library for mule
editors/apel-xemacs21-mule A Portable Emacs Library for xemacs21-mule
editors/asedit Text editor for X/Motif
editors/axe Simple to use text editor for X
editors/beav Binary Editor And Viewer, a full featured binary file editor
editors/beaver A programmer's text editor for GTK+ 2.0
editors/biew Binary vIEWer + editor for binary, hexadecimal and dis-asm modes
editors/bitedit Bitedit is a simple ncurses program for editing a file
editors/bitmap Bitmap-mule, Package to use bitmap in Emacs21
editors/bitmap-emacs20 Bitmap-mule, Package to use bitmap in Emacs20
editors/bitmap-mule Package to use bitmap in MULE
editors/boiling-egg A front-end of Egg V4
editors/bpatch A hex editor that doesn't load the whole file at once
editors/bvi A vi-like binary file (hex)editor
editors/chexedit Full screen text mode Hex editor using the [n]curses library
editors/color-mate Color customizing module for Emacsen
editors/cooledit Suite of utilities, including a GUI editor
editors/custom-emacs The Custom Library for emacs
editors/custom-mule The Custom Library for mule
editors/dedit A simple GNOME i18n editor
editors/dte A simple text editor which uses many of the shortcuts used in MSDOS EDIT
editors/e3 A full featured text editor written in assembler
editors/e93 A nifty editor based on Tcl/Tk
editors/edith A X11 GUI editor for binary and plain text files
editors/elvis A clone of the ex/vi text editor
editors/em Full screen editor based on MicroEMACS
editors/emacs GNU editing macros
editors/emacs20 GNU editing macros
editors/emacs20-dl GNU editing macros with dynamic loading module function (binary only)
editors/emacs20-mule-devel GNU editing macros with dl module function and mule 4.1(binary only)
editors/emacs21 GNU editing macros
editors/eshell-emacs20 Command shell implemented in emacs lisp
editors/fb Binary File Viewer, Editor, & Manipulator (and a lot more)
editors/flim FLIM, message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs21
editors/flim-emacs20 FLIM, message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs20
editors/flim-xemacs21-mule FLIM, message representation or encoding elisp library for xemacs21-mule
editors/flim113 FLIM, message representation or encoding emacs lisp library for emacs21
editors/flim113-emacs19 FLIM, message representation or encoding emacs lisp library for emacs19
editors/flim113-emacs20 FLIM, message representation or encoding emacs lisp library for emacs20
editors/flim113-mule FLIM, message representation or encoding emacs lisp library for mule
editors/flim113-xemacs21-mule FLIM, message representation or encoding emacs lisp library for xemacs21-mule
editors/fte A full-featured text editor for X11
editors/gate A simple and unobtrusive line-oriented text editor
editors/gedit A small but powerful text editor for Gnome Desktop Environment
editors/gedit2 A small but powerful text editor for Gnome 2.0 Desktop Environment
editors/ghex GNOME hex editor
editors/ghex2 GNOME 2 hex editor
editors/glimmer A full featured code editor for GNOME desktop with many advanced features
editors/gmanedit A GNOME manpages editor
editors/gnotepad+ Simple GTK-based text/HTML editor
editors/gnuserv A standalone release of gnuserv for GNU Emacs
editors/gnuserv-emacs20 A standalone release of gnuserv for GNU Emacs
editors/gxedit A simple GTK+ editor
editors/hexcurse A versatile ncurses-based hex editor
editors/hexedit View and edit files in hexadecimal or ASCII
editors/hexpert Hexpert - a simple but flexible binary file editor
editors/hnb Hierarchical NoteBook a data organizer
editors/hte A file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables
editors/iiimecf Internet/Intranet Input Method Emacs Client Framework for GNU Emacs 20
editors/impress Publishing and presentation tool
editors/jed A SLang-based text editor
editors/jedit Powerful programmer's text editor written in Java
editors/jext Powerful 100% pure Java text editor
editors/joe Joe's own editor
editors/joe-devel Development version of Joe's own editor
editors/jove Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs
editors/kile A LaTeX source editor for KDE
editors/koffice-kde3 Office Suite for KDE3
editors/kxmleditor XML editor for KDE
editors/le Text editor
editors/led A tiny text editor, with a number of useful programming features
editors/leim20 Libraries of (GNU) Emacs Input Method
editors/leim21 Libraries of (GNU) Emacs Input Method
editors/leo An advanced outline editor
editors/lfhex "Large file hex editor"
editors/lpe A "lightweight programmer's editor" with syntax highlighting
editors/manedit A UNIX manual page editor and viewer
editors/mg A small, fast Emacs-like editor
editors/mode-info Functions to refer Manuals on Emacsen with describe-* like interface
editors/moleskine A generic source code editor for the GNOME desktop
editors/mp A programming text editor
editors/muggy A simple text editor for the X on TkStep
editors/mule A multilingual emacs based 19.34 (Only the executables)
editors/mule-common For a multilingual emacs, emacs lisp files, info pages, etc (except executables)
editors/nano Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico Clone
editors/nedit An X11/Motif GUI text editor for programs and plain text files
editors/nvi-devel Development snapshot of the world-renown nvi editor
editors/nvi-m17n A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, no default settings
editors/nvi-perl A clone of vi/ex, with perl5 linked into
editors/offix-editor Editor from OffiX
editors/ooodict-all MySpell dictionaries for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-bg_BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-ca_ES Catalan MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-da_DK Danish (Denmark) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-el_GR Greek (Greece) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-en_CA English (Canada) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-en_GB English (United Kingdom) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-en_US English (United States) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-es_ES Spanish (Spain) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-hr_HR Croatian (Croatia) Myspell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-hu_HU Hungarian (Hungary) Myspell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-it_IT Italian (Italy) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-nl_NL Dutch (Netherland) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-pl_PL Polish (Poland) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-sk_SK Slovak MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/ooodict-sv_SE Swedish (Sweden) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
editors/openoffice Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-ar Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-devel Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-dk Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-es Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-gr Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-it Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-nl Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-pl Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-se Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/openoffice-tr Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/pico PIne's message COmposition editor
editors/poedit gettext catalogs (.po files) editor
editors/psgml A major mode for editing SGML and XML documents for emacs21
editors/psgml-emacs19 A major mode for editing SGML and XML documents for emacs19
editors/psgml-emacs20 A major mode for editing SGML and XML documents for emacs20
editors/psgml-mule A major mode for editing SGML and XML documents for mule
editors/psgml-xemacs21-mule A major mode for editing SGML and XML documents for XEmacs with Mule
editors/qemacs QEmacs (for Quick Emacs) is a very small but powerful UNIX editor
editors/rox-edit Text editor for the ROX desktop
editors/sam A unix version of Rob Pike's editor for plan9
editors/scite A full-featured SCIntilla based Text Editor for GTK/GNOME
editors/semi SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs21
editors/semi-emacs20 SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs20
editors/semi-xemacs21-mule SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for xemacs21-mule
editors/semi113 SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs21
editors/semi113-emacs19 SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs19
editors/semi113-emacs20 SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs20
editors/semi113-mule SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for mule
editors/semi113-xemacs21-mule SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for xemacs21-mule
editors/speedbar Quick access to files and tags in an Emacs frame
editors/speedbar-emacs20 Quick access to files and tags in an Emacs frame
editors/ssed Super-sed is a heavily enhanced version of sed
editors/staroffice5 Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/staroffice52 Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
editors/staroffice60 Wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart
editors/sted Simple/Small/Stupid Text Editor
editors/tamago The Multilingual Input Method - Egg V4
editors/tamago-emacs20 The Multilingual Input Method - Egg V4 for Emacs20
editors/ted X11 based RTF editor
editors/tetradraw Fully featured ANSI art editor/viewer with TCP/IP multidraw support
editors/texmacs A free WYSIWYG scientific text editor
editors/textedit The OpenLook textedit application
editors/the "The Hessling Editor", an implementation of the xedit editor
editors/thoteditor An structured document editor, offering a graphical WYSIWYG interface
editors/uemacs A full screen editor
editors/uzap Visual binary file editor
editors/ved A small and fast screen-oriented editor.
editors/vigor A vi clone inspired by the userfriendly comic strip
editors/vile VI Like Emacs. a vi "workalike", with many additional features
editors/vilearn An interactive tutorial for the vi editor
editors/vim Vi "workalike", with many additional features
editors/vim-lite Vi "workalike", with many additional features (Lite package)
editors/vim5 Vi "workalike", with many additional features
editors/vim6+ruby Vi IMproved version 6 with embedded Ruby interpreter
editors/wily A clone of the Plan9 editor `acme'
editors/wordperfect Graphical word processor ported from Windows
editors/xcoral A multiwindow mouse-based text editor for X
editors/xed A text editor for X
editors/xemacs This port tracks the stable version of the XEmacs text editor
editors/xemacs-devel This port tracks the development (GAMMA) version of the XEmacs text editor
editors/xemacs-devel-mule XEmacs(gamma version) text editor with mule(Only the executables)
editors/xemacs-mule-packages XEmacs elisp packages for Mule(mule-packages)
editors/xemacs-packages Basic XEmacs elisp packages(xemacs-packages)
editors/xemacs21 XEmacs text editor version 21
editors/xemacs21-mule XEmacs(gamma version) text editor with mule(Only the executables)
editors/xenon Simple X-based text editor
editors/xmleditor XML editor
editors/xvile VI Like Emacs, X11 version -- a fully "X aware" vi work-alike
editors/yudit Multi-lingual unicode text editor with TTF support
editors/zed Simple, fast, powerful, small, highly configurable TEXT EDITOR
editors/zile Small emacs-like text editor
emulators/adamem ADAMEm is a portable Coleco ADAM and ColecoVision emulator
emulators/aftp A ftp-like shell for accessing Apple II disk images
emulators/atari800 Atari 8-bit computer emulator
emulators/basiliskII A free, portable, Open Source 68k Mac emulator
emulators/bfe X11 GUI for the bochs debugger (revision 2)
emulators/bochs An IA-32 (x86) PC emulator that runs DOS, Win 95, and more
emulators/bsvc An extensible hardware simulation framework with MC68K support
emulators/cinc Bell Laboratories cardiac computer emulator
emulators/cingb yet another Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator
emulators/cpmemu Cpm emulator
emulators/cpmtools Utility to transfer files from/to CP/M (R) diskettes
emulators/darcnes multi-system emulator
emulators/dgen-sdl A wonderful Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator
emulators/dlx Assembler for Hennessy and Patterson's DLX architecture
emulators/dosbox An emulator of a PC with DOS
emulators/fmsx The Portable MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ Emulator
emulators/freesci A portable interpreter for SCI games, such as the Space Quest series.
emulators/frodo Emulates a Commodore 64
emulators/gbe Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator with GNU source code
emulators/generator SEGA Genesis emulator
emulators/gngb GameBoy(tm) emulator
emulators/gnuboy Nintendo GameBoy emulator
emulators/grustibus An xmame frontend for Gnome
emulators/gsnes9x A GTK front-end for the Snes9X SNES emulator
emulators/hercules The Hercules System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator
emulators/hfs Read Macintosh HFS floppy disks, hard drives and CDROMs
emulators/hfsutils Yet Another HFS Utility
emulators/ia64sim IA64 simulator (Intel(R) Architecture 64)
emulators/ines Nintendo Entertainment System emlator for X
emulators/its Bootable ITS filesystem for KLH-10 PDP-10 emulator
emulators/klh10 Emulator for DEC PDP-10
emulators/kmamerun KDE frontend for M.A.M.E. (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)
emulators/libvm68k M68000 virtual machine library
emulators/linux-ePSXe A Sony Playstation emulator (Linux version)
emulators/linux-peops-softgpu A PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using a software X11 renderer (Linux version)
emulators/linux-peops-spu A PSEmu Pro SPU plugin using the OSS interface (Linux version)
emulators/linux-pete-mesagpu A PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using an OpenGL renderer (Linux version)
emulators/linux-vmware-toolbox2 VMware toolbox for guest OS (for VMware 2.x, Linux version)
emulators/linux-vmware-toolbox4 VMware toolbox for guest OS (for VMware 4.x, Linux version)
emulators/linux-winetools A setup and configuration tool for WINE
emulators/linux_base The base set of packages needed in Linux mode
emulators/linux_base-6 The base set of packages needed in Linux mode
emulators/linux_base-debian Debian base set for the Linux mode
emulators/mastergear SEGA Master System and Game Gear emulator for X
emulators/minivmac A miniature Macintosh emulator
emulators/mtools A collection of tools for manipulating MSDOS files
emulators/osf1_base The base set of libraries needed in OSF/1 (Tru64) mode
emulators/p-interp A UCSD (Apple) Pascal p-code interpreter environment
emulators/pcemu An 8086 PC emulator, by David Hedley
emulators/prodosemu A text based Apple IIe ProDOS emulator
emulators/psim-freebsd PowerPC simulator (PSIM) running in the GNU GDB 5
emulators/qcl A quantum computer simulator
emulators/quasi88 PC-8801 emulator for X
emulators/rtc Kernel module which provides /dev/rtc device support
emulators/sim PDP-8, PDP-11, PDP-1, other 18b PDP, Nova, and IBM 1401 simulators
emulators/sim6811 A Motorola 6811 simulator
emulators/ski HP's Ski IA-64 simulator
emulators/snes9x Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES) Emulator
emulators/spim MIPS R2000 Simulator
emulators/stella A multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator
emulators/stonx AtariST emulator
emulators/svr4_base Compatibility framework necessary for SVR4 emulation
emulators/tkhfs A Tcl/Tk front end to the hfs program
emulators/truereality Nintendo N64(tm) emulator
emulators/tuxnes A Nintendo Entertainment System 8-bit emulator
emulators/twin Willows Toolkit for migrating and developing Windows applications
emulators/uae Amiga emulator
emulators/vMac Emulates a MacPlus machine! Runs MacOS versions up to 7.5.5
emulators/vgb Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator
emulators/vgb-bin Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator (closed binary version of vgb)
emulators/vgba-bin Virtual GameBoy Advance is an emulator of Nintendo GameBoy Advance(TM)
emulators/vice Emulator for Commodore's C64, C128, VIC20, PET, and CBM-II
emulators/visualos A visual simulator of an operating system to help understand how OSes work
emulators/vmsbackup Reads VMS BACKUP tapes
emulators/vmware-guestd3 VMware time synchronization daemon for FreeBSD guest OS (for VMware 3.x)
emulators/vmware-guestd4 VMware time synchronization daemon for FreeBSD guest OS (for VMware 4.x)
emulators/vmware-tools2 VMware tools for guest OS (for VMware 2.x, FreeBSD version)
emulators/vmware-tools3 VMware tools for guest OS (for VMware 3.x, FreeBSD version)
emulators/vmware-tools4 VMware tools for guest OS (for VMware 4.x, FreeBSD version)
emulators/vmware2 A virtual machine emulator - a full PC in a window
emulators/vmware3 A virtual machine emulator - a full PC in a window
emulators/vmware_xf4mod A XFree86 4.x driver module for VMware guests
emulators/vpce PC Engine (TG16) emulator on X
emulators/vx68k A virtual machine that emulates a Sharp X68000
emulators/vxtools Command-line utilities for reading Veritas Filesystem (VxFS)
emulators/wine Microsoft Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000 emulator for Unix
emulators/x48 An HP48sx emulator
emulators/xgs Apple IIGS emulator stable release
emulators/xmame UNIX/X11 port of the Multi Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME)
emulators/xmess X11 emulator for game consoles
emulators/xpinmame X11 emulator for pinball ROMs
emulators/xsystem35 AliceSoft System 3.5 on X Window System
emulators/xzx ZX Spectrum (48K/128K/+3) Emulator for X11
emulators/yape Yet Another Commodore +4 Emulator
emulators/zsnes Intel x86 only Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Emulator
finance/aqmoney AqMoney uses openhbci to manage your credit institute accounts
finance/gnucash Quicken-like money and finance manager
finance/gnucash-docs Documentation for gnucash
finance/khacc Simple KDE-base financial manager
finance/libofx OpenSource implementation of the OFX (Open Financial eXchange)
finance/openhbci HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard
finance/p5-Business-CreditCard Perl5 module to validate/generate credit card checksums/names
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment A generic interface for processing online credit card payments
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-2CheckOut A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for 2CheckOut authorization service
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-AuthorizeNet A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Authorize.Net
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-BankOfAmerica A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Bank of America eStores
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Beanstream A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Beanstream
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Cardstream A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Cardstream
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Jettis A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Jettis
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-LinkPoint A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for LinkPoint
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-MerchantCommerce A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for MerchantCommerce authorization service
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Network1Financial A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Network1 Financial
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PayConnect A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for PaymentOne PayConnect
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymentsGateway A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for PaymentsGateway.net ACH Direct
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-SurePay A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for SurePay authorization service
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-TCLink A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for TrustCommerce
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-VirtualNet A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Vital VirtualNet
finance/p5-Business-OnlinePayment-eSec An Business::OnlinePayment backend module for eSec
finance/p5-Business-WorldPay-Junior Perl module to handle WorldPay Junior for payment services
finance/p5-Math-Financial Perl module containing common functions for loans and annuities
finance/qhacc Simple QT-based financial manager
french/abispell-fr-FR French (France) ispell dictionary for AbiWord
french/aspell Aspell with French dictionaries
french/daCode A web publication system used by
french/facturier Logiciel de facturation pour P.M.I. & P.M.E.
french/gfaim Gfaim est un logiciel de recherche de recettes de cuisine
french/ispell An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
french/jdictionary-fre-hun JDictionary plugin: French-Hungarian dictionary
french/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
french/netscape7 Linux Netscape suite
french/ooodict-fr_FR French (France) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
french/openoffice Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
french/php_doc PHP documentation in HTML
french/plgrenouille Un client pour determiner votre bande passante a un raccordement large bande
french/spip A web publication system
french/staroffice52 Suite bureautique intégrée
french/xtel An emulator for the french Minitel
ftp/IglooFTP Easy to use FTP client for X Window System
ftp/axel A download accelerator
ftp/axelq A queue manager for the download accelerator axel
ftp/axyftp X Window System FTP client, with WSftp-like UI
ftp/bftpd Very configurable FTP server that can do chroot easily
ftp/bsdftpd-ssl FTP server with TLS/SSL support
ftp/cftp Comfortable FTP, a full screen ftp client
ftp/curl "Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S) servers"
ftp/downloader Program for downloading via ftp or http with GUI
ftp/emacs-wget Simple front-end to wget on Emacsen
ftp/emirror A full features FTP-mirroring software with nice logfiles
ftp/fget A commandline tool for mirroring remote files via FTP
ftp/fmirror Program for mirroring files and directories from a remote FTP server
ftp/frox Transparent FTP proxy with caching support
ftp/ftp-tls Ftp client supporting FTP AUTH TLS
ftp/ftp4all Advanced ftp-daemon
ftp/ftpcopy Command line ftp tools for listing and mirroring
ftp/ftpcube A graphical FTP Client
ftp/ftpfind Find directory&file on a ftp server
ftp/ftplocate A ftp search engine supporting filename and description search
ftp/ftpmirror An utility to mirror directory hierarchy with FTP
ftp/ftpproxy A ftp proxy
ftp/ftpq Upload queue manager for non-permanent connections
ftp/ftpsearch A system for indexing contents on ftp servers
ftp/ftptool Graphic ftp shell based on xview
ftp/gftp A free multithreaded GTK-based GUI ftp and sftp client
ftp/greed A utility for downloading files with resume capabilities
ftp/gtm The GNOME Transfer Manager, a front-end to wget
ftp/hsftp FTP emulator that uses ssh to transport commands/data
ftp/jftpgw Highly configurable FTP proxy
ftp/jigdo An utility used to retrieve very large files over the Internet
ftp/jmirror FTP mirroring program written in PERL (REQUIRES PERL5,Net::FTP)
ftp/junglemonkey A distributed file sharing program for GNOME
ftp/kbear A graphical FTP client for KDE
ftp/kwebget A KDE frontend to wget
ftp/lftp Shell-like command line ftp client
ftp/libfxp An ftp client library
ftp/llnlxdir Motif FTP client with drag-and-drop file transfer
ftp/llnlxftp Motif FTP client
ftp/lukemftp Enhanced ftp client from NetBSD
ftp/lukemftpd Enhanced ftp server from NetBSD
ftp/mget Multi Threaded Wget
ftp/mirror Mirror packages on remote sites
ftp/moxftp Ftp shell under X Window System
ftp/muddleftpd A new ftp server that can perform a variety of ftp tasks
ftp/ncftp FTP replacement with advanced user interface
ftp/ncftp2 FTP replacement with advanced user interface
ftp/ncftp3 ftp replacement with advanced user interface
ftp/ncftpd A well known commercial FTP daemon with a 30-day evaluation license
ftp/oftpd A threaded, anonymous only FTP server designed for security
ftp/omi "mirror" subtrees of FTP servers
ftp/p5-Net-FTP-Common Perl module to provide simplify common usages of Net::FTP
ftp/p5-Net-FTPServer A full-featured, secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server
ftp/p5-POE-Component-Client-FTP Implements an FTP client POE Component
ftp/paraget Parallel ftp-fetching program
ftp/pavuk HTTP, FTP and Gopher mirroring tool
ftp/pftpd Multithreaded anonymous FTP daemon
ftp/proftpd Highly configurable ftp daemon
ftp/profxp FXP (server-to-server FTP) client
ftp/prozilla ProZilla is a fast download accelerator
ftp/puf A parallel HTTP downloader similar to wget
ftp/pure-ftpd A small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
ftp/py-curl Python interface to libcurl
ftp/ruby-curl Ruby interface to libcurl
ftp/sftp An ftp replacement that runs over an ssh tunnel
ftp/spegla A mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
ftp/twoftpd A simple, secure, efficient FTP server
ftp/vcheck Automatically check for and download most recent versions of software
ftp/vsftpd A FTP daemon that aims to be "very secure"
ftp/wget Retrieve files from the Net via HTTP and FTP
ftp/wget+ipv6 Retrieve files from the Net via HTTP and FTP with IPv6 capability
ftp/wu-ftpd A replacement ftp server for Un*x systems
ftp/wu-ftpd+ipv6 A replacement ftp server for Un*x systems
ftp/xrmftp Graphical FTP client based on the xforms library
ftp/yafc Yet another ftp client. Similar to ftp(1)
ftp/yale-tftpd Enhanced tftpd(8) from Yale University and cisco Systems
games/0verkill 0verkill is a bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ASCII-ART
games/3dc 3-Dimensional Chess for X Window System
games/3dpong X Window 3D Pong game for 1 or 2 players with a ball and paddles
games/44bsd-hunt Rogue-like multiplayer game
games/54321 54321 is five games in four-, three-, or two-dimensions for one player
games/CaribbeanStud Caribbean Stud gambling game for X Window System
games/HeroesOfMightAndMagic BSD Installation of the Linux game "Heroes of Might and Magic III"
games/KnightCap Chess program with 3D interface for X Window System
games/abuse The classic 2D action game Abuse
games/abuse_sdl An SDL port of the Abuse game engine
games/acm A flight simulator for X11
games/actx Window sitter for X11
games/adgali An open source game library useful for 2D games programmation
games/adom An rogue-like advanced rpg with color support (binary port)
games/adonthell A free role playing game
games/affenspiel Little puzzle game with monkey for X Window System
games/afternoonstalker A clone of the 1981 Night Stalker video game
games/alephone The open source version of Bungie's Marathon game
games/alephone-data Data files for the alephone port
games/amphetamine A 2D - Jump'n'run shooter
games/amy A chess program for playing and analyzing games
games/an Fast anagram generator
games/angband Rogue-like game with color, X11 support
games/antipolix Simple multiplayer game for X Window System
games/asc A turn based, multiplayer strategic game with very nice graphics
games/atomix A yet another little mind game
games/awele An african board game
games/baduki The game of Go
games/barrage Destroy as many targets as possible
games/battalion Monsters, explosions, destruction game for X Window System
games/battleball 3D single/multiplayer military soccer game for X Window System
games/biorythm Simple biorythm calculation program
games/blackjack One of the better implementations of blackjack, based on QT
games/block Small text based maze game
games/blockade An X version of the `blockade' Macintosh game
games/blue A Blue Moon card solitaire
games/bnetd A program that attempts to emulate Blizzard's Battle.net service
games/bogged Word game for X Window System
games/bomb Interactive display hack for SVGAlib or X
games/bomberclone Reimplementation of Atomic Bomber Man
games/bomberinstinct A nice Bomberman-like multiplayer game
games/bombermaze A Bomberman clone for GNOME
games/braincurses A clone of the Mastermind game
games/bs Battleships solitaire game with a color interface
games/bsdtris BSD version of Text-based tetris game
games/bsp Node builder for Doom
games/bugsx Breed bugs using genetic algorithims
games/burgerspace A BurgerTime clone
games/bzflag A multiplayer 3D tank battle game
games/cgoban Internet Go Server client and game editor
games/circuslinux "Circus Linux!" is a clone of the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari"
games/civ2demo The free demo of Civilization: Call to Power
games/clanbomber A bomberman-like multiplayer game
games/columns Nice little implementation of columns game for X Window System
games/connect4 A curses version of the classic game
games/conquest A multi-player curses space warfare game similar to Netrek
games/corewars A simulation came where the goal is to crash each other's programs
games/cosmo Clone of Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (Namco)
games/cowsay Configurable talking characters in ASCII art
games/crafty A chess programm for playing and analyzing games
games/crafty-open-large The large opening book for crafty
games/crafty-open-medium The medium opening book (about 1.9 MByte) for crafty
games/crafty-open-small The small opening book (about 600 KByte) for crafty
games/crimson Tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
games/criticalmass An SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game
games/crossfire-client Multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for X11
games/crossfire-server Server for multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game
games/crossword Crossword Generator
games/cryptoslam A curses-based tool for creating and solving the cryptograms
games/cube An OpenGL 3D First Person Shooter game
games/cursive Create ASCII character cursive handwriting
games/deal A calculator for card-draw probabilities
games/defendguin Another shoot-the-Bill game
games/digger-vgl FreeBSD graphics console (VGL) version of the famous Digger game
games/dmjava Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic Dungeon Master by FTL
games/dontspace A solitaire game for X11 modeled after Free Space
games/doom DOOM: the game and the sound server
games/doomlegacy DooM Legacy: popular DooM clone!
games/dopewars A UNIX rewrite of a game originally based on "Drug Wars"
games/drm Very simple tetris-style game
games/dungeon Text adventure game of ZORK
games/dungeoncrawl An old school roguelike game
games/easysok Easysok is a sokoban game for KDE3
games/eboard GTK+ chess board interface (mainly for FICS and chessd)
games/editss An editor for XPilot shipshapes
games/eights Text based card game, the objective is to get rid of all your cards
games/empire Solitaire empire game "VMS Empire"
games/enigma Enigma is a reimplementation of Oxyd, a puzzle game
games/euchre Very popular card game with variable skill levels
games/exult Ultima VII engine
games/falconseye NetHack derivative
games/farblazer An action/arcade game originally based of StarBlazer on the Apple ][
games/fkiss Freely enjoy childlike KISS, French-KISS!
games/flightgear The FlightGear flight simulator
games/flying Pool/snooker/billiards/carrom/etc game
games/foobillard A free OpenGL-billard game
games/frabs The fRaBs (Free Abuse) data files for the Abuse game engine
games/freebsd-games FreeBSD-modified "Standard" BSD games
games/freecell-solver A program that automatically solves games of Freecell
games/freeciv A civilisation clone for X11; multiplayer
games/freeciv-gtk A civilisation clone for X11 using GNOME; multiplayer
games/freesweep Minesweeper-style game for text-mode terminals
games/frotz Infocom games interpreter
games/frozenbubble Throw colourful bubbles to build groups and destroy the groups
games/fsgs Free network game server with ladders, player rankings, more
games/galaxis Clone of the nifty little Macintosh game
games/garith Arithmetic quiz program for X Window System
games/gcompris A simple Gnome-based education game for children starting at 3
games/gcompris2 A simple Gnome2-based education game for children starting at 3
games/gemdropx An interesting one-player puzzle game for X
games/gl-117 An OpenGL & SDL action flight simulator
games/glasteroids 3D Asteroids game for X Window System
games/glchess A 3D OpenGL based chess game
games/gleyes GLUT version of Xeyes
games/glife Conway's Game of Life for GNOME
games/gltron A 3D worm game for two players for X Window System
games/gma Go-moku game which learns playing the game from studying its opponent
games/gnarr "A program for generating battle cries"
games/gniffel A clone of the famous Yatzi game, also known as Kniffel, for GNOME
games/gno3dtet GNOME version of the classic 3D-ified T*tris
games/gnocatan An Internet playable version of the Settlers of Catan for GNOME/GTK
games/gnomebreakout GNOME version of the classic breakout game
games/gnomechess A GUI chess front-end to crafy, for the GNOME Desktop Environment
games/gnomegames The game applications package for the Gnome Desktop Environment
games/gnomegames2 The game applications package for the Gnome 2.0 Desktop Environment
games/gnomekiss GNOME version of Kisekae Set System
games/gnomememoryblocks Memory Blocks game for GNOME
games/gnomermind A puzzle game for Gnome, loosely based on the classic MasterMind game
games/gnomoku A Gomoku game for GNOME Desktop
games/gnuchess "Classic" Gnu Chess
games/gnugo The game of Go
games/gnurobots GNU diversion wherein Scheme-coded robots explore a world
games/gnushogi GNU version of Shogi
games/golddig Getting the Gold and Avoiding Death
games/gomoku.app GNUstep Gomoku game
games/gracer A 3D motor sport simulator
games/grande A Zanac type game
games/greed A text puzzle game with the aim of clearing the game field
games/grhino GRhino Othello/Reversi Program
games/groundhog Groundhog, a simple logic game
games/gru Gru makes your eyes happy
games/grubinvaders This is grubinvaders, a multi boot compliant game for i386
games/gshisen Mahjongg-kind of game that uses the GNUstep toolkit
games/gtetrinet A version of the popular TetriNET multiplayer tetris clone
games/gtkabale A lazy version of solitaire game
games/gtkballs Lines-like simple logic game for X Window System
games/gtktetcolor A game for GNOME that resembles well-known tetris and columns
games/gturing A simple turing machine simulator for gnome 2
games/gtypist Interactive typing tutor
games/halflifeserver Half-Life Dedicated Server for Linux
games/heretic Unix source-port of the famous Heretic game by id Software
games/heroes A game of yore similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles"
games/hex Clone of "Puzzle Bobble" for X11 that uses GTK/Imlib
games/hlserver-action Action Half-Life mod full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-admin Popular Half-Life mod server administration tool for Linux
games/hlserver-cs Half-Life mod Counter-Strike full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-dod Half-Life mod Day of Defeat full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-esf Half-Life mod Earth Special Forces (DBZ) full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-existence Half-Life mod Existence (Matrix alike) full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-fa Half-Life mod Firearms full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-flf Half-Life mod Frontline Force full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-glbwar Half-Life mod Global Warfare full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-heroes Half-Life mod Heroes full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-ns Half-Life mod Natural Selection full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-opera Half-Life mod The Opera full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-opfor Half-Life mod Opposing Forces full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-psychostats Popular player statistics generator for Half-Life (cs/dod)
games/hlserver-pvk Half-Life mod Pirates, Vikings & Knights full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-si Half-Life mod Science and Industry full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-snow Half-Life mod Snow War full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-svencoop Half-Life mod Sven Co-Op full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-trainhunters Half-Life mod Train Hunters full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-ts Half-Life mod The Specialists full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-tsc Half-Life mod Counter-Strike with TSC modifications
games/hlserver-vs Half-Life mod Vampire Slayer full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-wasteland Half-Life mod Wasteland full server package for Linux
games/hlserver-wizwars Half-Life mod Wizard Wars full server package for Linux
games/icbm3d "Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, 3D" - 3D game of defense
games/icebreaker A game similar to Jezzball or Barrack
games/ifm Interactive Fiction mapper and walkthrough generator
games/imaze A multi-player network action game for TCP/IP with 3D graphics
games/inform Compiler for producing text adventure games
games/ishido Tile placement game
games/jetpack Arcade action game for X11
games/jfk A multiplayer 2D shoot'em up game
games/jtans A (not so) ancient puzzle
games/jumpnbump A fun multiplayer game with cute fluffy bunnies and bloody explosions
games/jzip A text-mode Infocom game interpreter
games/kbilliards Funny billiards simulator game for KDE
games/kdegames3 Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
games/klondike A solitaire game for X11
games/knights A KDE chess interface (gnuchess/crafty)
games/kobodeluxe Kobo Deluxe (formerly SKobo) is an SDL port of Akira Higuchi's XKobo
games/kpacman Pacman Clone for KDE
games/kxl A visual, sound library for games
games/ladder The old "ladder" game
games/lbreakout A nice clone of classical Breakout game
games/lbreakout2 The polished successor to LBreakout
games/lexter A real-time word puzzle for text terminals
games/lgeneral A turn-based strategy engine inspired by Panzer General
games/libshhcards Library for displaying game cards on X Window System
games/lincity Rich city simulation game for X
games/linux-nwserver Neverwinter Nights Linux (x86) Dedicated Server
games/linux-q3ademo Linux 3d shooter from id Software / Loki Software (demo version)
games/lm-solve A Computerized Solver for Logic Mazes
games/ltris An another tetris clone but a good one with bunch of cool features
games/madbomber A clone of Activision's classic Atari 2600 console game "Kaboom!"
games/maelstrom Asteroids-style game for X Window System
games/magiccube4d MagicCube4D is a fully functional four-dimensional analog of Rubik's cube
games/mahjong A networked Mah Jong program, together with a computer player
games/mangband Multiplayer rogue-like game with color, X11 support
games/marathon-evil Marathon-Evil scenario for use with AlephOne
games/marbles A challenging puzzle game similar to Atomix
games/merlin A pointless puzzle game for Tcl/Tk
games/mindfocus Lovely characters stay on top of active window
games/mindguard Helpful utility for detecting and jamming harmful mind-control rays
games/mirrormagic An arcade style game with stereo sound for X Window System
games/miscom Atari "Missile Command" clone
games/moon-buggy Drive a buggy across the moons surface
games/myth2_demo Demo of Myth II: Soulblighter
games/mythserver Bungie.net MythII Metaserver Open Source
games/nInvaders The nIvaders game is a Space Invaders clone for ncurses
games/nadar A network tank battle game
games/nethack32 A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
games/nethack33 A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
games/nethack33-gnome A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game (w/ GNOME graphics)
games/nethack33-nox11 A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game (w/o X11 graphics)
games/nethack33-qt A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game (w/ Qt graphics)
games/nethack34 A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
games/nethack34-gnome A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
games/nethack34-nox11 A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
games/nethack34-qt A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
games/netrek-BRMH-bin A 16-player network space battle/conquest game with a Star Trek theme
games/netrek-COW3-bin A 16-player network space battle/conquest game with a Star Trek theme
games/netris A network head to head version of T*tris
games/netspades Very popular card game for 1-4 players over a network
games/nettoe A tic-tac-toe game playable over the network
games/newkind Elite: The New Kind - a remake of the 8-bit classic
games/newvox Voxel-style landscape rendering fly-by
games/nibbles Nibbles is a simple ncurses-based console game
games/nighthawk An X11 shoot-'em up which requires some lateral thinking
games/nil A multiplayer game that can be described as Quake in 2D or Worms done right
games/nonsense "A nonsense text generator"
games/nwnusers A tool for monitoring Neverwinter Nights Server with mrtg
games/omega A complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration
games/oneko A cat chasing a mouse all over the screen
games/oneko-sakura A cat, Sakura or Tomoyo chasing a mouse all over the screen
games/oonsoo A solitaire card game for X
games/openglad SDL port of an old DOS game called Gladiator
games/pengpong A cross-platform pong game written in SDL
games/penguin-command A clone of the classic game Missile Command
games/pentix This is a game of pentix for terminals
games/phalanx Xboard-compatible chess playing program
games/pinball Emilia Pinball is a free pinball game
games/pipenightdreams A puzzle game similar to PipeMania
games/pmars A portable corewar system with ICWS'94 extensions
games/powerpak SDL-based Game Software Development Kit
games/pp Prometeus Project - real time strategy game for X Window System
games/prboom A multiplayer-capable and modified version of ID's classic doom game
games/ptkei A Python/Tk graphical client for Wolfpack Empire servers
games/pyching Consult a I Ching, an ancient Chinese book of wisdom
games/pysol Solitaire game, written in Python
games/pysol-cardsets Collection of free cardsets adapted for use with PySol
games/pysol-music Collection of background music for use with PySol
games/pythoong A snake-like game written for Gnome desktop
games/q3-paks Quake 3 for Linux .pk3 files
games/q3server Quake III Arena Dedicated Server for Linux
games/q3server-excessive Quake III Arena Excessive Mod for Linux
games/q3server-freezetag Quake III Arena Mod: Freeze Tag for Linux
games/q3server-osp Quake III Arena Mod: OSP Tourney DM/CA/CTF for Linux
games/q3server-ra3 Quake III Arena Mod: Rocket Arena 3 for Linux
games/q3server-ut Quake III Arena Mod: Urban Terror for Linux
games/q3server-wfa Quake III Arena Mod: Weapons Factory Arena for Linux
games/qcc The QuakeC compiler, for building custom games of Quake
games/qgo A Go board and SGF editor written with the Qt library
games/qix The classic arcade game
games/qkmj QKMJ - QK Ma2Jong4 client
games/qstat A command line program to query game servers on the net
games/quake2forge First Person Shooter with many addons available
games/quakeforge Cleaned up copy of the GPL'd Quake 1 source code
games/quakeserver A server to host Quake network games under FreeBSD
games/race OpenGL Racing Game
games/rfksay Generates a kitten finding robot with a text bubble
games/robocode A game for learning Java[tm] programming language
games/rockdodger Addictive rock-dodging greeblie-killing platform game
games/rocksndiamonds Colorful Boulderdash'n'Emerald Mine'n'Sokoban'n'Stuff
games/rollemup Multi Ball, Player, Platform, Media, Cool Pinball game
games/rt2-demo The free demo of Railroad Tycoon II
games/rtb Robot programming game for UNIX
games/rtcw Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Linux
games/rtcw-paks Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Linux .pk3 files
games/rubix Another Rubik's cube game with a rather interesting interface
games/scid A free chess database application
games/scorched3d-devel Scorched is a game based loosely on the classic DOS game
games/scummvm Free implementation of LucasArts S.C.U.M.M. interpreter
games/sdlroids An enhanced shoot-the-asteroids game
games/seabattle A curses based battleship type game
games/seahaven The classic, lightweight version of Seahaven Towers
games/senso Game to challenge short-term memory
games/sex Spouts silly mad-lib-style porn-like text
games/sl A steam locomotive runs across the screen if you type "sl" instead of "ls"
games/slashem-tty A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
games/smacx Free demo of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
games/smiley A "server" to print out a smiley with it's explanation
games/sokoban Logical game: problems with packets in cave
games/sol Solitaire card game for X Window System
games/solarwolf An action/arcade game originally based of SolarFox on the Atari 2600
games/sopwith A classic WW1 biplane game
games/spacearyarya Space Harrier, the ancient video game like game
games/spacehulk Science-fiction board game in the world of Warhammer 40000
games/speak Generates random middle-management synergy speak
games/spellcast Multiplayer fight with spells turn based game for X Window System
games/speyes WindowMaker dockapp/xeyes clone using SouthPark characters
games/spider A challenging double decked solitaire game
games/starlanes The classic space-age stock trading game
games/stvef-paks Star Trek Voyager: Elite Forces dedicated server for Linux .pk3 files
games/stvef-server Star Trek Voyager: Elite Forces dedicated server for Linux
games/sxsame A tile-removing puzzle game for the X Window system
games/tads TADS compiler/interpreter for interactive fiction
games/taipan Taipan was (and is) a classic role-playing game from the 1980s
games/tank A 3-D network tank game that uses OpenGL/Mesa
games/teg A turn-based strategy game for GNOME
games/tetrinet A console tetrinet client
games/tetrinet-x An addictive 6 player tetr*s game
games/textmaze Generates mazes on a text terminal and lets you traverse them
games/tictactoe3d This is a simple "3D" tic tac toe game
games/tileworld An emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge"
games/tinymux A Multi-Player FreeForm adventure Program
games/tkmoo Tk-based M** client with scripting support
games/tksol A version of the card game solitaire
games/tome Roguelike dungeon exploration game based on JRR Tolkien's works
games/toppler A game where you have to climb the tower and avoid the monsters
games/torcs The Open Racing Car Simulator
games/tornado A curses-based game of weather destruction
games/tractorgen Generates ASCII tractors
games/trojka A game of skill
games/ttraffic TTraffic - A Tcl/Tk version of Rush Hour
games/tux-aqfh An OpenGL adventure game
games/tuxkart An OpenGL action kart racing game
games/tuxpuck Shufflepuck Cafe Clone
games/tuxracer A 3d penguin racing game using OpenGL
games/tuxtype An educational typing tutor starring Tux the Linux Penguin
games/tvp Play the cardgame President (or Ass) against 3 AIs
games/twitch An overhead 2-d shooter, reminiscent of games like Robotron
games/uhexen Yet another port of Hexen, popular game from Raven Softrware
games/uox3 A GPL'd server for Origin Systems' Ultima Online multiplayer game
games/utserver Unreal Tournament Dedicated Server for Linux
games/utserver-asu Abfackelns Server Utilities (ASU) for Unreal Tournament Server (Linux)
games/utserver-to Unreal Tournament mod Tactical Ops full server package for Linux
games/vamos An automotive simulation framework
games/virt Game and keyboard teacher in one. Enjoy it!
games/wmeyes The world's most useless WindowMaker dock app
games/wmfortune A dockapp that outputs fortune messages
games/wmminichess WindowMaker chess dockapp game
games/wmpuzzle A dockable puzzle game for WindowMaker and AfterStep
games/wmqstat A dockapp for monitoring of various Internet game servers
games/wmshuffle A dockable Shuffle game for WindowMaker and AfterStep
games/wmtictactoe A dockable TicTacToe game for WindowMaker and AfterStep
games/wmtimebomb A minesweeper for WindowMaker
games/wolfpack Long term multiplayer strategy game
games/wordplay Simple program to generate anagrams
games/wtf Translates common Internet acronyms
games/x3eyes An xeyes-like game except with 3 eyes
games/xabacus Abacus for X Window System
games/xarchon A chess-like strategy game with battle options
games/xasteroids X11 based asteroids style arcade game
games/xataxx Strategy game of position and movement for X Window System
games/xbaby Babies hide under your windows
games/xbat XEVIOUS like shooting game
games/xbattle A concurrent multi-player battle strategy game
games/xbill Save your computers from the evil clutches of Bill
games/xbl A 3D block-dropping game
games/xblackjack An X11/Motif blackjack game
games/xblast Multi-player real-time strategy game for X11
games/xblast-beta Multi-player real-time strategy game for X11 (beta release)
games/xblood Makes the root window bloody
games/xbloody Knife on X
games/xboard X frontend for Crafty, GNUChess, Internet Chess Servers, or e-mail chess
games/xboing X11 arcade game
games/xbomb Minesweeper with a couple of grid types
games/xbomber A game based on "Super Bomberman" for the Super Nintendo
games/xbubble Bust-A-Move/Puzzle Bubble clone
games/xchadance Display a dancing girl "ChaCha."
games/xchain Chain Reaction, a strategy game for 2-4 players
games/xchomp Pac-man-like game under X11
games/xcogitate A logic game with board and stones
games/xconq A graphical multi-player strategy game and game design system
games/xcubes Cube puzzle for X11
games/xdeblock Block action game
games/xdemineur Another minesweeper game for the X Window System
games/xdigger Boulderdash-like KC85 Digger for X Window System
games/xdino Dino puzzle game for X11
games/xeji An old man watching your mouse cursor
games/xemeraldia A game of breaking blocks
games/xevil A fast-action, networked, anti-social, kill-everything game
games/xeyesplus Horrible eyes looking at your mouse cursor
games/xfireworks Fireworks on X
games/xflame A cool animated flame
games/xfrisk A multi-player networked Risk game for X11
games/xgalaga Galaga resurrected on X
games/xgammon A backgammon program for X11
games/xgolgo Xgolgo watches what you are doing and whether you're hostile or not
games/xgospel An X11 Go (weiqi, baduk) client for the Internet Go Server
games/xhexagons Hexagons puzzle (similar to Fifteen Puzzle) for X Window System
games/xhime Resident Himechan for X Window System
games/xinfocom An Infocom game interpreter for X11
games/xinvaders Shoot-em-up them nasty little bugs
games/xinvaders3d 3D Vector-graphics Space Invaders clone for X
games/xisola Simple board game for X Window System
games/xjewel X11 dropping jewels game
games/xjig Jigsaw puzzle game for X11
games/xjump A simple X game where one tries to jump up as many levels as possible
games/xjumpjump Logical game for X Window System
games/xjumpx Improved version of xjump
games/xkobo Multi-way scrolling shoot 'em up game for X. Strangely addictive
games/xkoules Fast action arcade-style game for X Window
games/xlaby Daemonic X Labyrinth played directly with the mouse pointer
games/xlife John Horton Conway's Game of Life
games/xlifegame A life game for X
games/xlines Remove as many balls from board as you can
games/xmahjongg The Chinese game of Mahjongg for X11
games/xmastermind Mastermind game for X Window System
games/xmball Masterball puzzle for X Window System
games/xmemory Multi-player memory game
games/xmille X window mille bourne game
games/xmine The `Athena' port of the xminesweeper game
games/xminehunter A Motif minesweeper game
games/xmines Minesweeper game for the X Window System
games/xminesweep X11 minesweeper game
games/xmj Mahjongg
games/xmlink Missing Link puzzle for X Window System
games/xmris A version of the Mr Do video arcade game for X11
games/xmulti A X11 mascot based on gal-game "To Heart"
games/xneko The classic cat-and-mouse
games/xnibbles A simple X11 snake game, like one seen in MS-DOS qbasic
games/xoct Oct puzzle for X Window System
games/xoids X Window Asteroids style game with full color pixmaps
games/xoj O. J. Simpson Simulator root window demo
games/xonix Try to win land without colliding with `flyers' and `eaters'
games/xosmulti A little girl cartoon on the top of the active window
games/xothello Othello aka Reversi game for X Window
games/xpacman An old action game
games/xpanex Panex puzzle for X Window System
games/xpat2 An X11 solitaire game with 14 variations
games/xpenguins Cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your windows
games/xphotohunter A game looking for the difference between two pictures
games/xpilot Xpilot(client) and xpilots(server)
games/xpilotmon A Tcl/Tk interface to the XPilot meta server(s)
games/xpipeman Connect the pipes to stop the leaks
games/xpired An action-puzzle maze escape game (SDL)
games/xpuyo Puyo-puyo, tetris like puzzle game for X11
games/xpuyopuyo A puzzle game, somewhat like Tetris
games/xpuzzletama Puzzle tama, a tetris like game
games/xpyraminx Pyraminx puzzle for X Window System
games/xqf Find quake servers
games/xquarto X version of simple but tricky board game
games/xracer Awesome WipeOut clone for OpenGL and X11!
games/xrick A clone of Rick Dangerous
games/xripple X program to make bottom of screen ripple like a pool of water
games/xrisk A game for X11, much like the popular board game
games/xroach Cockroaches hide under your windows
games/xroads Commodore 64 "Crossroads"-like video game for X Window System
games/xrobots Fight off villainous robots (X version)
games/xrot A falling ball puzzle game for X
games/xrubik X-based rubik's cube(tm)
games/xsc A vector graphics space shoot'em up game
games/xscavenger A Lode Runner clone for X11
games/xscorch Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
games/xscrabble X version of the popular board game
games/xshipwars-client Hardcore Internet space combat/economy game resembling EV on crack!
games/xshisen Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11
games/xshogi The Japanese chess-like game for X Window System
games/xskat Play the card game Skat
games/xskewb Skewb puzzle (similar to Rubik's Cube) for X Window
games/xsok A generic Sokoban game for X11
games/xsokoban A puzzle of pushing objects to the goals
games/xsol Solitaire
games/xsoldier Shooting game for x11
games/xspacewarp Time Trek - like game for X Window System
games/xspringies A mass and spring simulation system
games/xteddy A cuddlesome teddy for the X desktop
games/xtet42 A one or two player t*tris game
games/xtic An X version of a simple but tricky board game
games/xtriangles Triangles puzzle
games/xtris A multi-player version of a popular game for the X Window system
games/xtrojka Game of skill similar to T*tris
games/xtron Avoid running into walls, your own tail, and that of your opponent
games/xtruco Simple version for X Window of the famous card game Super Truco
games/xtux Humorous Arcade game for X
games/xvier Throw stones into free columns
games/xvmahjongg Mahjongg for XView with multicolored tiles
games/xvmines Simple minesweeper game for X Window System
games/xword A crossword puzzle application
games/xworm Classic game with apples and hungry worm
games/xzip An Infocom game interpreter that runs under X11
games/yadex A WAD-file editor, for games like Doom and Hexen
games/yahtzee A curses version of the dice game for one or more players
games/yamsweeper Yet Another Mine Sweeper
games/zangband Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with color, X11 support
games/znibbles A multi-player networked nibbles game
games/ztrack Simple ncurses based pseudo-3D driving game
german/BBBike A route-finder for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg
german/aspell Aspell with German dictionary
german/cheapcall Shows cheapest German call-by-call telephone provider (German only)
german/citrix_ica Citrix(R) client for the Microsoft Windows Terminal Server
german/dict Simple english/german dictionary
german/ding A German-English dictionary program for X windows/Unix
german/ispell An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
german/ispell-alt An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
german/ispell-neu An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
german/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
german/ksteak KDE frontend for steak, an english - german dictionary
german/linux-eagle An easy to use, yet powerful tool for designing printed circuit boards
german/manpages German GNU and Linux manual pages
german/netscape7 Linux Netscape suite
german/ooodict-de_CH German (Switzerland) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
german/ooodict-de_DE German (Germany) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
german/openoffice Office-Suite mit Textverarbeitung, Tabellenkalkulation, Datenbank und Presentationsprogramm
german/phone German phone code / Deutsche Telefonvorwahl (AVON)
german/php_doc PHP documentation in HTML
german/staroffice5 Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
german/staroffice52 Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
german/steak "An english <-> german dictionary under the GPL"
german/unix-connect Unix-Connect - mail+news-gateway for Zconnect (tm)
german/webalizer2 A web server log file analysis program
graphics/4va Four-Dimensional graphics tumbler for X11
graphics/Cgraph A PostScript plotting library in C
graphics/Coin C++ 3D graphics library based on the Open Inventor 2.1 API
graphics/EZWGL The EZ Widget and Graphics Library
graphics/GIFgraph A Perl package to generate PNG charts
graphics/Hermes Fast pixel formats conversion library
graphics/IPA Image Processing Algorithms
graphics/ImageMagick Image processing tools (interactive optional--misc/display conflict)
graphics/Mesa3 A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
graphics/OpenEXR OpenEXR, a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by ILM
graphics/aalib An ascii art library
graphics/acidwarp SVGAlib demo which displays trippy mathematical images in cycling colors
graphics/aoi An open source Java written 3D modelling and rendering studio
graphics/aqsis A photorealistic rendering system
graphics/autotrace Convert bitmap to vector graphics
graphics/aview Graphics viewer for viewing netpbm format on console or X using aalib
graphics/backfract Fractal image animated wallpaper program
graphics/barcode A barcode generation library along with a command line frontend
graphics/bbrb A graphical background manager for the Blackbox window manager
graphics/blender Fully functional 3D modeling/rendering/animation/gaming package
graphics/blender-devel 3D modeling/rendering/animation/gaming package
graphics/cadubi ASCII drawing utility
graphics/camediaplay Digital camera downloading tool for Epson/Sanyo/Olympus/Agfa camera
graphics/chbg Change Background Picture with time period
graphics/claraocr Optical character recognition (OCR) utility
graphics/compupic Digital content manager
graphics/cqcam Color Quickcam control program
graphics/crw A utility to process Canon camera RAW (.crw) files
graphics/cthumb cthumb - a themable web picture album generator
graphics/cybervrml97 A development library of VRML97/2.0 applications
graphics/dc20ctrl Digital camera control and download tool for Kodak DC20 camera
graphics/dc20pack Digital camera control and download tool for Kodak DC20/25 camera
graphics/dc3play Digital camera downloading tool for Ricoh DC-3
graphics/deep_zoom Generate very highly zoomed fractals
graphics/dia Diagram creation program, similar to Visio
graphics/diacanvas A general drawing canvas from dia dialog editor
graphics/digikam A KDE frontend to gphoto2 for communicating with your digicam
graphics/divxcalc DivX Calculator
graphics/djvulibre DjVu viewers, encoders, browser plugin, and utilities
graphics/dore The Dynamic Object Rendering Environment
graphics/dri-devel Unstable DRI (3d HW OpenGL acceleration) drivers for some chipsets
graphics/drm-kmod A FreeBSD kernel modules for 3d acceleration with the DRI
graphics/duhdraw An ANSI graphic drawing program
graphics/dynamechs A Multibody Dynamic Simulation Library
graphics/ecg2png "Converts scanned 12-lead electrocardiograms into PNGs"
graphics/electriceyes A graphic view base imlib & gtk
graphics/enfle Simple plugin-based graphics viewer
graphics/entice An image viewer written using libraries for Enlightenment 0.17 development
graphics/eog The Eye Of Gnome image viewer
graphics/eog2 The Eye Of Gnome image viewer
graphics/epix Creates math plots and line figures using easy-to-learn syntax
graphics/eps2png Converts EPS images to PNG
graphics/epstool Create or extract preview bitmaps in EPS files
graphics/eterm-bg Image files for background of Eterm
graphics/evas A hardware-accelerated canvas API for X-Windows
graphics/evolvotron Generative software that evolves images/textures/patterns
graphics/exiftags Parses a specified JPEG file for a JPEG APP1 section containing Exif data
graphics/fbm Fuzzy Pixmap Manipulation utilities
graphics/feh An image viewer that utilizes Imlib2
graphics/figurine A drawing program for X11
graphics/filmgimp An editing tool used for painting and retouching of movies
graphics/flashplayer GPL standalone Flash (TM) player
graphics/flasm Command line assembler/disassembler of flash actionscript bytecode
graphics/fli2gif Automatic Flic to animated GIF convertor
graphics/flip "Load a sequence of TIFF files and play them back at a target frame rate"
graphics/fly Simple drawing language to generate GIFs on the fly
graphics/fnlib Fonts and font libraries necessary for Enlightenment
graphics/fractorama Fractal generation program
graphics/frontline An autotrace GUI FRONTend like streamLINE(TM)
graphics/fujiplay Digital camera downloading tool for Fujifilm digital cameras
graphics/g2 An easy to use, portable and powerful 2D graphics library
graphics/g3dviewer A 3D file viewer for GTK+
graphics/gauche-gl OpenGL binding for Gauche
graphics/gcolor GTK-based color picker
graphics/gd A graphics library for fast image creation
graphics/gd2 A graphics library for fast creation of images
graphics/gdal A translator library for raster geospatial data formats
graphics/gdchart Easy to use, fast C API for creating charts and graphs
graphics/gdk-pixbuf A graphic library for GTK+
graphics/gdtclft A TCL interface to the Thomas Boutell's Gd library
graphics/geist An object-based image creation/layout application
graphics/geomview An interactive viewer for 3- and 4-D geometric objects
graphics/gfont Graphics Font - Create GIF image rendered with TeX-available Font
graphics/giblib A utility library that includes a wrapper for imlib2
graphics/gif2png Converts GIF images to a PNG format
graphics/gifmerge A tool for making a GIF Animation
graphics/gifsicle Manipulates GIF images and animations
graphics/giftool A tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
graphics/giftrans A tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
graphics/gimageview Yet another GTK+ based image viewer
graphics/gimp-devel A GNU Image Manipulation Program (unstable development version)
graphics/gimp-manual-html The user manual for the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
graphics/gimp-manual-pdf The user manual for the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
graphics/gimp1 the GNU Image Manipulation Program
graphics/giram Giram is Really A Modeller
graphics/gkrellkam GKrellM plugin that display thumbnails of periodically updated images
graphics/gkrellkam2 GKrellM plugin that display thumbnails of periodically updated images
graphics/glass GLASS (openGL Articulated Structure System) is a 3D library
graphics/gle A GL Tubing and Extrusion Library
graphics/glide3 Library to support 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5/Banshee with the DRI
graphics/gliv An image viewer that uses Gdk-Pixbuf and OpenGL
graphics/gltk An OpenGL/Tk interface
graphics/gmt The Generic Mapping Tools data processing and display software package
graphics/gnofract4d Weird GNOME fractal generator
graphics/gnomecanvas A graphics library for GNOME
graphics/gnomeiconedit A small GNOME Icon Editor
graphics/gozer A commandline text rendering utility that creates images from arbitrary text
graphics/gpaint A small-scale painting program for GNOME
graphics/gphoto2 A command-line frontend to libgphoto2
graphics/gplot Graphic utilities for the processing of CGM metafiles
graphics/gqview Another gtk-based graphic file viewer
graphics/gracula A Graphic Counter Language compiler/interpreter
graphics/graphviz Graph Visualization Software from AT&T and Bell Labs
graphics/gridpix Present large images efficiently over the Internet
graphics/gsculpt An Opensource 3D modelling application
graphics/gthumb An image viewer and browser for the GNOME environment
graphics/gthumb2 An image viewer and browser for the GNOME 2 environment
graphics/gtkam Download and view files from various digital cameras
graphics/gtkdps Gtk bindings for the Display GhostScript System
graphics/gtkfig Figure-drawing tool
graphics/gtkgraph Graphing calculator using GTK+
graphics/gtksee Image viewer
graphics/gts GNU Triangulated Surface Library
graphics/guilib A very simple GUI framework for use with SDL
graphics/gview Image viewer for X Window System with interface similar to ACDSee
graphics/gwenview An image viewer and browser for the KDE environment
graphics/hdf Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
graphics/hdf5 Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
graphics/hobbes-icons-xpm Collection of over 3000 icons in XPM3 format
graphics/hppsmtools Tool for HP PhotoSmart C5340A & Konica Q-EZ digital cameras
graphics/hs-HOpenGL Binding for OpenGL and GLUT for the lazy functional language Haskell
graphics/hs-hgl Graphics library for Hugs98, an implementation of Haskell 98
graphics/icod Utility to convert Windows icon files to xpm format
graphics/icontact Combines multiples images to create a single customisable image
graphics/imageindex A digital photo gallery tool
graphics/imagesort A flexible X utility for managing many image files
graphics/imageviewer GNUstep Image Viewer
graphics/imc Image Compiler
graphics/imlib A graphic library for enlightenment package
graphics/imlib2 The next generation graphic library for enlightenment package
graphics/imlib2_loaders Extra image loader plugins for Imlib 2
graphics/imlib3d A 3D Image Processing Framework
graphics/ipe Extensible drawing editor
graphics/isreal An image classification utility
graphics/ivtools Drawing editors derived from idraw
graphics/jasper An implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 standard
graphics/jbigkit Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pages, faxes
graphics/jgraph A program that generates postscript graphs
graphics/jgv A graphic viewer with various image types
graphics/jhead Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover
graphics/jpeg IJG's jpeg compression utilities
graphics/jpeg2ps-a4 Converter for JPEG compressed images to PostScript Level 2
graphics/jpeg2ps-letter Converter for JPEG compressed images to PostScript Level 2
graphics/jpeginfo Generate listing and MD5, check jpegs for error, delete broken ones
graphics/jpegpixi Useful to correct images from digtal camera with CCD defects
graphics/jpgraph Draw both "quick and dirty" graphs with a minimum of code
graphics/jpgtn Creates thumbnails of JPEG images
graphics/jslice Graphics tool to split up a JPEG image and provide HTML for the slices
graphics/juno-2 A powerful and extensible constraint-based drawing editor
graphics/kallery An image gallery generator for KDE
graphics/kbarcode KBarcode creates, handles, manages and prints barcodes
graphics/kdc2tiff Converts Kodak .kdc to TIFF or JPEG formats
graphics/kdegraphics3 Graphics utilities for the KDE3 integrated X11 desktop
graphics/kisomandel A fractal rendering program with nice 3d-display in realtime
graphics/kludge3d A simple 3d editor
graphics/kpovmodeler A KDE editor/modeler for POV-RayTM scenes
graphics/landscape A program for generating and rendering landscapes
graphics/lcms Light Color Management System -- a color management library
graphics/leafpak Graphic file cutter for LEAF/AQUAPLUS PAK format archives
graphics/lfview Graphic viewer for Leaf products
graphics/lib3ds A library for handling 3DS (3D Studio) files
graphics/libafterimage Generic imaging library originally designed for AfterStep
graphics/libart Library for high-performance 2D graphics
graphics/libart_lgpl2 Library for high-performance 2D graphics
graphics/libaux A Nano Window Toolkit and Auxiliary Library for OpenGL
graphics/libdjvu++ AT&T's DjVu: The Technology for Scanned Documents on the Web
graphics/libexif Library to read digital camera file meta-data
graphics/libexif-gtk GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags
graphics/libflash GPL Flash (TM) Library
graphics/libfpx Library routines for working with Flashpix images
graphics/libgdgeda Special version of the gd graphic lib for use by gEDA programs
graphics/libggi A flexible drawing library
graphics/libgnomecanvas A graphics library for GNOME
graphics/libgphoto2 A universal digital camera picture control tool
graphics/libgrass5 Library of functions from the GRASS GIS application for use by non-GRASS programs
graphics/libimg A library of image format handlers for Tk4.1 and later
graphics/liblug A multi-format graphics manipulation library
graphics/libmng Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
graphics/libmorph A library for loading (and saving) 3d models (3d modeller object files)
graphics/librsvg Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files
graphics/librsvg2 Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files
graphics/libungif Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
graphics/libv3d V3D IO Library
graphics/libwmf Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows metafile)
graphics/libwpcg A basic 2D/3D computer graphics library which uses OpenGL
graphics/linplasma Sinus plasma, an SVGAlib demo
graphics/linux-bmrt A collection of rendering programs that use the RenderMan interface
graphics/linux-imlib RPM of imlib
graphics/linux-jpeg RPM of the JPEG lib
graphics/linux-png RPM of the PNG lib
graphics/linux-tiff RPM of tiff lib
graphics/linux-ungif RPM of the ungif lib
graphics/linux_dri Binary Linux DRI libraries for 3D hardware acceleration of linux apps
graphics/linux_glide Linux library implementing the GLIDE interface to 3dfx video cards
graphics/linux_glx Libraries to make use of glx-aware Linux apps
graphics/linux_mesa3 A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL, used from Linux programs
graphics/lodju An image management tool for the X Window System
graphics/maverik A publicly available virtual reality (VR) system
graphics/mesagl A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
graphics/meshviewer Mesh Viewer
graphics/metapixel "Metapixel is a program for generating photomosaics"
graphics/mgp-gallery A collection of various templates for magicpoint
graphics/ming LGPL'ed Flash 4/5 movie output library with many languages support
graphics/morpheus A mesh (3D model) viewer for GNOME desktop
graphics/mrsidviewer MrSID Viewer displays images compressed into the MrSID format
graphics/multivideo An image sequence viewer
graphics/netpbm A toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
graphics/nurbs++ A C++ library for representing curves or surfaces
graphics/ocaml-images Objective Caml image processing library
graphics/ocaml-lablgl OpenGL interface for Objective Caml
graphics/opendis Access Flashpoint Digita-based cameras, download images and more
graphics/opendx IBM's Open Visualization Data Explorer
graphics/opendx-samples Example files for IBM's OpenDX
graphics/opengl-man Section 3 manpages for OpenGL: gl, glx, glu, gle, glut
graphics/openrm Development environment used to build 2D/3D/stereo graphics
graphics/ophoto USB support for Kodak DC240 and DC280 cameras under FreeBSD
graphics/osg C++ OpenGL scene graph library for real-time rendering
graphics/osgedit An open editor for an open scenegraph
graphics/p5-Chart-PNGgraph A Perl module for generating presentation graphics (i.e., charts)
graphics/p5-GD A perl5 interface to Gd Graphics Library
graphics/p5-GD-Barcode GD::Barcode - Create barcode image with GD
graphics/p5-GD-Graph Graph plotting module for perl5
graphics/p5-GD-Graph3d Creates 3D charts with GD::Graph and GD
graphics/p5-GD-TextUtil Text utilities for use with GD drawing package
graphics/p5-GD2 A perl5 interface to Gd Graphics Library version2
graphics/p5-GraphViz GraphViz - Perl interface to the GraphViz graphing tool
graphics/p5-GraphViz-Data-Structure Visualise data structures
graphics/p5-Graphics-ColorNames A perl class that defines RGB values for common color names
graphics/p5-Image-Grab Perl extension for Grabbing images off the Internet
graphics/p5-Image-Info Perl module for getting image information
graphics/p5-Image-Size Perl5 module to determine the size of images in several common formats
graphics/p5-Imager A Perl module for manipulating gray, color and rgba format images
graphics/p5-Imlib2 Perl bindings for Imlib2
graphics/p5-OpenGL Perl module to display 3D data using OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, and GLX
graphics/p5-VCG Interface to the VCG graphing tool
graphics/p5-chart A perl5 interface to build chart graphics
graphics/p5-ming Perl5 module for Ming which allows you to create Flash 4/5 movies
graphics/panorama GNU framework for 3D graphics production
graphics/peps Converts EPS images to anti-aliased PGM bitmaps
graphics/pgperl A perl5 extension which makes available the pgplot library
graphics/pgplot A C/FORTRAN library for drawing graphs on a variety of display devices
graphics/photopc A utility to manage an Epson PhotoPC 500 digital camera
graphics/phplot A PHP class for creating scientific and business charts
graphics/picturebook SONY VAIO camera capture utility
graphics/piddle Graphical Drawing library for Python
graphics/pixelize Use many scaled down images to try to duplicate another image
graphics/pixieplus A free, fast, and feature packed image browser and viewer for KDE
graphics/pixmap A pixmap editor based on XPM library
graphics/plasma-kmod A plasma-effect screensaver kernel module
graphics/plotmtv A multipurpose X11 plotting program
graphics/plotutils A plotting library and toolkit
graphics/png Library for manipulating PNG images
graphics/png2html Takes a PNG image and transforms it into HTML
graphics/png2ico Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files
graphics/pngcheck Checks the integrity of PNG images
graphics/pngcrush An optimizer for PNG files
graphics/pngquant convert 32-bit RGBA PNGs into 8-bit RGBA-palette PNGs
graphics/pornview PornView is an image viewer/manager
graphics/povray Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
graphics/povray31 Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
graphics/ppmcaption A utility which adds text to images
graphics/proj Cartographic Projections library
graphics/pstoedit Convert PostScript to other vector graphic formats
graphics/pstoepsi Wiliam Chia-Wei Cheng's yet another PS to EPSI converter
graphics/pvmpov Distributed rendering package for Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
graphics/py-chart Create high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, or PNG charts
graphics/py-exif Python library to extract EXIF metadata from JPEG and TIFF image files
graphics/py-gd Python interface to the GD library
graphics/py-gdchart Python interface to GDChart
graphics/py-graphviz Python interface to GraphViz agraph
graphics/py-imaging The Python Imaging Library
graphics/py-imaging-handbook The Python Imaging Library Handbook
graphics/py-ming Python module for Ming which allows you to create Flash 4/5 movies
graphics/py-opengl An OpenGL (and related library) interface for Python
graphics/py-paint Simple and flexible painting adaptor to libart for Python
graphics/qcread Supports both color and B&W parallel-port Connectix QuickCam for PC
graphics/qglviewer Use OpenGL to play around with three dimensional scenes
graphics/qiv Small, fast GDK/Imlib image viewer
graphics/qslim SlimKit Surface Modeling Tools
graphics/qtutils QuickTime Utilities
graphics/quat A Three-dimensional fractal creator (command line only)
graphics/quat-gui A Three-dimensional fractal creator (X11 GUI)
graphics/quickpics A really handy tool for large image collections and digital cameras
graphics/qvplay Digital camera downloading tool for Casio QV series
graphics/ray++ A collection of C++ classes needed for ray tracing
graphics/rayshade An extensible system for creating ray-traced images
graphics/reallyslick OpenGL screensaver collection
graphics/renderpark System for physically based photo-realistic image synthesis
graphics/ruby-evas Ruby bindings for Evas
graphics/ruby-gd Ruby extension library to use Thomas Boutell's gd library
graphics/ruby-gdchart A Ruby extension to use the GDCHART library
graphics/ruby-gdk_imlib Ruby binding for Gdk-imlib
graphics/ruby-gdk_pixbuf Ruby binding for Gdkpixbuf
graphics/ruby-gdk_pixbuf2 Ruby binding for GdkPixbuf2
graphics/ruby-gnomecanvas2 Ruby binding for GnomeCanvas2
graphics/ruby-graph Graph-related Ruby classes
graphics/ruby-image_size A Ruby library to measure the size of a given image file
graphics/ruby-imlib2 Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
graphics/ruby-libart Ruby binding for libart
graphics/ruby-libart2 Ruby binding for Libart2
graphics/ruby-libexif A Ruby extension library for libexif
graphics/ruby-libpng A libpng wrapper class for Ruby
graphics/ruby-ming Ruby module for Ming which allows you to create Flash 4/5 movies
graphics/ruby-opengl OpenGL/GLU/GLUT interface modules for Ruby
graphics/ruby-pgplot A Ruby interface to PGPLOT graphics library
graphics/ruby-qt2gl Qt2 GL extension for Ruby
graphics/ruby-rmagick A Ruby binding for ImageMagick
graphics/ruby-svg A Ruby library for generating SVG files
graphics/ruby-tgif A Ruby extension library to draw Tgif graphics
graphics/s10sh USB/serial userspace driver for the Canon PowerShot digital cameras
graphics/s3switch Enable TV-out on S3 graphics cards
graphics/sam2p Converts raster (bitmap) image formats into PS or PDF files
graphics/sane-backends API for access to scanners, digitals camera, frame grabbers etc
graphics/sane-frontends Tools for access to scanners, digitals camera, frame grabbers etc
graphics/sced SCene EDitor for povray/renderman/genray/etc
graphics/scr2png Converts the output of "vidcontrol -p" to PNG
graphics/scrot A screen capture utility that utilizes Imlib2
graphics/scwm-icons An icon collection for the scwm window manager
graphics/sdl_gfx SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
graphics/sdl_image A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces
graphics/sdl_ttf A library to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications
graphics/seejpeg A console graphics viewer using the svga console graphics library
graphics/showimg A picture viewer designed to run under KDE 2.x
graphics/simage Library with image format loaders and front-ends
graphics/sketch An interactive drawing program
graphics/sng compiler/decompiler for Scriptable Network Graphics
graphics/sodipodi A small vector based drawing program with GNOME libraries
graphics/springgraph Render graph described in a .dot file
graphics/stamp Adds a graphical, configurable timestamp to a grayscale image
graphics/svg2swf Convert an SVG file into a Macromedia Flash (swf) file
graphics/svgalib A low level console graphics library
graphics/swfdec Flash Rendering Library
graphics/swftools SWF manipulation and generation utilities
graphics/synaesthesia Graphically represents sound in real time
graphics/tcm The Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling, create diagrams/tables/trees
graphics/tgif An Xlib-based two-dimensional drawing tool and hyper-object browser
graphics/tgif-nls A two-dimensional drawing tool with NLS message catalogs support
graphics/threeDS A Python module and viewer for loading and displaying models in 3DS format
graphics/tif22pnm Converts TIFF- sampled images to PNM image
graphics/tiff Tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
graphics/tiff2png Converts TIFF images to PNG format
graphics/tifmerge Library to merge TIFF files into multi-page TIFF files
graphics/togl A Tk OpenGL widget
graphics/truevision The GNOME 3D modeler
graphics/tulip A system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs
graphics/txtmerge Tool for making GIF Animations
graphics/urt Toolkit and library for raster image processing
graphics/utah-glx A hardware OpenGL support for XFree86 X-Servers
graphics/vcg A Visualization Tool for compiler graphs
graphics/vertex A 3D modeller designed specifically for generating efficient game models
graphics/vid Grab images from USB Cameras using the OV511 and OV511+ chipset
graphics/view3ds A simple realtime 3DS file previewer based on the Lib3ds Library
graphics/visionegg Visual stimulus creation and control
graphics/vp An image viewer for X
graphics/vterrain-apps Virtual Terrain Project Applications
graphics/vterrain-sdk Virtual Terrain Project Software Development Kit
graphics/whirlgif A tool for making GIF animations
graphics/white_dune Graphical VRML97 Editor and animation tool
graphics/wmgrabimage Monitor your favorite web image
graphics/wmicons Icons mainly for use in Window Maker
graphics/xaos A real-time fractal browser for X11 and ASCII terminals
graphics/xbarcode Generates bar codes in a variety of formats
graphics/xbmbrowser View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps
graphics/xdgagrab Capture an X server screen with a mouse pointer
graphics/xdl Display DL animations on an X screen
graphics/xenomorph An image filter system based on volterra and morphologic filters
graphics/xface.el X-Face encoder/decoder/viewer for Emacsen
graphics/xfig A drawing program for X11
graphics/xfpovray Graphical interface to POV-Ray
graphics/xfractint The Unix port of fractint
graphics/xglurbules Burning particle system eye candy program thingy for X11
graphics/xgrasp Display GL animations on X screen
graphics/xli Xli, xsetbg, xview, xlito - utilities to display images on X11
graphics/xmagv Viewer for X Window System
graphics/xmandel Window based interface to Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets
graphics/xmedcon A medical image conversion utility and library
graphics/xmfract The dos based 'fractint' with an X/Motif front end
graphics/xmms-blursk A XMMS plugin inspired by "Blur Scope"
graphics/xmms-finespectrum Fine grain Spectrum analyzers for XMMS
graphics/xmms-fishmatic An XMMS non-static OpenGL stereogram visualization plugin
graphics/xmms-gdancer XMMS Visualization plugin, displays dancing figures
graphics/xmms-gforce A visual plugin for XMMS
graphics/xmms-goom A cool XMMS visualization
graphics/xmms-infinity A XMMS plug-in which generate full-screen interactive light effects
graphics/xmms-iris An adaptation of the "OpenGL Spectrum Analyzer" from XMMS
graphics/xmms-jess A XMMS visualization plugin that uses SDL
graphics/xmms-nebulus A XMMS visualization plugin that uses SDL and OpenGL
graphics/xmms-paranormal An adaptation of the "OpenGL Spectrum Analyzer" from XMMS
graphics/xmms-xvs X Visualization System, a plugin for XMMS
graphics/xmorph A digital image warping program
graphics/xmountains X11 based fractal landscape generator
graphics/xmrm An image morphing/warping program
graphics/xnview An easy graphics viewer / converter
graphics/xpaint A simple paint program
graphics/xpcd PhotoCD tool collection
graphics/xpdf Display PDF files, and convert them to other formats
graphics/xpm The X Pixmap library
graphics/xpx A simple pixel editing tool to make datas for KISS
graphics/xrml Extensible scene graph library based on VRML'97
graphics/xsane Gtk-based X11 frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
graphics/xv An X11 program that displays images of various formats
graphics/xv-m17n An X11 program that displays images of various formats with multilingualization
graphics/xwpick Image pick up utility for X Window System
graphics/xzgv An image viewer with thumbnail-based file selector for X
graphics/zimg Image-generator that uses ASCII input files to create PNGs/EDFs
graphics/zphoto Zooming photo album generator
hebrew/culmus Free Hebrew Type1 fonts
hebrew/elmar-fonts A collection of Hebrew fonts from El-Mar software Ltd
hebrew/he2 An editor for editing (primarily LaTeX) Hebrew files
hebrew/hspell Hebrew spellchecker and morphology engine
hebrew/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
hebrew/pine PINE(tm) -- a Program for Internet News & Email
hungarian/hu-phone Phone codes in Hungary / Magyarorszagi korzetszamok
hungarian/hu-zipcodes Postal codes in Hungary / Magyarorszagi iranyitoszamok
hungarian/ispell Hungarian dictionary for ispell
hungarian/jdictionary-eng-hun JDictionary-hun-eng - jDictionary plugin: Hungarian-English
hungarian/jdictionary-eng-hun-expr JDictionary plugin: English-Hungarian expression dictionary
hungarian/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
irc/bitchx "An alternative ircII color client with optional GTK/GNOME support"
irc/blackened The Blackened IRC Client
irc/bnc A simple IRC relay proxy with support for virtual hosting
irc/bobot++ An IRC bot written in C++
irc/dancer-ircd An irc daemon based on hybrid ircd
irc/dancer-services The IRC services (nickserv, chanserv, etc.) for dancer-ircd
irc/darkbot IRC talking bot with a very fast algorithm for its database
irc/dcc DCC support program for irchat-pj
irc/dircproxy A detachable irc proxy server with many features
irc/epic4 The (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
irc/ezbounce A highly configurable IRC Proxy
irc/gruftistats Produces a web page of statistics and quotes from IRC channel logs
irc/iip Secure and Anonymous Instant Messaging
irc/infobot Bot written in Perl with a rabid AI
irc/irc The "Internet Relay Chat" Server
irc/ircII The 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
irc/ircatlite A GTK based 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
irc/ircd-hybrid An irc daemon with a number of new features
irc/irchat-pj-emacs20 IRC client which runs under Emacsen
irc/irchat-pj-emacs21 IRC client which runs under Emacsen
irc/irchat-pj-xemacs-devel-mule IRC client which runs under Emacsen
irc/irchat-pj-xemacs21-mule IRC client which runs under Emacsen
irc/ircservices A system of IRC services for IRC networks
irc/iroffer An IRC "bot" that makes sharing files via DCC extremely easy
irc/irssi A modular IRC client with many features
irc/konversation A user friendly IRC client for KDE
irc/liece Yet another IRC client which runs under Emacsen
irc/liece-dcc DCC support program for Liece
irc/liece-emacs20 Yet another IRC client which runs under Emacsen
irc/lostirc LostIRC is a simple and minimal IRC client for X
irc/muh A smart irc-bouncing-tool that remains on IRC all the time
irc/nethirc Perl-based irc client that uses Net::IRC
irc/ngircd Free open source daemon for Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
irc/ninja Another ircII based irc client
irc/olirc A small irc client using GTK+
irc/p5-IRC Perl5 modules to implement the IRC protocol (RFC 1459)
irc/p5-POE-Component-IRC A fully event-driven IRC client module
irc/p5-POE-Component-IRC-Object A slightly simpler OO interface to POE::Component::IRC
irc/party Simple multi-user chat system
irc/pircbot PircBot Java IRC Bot Framework
irc/pisg A Perl IRC Statistics Generator
irc/psybnc PsyBNC is an extremely powerful IRC bouncer
irc/pure-emacs20 Primitive Universal Relay-chat Environment
irc/pure-emacs21 Primitive Universal Relay-chat Environment
irc/pure-xemacs-devel-mule Primitive Universal Relay-chat Environment
irc/pure-xemacs21-mule Primitive Universal Relay-chat Environment
irc/py-irclib IRC protocol client library for Python
irc/quirc An irc client for the X Window System that uses TCL/TK
irc/rbot Ruby IRC bot similar to infobot
irc/roxirc A tcl/tk irc client
irc/ruby-irc IRC client framework for Ruby
irc/ruby-rica Another IRC client framework for Ruby
irc/ruby-rice Yet another IRC interface library for Ruby
irc/scrollz Enhanced ircII client that supports scripts, colors, and more
irc/scrollz-doc The docs for the scrollz irc client
irc/sic Another 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
irc/sirc Small (150k), fast, perl-based IRC client
irc/sircd The Smart IRC Daemon
irc/slirc A SLang-based IRC client
irc/tirc Token's 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
irc/tircproxy IRC proxy server
irc/tkirc A GUI for the ircII Internet Relay Chat client
irc/tr-ircd An irc daeemon based on Bahamut and hybrid-7
irc/trickyirc Allows client independent detaching and reattaching of IRC sessions
irc/xaric Xaric IRC Client
irc/xchat An X11 IRC client using the GTK+ toolkit, and optionally, GNOME
irc/xchat2 An X11 IRC client using the GTK+ 2 toolkit
irc/zircon An X11 interface to Internet Relay Chat
japanese/ASCIIdates98-fpw A Japanese dictionary for PC terms in '98 ASCII Dates Book (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/CGdic-fpw A Japanese dictionary for CG (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/Canna Kana-Kanji conversion system
japanese/FreeWnn-lib A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client libraries)
japanese/FreeWnn-server A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese server)
japanese/VTPSfont Create Virtual PostScript fonts produced by VFlib (Truetype fonts)
japanese/Wnn6 A Japanese input method (this is not free)
japanese/Wnn6-lib Include files and a library of Wnn6
japanese/Wnn7-lib Include files and a library of Wnn7
japanese/a2ps Text file to postscript converter (with Japanese support)
japanese/ack Kanji code converter
japanese/acroread-jpnfont Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (for Japanese)
japanese/acroread5-jpnfont /a/asami/portbuild/i386/4/ports/japanese/acroread5-jpnfont/pkg-comment
japanese/addttfont Automatically create a Japanese font environment by TrueType fonts
japanese/alias-fonts A meta-port which setups Japanese fonts
japanese/another-htmllint Another HTML-lint (all messages are written in Japanese)
japanese/anthy Another kana-kanji conversion system
japanese/aterm A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
japanese/balsa A mail reader for the gnome interface (Japanized)
japanese/bible_names-fpw A dictionary for HITCHCOCK'S BIBLE NAMES (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/binder A file manager on X window with TkStep
japanese/bookview NDTP client using Japanized Tcl/Tk
japanese/cal.rb Displays a Japanese calendar
japanese/cannadic A canna dictionary containing a lot of words
japanese/cdrom2 A tool to lookup CD-ROM dictionaries
japanese/celrw Cellular phone-number read/write tool (in Japan only)
japanese/chasen Japanese Morphological Analysis System
japanese/chasen-base Japanese Morphological Analysis System
japanese/chimera X/Athena World-Wide Web client + Japanese patch
japanese/csrd Utility for Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary
japanese/dbskkd-cdb Yet another dictionary server for SKK
japanese/ddskk Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program on Emacsen
japanese/ddskk-emacs20 Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program on Emacsen
japanese/deepforest A simple compress utilty using on JDE
japanese/devil-fpw Devil's dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/diclookup-emacs20 CDROM dictionary client for emacs. (needs ndtpd or dserver package)
japanese/diclookup-mule CDROM dictionary client for mule
japanese/drpl Replaces words in a Japanese text using dictionaries
japanese/dserver CDROM dictionary server & clients
japanese/dvi2dvi A DVI to DVI transformer
japanese/dvi2ps DVI to PostScript converter Japanese version
japanese/dvi2tty Character-based DVI file previewer
japanese/dvipdfm DVI to PDF converter (Japanese version)
japanese/dvipsk A DVI to PostScript translator + Japanese patch
japanese/dvipsk-vflib A DVI to PostScript translator + Japanese patch + vflib patch
japanese/e2ps Text file to postscript converter (with Japanese support)
japanese/easypr A control panel for printers (with Japanese messages)
japanese/eb C library for accessing EB, EBG, EBXA and EPWING CD-ROM dictionaries
japanese/ebd-fpw Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/eblook Interactive EB interface command for seraching words in electoric dictionaries
japanese/ebview Electronic Book Viewer
japanese/ebw3 Access to Japanese EPWING or Electric-Book based CD-ROM via HTTP
japanese/edict Japanese-English dictionaries with access and maintenance utilities
japanese/edict-fpw A Japanese <-> English Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/edict-sdic Japanese <-> English Dictionary (SDIC format)
japanese/eijiro-fpw EIJIRO English - Japanese Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/elisa10x8 X11 8-dot kanji font 'elisa font'
japanese/elisa8x8 X11 8-dot kanji font 'elisa font'
japanese/elisp-manual Japanese translation of the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual
japanese/elvis A clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor, with Japanese patch
japanese/emacs-manual Japanese translation of the GNU Emacs Manual
japanese/emacs20-dl-canna Dynamic loading module input method `Canna' on Emacs
japanese/emacs20-dl-wnn6 Dynamic loading module input method `Wnn' on Emacs
japanese/emacs20-emcws Emacs + Canna + Wnn + Sj3
japanese/emacs21-emcws Emacs + Canna + Wnn + Sj3
japanese/epic4 The (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient with Japanese support
japanese/epwutil Utilities to manage Japanese EPWING or Electric-Book based CD-ROM
japanese/escpf Text filters for ESC/P, ESC/Page and ESC/PS printers
japanese/esecanna Pseudo cannaserver which wraps some other input engines
japanese/esecanna-module-vje25 Esecanna module for VJE-Delta 2.5
japanese/esecanna-module-vje30 Esecanna module for VJE-Delta 3.0
japanese/esecanna-module-wnn6 Esecanna module for Wnn6
japanese/eterm X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm that supports Japanese
japanese/ewipe Tcl/tk-based presentation tool with Japanese support
japanese/exmh2 X11/TK based mail reader front end to MH for Japanese environments
japanese/expect A sophisticated scripter based on Japanized tcl/tk
japanese/flower-fpw A dictionary for flowers (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/foldoc-fpw The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/freepwing Free JIS X 4081 (subset of EPWING V1) Formatter
japanese/fumeikai-fpw An abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/gal A collection of widgets taken from GNOME gnumeric and evolution
japanese/gauche-kakasi KAKASI binding for Gauche
japanese/gawk GNU awk + multi-byte extension
japanese/gd A graphics library for fast image creation with Japanese support
japanese/ghostscript-gnu-jpnfont GNU ghostscript with Japanese Font support
japanese/gicq GTK based ICQ program
japanese/gn-gnspool Simple Japanese Newsreader with Local Spool Support
japanese/gnome The Japanese "meta-port" for the GNOME integrated X11 desktop
japanese/gnomelibs Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
japanese/gnumeric The GNOME spreadsheet
japanese/gorua Gtk+ on Ruby User Agent for 2ch BBS
japanese/gqmpeg Another gtk-based MP3 frontend with Japanese support
japanese/grep GNU grep + multi-byte extension
japanese/groff Japanese enhancement of GNU groff
japanese/gtkicq Icq clone for japanese user
japanese/gxditview Japanese enhancement of GNU xditview
japanese/hex A hexadecimal dump tool which handles Japanese
japanese/hns Hyper NIKKI System, a CGI system for Electric Diary Interchange
japanese/ical A calendar application (Japanese)
japanese/ipadic Japanese Morphological Dictionary for ChaSen
japanese/ircII The 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
japanese/iv A toolkit from Stanford University and Silicon Graphics + Japanese patches
japanese/japaneseAFM Japanese AFM fonts
japanese/jargon-fpw The famous jargon file (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/jcode.pl Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
japanese/jed A SLang-based text editor (w/ Japanese support)
japanese/jgv A graphic viewer with various image types
japanese/jhd Japanese Hexdecimal Dump
japanese/jisx0213-fonts Japanese jisx0213 fonts
japanese/jls Japanized ls
japanese/jmode XIM server for Anthy input method
japanese/jpilot Desktop Organizer Software for the Palm Pilot (Japanized)
japanese/jtex209-ascii ASCII Japanese pTeX based on LaTeX-209
japanese/jtex209-both Japanese TeX based on LaTeX-209 with both NTT and ASCII
japanese/jtex209-ntt NTT Japanese TeX based on LaTeX-209
japanese/jvim Japanized Vim
japanese/jvim-canna Japanized Vim (with Canna)
japanese/jvim-canna+freewnn Japanized Vim (with Canna and FreeWnn)
japanese/jvim-canna+wnn6 Japanized Vim (with Canna and Wnn6)
japanese/jvim-canna+wnn7 Japanized Vim (with Canna and Wnn7)
japanese/jvim-freewnn Japanized Vim (with FreeWnn)
japanese/jvim-wnn6 Japanized Vim (with Wnn6)
japanese/jvim-wnn7 Japanized Vim (with Wnn7)
japanese/jvim3 Japanized Vim-3.0
japanese/jvim3-canna Japanized Vim-3.0 (with Canna)
japanese/jvim3-canna+freewnn Japanized Vim-3.0 (with Canna and FreeWnn)
japanese/jvim3-canna+wnn6 Japanized Vim-3.0 (with Canna and Wnn6)
japanese/jvim3-canna+wnn7 Japanized Vim-3.0 (with Canna and Wnn7)
japanese/jvim3-direct_canna Japanized Vim-3.0 (direct connection to Canna)
japanese/jvim3-freewnn Japanized Vim-3.0 (with FreeWnn)
japanese/jvim3-wnn6 Japanized Vim-3.0 (with Wnn6)
japanese/jvim3-wnn7 Japanized Vim-3.0 (with Wnn7)
japanese/jyuroku Japanese address book
japanese/k10 X11 10-dot kanji font 'naga10 font'
japanese/k12 X11 12-dot kanji font
japanese/kakasi Kanji-Kana Simple Inverter, language filter for Japanese
japanese/kanji18 X11 18-dot kanji font
japanese/kanji26 X11 18-dot kanji font
japanese/kanjipad Japanese Handwriting recognition
japanese/kappa20 X11 20-dot kanji font 'kappa font'
japanese/kbanner Displays large japanese letters on the standard output
japanese/kcc Kanji code conversion Filter
japanese/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
japanese/kdrill A program to quiz you on the meanings of Kanji
japanese/kinput2-canna Input server of Japanese text (Canna)
japanese/kinput2-canna+freewnn Input server of Japanese text (Canna+FreeWnn)
japanese/kinput2-canna+freewnn+sj3 Input server of Japanese text (Canna+FreeWnn+SJ3)
japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3 Input server of Japanese text (Canna+SJ3)
japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn6 Input server of Japanese text (Canna+SJ3+Wnn6)
japanese/kinput2-canna+sj3+wnn7 Input server of Japanese text (Canna+SJ3+Wnn7)
japanese/kinput2-canna+wnn6 Input server of Japanese text (Canna+Wnn6)
japanese/kinput2-canna+wnn7 Input server of Japanese text (Canna+Wnn7)
japanese/kinput2-freewnn Input server of Japanese text (FreeWnn)
japanese/kinput2-freewnn+sj3 Input server of Japanese text (FreeWnn+SJ3)
japanese/kinput2-sj3 Input server of Japanese text (SJ3)
japanese/kinput2-sj3+wnn6 Input server of Japanese text (SJ3+Wnn6)
japanese/kinput2-sj3+wnn7 Input server of Japanese text (SJ3+Wnn7)
japanese/kinput2-wnn6 Input server of Japanese text (Wnn6)
japanese/kinput2-wnn7 Input server of Japanese text (Wnn7)
japanese/kochi-cidfonts Free Japanese CID-keyed fonts named 'Kochi'
japanese/kochi-ttfonts Free Japanese TrueType fonts named 'Kochi'
japanese/kon2-14dot Kanji On Console -- Display kanji characters on your own console
japanese/kon2-16dot Kanji On Console -- Display kanji characters on your own console
japanese/kpcal Make Calendar in Postscript format
japanese/kterm An xterm that speaks Japanese
japanese/kterm16c An xterm that speaks Japanese with 16 colors like on a VGA
japanese/lambdamoo The most commonly used program to run MOOs
japanese/latex2html Japanese LaTeX2HTML with JA patch
japanese/leafrogue LeafRogue for message separated version of Rogue-clone
japanese/less Less + zcat + ISO-2022 - a pager similar to more and pg
japanese/libicq Library to add ICQ communication support to your software
japanese/libimg Enhanced Tk adding support for many other Image formats
japanese/libjcode Japanese charset conversion library
japanese/libjconv Japanese charset conversion library powered by iconv(3)
japanese/libslang A library permits a programmer to develop software
japanese/linux-JM Japanese translated man pages by JM Project
japanese/linux_locale Linux glibc 2.0/2.1 locale definition for Japanese
japanese/lipsf Text to LIPS filter
japanese/lookup Search interface on emacs21 for CD-ROM books, etc
japanese/lookup-emacs20 Search interface on emacs20 for CD-ROM books, etc
japanese/lookup-mule Search interface on mule for CD-ROM books, etc
japanese/lookup-xemacs Search interface on xemacs21-mule for CD-ROM books, etc
japanese/lsd-fpw A Japanese - English Dictionary for Life Science (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/lynx A terminal-based World-Wide Web Client with multi-byte modification
japanese/lynx-current A terminal-based World-Wide Web Client with multi-byte modification
japanese/lyx Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
japanese/lyx-doc Japanese Lyx documents translated from original ones
japanese/magicpoint An X11-based presentation tool, configured with vflib support
japanese/makejvf Japanese Virtual Font file maker + TFM and VF
japanese/man A manual display command for Japanese (EUC)
japanese/man-doc Japanese online manual pages corresponding to /usr/share/man/man*
japanese/marumoji-fonts Japanese marumoji fonts
japanese/mecab Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
japanese/mendexk-euc Index formatter for Japanese (EUC)
japanese/mendexk-sjis Index formatter for Japanese (SJIS)
japanese/mh Rand MH mail handling system + Japanese patches
japanese/migemo Japanese incremental search tool
japanese/migemo-emacs20 Japanese incremental search tool for emacs20
japanese/migemo-emacs21 Japanese incremental search tool for emacs21
japanese/migemo-xemacs-devel-mule Japanese incremental search tool for xemacs-devel-mule
japanese/migemo-xemacs21-mule Japanese incremental search tool for xemacs21-mule
japanese/mikachan-ttfonts Handwritten Japanese TrueType fonts by Mika-chan
japanese/mimekit Library to handle messages with MIME-encoded headers
japanese/ming LGPL'ed Flash 4/5 movie output library with Japanese languages support
japanese/monafonts X11 12,14,16-dot kanji fonts
japanese/mozilla-jlp Mozilla Japanese Language Pack (JLP)
japanese/mozilla-jlp-devel Mozilla Japanese Language Pack (JLP)
japanese/mplusfonts 12x13 dots X11 kanji fonts with simple and readable design
japanese/msdosfs Mount a Microsoft FAT Japanese file system
japanese/mtools Tools for manipulating MSDOS files + support 1232KB , Unicode LFN
japanese/muggy A simple text editor for the X on TkStep
japanese/mule-canna A multilingual emacs, with Canna support built in (Only the executables)
japanese/mule-canna+freewnn Multilingual emacs, with Canna and FreeWnn support built-in
japanese/mule-canna+freewnn+sj3 Multilingual emacs, with Canna, sj3, and FreeWnn support built-in
japanese/mule-canna+sj3 A multilingual emacs, with Canna and sj3 support built in (Only the executables)
japanese/mule-canna+sj3+wnn6 Multilingual emacs, with Canna, sj3, Wnn4, and Wnn6 support built-in
japanese/mule-canna+sj3+wnn7 A multilingual emacs, with Canna, sj3, FreeWnn, Wnn6 and Wnn7 support built-in
japanese/mule-canna+wnn6 Multilingual emacs, with Canna, Wnn4, and Wnn6 support built-in
japanese/mule-canna+wnn7 A multilingual emacs, with Canna, FreeWnn, Wnn6 and Wnn7 support built-in
japanese/mule-freewnn A multilingual emacs, with FreeWnn support built in (Only the executables)
japanese/mule-freewnn+sj3 A multilingual emacs, with sj3 and FreeWnn support built in (Only the executables)
japanese/mule-sj3 A multilingual emacs, with SJ3 support built in (Only the executables)
japanese/mule-sj3+wnn6 Multilingual emacs, with sj3, Wnn4, and Wnn6 support built-in
japanese/mule-sj3+wnn7 A multilingual emacs, with sj3, FreeWnn, Wnn6 and Wnn7 support built-in
japanese/mule-wnn6 Multilingual emacs, with Wnn4, and Wnn6 support built-in
japanese/mule-wnn7 A multilingual emacs, with FreeWnn, Wnn6 and Wnn7 support built-in
japanese/mutt Text-based mail client (Japanised Version)
japanese/mutt-devel Text-based mail client (Japanised development version)
japanese/mypaedia-fpw An encyclopedia "Mypaedia" (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/mypaedia-fpw-package A supplement file to use "mypaedia" on lookup
japanese/namazu Search engine software intended for easy use
japanese/namazu2 Meta-port of Namazu and Japanese support modules
japanese/navi2ch-emacs20 2ch.net and 2ch-like BBS navigator for Emacsen
japanese/navi2ch-emacs21 2ch.net and 2ch-like BBS navigator for Emacsen
japanese/navi2ch-xemacs21-mule 2ch.net and 2ch-like BBS navigator for Emacsen
japanese/ndtpd Server for accessing CD-ROM books with NDTP
japanese/ne A VZ like full-screen text editor with Japanese support
japanese/nethack32 A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
japanese/nethack34 Japanized NetHack
japanese/netscape48-communicator Netscape web-surfboard with Japanese resources
japanese/netscape48-navigator Netscape web-surfboard with Japanese resources
japanese/netscape7 Linux Netscape suite
japanese/netype Network Type Trainer client program
japanese/netypesv Network Type Trainer server program
japanese/newosaka Translator of Japanese EUC documents into Osaka language
japanese/ng A very light Emacs-clone with Japanese support
japanese/ng-canna A very lightweight Emacs-clone with Japanese and Canna support
japanese/ngraph-fonts Japanese Font Setup for math/ngraph
japanese/nkf Network Kanji code conversion Filter
japanese/nvi-euc-jp A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for euc-jp
japanese/nvi-iso-2022-jp Clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for iso-2022-jp
japanese/nvi-sjis A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for sjis
japanese/okphone Conference-calling phone with Japanese support
japanese/oleo A Spreadsheet Program + Japanese patches
japanese/onew-canna A library for Japanese Input Method Canna
japanese/onew-canna+freewnn A library for Japanese Input Method Canna and FreeWnn
japanese/onew-canna+wnn6 A library for Japanese Input Method Canna and Wnn6
japanese/onew-canna+wnn7 A library for Japanese Input Methods: Canna and Wnn7
japanese/onew-freewnn A library for a Japanese Input Method: FreeWnn
japanese/onew-wnn6 A library for Japanese Input Method Wnn6
japanese/onew-wnn7 A library for a Japanese Input Method: Wnn7
japanese/openoffice Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
japanese/openoffice-devel Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
japanese/otojiro-fpw OTOJIRO English - Japanese Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/p5-Date-Japanese-Era Conversion between Japanese Era / Gregorian calendar
japanese/p5-Jcode Perl extension interface to convert Japanese text
japanese/p5-MeCab MeCab library module for Perl5
japanese/p5-PDFJ PDFJ module provides methods to generate Japanese PDF file
japanese/p5-Text-ChaSen ChaSen library module for Perl5
japanese/p5-Text-Kakasi Kakasi library module for Perl5
japanese/p5-jcode.pl Perl5 library for Japanese character code conversion
japanese/p5-manual Perl5 japanese manual
japanese/p5-mkres Create resources for tgif, vfontcap, .., for Japanese TrueType fonts
japanese/p5-nkf A perl extension module to use NKF
japanese/paledit NTT DoCoMo PHS Paldio telephone data transfer tool
japanese/pejv-fpw An Esperanto-Japanese dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/perl5 Pattern Extraction and Recognition Language + Japanese patches
japanese/pgp.language Japanese language module for PGP
japanese/php_doc PHP documentation in HTML
japanese/phpgroupware A web based GroupWare system
japanese/plain2 A text converter from plain to any format
japanese/plan An X/Motif schedule planner with calendar
japanese/platex209-euc ASCII Japanese pLaTeX 2.09 with Japanese EUC code support
japanese/platex209-jis ASCII Japanese pLaTeX 2.09 with JIS code support
japanese/platex209-sjis ASCII Japanese pLaTeX 2.09 with Shift-JIS code support
japanese/postgresql A robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS plus Multibyte-patch
japanese/postgresql-tcltk The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
japanese/ppxp A new and easy to use PPP software
japanese/prn A yet another converter from text file to postscript (with Japanese support)
japanese/ptex Japanese specific files for ASCII Japanese pTeX
japanese/ptex-base Base files for ASCII Japanese pTeX
japanese/ptex-pkfonts118 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvik, dvipsk and so on
japanese/ptex-pkfonts240 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvik, dvipsk and so on
japanese/ptex-pkfonts300 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvik, dvipsk and so on
japanese/ptex-pkfonts360 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvik, dvipsk and so on
japanese/ptex-pkfonts400 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvik, dvipsk and so on
japanese/ptex-pkfonts600 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvik, dvipsk and so on
japanese/py-kanjilib Japanese text processing library for Python
japanese/pycodec Python Unicode codecs for Japanese charsets
japanese/qkc Quick Kanji Code Converter (C version)
japanese/qt23 A C++ X GUI toolkit
japanese/rbnamazu A client of the "Namazu" full-text search engine written in Ruby
japanese/recjis Tool for recovery of broken japanese text
japanese/roget-fpw Roget's Thesaurus (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/rogue_s Japanized and message separated version of Rogue-clone: Version II
japanese/rskkserv An alternative implementation of skkserv written in Ruby
japanese/ruby-chasen ChaSen module for Ruby
japanese/ruby-eb Ruby bind of EB library
japanese/ruby-gyokuro A Ruby library which wraps Ruby/ChaSen
japanese/ruby-kakasi KAKASI module for Ruby
japanese/ruby-man Ruby reference manual (Japanese version), in HTML format
japanese/ruby-mecab MeCab library module for Ruby
japanese/ruby-refe Ruby interactive reference in Japanese
japanese/ruby-romkan A Romaji <-> Kana conversion library for Ruby
japanese/ruby-slang S-Lang-jp extension module for Ruby
japanese/ruby-tcltklib A Ruby interface to Japanized Tcl/Tk libraries
japanese/ruby-tk Ruby interface to the Japanized Tk widget set
japanese/ruby-uconv Unicode conversion library with Japanese codesets support for Ruby
japanese/ruby-usersguide Ruby users guide (Japanese version), in HTML format
japanese/rxvt An xterm replacement that supports pixmap background and Japanese
japanese/ryaku-fpw An abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/samba A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
japanese/sdic A look up mode on Emacsen for a English - Japanese Dictionary
japanese/sed GNU sed + multi-byte extension
japanese/seizedesktop A customizer of desktop screen environment
japanese/shinonome Japanese 12,14,16 dot fonts
japanese/sj3 A Japanese input method
japanese/sjxa A X11 frontend of Japanese input method SJ3
japanese/skk The "meta-port" for the SKK Japanese-input software
japanese/skk-elisp Emacs-lisp frontend for the SKK Japanese-input software
japanese/skk-jisyo Jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
japanese/skk-jisyo-cdb CDB jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
japanese/skk-tools Jisyo-tools for the SKK Japanese-input software
japanese/skk10-elisp-emacs20 Emacs-lisp frontend for the SKK-10 Japanese Input Method
japanese/skkfep SKK-like Kana-to-Kanji FrontEnd Processor
japanese/skkinput An SKK-like Japanese input method for X11
japanese/skkinput3 An SKK-like Japanese input method for X11
japanese/skkserv Dictionary server for the SKK Japanese-input software
japanese/slirc A SLang-based IRC client
japanese/slrn A newsreader based by S-Lang
japanese/srd-fpw A English - Japanese Dictionary "Random House" (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/srd-fpw-package A supplement file for lookup to use "Random House"
japanese/t2ps Converts text files to PostScript including Japanese
japanese/tcl76 Japanized Tcl (Tool Command Language)
japanese/tcl80 Japanized Tool Command Language, version 8.0
japanese/tcsh-nls-asuka Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Asuka" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-ayanami Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Ayanami" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-generic Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Generic Japanese" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-koshiki Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Koshiki" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-merril Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Merril" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-miyakonjo Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Miyakonjo" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-multi Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Multi" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-rishu Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Rishu" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-roomi Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Roomi" taste)
japanese/tcsh-nls-ruri2 Japanese NLS catalog for TCSH ("Ruri2" taste)
japanese/texinfo Typeset Texinfo files for printing. Uses TeX
japanese/tgif 2-D drawing facility (with Japanese configuration)
japanese/tgif2tex Converting texts in figure by tgif to LaTeX commands (for Japanese)
japanese/timidity++-slang Slang interface for TiMidity++ with Japanese support
japanese/timidity++-tcltk Tcl/Tk interface for TiMidity++ with Japanese support
japanese/tk42 Japanized TK (Tcl Tool Kit)
japanese/tk80 Graphical toolkit for Japanized TCL, version 8.0
japanese/tkdesk A graphical, highly configurable and powerful file manager
japanese/tkhonyaku Yet another Honyaku-Damashii client with rich functionality
japanese/tkstep80 The Tk toolkit with a NeXTSTEP look and more
japanese/today Tells you what day today is
japanese/truetypefonts Japanese TrueType Fonts
japanese/typist Typing lessons (Japanese version)
japanese/vera-fpw Virtual Entity of Relevant Aconyms (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/vfghostscript GNU Postscript interpreter + Japanese VFontlib patch
japanese/vfghostscript5 GNU Postscript and PDF interpreter with Japanese vector font library
japanese/vfghostscript55 GNU Postscript and PDF interpreter with Japanese vector font library
japanese/vflib Japanese Vector font library
japanese/vftool Virtual font kit (n2a,a2n,a2bk,p2pn)
japanese/vfxdvi118 DVI Previewer for X. + Japanese patch + vector font support
japanese/vfxdvi240 DVI Previewer for X. + Japanese patch + vector font support
japanese/vfxdvi300 DVI Previewer for X. + Japanese patch + vector font support
japanese/vfxdvi360 DVI Previewer for X. + Japanese patch + vector font support
japanese/vfxdvi400 DVI Previewer for X. + Japanese patch + vector font support
japanese/vfxdvi600 DVI Previewer for X. + Japanese patch + vector font support
japanese/vje30 Modern intelligent Japanese input engine (purchase version)
japanese/vje30-trial Modern intelligent Japanese input engine (trial version)
japanese/w3 WWW browser based on emacs/mule
japanese/w3m A pager/text-based WWW browser with Japanese support
japanese/w3m-img A pager/text-based WWW browser with Japanese and inline image support
japanese/waeijiro-fpw WAEIJIRO English - Japanese Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/wdic-fpw Wired and Wireless Dictionary in Japanese (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/weather-emacs20 Weather Report in Japanese Regions
japanese/web1913-fpw Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/webalizer A web server log file analysis program
japanese/weblint97 An internationalized HTML checker with japanese message(EUC-JP)
japanese/wnn7egg A Wnn7 elisp client
japanese/wordnet-fpw A English - English Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/wwasw-fpw A biographical dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
japanese/xchat An X11 IRC client using the GTK+ toolkit, and optionally, GNOME
japanese/xdvik-vflib DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xdvik-vflib-pk118 DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xdvik-vflib-pk240 DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xdvik-vflib-pk300 DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xdvik-vflib-pk360 DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xdvik-vflib-pk400 DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xdvik-vflib-pk600 DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xdvik-vflib-pkall DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + jp-patch
japanese/xemacs-devel-canna XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK and Canna support
japanese/xemacs-devel-canna+freewnn XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK, Canna and FreeWnn support
japanese/xemacs-devel-canna+wnn6 XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK, Canna and Wnn6 support
japanese/xemacs-devel-freewnn XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK and FreeWnn support
japanese/xemacs-devel-wnn6 XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK and Wnn6 support
japanese/xemacs21-canna XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK and Canna support
japanese/xemacs21-canna+freewnn XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK, Canna and FreeWnn support
japanese/xemacs21-canna+wnn6 XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK, Canna and Wnn6 support
japanese/xemacs21-freewnn XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK and FreeWnn support
japanese/xemacs21-wnn6 XEmacs(gamma version) text editor, with SJ3, SKK and Wnn6 support
japanese/xjman Japanized X manual from "The X Japanese Documentation Project"
japanese/xjman-3 Japanized X manual from "The X Japanese Documentation Project"
japanese/xjtext A text viewer for Japanese virtical writings
japanese/xmsgsaver An X11 screensaver using VFlib
japanese/xnetmaj A mahhjong game for X
japanese/xpdf Japanese xpdf font support
japanese/xshodo A paint tool for Shodo, the Japanese traditional writing character
japanese/xshodou A Japanese shodou program for X based on Tcl/Tk
japanese/xv An X11 program that displays images of various formats with japanization
japanese/xvi-euc A portable multi-window 'vi', handles Japanese EUC
japanese/xvi-sjis A portable multi-window 'vi', handles Japanese SJIS
japanese/xyagamo Japanese version of a four player mahjong game
japanese/xyaku A general dictionary/search engine front-end for X
japanese/yc.el Yet another Canna client for Emacs/XEmacs
japanese/zangband Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with japanese, color, X11 support
japanese/zipcodes Japanese zipcode tables. includes both 3/5 and 7 digits form
java/bluej BlueJ is an integrated Java environment designed for introductory teaching
java/bouncycastle Cleanroom build of Java Cryptography Extensions
java/bsh A Java scripting environment
java/bugseeker BugSeeker for Java 2, a debugger for Java applications
java/bugseeker-demo A debugger for Java software
java/collections JDK1.2 Collections' API for JDK1.1 environments
java/cos The O'Reilly package of utility classes for servlet developers
java/cryptix-jce JCE(Java Cryptograph Extension) by Cryptix
java/forte A Sun's powerful and extensible IDE for Java
java/gnu-regexp A regexp library for Java
java/guavac Java compiler and decompiler developed under GPL
java/infobus Enables dynamic exchange of data between JavaBeans(TM)
java/jad Jad, a Java decompiler
java/jaf JavaBeansTM Activation Framework
java/jakarta-bcel A library for generating Java bytecode
java/jakarta-commons-beanutils JavaBeans utility library
java/jakarta-commons-cli Java library for command line arguments and options
java/jakarta-commons-collections Classes that extend/augment the Java Collections Framework
java/jakarta-commons-lang Jakarta library with helper utilities for the java.lang API
java/jakarta-commons-logging Generic logging wrapper library
java/jakarta-log4j Log4J, a fast and flexible logging library for Java
java/jakarta-oro Perl/awk/sh regular expressions for Java
java/jakarta-regexp Regular expressions for Java
java/janosvm A virtual machine for executing Java bytecodes
java/java-checkstyle Java style checker
java/java-cup An LALR parser generator in Java
java/java-getopt Java version of GNU getopt family functions
java/java-tutorial Sun's Java Developers Kit tutorial
java/javamail A set of abstract Java classes that model a mail system
java/javavmwrapper Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
java/javel Java disassembler
java/jboss2 JBoss 2, an open-source J2EE application server
java/jboss3 JBoss 3, an open-source J2EE application server
java/jce-aba Clean room implementation of the Java Cryptograph Extension (JCE) API
java/jdbcpool JDBC connection pool
java/jde Java Development Environment for Emacs
java/jde-emacs20 Java Development Environment for Emacs
java/jdk11 Java Development Kit 1.1
java/jdk11-doc Java Development Kit 1.1 Documentation
java/jdk12 Java Development Kit 1.2
java/jdk12-doc Java Development Kit 1.2 Documentation
java/jdk13 Java Development Kit 1.3
java/jdk13-doc Java Development Kit 1.3 Documentation
java/jdk14 Java Development Kit 1.4.1
java/jdk14-doc Java Development Kit 1.4 Documentation
java/jdom Java library for accessing and manipulating XML documents
java/jfc Java Foundation Classes (JFC)/Swing
java/jikes A very fast Java source to byte-code compiler made available by IBM
java/jlex A lexical analyzer generator, written for Java, in Java
java/jlint Java program analyzer and checker
java/jmp Java Memory Profiler
java/jre Standard Java Platform for running Java programs
java/jsdk Sun's Java Servlet Developers Kit
java/jump Java library for arbitrary precision computations
java/junit A regression testing utility for use with the Java(TM) Language
java/kaffe Multi-platform Java virtual machine including JIT compiler and AWT package
java/linux-blackdown-jdk12 Blackdown Java Development Kit 1.2 for Linux
java/linux-blackdown-jdk13 Blackdown Java Development Kit 1.3 for Linux
java/linux-blackdown-jdk14 Blackdown Java Development Kit 1.4 for Linux
java/linux-ibm-jdk13 IBM Java Development Kit 1.3 for Linux
java/linux-ibm-jdk14 IBM Java Development Kit 1.4 for Linux
java/linux-sun-jdk12 Sun Java Development Kit 1.2 for Linux
java/linux-sun-jdk13 Sun Java Development Kit 1.3 for Linux
java/linux-sun-jdk14 Sun Java Development Kit 1.4 for Linux
java/mmake Create a Makefile for Your Java files, ready to compile
java/netcomponents Java library with common network protocol implementations
java/netrexx Human-oriented programming language for writing/using Java classes
java/openjit A high-performance reflective Java Just-In-Time (JIT) bytecode compiler
java/proguard Java obfuseeKata
java/sablevm Java VM created by McGill University's Sable Research Group
java/shujit A Just In Time java bytecode compiler
java/trove4j GNU Trove: High performance collections for Java
java/tya A ``100% unofficial'' JIT-compiler for java
java/xalan-j Apache XSLT processor for transforming XML documents
java/xdoclet Java attribute-oriented code generation engine
korean/FreeWnn-lib A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Korean client libraries)
korean/FreeWnn-server A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Korean server)
korean/a2ps Simple a2ps wrapper for Korean text printing
korean/acroread-korfont Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (for Korean)
korean/acroread5-korfont /a/asami/portbuild/i386/4/ports/korean/acroread5-korfont/pkg-comment
korean/ami Well-known Korean X11 Input Method
korean/baekmukfonts-bdf Free Hangul fonts for X11(baekmuk)
korean/baekmukfonts-ttf Baekmuk family Korean TrueType Fonts
korean/bitchx An alternative ircII color client support patched for korean
korean/elm ELM Mail User Agent, patched for Korean E-Mail
korean/engdic An English dictionary utility for Korean
korean/eterm X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm that supports korean
korean/ftghostscript5 Aladdin Postscript interpreter with Korean Truetype fonts support
korean/gau Gtk-based Hangul terminal emulator (for modem/tcp)
korean/ghostscript-gnu-korfont GNU ghostscript with Japanese Font support
korean/ghostscript55httf Aladdin Postscript interpreter with Korean truetype support
korean/gtkcomm Serial controlling software, with gtk+ widget
korean/h2ps Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer with Korean char
korean/han A hangul console
korean/hanIM Mizi Research's Korean X11 Input Method
korean/hanemacs Korean version of GNU editing macros
korean/hanmiscutils Collection of various Hangul-related sources
korean/hanterm An xterm hacked for managing Korean languages
korean/hanterm-xf86 X11R6-based xterm hacked for managing Korean languages
korean/hanyangfonts Hanyang Hangul fonts for X11
korean/hcode Hangul code conversion utility
korean/helvis A clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor, supporting Hangul
korean/hlatex LaTeX package to use Hangul(UHC/KSX1001)
korean/hlatex-mffonts-wansung MF font collection of HLaTeX-wansung
korean/hlatex-psfonts-uhc-extra Extra Korean PostScript font collection for HLaTeX(UHC encoding)
korean/hlatex-psfonts-wansung PS font collection of HLaTeX-wansung
korean/hlatex-wansung HLaTeX extension to use Wansung(KSX1001) fonts
korean/hlatexfonts-ocf HLaTeX(OCF format) fonts collection
korean/hlatexp Hangul (Korean) LaTeX2e system
korean/hlatexp-pkfonts1200 Korean pk fonts collection of hLaTeXp(1200dpi)
korean/hlatexp-pkfonts300 Korean pk fonts collection of hLaTeXp(300dpi)
korean/hlatexp-pkfonts600 Korean pk fonts collection of hLaTeXp(600dpi)
korean/hmconv Hangul code conversion utility for E-mail
korean/hpscat Hangul Text Printing Utility
korean/htexp An implementation of TeX for Hangul
korean/johabfonts Hangul fonts for X11(johab) used in many hangul-related programs
korean/kaistfonts X11 KAIST font(ksc5601.1987-0 encoding) collection
korean/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
korean/linux_locale Glibc 2.0 Korean locale for linux compatibility
korean/linuxdoc-sgml Korean patch version of Linuxdoc-SGML
korean/man-doc Korean online manual pages
korean/mizifont Mizi Research's Korean X11 Font(ksc5601.1987-[01] encoding)
korean/mkisofs Create iso9660/Rock Ridge/Joliet filesystems supporting Korean
korean/mod_url Apache module for manipulating euc-kr encoded URL
korean/mozilla-klp Mozilla Korean Language Pack (KLP)
korean/mplayer-fonts Korean font pack for the mplayer OSD, SUB and SMI
korean/msdosfs Mount a Microsoft FAT Korean file system
korean/mule-freewnn A multilingual emacs, with FreeWnn support built in (Only the executables)
korean/munhwafonts-cid Munhwa CID fonts collection(Basic set)
korean/netdic A network English dictionary utility for Korean
korean/netscape48-communicator Netscape web-surfboard with Korean resources
korean/netscape48-navigator Netscape web-surfboard with Korean resources
korean/nh2ps Formats an Korean text file for printing on a postscript printer
korean/nhpf Hangul Printing Filter for Netscape with embedded font
korean/nhppf Hangul printing filter for Netscape 3.0 and above
korean/nvi-euc-kr A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for euc-kr
korean/nvi-iso-2022-kr Clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, default settings for iso-2022-kr
korean/openoffice Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
korean/pgp.language Korean language module for PGP
korean/pinetreefonts Hangul fonts for X11(pinetree, KSC5601-1987-0 encoding)
korean/pycodec Python Unicode codecs for Korean charsets
korean/qt31 A C++ X GUI toolkit
korean/texinfo Korean enabled Texinfo formatter
korean/uniksc Converts data between Korean KSC-5601 and Unicode 3.0 UTF-16
lang/ETHOberonV4 Oberon-2/V4 from ETH (Linux emulation)
lang/Gofer A lazy functional language
lang/STk A scheme interpreter with full access to the Tk graphical package
lang/Sather Sather compiler
lang/TenDRA A portable but mostly-unsupported C/C++ compiler
lang/aleph Aleph is a multi-threaded functional programming language
lang/atlast Autodesk Threaded Language Application System Toolkit
lang/awka Converts the AWK script to C, then compiles it
lang/bigloo A Scheme interpreter and native code compiler
lang/bwbasic The Bywater Basic interpreter
lang/caml-light A strongly typed functional language belonging to the ML family
lang/ccscript State-event driven class extendible C++ script interpreter
lang/cel A small, simple prototype-based OO language
lang/chameleon A Haskell-style language
lang/chicken A Scheme-to-C compiler
lang/cim Compiler for the SIMULA programming language
lang/cli An implementation of the ECMA CLI and the ECMA C# language
lang/clips CLIPS is a productive development and delivery expert system tool
lang/clisp An ANSI Common Lisp
lang/cmucl The CMU implementation of Common Lisp
lang/cmucl-extra Optional extras for the CMU implementation of Common Lisp
lang/cocor A compiler generator that combines the functionality of lex and yacc
lang/compaq-cc Compaq Alpha Tru64 C compiler
lang/crossgo32-f77 G2c libraries and compatibility for DJGPP V2 crossgo32 crosscompiler
lang/cu-prolog Experimental constraint logic programming language
lang/cyclone A safe dialect of C from Cornell and AT&T Research
lang/dice DICE - The Amiga/embedded/generic 68000 C compiler
lang/dis A moderately Infernal programming language
lang/diveintopython A free Python tutorial book that is "not For Dummies(tm)"
lang/drscheme An interactive, integrated, graphical Scheme programming environment
lang/dylan CMU Gwydion project interpreter and compiler for the Dylan language
lang/egcs EGCS enhanced version of the GNU compiler suite
lang/eiffel A compiler for the object-oriented language Eiffel
lang/elisp-manual Emacs Lisp reference manual
lang/elk An embeddable Scheme interpreter
lang/emacs-lisp-intro An introduction to Emacs Lisp programming
lang/eperl Embedded Perl 5 Language
lang/erlang A functional programming language from Ericsson
lang/erlang-doc Documentation (PDF) for the Erlang/OTP system
lang/expect A sophisticated scripter based on tcl/tk
lang/ezm3 Easier, more portable Modula-3 distribution for building CVSup
lang/f2c Fortran-to-C converter and its run-time libraries
lang/f2py Fortran to Python Interface Generator
lang/f77 Fortran 77 driver utility for f2c and gcc
lang/fbbi An interpreter for the Befunge-98 language
lang/ferite An embeddable scripting language
lang/fesi Free EcmaScript Interpreter written in Java
lang/forth Implementation of ANSI Forth
lang/fpc Free Pascal beta compiler with Turbo, Delphi and other extensions
lang/gauche Scheme script interpreter with multibyte character handling
lang/gawk The GNU version of Awk
lang/gcc27 Base C/C++ compiler from FreeBSD 2.2.x & 3.x (for your old code)
lang/gcc28 GNU Compiler Collection 2.8
lang/gcc295 GNU Compiler Collection
lang/gcc30 GNU Compiler Collection 3.0.
lang/gcc31 GNU Compiler Collection 3.1 (inprogress version)
lang/gcc32 GNU Compiler Collection 3.2.3
lang/gcc33 GNU Compiler Collection 3.3
lang/gcl GNU Common Lisp
lang/generic-haskell The Generic Haskell compiler
lang/gforth Fast and portable Forth system
lang/ghc A Compiler for the functional language Haskell
lang/ghc-doc Documentation (HTML, PS) for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
lang/glibstdc++28 ISO Standard C++ library (includes the STL) for G++ 2.8.0
lang/gnat The GNU Ada Compiler system
lang/gnat-doc-html Documentation for the GNAT compiler
lang/gnat-doc-info Documentation for the GNAT compiler
lang/gnat-doc-ps Documentation for the GNAT compiler
lang/gnat-doc-texi Documentation for the GNAT compiler
lang/gnat-doc-txt Documentation for the GNAT compiler
lang/gnat-glade GNU Ada distributed systems annex
lang/gnomebasic Provide Visual Basic compatible functionality for GNOME, especially VBA
lang/gnustep-base GNUstep Foundation library
lang/gnustep-guile GNUstep interface to the GUILE scheme interpreter
lang/gnustep-objc GNU Compiler Collection 3.2.3 with threads and shared libs
lang/gprolog A free Prolog compiler developed by Daniel Diaz
lang/guile GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
lang/helium Functional programming compiler for a subset of Haskell
lang/hope Hope is lazy interpriter for HOPE applicative language
lang/hugs An interpreter for the functional programming language Haskell 98
lang/icc Intels C/C++ compiler, set up to produce native FreeBSD binaries
lang/ici An interpretive language with C's overall feel combined with high level data types
lang/icon The Icon programming language
lang/ifc Intel's Fortran compiler, set up to produce native FreeBSD objects
lang/intel2gas Converts Intel assembly language (nasm) to AT&T syntax (gas)
lang/intercal The C-INTERCAL compiler, ick, and supporting libraries
lang/itcl [incr Tcl] (A.K.A. "itcl")
lang/jgnat An Ada to Java-Byte-Code compiler
lang/jgnat-doc-html Documentation for the JGNAT compiler
lang/jgnat-doc-info Documentation for the JGNAT compiler
lang/jgnat-doc-ps Documentation for the JGNAT compiler
lang/jgnat-doc-txt Documentation for the JGNAT compiler
lang/jruby An implementation of Ruby Interpreter in Pure Java
lang/jython An implementation of Python Interpreter in Pure Java
lang/kawa Java-based Scheme implementation
lang/klone Small, Lisp-like interpreted language
lang/lafontaine Graphical logo interpreter
lang/librep An Emacs Lisp like runtime library
lang/libutils Support lib for Tensile/NSL
lang/linux-j A general purpose programming language
lang/logo Brian Harvey's logo language interpreter
lang/lua Small, compilable scripting language providing easy access to C code
lang/lua4 Small, compilable scripting language providing easy access to C code
lang/m3gdb The GNU debugger with support for Modula-3
lang/malbolge An Infernal programming language
lang/mawk An implementation of new/posix awk
lang/mdk MIX Development Kit offers an emulation of MIX and MIXAL
lang/mit-scheme MIT Scheme: includes runtime, compiler, and edwin binaries
lang/mixal Assembler and interpreter for Donald Knuth's mythical MIX computer
lang/mmix MMIX is a RISC computer designed by Donald E. Knuth
lang/mono An open source implementation of .NET Development Framework
lang/moscow_ml Moscow ML, a lightweight implementation of Standard ML
lang/mozart A distributed language with constraint-based inference
lang/nawk Brian Kernighan's pattern scanning and processing language
lang/nhc98 A fully-fledged compiler for Haskell 98
lang/nickle A desk calculator language
lang/njs NJS (NGS) is a standalone JavaScript/ECMAScript interpreter
lang/nml A dialect/harmony of Standard ML of New Jersey and Objective Caml.
lang/nqc A compiler for writing programs for the Lego RCX
lang/o2c Oberon-2 compiler
lang/objc Portable Object Compiler
lang/ocaml An ML language based on a complete class-based objective system
lang/ocaml-mode.el An EMACS mode for editing OCaml programs
lang/ohugs Interpreter for Haskell with object-oriented features
lang/onyx Embeddable stack-based threaded interpreted language
lang/oo2c Optimizing Oberon-2 compiler of University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
lang/open-cobol An open-source COBOL compiler
lang/otcl MIT Object Tcl
lang/p2c Pascal to C translator
lang/p5-Data-JavaScript Data::JavaScript - Dump perl structures to JavaScript code
lang/p5-Error Perl module to provide Error/exception support for perl: Error
lang/p5-Expect Perl module inspired by the Tcl version of Expect
lang/p5-F77 Helps link C programs with Fortran subroutines
lang/p5-Scalar-List-Utils Perl subroutines that would be nice to have in the perl core
lang/p5-Switch Switch - A switch statement for Perl
lang/p5-Tcl A Tcl extension module for Perl5
lang/p5-ePerl Perl Modules of ePerl package: Parse::ePerl, Apache::ePerl
lang/pbasic Phil Cockroft's Basic Interpreter (previously Rabbit Basic)
lang/pdss The KL1 programming environment on an ordinary UNIX system
lang/perl5 Practical Extraction and Report Language
lang/perl5.8 Practical Extraction and Report Language
lang/pexts Third party Pike 7.2 extensions
lang/pfe-devel Implementation of ANSI Forth
lang/php-mode.el Emacs lisp module for the PHP language
lang/php3 PHP3 commandline interpreter
lang/php_doc PHP documentation in HTML
lang/pike70 A dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++
lang/pike72 A dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++
lang/pike74 A dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++
lang/pm3-base Compiler and base libraries of the Polytechnique Montreal Modula-3 distribution
lang/pm3-forms High-level GUI libraries and tools for the PM3 Modula-3 distribution
lang/pm3-gui Low-level GUI libraries for the PM3 Modula-3 distribution
lang/pm3-m3tk Modula-3 source code analysis and transformation toolkit (PM3 distribution)
lang/pm3-net Low-level networking libraries for the PM3 Modula-3 distribution
lang/pm3-netobj PM3 distributed objects package supporting robust distributed applications
lang/pnet C# compiler, assembler, disassembler, and runtime engine
lang/ptoc ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter
lang/py-compiler A Python source to bytecode compiler
lang/py-mx-base The eGenix mx-Extension Series for Python
lang/python An interpreted object-oriented programming language
lang/python-doc-html Documentation for the Python programming language
lang/python-doc-pdf-a4 Documentation for the Python programming language
lang/python-doc-pdf-letter Documentation for the Python programming language
lang/python-doc-postscript-a4 Documentation for the Python programming language
lang/python-doc-postscript-letter Documentation for the Python programming language
lang/python15 An interpreted object-oriented programming language
lang/python20 An interpreted object-oriented programming language
lang/python21 An interpreted object-oriented programming language
lang/qscheme A small and fast Scheme interpreter
lang/ratfor Ratfor -- the Rational FORTRAN compiler
lang/rexx-imc A procedural programming language designed by IBM's UK Laboratories
lang/rscheme An object-oriented, extended version of the Scheme dialect of Lisp
lang/ruby An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
lang/ruby-devel An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
lang/ruby-js A Ruby binding to NJS JavaScript Interpreter
lang/ruby-lua A Ruby extension to make Lua script language as a class
lang/ruby-man Ruby reference manual, in HTML format
lang/ruby-mode.el Emacs lisp modules for the Ruby language
lang/ruby-perl A Ruby extension module to use the functions of Perl from Ruby
lang/ruby-programmingruby The source of the Programming Ruby ("pick-axe") book in XML and HTML
lang/ruby-python Ruby extension library for embedding Python in Ruby
lang/ruby-reference Ruby Class and Module Reference, in HTML format
lang/ruby-ri Ruby Interactive reference
lang/ruby-tcltklib A Ruby interface to Tcl/Tk libraries
lang/ruby-usersguide Ruby users guide, in HTML format
lang/ruby16-shim-ruby18 A set of Ruby modules to provide Ruby 1.8 functionalities
lang/ruby_r An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
lang/ruby_r-devel An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
lang/ruby_static A Ruby binary with some modules compiled in (in case of emergency)
lang/ruby_static-devel A Ruby binary with some modules compiled in (in case of emergency)
lang/sbcl A Common Lisp development system derived from the CMU CL system
lang/scheme48 The Scheme Underground's implementation of R4RS
lang/schemetoc Scheme-to-C, a compiler and interpreter for compiling scheme into C
lang/scm A scheme interpreter
lang/screamer Extension of Common Lisp for nondeterministic programming
lang/scriba A scripting implementation of the BASIC language
lang/scsh A Unix shell embedded into Scheme, with access to all Posix calls
lang/siod A small footprint implementation of the Scheme programming language
lang/sisc An extensible Java-based Scheme interpreter
lang/slib A portable scheme library
lang/slisp A simple Lisp interpreter
lang/smalltalk GNU Smalltalk
lang/smarteiffel SmartEiffel, the GNU compiler for the object-oriented language Eiffel
lang/sml-mode.el An EMACS mode for editing Standard ML programs
lang/sml-nj A popular functional language from Bell Labs
lang/sml-nj-devel A popular functional language from Bell Labs
lang/snobol 0.99.4 release of ``The Macro Implementation of SNOBOL4 in C''
lang/spidermonkey A standalone JavaScript interpreter from the Mozilla project
lang/spl The Shakespeare programming language
lang/squeak2 Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UNIX, Mac, and Windows
lang/squeak3 Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UNIX, Mac, and Windows
lang/sr A parallel language "Synchronization Resources"
lang/stackless_python Python implementation that does not use the C stack
lang/starlogo StarLogo is a specialized version of the Logo programming language written in Java
lang/stklos The successor of the STk Scheme interpreter
lang/stldoc The STL reference manual by SGI
lang/swi-pl Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
lang/sxm Another implementation of Scheme
lang/t3x A compiler for the minimum procedural language T3X
lang/tcl-manual Documentation for TCL (Tool Command Language)
lang/tcl80 Tool Command Language
lang/tcl81-thread Tcl81 with threads support
lang/tcl82 Tool Command Language
lang/tcl83 Tool Command Language
lang/tcl84 Tool Command Language
lang/tclX Extended TCL
lang/tclX80 Extended TCL
lang/tclX82 Extended TCL
lang/tcltutor A Tcl/Tk based tutorial for Tcl
lang/tensile The New Scripting Language
lang/tinycobol A tiny COBOL compiler for IA32 platforms
lang/treecc Treecc program is designed to assist in the development of compilers
lang/visualworks A high performance Smalltalk environment
lang/wamcc Prolog-to-C translator from Inria
lang/wxbasic A cross-platform GUI Basic interpreter
lang/xsb A tabled Logic Programming and Deductive Database system
lang/yabasic Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
lang/yap A high-performance Prolog compiler
lang/yorick Interpreted language and scientific graphics
lang/yorick-doc Yorick interpreted language full documentation
mail/abook An addressbook program with mutt mail client support
mail/adcomplain Complain about inappropriate commercial use (f.e. SPAM) of usenet/e-mail
mail/akpop3d POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure
mail/althea Yet another GTK-based mail reader for X. Supports IMAP
mail/anubis Outgoing SMTP mail processor
mail/archivemail Search mailbox files and archive or delete mail older than N days
mail/arrow Mail Reader for X: view, compose and organize; e.g, PGP, GnuPG, POP & APOP
mail/asmail Biff-type program, designed to match AfterStep
mail/autorespond "Simple autoresponder for qmail"
mail/autosig A random .signature generator with header file included
mail/balsa A mail reader for the GNOME desktop
mail/balsa2 A mail reader for the GNOME 2 desktop
mail/bayespam qmail spam filter written in Perl using Bayesian classification
mail/bbmail A tool intended for Blackbox that checks for new mail
mail/biabam A command-line attachment mailer
mail/biffer A better mail notification server
mail/bincimap Light-weight IMAP server for Maildir
mail/bmf A fast Bayesian Mail Filter compatible with maildrop and procmail
mail/bogofilter "Fast, teachable, learning spam detector"
mail/bsmtp Batch SMTP support for sendmail, incoming and outgoing
mail/bulk_mailer Speeds delivery to mailing lists by sorting & batching addresses
mail/cclient Mark Crispin's C-client mail access routines
mail/chk4mail A utility to quickly check multiple folders for new email
mail/cmail A simple mail counter, useful for multiple mailfiles
mail/coolmail A Xbiff like mail tool with animated 3D graphics
mail/courier Courier SMTP IMAP POP3 HTTP mail server suite
mail/courier-imap IMAP (and POP3) server that provides access to Maildir mailboxes
mail/crashecho An FTN JAM and *.MSG tosser
mail/cucipop Cubic Circle's POP3 daemon (fully RFC1939 compliant)
mail/cvsmail A small program to add cvsweb links to FreeBSD commit messages
mail/cyrus The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3, KPOP, and IMAP4 protocols
mail/cyrus-imapd The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
mail/cyrus-imapd2 The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
mail/cyrus-imapd22 The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
mail/dcc-dccd Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse procmail, sendmail support
mail/demime A tool to scrub mime from mailing lists
mail/distribute Mail dispacher for mailing list. Fits nicely with majordomo
mail/dkimap4 IMAP4rev1 and POP3 server from the DBOX BBS package
mail/dovecot Secure and compact IMAP and POP3 servers
mail/drac Dynamic Relay Authorization Control, a pop-before-smtp implementation
mail/drbl Distributed Realtime Black List
mail/ecartis The Ecartis Listserver \ Mailing List Manager
mail/elm A once-popular mail user agent, version 2.5.x
mail/elm+ME A once-popular mail user agent, unofficial clone
mail/emh MIME extension of mh-e.el
mail/emh-emacs20 MIME extension of mh-e.el
mail/emh-xemacs21-mule MIME extension of mh-e.el
mail/emil Mail format/encoding converter
mail/evolution An integrated mail, calendar and address book distributed suite
mail/evolution-devel An integrated mail, calendar and address book distributed suite
mail/exim High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
mail/exim-doc-html Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
mail/exim-doc-pdf Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
mail/exim-doc-postscript Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
mail/exim-ldap High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
mail/exim-ldap2 High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
mail/exim-monitor The Exim monitor for the Exim MTA
mail/exim-mysql High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
mail/exim-old High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
mail/exim-postgresql High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
mail/exmh2 X11/TK based mail reader front end to MH
mail/ezmlm An easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail
mail/ezmlm-idx Improved version of the ezmlm-0.53 mailing list management software
mail/ezmlm-web CGI script that lets you manage ezmlm-idx mailing lists through the web
mail/faces Visual mail, user and print face server
mail/fetchmail Batch mail retrieval utility for IMAP/POP2/POP3/APOP/KPOP/ETRN/ODMR
mail/filtermail Filter mail on a pop3 server: saves downloading spam
mail/flink The Flink mailchecker is a small panelapplet for the GNOME panel
mail/ftrack FTN Messages tracker
mail/gbiff A GNOME/GTK biff with Unix mailfile, MH, qmail, and POP3 support
mail/gbuffy A GTK+ multiple mailbox "biff" program
mail/gensig A random .signature generator
mail/getmail POP3 mail retriever written in Python
mail/gkrellmmailwatch GKrellM mailwatch plugin
mail/gkrellmmailwatch2 GKrellM mailwatch plugin
mail/glacier Another GNOME mail user agent
mail/glbiff Xbiff-like program for X Window System with nice 3D output
mail/gmail GNOME client that stores email retrieved with pop in a mysql database
mail/gmime Library (written in C) for parsing and creating messages using MIME
mail/gmime2 Library (written in C) for parsing and creating messages using MIME
mail/gnumail GNUstep mail client
mail/gotmail A script to fetch mail from a Hotmail or MSN mailbox
mail/grepmail Search mailboxes for a given regexp and display matching emails
mail/gtkgrepmail A gtk front-end to grepmail
mail/gubby A program showing where new mail has been placed
mail/hbiff A replacement for xbiff that handles popup window with mail headers
mail/hotwayd A Hotmail -> POP3 gateway
mail/icqmail A simple ICQ->Email gateway
mail/ifile An application of machine learning to e-mail filtering
mail/im Set of user interfaces of Email and NetNews
mail/imap-uw University of Washington IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail servers
mail/imapfilter IMAP mail filtering utility
mail/imp3 A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP
mail/isoqlog A MTA log analysis program supporting qmail, postfix, sendmail
mail/isync Maintain local copies of remote IMAP folders w/synchronized flags
mail/jamlib A JAM subroutine library
mail/junkfilter Spam filtering software for procmail
mail/kbiff "Mail notification utility for KDE with nice features"
mail/kiltdown Kiltdown is an UI independant Email Client for UNIX
mail/lbdb Set of tools for use with mutt's external mail address query feature
mail/liamail A graphical mail client
mail/libesmtp A library for posting electronic mail
mail/libetpan A mail library
mail/liboe Convert Outlook Express messages to the Unix mailbox format
mail/libpst A tool for converting Outlook .pst files to Unix mbox format
mail/librfc822 A complete parser for RFC822 addresses
mail/listmanager Fully-featured mailing list manager
mail/lmtp2nntp "OSSP mail to news gateway"
mail/lookout Convert Outlook97 addressbook export files to KDE KAB/GNOME gnomecard
mail/mahogany An X11 mail and news client with an embedded Python interpreter
mail/mail2procmailrc mail to procmailrc generator
mail/mail2sms Mail to SMS converter
mail/mailagent A sophisticated automatic mail-processing tool
mail/mailcrypt An Emacs/PGP interface
mail/maildirsync Online synchronizer for Maildir-format mailboxes
mail/maildrop Replacement local mail delivery agent, similar to procmail
mail/mailfilter A simple, easy-to-use mail filtering program written in perl
mail/mailfmt Remove leading quotations from mail/news and wrap lines to fixed width
mail/mailfront Mail server network protocol front-ends
mail/mailgraph A RRDtool frontend for Postfix statistics
mail/mailman A mailing list manager (MLM) with a user-friendly web front-end
mail/mailsync Mailsync is a way of keeping a collection of mailboxes synchronized
mail/mailx Mail command with mailx extensions
mail/mairix Indexing and searching in Maildir or MH folders
mail/majorcool A Web Interface to Majordomo
mail/majordomo A mailing list manager
mail/mavbiff Small screen with active mailboxes and bring-to-front-facility
mail/mboxgrep Utility to scan mailboxes for messages matching a regular expression
mail/mbx2mbox MS Outlook Express .mbx to mbox file converter
mail/mess822 RFC 822 mail message parsing library and rewriting utilities
mail/messagewall Free SMTP PROXY with filtering
mail/metamail Implementation of MIME, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
mail/mew Message interface to Emacs Window for emacs
mail/mew-emacs20 Message interface to Emacs Window for emacs20
mail/mew-mule Message interface to Emacs Window for mule
mail/mew-xemacs21 Message interface to Emacs Window for xemacs21
mail/mew-xemacs21-mule Message interface to Emacs Window for xemacs21-mule
mail/mew2 Message interface to Emacs Window (version 2) for emacs21
mail/mew2-emacs20 Message interface to Emacs Window (version 2) for emacs20
mail/mew2-xemacs21 Message interface to Emacs Window (version 2) for xemacs21
mail/mew2-xemacs21-mule Message interface to Emacs Window (version 2) for xemacs21-mule
mail/mimedefang Milter based anti-spam and anti-virus filtering program
mail/minimalist A minimalistic mailing list manager
mail/ml An X11 IMAP client
mail/mmc A tiny mail client for Gnome Desktop
mail/mmr Curses based MIME Mail Reader
mail/movemail Move your mail box to annother location
mail/mreport Sendmail logfile summary tool
mail/msgconvert Convert .MSG files to multipart MIME messages (mbox)
mail/mulberry A scalable high-performance GUI internet Mail User Agent
mail/mutt The Mongrel of Mail User Agents (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc.)
mail/mutt-devel The Mongrel of Mail User Agents (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc.)
mail/mutt_vc_query A vCard query utility for mutt
mail/muttzilla Mutt MUA plugin for Netscape for use on "mailto:" URLs
mail/nail BSD mail utility with MIME extensions
mail/namg A program to download mail from a NetAddress web account
mail/nbsmtp Simple program for outgoing SMTP delivery
mail/newmail A tool for checking for new mail in multiple mail boxes
mail/nmh A cleaned up MH mailer suite
mail/noattach A attatchment filter for Sendmail
mail/nocc A web-based e-mail system which access POP3 and IMAP mail servers
mail/nullmailer MTA for hosts which relay to a fixed set of smart relays
mail/offlineimap Powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
mail/openwebmail A webmail system designed to manage very big mail folder files in a memory efficient way
mail/p5-Email-Find Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
mail/p5-Email-Valid Check validity of Internet email addresses
mail/p5-IMAP-Admin Perl module for basic IMAP server administration
mail/p5-IMAP-Sieve Perl module to edit Sieve scripts on an Cyrus IMAP server
mail/p5-MIME-Lite A simple interface for creating (not parsing!) MIME messages
mail/p5-MIME-Tools A set of perl5 modules for MIME
mail/p5-MIME-Types MIME-Types is a Perl extension for determining MIME types
mail/p5-Mail-Audit Perl module for creating easy mail filters
mail/p5-Mail-Box Perl module implementing a modern mail-folder managerat
mail/p5-Mail-Box1 Perl module implementing a modern mail-folder managerat
mail/p5-Mail-Bulkmail Perl module for mailing lists
mail/p5-Mail-CClient Perl interface to the c-client mailbox API
mail/p5-Mail-Ezmlm Perl module to allow object methods for ezmlm-idx mailing lists
mail/p5-Mail-FilterXML Perl module that allows writing mail filter rules in XML
mail/p5-Mail-Folder Perl module for a folder-independant interface to email folders
mail/p5-Mail-Freshmeat Perl module to parse daily newsletters from freshmeat.net
mail/p5-Mail-IMAPClient Perl5 module to talk to a IMAP4rev1 (RFC2060) server
mail/p5-Mail-ListDetector Perl module for detecting mailing list messages
mail/p5-Mail-MailStats Perl module to detect newer messages in procmail-generated mailboxes
mail/p5-Mail-POP3Client Perl5 module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server
mail/p5-Mail-Procmailrc A Perl OO interface to procmail rc files
mail/p5-Mail-QuoteWrap Provides wrapping functionality for quoted Email and Usenet messages
mail/p5-Mail-RBL Perl extension to access RBL-style host verification services
mail/p5-Mail-Sender Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server
mail/p5-Mail-Sendmail Perl module implementing a simple, platform-independent mailer
mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin A highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-snapshot A mail filter for identifying SPAM
mail/p5-Mail-Spool A "pure perl" implementation of mail spooling, unspooling and sending
mail/p5-Mail-Tools Perl5 modules for dealing with Internet e-mail messages
mail/p5-Mail-Verify Perl module to verify email addresses
mail/p5-Net-SMTP-Server A native Perl SMTP Server
mail/p5-Sendmail-Milter A module to write mail filters in Perl using sendmail's mail filter API
mail/p5-vpopmail Perl module to provide access to vpopmail API
mail/pantomime Mail/MIME handling library for GNUstep
mail/pantomime-ssl SSL Connections for pantomime
mail/pathalias Mail routing tools
mail/pear-Mail_Mime PEAR classes to create and decode MIME messages
mail/pear-mailparse PEAR classes to create and decode MIME messages
mail/perdition A POP3 & IMAP4 proxy that can map users to multiple backend servers
mail/pflogstats Postfix Log Statistics Reporter
mail/pflogsumm Postfix Log Entry Summarizer
mail/pgen Tool to generate a procmailrc file with m4 macros
mail/pgp4pine Tool to use PGP 2/5/6 or GPG with Pine
mail/pgpsendmail PGP sign/encrypt/decrypt messages automatically
mail/pine-pgp-filters Simple, fast, sh-based filters to integrate Pine with gnupg, or pgp6
mail/pine4 PINE(tm) -- a Program for Internet News & Email
mail/pm-lib A collection of procmail plug-in modules
mail/pmail A GNOME/python email client
mail/pop3gwd App-level proxy for Mail retrieval behind Firewalls
mail/pop3lite A flexible, modular RFC-compliant POP3 daemon
mail/popa3d Secure, performance, tiny POP3 daemon
mail/popa3d-before-sendmail Secure, performance, tiny POP3 daemon
mail/popd Very fast, highly configurable POP3 server (fully RFC1939 compliant)
mail/poppassd A server to allow users to change their password from within Eudora
mail/popper Berkeley POP 3 server (now maintained by Qualcomm)
mail/poppwd Implementation of the Eudora (compatible) password changing protocol
mail/poppy A client to perform simple tasks with a POP3/IMAP server
mail/postfix An alternative to widely-used Sendmail
mail/postfix-current An alternative to widely-used Sendmail
mail/postilion Mail client with the NeXt look
mail/premail E-mail privacy package, support anon remailers, PGP, nyms
mail/procmail A local mail delivery agent
mail/prom-mew Procmail reader for Mew on GNU Emacs
mail/prom-wl Procmail reader for Wanderlust on GNU Emacs
mail/pronto A Mail Client for Gnome/Gtk written in Perl
mail/py-milter Python interface to sendmail-8.1x milter API
mail/py-spambayes A Bayesian anti-spam filter written in Python
mail/pygmy A tiny GNOME mail client written in the Python programming language
mail/pymsgauth Automatically process qsecretary confirmation requests
mail/pyzor A collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam
mail/qconfirm Filter spam by requesting confirmation from sender
mail/qmHandle Tool to view and manage a qmail queue
mail/qmail A SECURE, reliable, efficient, simple, and FAST MTA for UNIX systems
mail/qmail-autoresponder Rate-limited autoresponder for qmail
mail/qmail-conf Configure various qmail services to run under daemontools
mail/qmail-contrib Contributed programs for qmail
mail/qmail-ldap A SECURE, reliable, and FAST MTA for UNIX systems WITH LDAP support
mail/qmail-mysql A SECURE, reliable, and FAST MTA for UNIX systems WITH MySQL support
mail/qmail-notify Delayed delivery notification for qmail
mail/qmail-tls A SECURE, reliable, and FAST MTA for UNIX systems WITH TLS support
mail/qmailadmin "CGI program for administering Qmail with vchkpw/vpopmail"
mail/qmailanalog A collection of tools to analyze qmail-send's activity
mail/qpopper Berkeley POP 3 server (now maintained by Qualcomm)
mail/qtools Tools to use in .qmail files
mail/queue-repair A qmail queue diagnostic and repair tool
mail/raysfilter A configurable filter for Sendmail
mail/razor-agents A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network
mail/rbl-milter A milter that adds mail header warnings on mail from open-relays
mail/rblcheck Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
mail/regm Extract messages from a mailbox using regular expressions
mail/rftp Automatically reconstruct ftpmail- or bitftp-retrieved files
mail/ricochet An automated agent for tracing and reporting internet junk mail
mail/ripmime Extracts attached files out of a MIME encoded email package
mail/rlytest Test an SMTP host for third-party relay
mail/rmime Decode MIME messages inside Emacs (works with RMAIL, VM, and mh-e)
mail/rmoldmail Prune a mailbox of messages older than a set number of days
mail/ruby-mime-types MIME::Types for Ruby
mail/ruby-rfilter A Ruby library for filtering and delivering email to mailboxes
mail/ruby-rmail A light-weight mail manipulating library for Ruby
mail/ruby-tmail A RFC2822/MIME compliant mail manipulating library for Ruby
mail/sendmail Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
mail/sendmail-ldap Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
mail/sendmail-old Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
mail/sendmail-sasl Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
mail/sentinel A sendmail milter API implementation
mail/serialmail Tools for passing mail across serial links
mail/sigit A tool to create random signatures
mail/sigrot Util to rotate your mail/news signature
mail/silkymail A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP
mail/sma Program that analyses Sendmail log entries
mail/smail A program used for receiving and delivering mail
mail/smapi Modified Squish MSGAPI
mail/smtpclient Simple SMTP client
mail/smtpd Obtuse smtpd/smtpfwdd, part of the Juniper firewall toolkit
mail/smtpfeed SMTP Fast Exploding External Deliverer for Sendmail
mail/smtpproxy SMTP proxy server
mail/smtprc A scanner for open SMTP relays
mail/smunge Funneling POP3 proxy server
mail/solidpop3d SolidPop3 POP3 daemon (fully RFC1939 compliant)
mail/sonicmail A POP3 email notifier GNOME applet
mail/spamass-milter Sendmail Milter (mail filter) for SpamAssassin
mail/spambnc A set of procmail recipies which handle known/suspected spam
mail/spamoracle procmail spam filter written in ML using Bayesian classification
mail/spamprobe Spam detector using Bayesian analysis of word counts
mail/spamstats A tool to generate statistics for spamd of Mail::SpamAssassin
mail/spruce A simple GTK based email client
mail/squirrelmail A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP
mail/sqwebmail CGI Webmail client for Maildirs
mail/ssmtp Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub
mail/stuphead A lightweight MUA for X11
mail/sylpheed A lightweight, featureful, and fast GTK+ based e-mail client
mail/sylpheed-claws A lightweight and very featurefull GTK+ based e-mail and news client
mail/teapop Yet another RFC1939 compliant POP3 server
mail/tkrat2 A mail user agent for X with a Tcl/Tk user interface
mail/tlb The List Batcher, a general purpose mail list delivery engine
mail/tmda Python-based SPAM reduction system
mail/tpop3d Virtual-domain capable POP3 server supporting MySQL auth
mail/turba The Horde contact management application
mail/vbsfilter A vbs-attachment filter for Sendmail
mail/vm A mail reader running inside Emacs or XEmacs
mail/vm-pop3d A virtual POP3 server
mail/vpopmail "Easy virtual domain and authentication package for use with qmail"
mail/vpopmail-stable "Easy virtual domain and authentication package for use with qmail"
mail/vqadmin A cgi-based Virtual Qmail Domains Administrator
mail/vrfy Verify mail address
mail/wanderlust Yet another message interface on Emacsen
mail/wanderlust-emacs20 Yet another message interface on Emacsen
mail/wanderlust-xemacs21-mule Yet another message interface on Emacsen
mail/websieve Web based Cyrus IMAP user admin client
mail/wmbiff An xbiff-like Window Maker dock app
mail/wmmail A little mail notifier for the Window Maker dock
mail/wmmaiload Incoming mail monitor dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
mail/wmmultipop3 A WindowMaker dockapp that checks multiple pop3 accounts for new mail
mail/wmpop3 A POP3 mail check for the Window Maker dock
mail/xbuffy A replacement for xbiff that handles multiple mail files
mail/xc-mail Mail client for X which supports POP and PGP
mail/xfmail An X Window System application for receiving electronic mail
mail/xlbiff The X Literate Biff - displays the from and subject from incoming mails
mail/xmail An X-based interface to the Berkeley mail program
mail/xmailbox Mailbox checker with sound and animation for X Window System
mail/xmailwatcher Mailbox checker which displays sender and subject lines of mails
mail/xpbiff A replacement for xbiff that handles popup window with mail header
mail/xpbiff-youbin A replacement for xbiff that handles popup window with mail header
mail/youbin Mail arrival notification service package
mail/yuzu A nicer mail user agent powered by JavaMail and JFC/Swing
mail/zmailer A fully functional fast, robust SMTP server and transport agent
math/GiNaC A C++ library for symbolic mathematical calculations
math/R-a4 A language for statistical computing and graphics
math/R-letter A language for statistical computing and graphics
math/abs A free spreadsheet with graphical user interface
math/add Full-screen editing calculator
math/apc An xforms based Auto Payment Calculator
math/arpack Argand Library (serial version)
math/asir2000 The system Risa/Asir is a general computer algebra system
math/atlas Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS)
math/biggles Create publication-quality 2D scientific plots
math/blacs The BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms)
math/blas Basic Linear Algebra, level 1, 2, and 3
math/blitz++ A C++ class library for scientific computing
math/calc Arbitrary precision calculator
math/calcoo Gtk-based scientific calculator
math/calctool A multi-GUI (text, X, xview, NeWS, sunview) calculator program
math/ccmath A mathematics library with many different functions
math/clarence Programmer's calculator
math/cln Class Library for Numbers
math/concorde Combinatorial Optimization package
math/cxsc C++ class library for eXtended Scientific Computing
math/dcdflib Library of C Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
math/diehard Marsaglia's Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness
math/djbfft An extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
math/drgenius The Gnome Interactive Geometry Sofware
math/eispack Eigenvalue system package
math/entropy Calculate data entropy to benchmark compression algorithms
math/eukleides A Euclidean geometry drawing language
math/eval A full featured floating point expression evaluator
math/femlab Interactive program for solving partial differential equations in 2D
math/fftpack Biharmonic equation in rectangular geometry and polar coordinates
math/fftw Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
math/freefem A language for the Finite Element Method
math/fudgit Multi-purpose data-processing and fitting program
math/fxt FFT code and related stuff
math/gambit A library of tools for doing computation in game theory
math/gap GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra
math/gcalctool A GNOME 2 calculator tool based on the old calctool for OpenWindows
math/gdcalc Gnome-based scientific calculator
math/geg Visualise multiple 2D-functions of one variable
math/gexpr A shell calculator
math/glgraph An OpenGL based function grapher
math/glove Data acquisition, manipulation, and analysis program for X
math/glpk A GNU Linear Programming Kit
math/gnumeric The GNOME spreadsheet
math/gnumeric2 The GNOME 2 spreadsheet
math/gnuplot A command-driven interactive function plotting program
math/gnuplot+ A command-driven interactive function plotting program
math/grace A powerful plotting tool (successor of xmgr)
math/graphthing A tool that allows you to create, manipulate and study graphs
math/gri An extensible plotting language for producing scientific graphs
math/grpn GTK+-based reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
math/gsl The GNU Scientific Library - mathematical libs
math/guppi A ploting program for GNOME
math/hexcalc A multi-radix calculator for x11
math/it++ Mathematical, signal processing and communication library
math/jacal Symbolic mathematics program written in Scheme
math/javanns Fully featured neural network simulator
math/kseg A simulator of euclidean geometry
math/lapack A library of Fortran 77 subroutines for linear algebra
math/lapack++ Linear Algebra PACKage in C++, a wrapper for LAPACK
math/libgmp-freebsd A library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
math/libgmp4 A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
math/libneural C++ implementation of the classic 3-layer perceptron in library form
math/libranlib Library of Routines for Random Number Generation
math/linalg C++ Linear Algebra and Optimization classlib
math/linpack Linear Algebra package
math/linux-relview An interactive tool for manipulation of relations
math/matrix C++ library to manipulate matrices and vectors
math/maxima Maxima symbolic computation program
math/metis A package for unstructured graph partitioning
math/mprime mersenne.org distributed Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
math/mtl The Matrix Template Library
math/mtrxmath A small tool for matrix mathemetics
math/mupad A sophisticated computer algebra system
math/naturalmath Script to turn intuitively written math into latex
math/nauty Brendan McKay's graph isomorphism tester
math/netcdf Library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access
math/newmat A C++ matrix library
math/ngraph A XY plotting tool for students, scientists and engineers
math/ntl Victor Shoup's Number Theory Library
math/octave High-level interactive language for numerical computations
math/oleo The GNU spreadsheet for X11 and terminals
math/p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp Perl module implementing a back-propagation feed-forward neural network
math/p5-AI-NeuralNet-Mesh A perl module implementing an optimized, accurate neural network mesh
math/p5-AI-Perceptron Perl module for introducing to internal operations of neural networks
math/p5-Bit-ShiftReg Perl module implementing various bit shifting operations
math/p5-Bit-Vector Library of advanced math functions that includes a Perl OO module
math/p5-Date-Handler Perl module for calculating time differences
math/p5-Graph Graph, the Perl module for graph operations
math/p5-Math-Base85 Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
math/p5-Math-BaseCalc Convert numbers between various bases
math/p5-Math-Bezier Perl module to solve Bezier curves
math/p5-Math-BigInt Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer math package
math/p5-Math-BigIntFast Perl module wrapper for Bit::Vector to provide big integer math
math/p5-Math-Calc-Units Human-readable unit-aware calculator
math/p5-Math-Currency Perl module for exact currency math with formatting and rounding
math/p5-Math-Expr Perl module for parsing mathematical expressions into a tree structure
math/p5-Math-FFT Perl module providing an interface to Fast Fourier Transform routines
math/p5-Math-FixedPrecision Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors
math/p5-Math-GMP Perl module that provides an interface to the GMP library
math/p5-Math-Interpolate Perl routines for data sets interpolation and interval search
math/p5-Math-LinearCombination Sum of variables with a numerical coefficient
math/p5-Math-Logic Perl module providing pure 2, 3 or multi-value logic
math/p5-Math-Pari PARI - numerical/scientific/number-theoretic calculations
math/p5-Math-Random Random number generators
math/p5-Math-Random-MT The Mersenne Twister PRNG
math/p5-Math-SimpleVariable Simple representation of mathematical variables
math/p5-Math-TrulyRandom Perl interface to a truly random number generator function
math/p5-MatrixReal A perl module implementing a Matrix of Reals
math/p5-Roman Perl module to convert between Arabic and Roman numerals
math/p5-Set-IntSpan Manages sets of integers
math/p5-Set-Window Perl module to manage an interval on the integer line
math/p5-Statistics-ChiSquare How random is your data?
math/p5-Statistics-Descriptive Perl module that supplies statistical methods for perl5
math/p5-Statistics-Distributions Perl module that calculates critical values of common statistical distributions
math/p5-Statistics-LTU Perl implementation of Linear Threshold Units
math/p5-Statistics-OLS Perl module to perform ordinary least squares and other bivariate statistics
math/p5-Statistics-Table-F Perl module for computing the statistical F-ratio
math/pari Mathmatics library and advanced calculator package
math/pari-devel Mathmatics library and advanced calculator package
math/parmetis A package for parallel (mpi) unstructured graph partitioning
math/physcalc Extremely flexible calculator that behaves much like units(1)
math/ploticus Generates plots and graphs from data
math/plplot A scientific plotting package
math/pspp Program for statistical analysis of sampled data
math/py-gato A Python-based toolbox to visualise algorithms on graphs
math/py-gnuplot Python interface to gnuplot plotting program
math/py-gsl Python interface to GNU Scientific Library
math/py-mpz Python bindings to the GNU Multiple Precision library
math/py-numarray Numeric array manipulation extension module for Python
math/py-numeric The Numeric Extension to Python
math/py-numeric17 The Numeric Extension to Python
math/py-probstat Probability And Statistics Utils for Python
math/py-scientific Collection of Python modules for scientific computing
math/qscanplot A program to extract data from scanned plots, graphs and figures
math/rascal Rascal, the Advanced Scientific CALculator
math/rcalc Symbolic calculator for GNOME
math/rpc A full-screen RPN calculator program
math/ruby-algebra A Ruby library for mathematical (algebraic) computations
math/ruby-bitvector Efficient Ruby bit vector extension
math/ruby-gnuplot A pipe-based interface to the gnuplot package for Ruby
math/ruby-gsl A Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library)
math/ruby-math3d A Ruby library for mathematics for 3D graphics
math/ruby-narray Numerical N-dimensional array library for Ruby
math/ruby-netcdf A Ruby interface to the NetCDF scientific IO library
math/sc A curses-based spreadsheet program
math/scalapack The ScaLAPACK Scalable LAPACK library
math/scigraphica A scientific application for data analysis and technical graphics
math/scilab A free Matlab clone by INRIA & ENPC
math/siag Scheme-based "office" for X and curses. Sexy interface using Xaw3d
math/simpack SimPack & Sim++ libraries and tools for simulatiom modelling
math/slsc A enhanced slang-based version of the sc spreadsheet program
math/snns Fully featured neural network simulator
math/solitaire The reference implementation of the Solitaire encryption algorithm
math/spar A modular math parser
math/spooles SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver
math/spooles-mpich SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver
math/ss A curses-based SpreadSheet program
math/superlu A library of routines for performing sparse factorization
math/surf Visualize some real algebraic geometry
math/thx_1138 Electronic Paper for Calculations and Graphs
math/topaz A command driven graph plotting system for scientists and engineers
math/tvmet Tiny Vector and Matrix template library
math/umatrix Simple matrix package
math/umfpack Unsymmetric-pattern Multifrontal Package
math/units Unit conversion and calculation
math/unixstat A statistics package designed for use with the Unix shell
math/vecfem Program to solve non-linear boundary value problems
math/vtk The Visualization Toolkit
math/wingz A Commercial Spreadsheet
math/wingz3 A Commercial Spreadsheet
math/wmcalc Simple dockable calculator
math/xgfe An X11 front-end for Gnuplot
math/xgobi Graphical data visualisation tool
math/xgraph A program that helps you plot graphs
math/xldlas An XForms-based statistics package
math/xlispstat A statistics/X11 based lisp interpreter
math/xplot X11 plotting package
math/xspread A spreadsheet program for X and terminals
math/xwpl The X Wavelet Packet Laboratory
math/yacas Yet Another Computer Algebra System
mbone/imm Internet Image(or other data) Multicaster (and receiver)
mbone/nte Multicast Network Text Editor
mbone/rat IPv4/v6 Multicast and unicast audio conferencing tool
mbone/rat30 IPv4/v6 Multicast and unicast audio conferencing tool
mbone/relate Mbone integrated interface, audio, video, editor, and whiteboard
mbone/rqm A graphical RTP quality monitor
mbone/rtpmon A program to montior loss in multicast sessions
mbone/rtptools A set of tools to record, playback and monitor RTPv2 data streams
mbone/sdr Multicast Session Directory
mbone/speak_freely Voice Communication Over Data Networks
mbone/vat The Visual Audio Tool - multicast audioconferencing
mbone/vic MBONE video tool
mbone/wb A shared drawing (whiteboard) tool using multicast
mbone/wbd A shared drawing (whiteboard) tool using multicast, compatible with wb
misc/44bsd-more The pager installed with FreeBSD before less(1) was imported
misc/Howto Linux HOW-TOs modified for applicablity on FreeBSD
misc/achievo A flexible web-based resource management tool
misc/aclgen Optimize Cisco routers ip access lists
misc/acron Database of acronyms and abbreviations
misc/afbackup AF's backup system
misc/afbackup-client AF's backup system
misc/afbackup-server AF's backup system
misc/airoflash Flash utiltity for Cisco/Aironet 802.11 wireless cards
misc/alevt X11 Teletext decoding and display program. (reads from /dev/vbi)
misc/amanda-client The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (client)
misc/amanda-server The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (server)
misc/argparse A tool for commandline parsing for shell scripts
misc/asbutton A dockapp that displays 4 or 9 buttons to run apps of your choice
misc/asr-manpages alt.sysadmin.recovery man page distribution.
misc/astrolog An astrology program for X11 and alpha-numeric terminals
misc/bb High quality audio-visual demonstration for text terminal
misc/bbjd Beat the blackjack dealer
misc/bestfit Optimally choose files to be put on a CD (or other media)
misc/biblereader A GUI based Bible program for X11
misc/bibletime A powerful Bible study application for KDE3
misc/bibletime-doc Documentation for bibletime, a powerful Bible study program for KDE3
misc/bidwatcher Bid monitor for eBay
misc/birthday A program that outputs reminders for upcoming events (e.g. birthdays)
misc/bogosort "Sort (or not) stdin using the bogo-sort algorithm"
misc/bookcase Personal book collection manager for KDE
misc/bottlerocket Home Automation Software for the X10 FireCracker kit
misc/boxes Draws ASCII-art configurable boxes around text or code
misc/brs An interactive King James Bible
misc/buffer Buffer sporadic I/O for faster tape and pipe throughput
misc/cave Character Animation Viewer for Everyone
misc/cfe Console font editor
misc/cheatah Temporary gtk GUI to the SWORD project
misc/chef Feelter thet cunferts Ingleesh text tu Muck Cheenese-a
misc/chmlib A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
misc/chord Produce PS sheet-music from text input
misc/chord2html Convert CHORD input files to HTML
misc/clex A commandline file manager
misc/cmatrix Show a scrolling 'Matrix' like screen
misc/colortail A colour-able replacement for tail(1)
misc/compat22 A convenience package to install the compat22 libraries
misc/compat3x A convenience package to install the compat3x libraries
misc/compat4x A convenience package to install the compat4x libraries
misc/cpuid CPU identification utility
misc/crosspad Crosspad data downloader/converter
misc/cstream dd(1)-like tool, precise bandwidth limiting/reporting, fifo, TCP, audio support
misc/cuecat Tools for decoding and using the output of a :Cue:Cat(TM) wand scanner
misc/cwish Curses based user friendly windowing shell
misc/datedif Calculates the number of days between two dates
misc/deco Demos Commander, a free Norton Commander clone
misc/dejagnu Automated program/system tester
misc/delay A delay program with feedback to the user
misc/demoniac A tool for exploring and animating graphics effects
misc/diction GNU diction and style
misc/dirtree A command line tool for displaying directory trees
misc/display Runs command repeatedly; shows output (can conflict with ImageMagick)
misc/dnetc Distributed.net distributed computing project client (modules: rc5-72/ogr)
misc/dog Dog writes the contents of each given file, URL, or stdin
misc/dotfile A GUI dotfile generator program to create .config files
misc/dvorak7min An ncurses-based Dvorak typing tutor
misc/dvorakng A Dvorak typing tutor
misc/earthview Produces a view output of an arbitrary region of the Earth
misc/edonkey-tool-hash Both calculates 'eDonkey/Overnet hashes' producing ed2k:// file links
misc/edonkey-tool-list Creates a web page with ed2k:// links to all your shared files
misc/edonkey-tool-recovermet Tool that tries to re-create x.part.met files compromised due to crash
misc/edonkey-tool-slist Checks which servers are either dead or alive in server.met
misc/elscreen GNU screen like utility on Emacsen
misc/emma A personal finance manager for Gnome
misc/estic Controller for ISDN TK-Anlage (PBX) made by Istec
misc/ewipe Tcl/tk-based presentation tool
misc/explosions 3D objects flying around resembling explosions with various effects
misc/ezload Down-/uploader for AnchorChip's EZ-USB chip
misc/felis A tool which displays one or more files as a single line of text
misc/fep A general purpose front end for command line editing
misc/figlet SysV banner-like program prints strings in large fancy ASCII art
misc/figlet-fonts Assorted fonts for the figlet(6) program
misc/findutils The GNU find utilities
misc/firestring A library to make string handling easier in C
misc/floatator An interactive fluid dynamics simulation
misc/flyway A VFR/IFR Route Planner for Pilots
misc/fortune-mod-futurama Compilation of quotes from the TV series "Futurama"
misc/fortuneit A very funny fortune file in Italian
misc/freedialog An implementation of dialog(1) under a BSD-friendly license
misc/ftdi-eeprom A tool to programm the eeprom on FTDI usb devices
misc/ftree An X11 genealogy program
misc/gctpc An USGS General Cartographic Transformation Package (GCTP)
misc/geekcode A Geek Code Generator
misc/git GNU Interactive Tools - a file system browser for UNIX systems
misc/gkrellm-reminder GKrellM plugin that reminds you of important events
misc/gkrellmaflag A GKrellM Plugin that displays a waving American flag
misc/gkrellmbgchg A plugin for GKrellM, which changes the desktop's background image
misc/gkrellmfmonitor GKrellM FMonitor plugin
misc/gkrellmfmonitor2 GKrellM FMonitor plugin
misc/gkrellmlaunch An application launcher plugin for GKrellM
misc/gkrellscore Plugin to GKrellM that displays current sports scores
misc/gkrellshoot A screen locking and screen capture plugin for GKrellM
misc/gkrellweather GKrellWeather is a weather plugin for GKrellM
misc/gkrellweather2 GKrellWeather is a weather plugin for GKrellM
misc/gkx86info GKrellM plugin that simply prints the current clock speed
misc/gman A user-friendly graphical front end for the man system
misc/gnome-icon-theme A collection of icons for the GNOME 2 desktop
misc/gnomehier An utility port, installing hierarchy of common GNOME directories
misc/gnomemimedata A MIME and Application database for GNOME
misc/gnomepm A small GNOME app that collects stock information from Yahoo!(c) Finance
misc/gnomesword A bible interface utilizing the sword framework
misc/gnomeuserdocs GNOME users guide
misc/gnomeuserdocs2 GNOME 2 users guide
misc/gnomeutils GNOME support utilities
misc/gnomeutils2 GNOME 2 support utilities
misc/gnuls GNU colorized `ls'
misc/gnustep-examples GNUstep example applications
misc/goblin A Graph Object Library for Network Programming Problems
misc/goldstr Compute the golden string
misc/gone A terminal locking utility with many improvements over lock(1)
misc/gonvert A conversion utility that allows conversion between many units
misc/gplbp GNOME Pilot Logbook application
misc/granulate Granulate is a program for splitting files in place
misc/grc Generic Colouriser
misc/grdb Matches Motif/Athena/Tk widgets with the current GTK theme
misc/gretl Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library
misc/grun Gtk-launcher similar to the Windows(tm) "Run..." dialog
misc/gtkfind The program to use to have to remember all the options to find(1)
misc/gtktalog GTKtalog is a tool to make disk catalogs
misc/gtl C++ STL-based support for graphs and graph algorithms
misc/gucharmap A Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
misc/gwhich GNU Which - Everything you never wanted in a which
misc/hb A simple, but complete budget management in Python
misc/hello A utility for saying hello to the world and read email
misc/help2man Automatically generating simple manual pages from program output
misc/heyu Control a CM11A interface from the command line
misc/histring "A tool to highlight strings using the ANSI terminal escape sequences"
misc/hulgalugha A very jerky text filter.
misc/instant-server Instant server installs a typical set of ports for a server
misc/instant-workstation Instant workstation installs a typical set of ports for a workstation
misc/iselect Interactive Selection Tool
misc/jargon The famous jargon file
misc/jive Filter that converts English text to Jive
misc/katalog CD organizer for KDE
misc/kcd Change directory in full-screen visual mode
misc/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE
misc/kde3-i18n-af Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-ar Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-az Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-bg Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-bs Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-ca Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-cs Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-da Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-el Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-en_GB Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-eo Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-es Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-et Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-fi Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-hr Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-id Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-is Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-it Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-lt Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-lv Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-mt Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-nb Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-nl Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-nn Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-pl Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-ro Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-sk Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-sl Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-sr Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-sv Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-ta Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-th Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-tr Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-ven Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-xh Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kde3-i18n-zu Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
misc/kdeaddons3 Additional plugins and scripts for some KDE applications
misc/kdeedu3 Collection of entertaining, educational programs for KDE
misc/kdeutils3 Utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
misc/kenny Translate text both to and from KennySpeak
misc/kp The Keyboard Practicer, touch-type training program
misc/kwatch KDE/Qt log file viewer
misc/lc An alternative to ls(1)
misc/less A better pager utility
misc/libelysium A library of utility functions used by several Elysium projects
misc/libh FreeBSD's next-generation sysinstall/package management tool
misc/libmcal Modular Calendar Access Library
misc/lifelines An advanced genealogical system
misc/lile An Input Line Editor that wraps itself around programs
misc/lingoteach A language teaching program with sound
misc/logsurfer Process logfiles and conditionally perform certain actions
misc/lr Lazyread can auto-scroll files on your screen in movie credit fashion
misc/lv Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
misc/magicpoint An X11-based presentation tool
misc/man.el Browse I18N capable UNIX manual pages with Mule, Emacs and XEmacs
misc/mango A recipe management software
misc/matrix-kmod Screensaver for console (matrix_saver.ko) "Matrix" like
misc/mc Midnight Commander, a free Norton Commander Clone
misc/menushki Menu converter between varieties of Window Managers
misc/metatheme2 An utility for managing "theme sets" that accomodate gtk, window manager, etc
misc/mgp-mode.el A mode of Emacs for editing MagicPoint files
misc/mime-support MIME Media Types list
misc/misterproper A GNOME application designed to manage cyclic tasks
misc/mmv Move/copy/append/link multiple files with sophisticated wildcard matching
misc/most A pager (like less) which has support for windows and binary files
misc/moviedb The Internet Movie Database package
misc/mshell A Unix menuing shell
misc/mtx Control SCSI media changer devices
misc/muuz X11 and sound tool that promotes relaxation, meditation, fun, more
misc/nsf NAKAMURA's Shell Form input
misc/numchar Converts phone numbers between digits and characters
misc/nut Nut is nutrition software to record what you eat
misc/nwrite Improved, recipient configureable replacement for /usr/bin/write
misc/opencyc General knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine
misc/orville-write Advanced replacement for write/mesg
misc/p5-Array-Compare Perl extension for comparing arrays
misc/p5-Array-IntSpan Module for handling arrays using IntSpan techniques
misc/p5-Array-PrintCols Perl5 module to print arrays of elements in sorted columns
misc/p5-Array-RefElem Set up array elements as aliases
misc/p5-Business-ISBN Work with International Standard Book Numbers
misc/p5-Business-ISIN Validate International Securities Identification Numbers
misc/p5-Business-ISSN Perl extension for International Standard Serial Numbers
misc/p5-Business-UPS A UPS Interface Module
misc/p5-Chatbot-Eliza A clone of the classic Eliza program
misc/p5-Data-Buffer Read/write buffer class
misc/p5-DataCash Online credit card transactions
misc/p5-File-CounterFile Perl module for persistent counter class
misc/p5-File-Sort Sort a file or merge sort multiple files
misc/p5-Finance-Currency-Convert Convert currencies and fetch their exchange rates
misc/p5-Finance-Quote Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
misc/p5-Finance-QuoteHist Perl module for fetching historical stock quotes
misc/p5-Geo-Weather Perl module to retrieve weather information from weather.com
misc/p5-I18N-Charset Module which maps CharSet names to the names registered with IANA
misc/p5-I18N-LangTags Functions for dealing with RFC-1766-style language tags
misc/p5-LEGO-RCX Perl module for communicating with the Lego RCX brick via the IR tower
misc/p5-Locale-Codes Perl5 module providing access to ISO3166 and ISO639 Country Codes
misc/p5-Locale-Msgcat Msgcat, a small Perl module for systems to support the XPG4 message catalog functions
misc/p5-Locale-SubCountry Convert state, province, county etc. names to/from code
misc/p5-Net-vCard Read and write vCard files (RFC 2426)
misc/p5-Text-FIGlet Perl module to provide FIGlet abilities, akin to banner
misc/p5-Tie-DxHash Keeps insertion order, allows duplicate keys
misc/patanjali Displays a verse from Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
misc/patchutils A small collection of programs that operate on patch files
misc/pbs Batch job queueing system
misc/pdfmap Generate maps in PDF format and place clickable objects on them
misc/pdmenu A simple console menu program
misc/peq Fortune like program
misc/pg An implementation of System V's pg pager
misc/phraze Converts telephone number to combinations of valid words
misc/pinfo Ncurses based, lynx style info documentation browser
misc/pl-sms Send SMS to cellular phones in Poland (Idea, ERA, Plus)
misc/porteasy A tool for fetching and building ports
misc/portell Quick display of FreeBSD port descriptions
misc/projectionlib A C++ wrapper for the USGS GCTP projection library
misc/proxyper The official distributed.net v2 personal proxy
misc/py-distutils Python Module Distribution Utilities
misc/py-pexpect A Pure Python Expect-like module
misc/pybliographer GUI and command-line tools for editing and searching bibliographic databases
misc/pypanda Viewer for San Diego Zoo Pandacam written in Python
misc/qbrew A homebrewer's recipe calculator
misc/qlas Qico FIDO mailer log analyzer and statistic builder
misc/qmc Quine-McClusky process simplification tool
misc/quantlib A comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance
misc/quick-lounge-applet Applet to orginize your preferred applications on the GNOME Panel
misc/quotes Quote, currency, and Slashdot headline fetcher based on Perl
misc/quranref An interactive Quran (Koran)
misc/reed A text pager with autoscrolling and more
misc/rfc Perl script to search for RFC's
misc/ringtonetools Create/Convert/Listen to ringtones and logos for mobile phones
misc/rname "Execute a program with a fake name"
misc/rpl Rpl is a Unix text replacement utility
misc/rtfm A FreeBSD documentation search mechanism
misc/salias A command-line tool to alias arguments of other programs
misc/screen A multi-screen window manager
misc/seizedesktop A customizer of desktop screen environment
misc/sh-utils The FSF's versions of date(1), expr(1), test(1), etc
misc/shared-mime-info A MIME type database from the FreeDesktop project
misc/shc A shell script "encoder"
misc/shuffle Produce random permutations
misc/since View the end of a file like tail(1), but save state between sessions
misc/sloccount Counts physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)
misc/sls List information about file(s) and directories
misc/smssend A tool to send a SMS to any GSM
misc/snowflake A snowflake image generator
misc/solfege Free eartraining software
misc/spamcalc Calculates "DNS-spam"-values for hostnames
misc/splitvt Run two shells in a split window/terminal
misc/sshbuddy Simple and small GUI utility to manage ssh sessions
misc/stan Generate several statisical information of a stream
misc/stickynotes_applet Applet that adds sticky notes to your desktop
misc/susv2 Single UNIX Specification Version 2
misc/susv3 Single UNIX Specification Version 3
misc/sword A project framework for manipulating Bible texts
misc/sword-modules Bible, lexicon and commentary modules for SWORD
misc/tcb File viewer for terminal
misc/team Portable multi-buffered tape streaming utility
misc/terraform Interactive height field generation and manipulation program
misc/tet An test execution framework from the Open Group
misc/tkcron A frontend to crontab
misc/tkinfo A tk script to read GNU "info" files and display them
misc/tkman A Tcl/Tk based manual browser
misc/tkregexp An interactive regexp design tool
misc/tkrunit GUI app launcher with completion and history
misc/translate Translates string using Babelfish
misc/ttyrec Tty recorder
misc/tvguide Perl script to pretty-print TV Guide listings from
misc/txt2regex A Regular Expression "wizard"
misc/uf-view A gTK+ viewer for the User Friendly and several other popular comics
misc/uk-phone United Kingdom phone codes
misc/uk-postcodes United Kingdom post codes
misc/unclutter Remove idle cursor image from screen
misc/upclient The Uptimes project client
misc/us-zipcodes USA postal code
misc/utf8locale UTF-8 locales support
misc/vbidecode Get Videotext/Teletext (.vtx) and other VBI data from TV channels
misc/vera Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms
misc/videotext X11/Xview TV Videotext/Teletext page viewer (.vtx files)
misc/vifm Ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings
misc/viz Convert invisible (binary) characters to a visible form
misc/whichman Approximate matching utilities to search for manpages and files
misc/wmScoreBoard Window Maker dockapp that display game scores from excite
misc/wmcalendar A dockable calendar with interface to iCalendar based calendars
misc/wmcp A dockable pager for Window Maker
misc/wmessage A WINGs based message viewer similar to xmessage
misc/wmfirew A dockapp that shows fireworks in action
misc/wmjulia A dockapp that creates an animated Julia set
misc/wmmand A DockApp mandelbrot explorer
misc/wmpal A one of the most useless dockapps in the world
misc/wmproxyper Displays Distributed.net Personal Proxy current status and progress
misc/wmstock Cool WindowMaker Dockapp that shows stock ticker(s)
misc/wmtunlo A bo(O)oooring 2d tunnel in wmaker dock
misc/wmweather A WMaker dockapp which displays meteorological data for your city
misc/wmweather+ Think wmweather with forecasts, weather map, and a sky cond. display
misc/wmwork A dockapp that keeps track of time you have spent on something
misc/wmx10 Remote control for X10 devices
misc/xd Yet another dump utility
misc/xdelta A diff/patch utility for binary files
misc/xdf A graphical disk space viewer for X
misc/xenmenu Highly customizable, text-based menu generator
misc/xgas The animated simulation of an ideal gas
misc/xless An X11 viewer for text files. Useful as an add-on tool for other apps
misc/xosd X On-Screen-Display Library and XMMS plug-in
misc/xpns Petri-Net Simulator for Xwindows
misc/xquote A quote retrieval tool for X
misc/xrmap Map portions of the earth from a given longitude/latitude
misc/xtail Watches the growth of files or directories
misc/xtar View and manipulate contents of a tar file
misc/xtypo X-based keyboard trainer
misc/yaucg A bash Script which will get you the today's Userfriendly.org Picture
misc/yaunc Yet another uptimes.net client
misc/ytree DOS-XTREE(tm) look-a-like file manager
multimedia/WMxmms A dockable XMMS interface
multimedia/acme Tool to make multimedia keys work on laptops
multimedia/avidemux Simple GUI-based video editor
multimedia/avifile AVI player/converter with numerous codecs, including MPEG-4(DivX ;-))
multimedia/avinfo A utility for displaying AVI header information
multimedia/camserv Camserv is a free program to do streaming video via the web
multimedia/dtv A client/server based TV capture/display program
multimedia/dumpmpeg Dump frames from mpeg movies
multimedia/dv2jpg Convert Type-2 DV codec-encoded AVI streams to mjpeg-encoded AVI
multimedia/dvdauthor Makes a DVD file structure from one or more MPEG2 streams
multimedia/dvdrip This is dvd::rip, a Perl Gtk+ based dvd-ripper
multimedia/dvts A imprementation of Digital Video Transport System
multimedia/enjoympeg An MPEG-1 video player
multimedia/ffmpeg Hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder/converter, streaming server
multimedia/ffmpeg045 Hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder/converter, streaming server
multimedia/fxtv X-based TV Display and Capture Application (for use with bt848 driver)
multimedia/goggles A FOX frontend to the Ogle DVD player
multimedia/gopchop MPEG2 GOP-accurate editor
multimedia/gstreamer Development framework for creating media applications
multimedia/gstreamer-editor Provide View and Controller counterparts to GStreamer's Model
multimedia/gstreamer-player Simple yet functional mediaplayer written with GStreamer
multimedia/gstreamer-plugins GStreamer written collection of plugins handling several media types
multimedia/gsubedit GNOME Subtitle Editor is a tool for editing/converting video subtitles
multimedia/gtksubtitler A small GNOME program for editing and converting subtitles
multimedia/gxanim Graphical front end to Xanim
multimedia/gxine An alternative GUI for the Xine media player
multimedia/kdemultimedia3 Multimedia utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
multimedia/kmplayer KDE frontend to mplayer
multimedia/kplayer Movie player based on mplayer
multimedia/ksubeditor A video subtitle editor for KDE
multimedia/libdivxdecore OpenDivX decoding engine from Project Mayo
multimedia/libdivxdecore-devel OpenDivX decoding engine from Project Mayo (development version)
multimedia/libdivxencore OpenDivX encoding engine from Project Mayo
multimedia/libdv Quasar DV codec (libdv): software codec for DV video encoding format
multimedia/libdvbpsi A library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation
multimedia/libdvdcss Portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
multimedia/libdvdnav The library for the xine-dvdnav plugin
multimedia/libdvdplay Portable abstraction library for DVD navigation
multimedia/libdvdread This is needed by ogle, which is a DVD player that supports DVD menus
multimedia/libfame A video encoding library
multimedia/libmovtar Supports reading/writing of MJPEG video in YUV 4:2:2 JPEG
multimedia/libmpeg2 A free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
multimedia/libquicktime A library for reading and writing quicktime files
multimedia/libxine Libraries for xine multimedia player
multimedia/linux-divx4linux Linux binary release of DivX (TM) Codec
multimedia/linux-divx4linux4 Linux binary release of DivX 4 (TM) Codec
multimedia/linux-divxplayer DivX(TM) Video Player for Linux from DivX.com
multimedia/linux-realplayer Linux RealPlayer 8.0 from RealNetworks
multimedia/mjpegtools Set of tools to record/playback/edit videos in MPEG format
multimedia/mmsclient Download Microsoft Media streams
multimedia/mpeg PVRG's MPEG video stream encoder
multimedia/mpeg2codec An MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder
multimedia/mpeg2play A program to play mpeg-2 movies on X displays
multimedia/mpeg4ip Standards-based system to encode, stream and play MPEG-4 audio/video
multimedia/mpeg_encode UCB's MPEG-I video stream encoder
multimedia/mpeg_play A program to play mpeg movies on X displays
multimedia/mpeg_stat An MPEG-I statistics gatherer
multimedia/mpegedit A program to edit encoded mpeg streams
multimedia/mpgtx A command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox
multimedia/mplayer High performance media player/encoder supporting many formats
multimedia/mplayer-fonts A font pack for the mplayer OSD and SUB
multimedia/mplayer-skins Skins for MPlayer's Graphical User Interface (GUI)
multimedia/mplayerxp Multi-threaded branch of the well known mplayer media player
multimedia/mplex Multiplexes MPEG component streams into system layers
multimedia/mtv High-performance MPEG video player (shareware)
multimedia/nautilus-media GStreamer-based multimedia views for Nautilus
multimedia/netshow Microsoft NetShow video stream player
multimedia/nuppelvideo A very low CPU usage VCR/DVR application
multimedia/ogle Open DVD player that supports DVD menus
multimedia/ogle-gui An add-on graphical user interface for Ogle
multimedia/ogmtools Tools to extract from/get info about/create OGG media streams
multimedia/okle A KDE frontend to the Ogle DVD player
multimedia/openquicktime Portable library for handling Apple's QuickTime(TM) files
multimedia/oqtencoder A simple encoder using OpenQuicktime (TM)
multimedia/oqtplayer A very very small, not functionnal, video OpenQuicktime (TM) player
multimedia/ppm2fli Utilities to merge PPM files into animated FLI and backwards
multimedia/recmpeg A simple video encoder
multimedia/slideshow A slideshow presentation tool to write slides in Python or XML
multimedia/smpeg A free MPEG1 video player library with sound support
multimedia/smpeg-xmms A mpeg video plugin for XMMS
multimedia/spigot Video spigot for Windows library
multimedia/splitmpg Splits an ISO 11172-1 into its components
multimedia/subconv Subconv converts DivX subtitles from one format to another
multimedia/tkxanim Tcl/Tk frontend to xanim
multimedia/tosvcd SVCD transcoder
multimedia/totem A Xine-based video player for the Gnome 2 Desktop
multimedia/transcode A text-console utility for video stream processing
multimedia/vcdgear A tool to convert VCDs from cue/bin format to mpeg
multimedia/vcdimager "GNU VCDImager/VCDRip -- The GNU VideoCD Image Maker/Ripping Tool"
multimedia/vcdpad A program to pad vcd mpegs
multimedia/vcdtools Create your own VCD
multimedia/vlc An X11 MPEG2 client/server solution
multimedia/win32-codecs Huge compilation of Win32 binary codecs, including MPEG-4(DivX ;-))
multimedia/xanim Play most popular animation formats and show pictures
multimedia/xawtv A TV viewing application and a few TV utilities
multimedia/xdvshow DV/RTP viewer
multimedia/xine An X11 multimedia player
multimedia/xine_d4d_plugin A dvd input plugin for xine
multimedia/xine_d5d_plugin A dvd input plugin for xine with menu support
multimedia/xmms X Multimedia System --- An audio player with a Winamp GUI
multimedia/xmms-avi An avifile based .avi and .asf file playback plugin for XMMS
multimedia/xmovie A movie player for AVI, MPEG-2/4 and MOV movies
multimedia/xmps X MPEG Player System - a media player with a very nice GUI
multimedia/xmps-opendivx-plugin xmps plugin using OpenDivX decoding engine from Project Mayo
multimedia/xmps-win32-plugin xmps plugin for Win32 (TM) Codecs
multimedia/xtheater MPEG-1 player in GTK+ capable of playing MPEG-1 format streams
multimedia/xvid An opensource MPEG-4 codec, based on OpenDivx
net/44bsd-rdist The traditional 4.4BSD rdist
net/6to4 Enables 6to4 IPv6 automatic tunnels
net/6tunnel TCP proxy for application that don't speak IPv6
net/DarwinStreamingServer Darwin Streaming Server, a MP3, MPEG4 and QuickTime streaming server
net/GeoIP Find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from
net/NeTraMet Implementation of the Internet Accounting Architecture
net/SSLtelnet SSL enhanced telnet/telnetd
net/adasockets Sockets library for Ada
net/adns Easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
net/aggregate Optimise a list of route prefixes to help make nice short filters
net/aguri An Aggregation-based Traffic Profiler
net/aim AOL's Instant Messenger (AIM) client
net/airport Apple Airport / Lucent RG-1000 configuration program
net/amsn MSN Messenger
net/angst An active sniffer
net/ap-utils A set of utilities to configure and monitor wireless access points
net/apinger An IP device monitoring tool
net/archie Prospero client for the archie service
net/archie.el A mock-interface to Archie for Emacs
net/argus A generic IP network transaction auditing tool
net/ari-yahoo A console Yahoo! messenger client
net/arla A free AFS client implementation
net/arpd A daemon to service arp replies
net/arping ARP level "ping" utility
net/arprelease Libnet tool to flush arp cache entries from devices (eg. routers)
net/arpwatch Monitor arp & rarp requests
net/arts++ A network data storage and analysis library from CAIDA
net/asfrecorder Tool for downloading streaming media from the Internet
net/aslookup Tool that searches the sequence of AS numbers
net/aspathtree Checks IPv6 routes' stability and correctness on IPv6 internet
net/b2bua A back-to-back (B2B) SIP user agent
net/balance Simple but powerful generic tcp proxy with round robin features
net/bbsnet A front-end of telnet client for multiple users or in private
net/bfilter Smart filtering HTTP proxy
net/bgpq Bgpq - lightweight access-list generator for cisco routers
net/bind8 The Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, an implementation of DNS
net/bind9 Completely new version of the BIND DNS server
net/bind9-dlz The Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, with DLZ extensions
net/bing A point-to-point bandwith measurement tool
net/binkd Fidonet TCP/IP mailer
net/bittorrent "Peer to Peer file sharing/mirroring."
net/bmon "BWMON - bandwidth monitor using curses lib"
net/boclient Client program for the Back Orifice Windows program
net/bounce Bounce tcp connections to another machine/port
net/bpft The BPF Traffic collector
net/bsd-airtools BSD Wireless Scanning Tools
net/bsdproxy "A TCP proxy, demonstrating use of the kevent(2)/kqueue(2) API"
net/cap Columbia AppleTalk Package for UNIX
net/ccmsn A Tcl/Tk-based MSN messenger
net/cdonkey An open and free core client for the eDonkey protocol
net/cdpd CDPdaemon - sends Cisco Discovery Protocol announces over ethernet
net/cdpr Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
net/centericq A ncurses based interface for ICQ, Yahoo!, AIM, MSN and IRC
net/cfgstoragemk MRTG configuration generator for storage monitoring via SNMP
net/cflowd Flow analysis tool used for analyzing Cisco's NetFlow switching
net/choparp Simple proxy arp daemon
net/cidr RFC 1878 subnet calculator / helper
net/cisco_conf Simple configuration editor for Cisco devices
net/ciscoconf Fetches configuration from Cisco routers and stores them under RCS
net/citadel Citadel/UX Communications Server
net/citrix_ica Citrix(R) client for the Microsoft Windows Terminal Server
net/click The Click Modular Router
net/clog Tcp connection logger daemon
net/clusterit A collection of clustering tools
net/cnet A networking simulator
net/coda5_client Client programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
net/coda5_doc An experimental, replicated, high-performance network file system
net/coda5_server Server programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
net/coda_doc An experimental, replicated, high-performance network file system
net/coda_intro An experimental, replicated, high-performance network file system
net/confregdecode Cisco Systems IOS(tm) configuration register decoder
net/corkscrew A HTTP tunnelling utility for SSH
net/cphone H323 Video Conferencing Program which uses QT
net/crescendo A gnome frontend for tinyfuge
net/cricket A high performance, extremely flexible monitoring system
net/cryptcat Standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption
net/ct IPv6 Conformance Test Kit
net/ctrace Multiprotocol traceroute tool
net/cvsup General network file distribution system optimized for CVS (GUI version)
net/cvsup-mirror A kit for easily setting up a FreeBSD mirror site using CVSup
net/cvsup-without-gui General network file distribution system optimized for CVS (non-GUI version)
net/cvsupit CVSup installation and setup front-end package (16.1 / GUI V3)
net/cvsync A portable CVS repository synchronization utility
net/danamics Petri Net editor for correctness and performance analysis
net/dante A circuit-level firewall/proxy
net/darkstat Network statistics gatherer, similar to but smaller than ntop
net/datapipe A simple program to bind a local port and connect it to a remote socket
net/dcgui A Direct Connect client QT GUI
net/dclib Direct connect interface library for dcgui
net/dctc A DirectConnect (
www.neo-modus.com) text client for file sharing
net/dctc-gui A GUI to DirectConnect (
www.neo-modus.com) text client
net/dctc-gui-qt A Qt GUI for the Direct Connect (TM) dctc text client
net/ddc Control your DHCP daemon a la apachectl
net/ddclient Update dynamic DNS entries
net/ddup A DynDNS.org client for UNIX (Now support NIC v2.0)
net/delegate General purpose TCP/IP proxy system
net/despoof "Command-line anti-spoofing detection utility"
net/dgd Dworkin's Generic Driver (network server)
net/dgd-lpmud LPmud mudlib, for use with DGD
net/dgd-net Dworkin's Generic Driver + extra networking support + regexps
net/dhcpconf Neat console-based ISC DHCP server configuration-generating utility
net/dhcpdump Decode and diagnose sniffed DHCP packets
net/dhcping Send DHCP request to DHCP server for monitoring purposes
net/dhid DHIS client for updating dynamic DNS entries in dhisd DNS tables
net/dhisd DHIS server for dynamic updates on the server using specific engines
net/dictd Dict protocol (RFC 2229) server
net/dictd-database Dictd words database
net/djbdns "A collection of secure and reliable DNS tools"
net/dlint Lint for DNS zones (Domain Name Server zone verification utility)
net/dnrd A proxy DNS daemon
net/dns_balance A dynamic load-balancing DNS server
net/dnssecwalker DNSSEC Walker
net/dnstop Captures and analyzes DNS traffic (or analyzes libpcap dump)
net/dnstracer Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source
net/dnsutl Programs to make using DNS easier
net/dnswalk DNS debugger - requests a zone transfer and analyzes the result
net/doc Diagnose unhealthy DNS domains
net/docsis DOCSIS(tm) binary configuration file encoder/decoder
net/domtools Set of utilities for extracting information from DNS records
net/driftnet A Tool to grab images out of (your) TCP connections
net/dtcp Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol daemon and client
net/dtcpclient Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol client
net/easysoap C++ SOAP Library based on expat
net/echolot A packet sniffer that grabs ARP packets on any ethernet devices
net/echoping A ping-like program that uses tcp and/or http
net/edonkey-core eDonkey2000 'core' command line client
net/edonkey-gui-gtk GTK GUI to eDonkey2000 'core' command line client
net/edonkey-gui-gtk-urlslave GTK+ enabled Perl script for adding ed2k:// links to ed2k GTK+ GUI
net/edonkey-gui-java Java GUI to eDonkey2000 'core' command line client
net/ehnt A simple Cisco NetFlow data collector
net/erlang_xmlrpc A library for XMLRPC support in Erlang
net/etherape A graphical network traffic visualization tool for gnome
net/etherboot Network boot of FreeBSD a.out/ELF kernels. Replaces/improves netboot.
net/ethereal An X11/GTK network analyzer/capture tool
net/ettercap A network sniffer/interceptor/injector/logger for switched LANs
net/eudc-emacs20 An Emacs client to directory servers
net/everybuddy A "chat" program that combines AIM, ICQ, and Yahoo! Chat into one
net/ez-ipupdate Update your host name on any dynamic DNS service
net/fcptools FreeNet client library and command-line tools for shell scripting
net/fidelio A GNOME client for Hotline
net/firedns A C library for handling asynchronous DNS queries
net/firetalk A multi-protocol chat/instant messaging library
net/flow-tools Programs to work with Cisco NetFlow
net/flowscan Processes IP flows recorded in cflowd-format raw flow files
net/forg A Gopher client
net/fping Quickly ping N hosts w/o flooding the network
net/freebsd-uucp FreeBSD-modified Taylor UUCP (unix-to-unix copy program)
net/freenet peer-to-peer network aiming at anonymity and freedom of speech
net/freenet6 Freenet6 Tunnel Setup Protocol Client - Free IPv6 tunnel
net/freeradius A free RADIUS server implementation
net/freevrrpd This a VRRP RFC2338 Compliant implementation under FreeBSD
net/freewais-sf An enhanced Wide Area Information Server
net/frost File-sharing tool for FreeNet with Usenet like forum support
net/fspclient A client for the fsp service
net/fspd FSP daemon
net/fugu A graphical client for the Gale instant messaging system
net/gabber Gabber: The GNOME Jabber Client
net/gaim Gtk+-2.0 open-source 'clone' of AOL's Instant Messenger client
net/gale A secure instant messaging system
net/gatekeeper GnuGK is GPL Gate Keeper for OhPhone, GnomeMeeting, NetMeeting and H323
net/generic-nqs Generic Network Queuing System
net/geotrace Graphical traceroute utility
net/geta Geta(GET Address) - Simple IPv4/IPv6 address resolving tool
net/ggsd Start a network server to execute scripts
net/ghtool "A command-line interface to the resolver library"
net/gicq GTK based ICQ program
net/gini A lightweight media streaming server
net/gkrellm_snmp A gkrellm SNMP Monitor
net/gkrellmqst Plugin for Gkrellm that displays updated info on several game servers
net/gkrellmwireless GKrellM wireless plugin
net/gnet A simple network library built upon Glib
net/gnet-glib2 A simple network library built upon Glib
net/gnewtellium A gnutella client
net/gnomba GNOME compliant browser of SMB shares
net/gnome-mud GTK-based MUD client with triggers, aliases, colors, etc
net/gnome-vnc A GNOME/gtk viewer for VNC servers
net/gnomeicu GNOME ICQ client
net/gnomeicu2 GNOME2 ICQ client
net/gnomemeeting GNOME H323 Video Conferencing program, similar to NetMeeting
net/gnomemeeting2 GNOME H323 Video Conferencing program, similar to NetMeeting
net/gnometelnet A nice frontend to the telnet, ssh, and rlogin clients for GNOME
net/gnosamba Samba configuration tool for X Window System
net/gnu-finger GNU version of finger
net/gnu-radius GNU RADIUS server
net/gnugadu A GaduGadu client for X11/GTK
net/gnunet An anonymous, distributed, reputation-based network
net/gnut Text-mode client for connecting to the Gnutella distributed network
net/gofish GoFish Gopher Server
net/googolplex Query Google, parse it and returns the result as a list
net/gopher Client and server for access to a distributed document service
net/gps Ghost Port Scan
net/gq GTK-based LDAP client
net/gsk A C library for writing servers
net/gspoof Console/GTK+ TCP/IP Packets Forger
net/gtic The GNU file forwarder (FSC-0087) for fidonet-like networks
net/gtk-gnutella GTK based Gnutella client
net/gtkhx A GTK+ version of Hx, a UNIX Hotline Client
net/gtkyahoo Yahoo Messenger Client using GTK
net/gutenfetch Fetch listings and books from Project Gutenberg
net/h2n Translate host table to name server file format
net/hagelslag A flexible command-line Gnutella implementation with advanced features
net/hawk Track uptime and DNS status for machines on your networks
net/hesiod A directory service built on DNS and BIND
net/hinfo Utility primarily designed to find the owner of an IP block
net/hlmaster A Half-Life game master server daemon
net/honeyd A utility to simualte services and hosts on a virtual network host
net/host An utility to query DNS servers
net/http_ping Sends HTTP requests every few seconds and times how long they take
net/hx A text based Hotline (
http://www.bigredh.com) client for Unix
net/icb Internet CB - a mostly-defunct chat client
net/ickle ICQ2000 protocol implementation
net/icmpchat Simple chat program based on the ICMP protocol
net/icmpinfo Looks at the icmp messages received by the host
net/icmpmonitor A multiple host icmp monitoring tool
net/icmpquery Small utility for finding out time & netmask through ICMP
net/icqlib A library required by kicq (not libicq)
net/icqlib0 Old branch 0.x.x of library required by kicq (used by icqmail)
net/icqnix ICQ client for the X Window System for UNIX based PCs
net/idnkit A library to handle internationalized domain names
net/ifstat Network interface statistics monitoring tool
net/imcom IMCom is a command-line Jabber client written in Python
net/iog Graphs Byte Counts for switches/routers/etc
net/ip6_int Convert an IPv4/IPv6 address to an in-addr.arpa/ip6.int PTR value
net/ipcad IP accounting daemon with Cisco-like ip accounting export
net/ipcalc IP Calculator
net/ipcheck A fully compliant DynDNS.org client for UNIX (supports NIC v2.0)
net/iperf A tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth
net/ipex Packet examination / sniffer utility
net/ipfm A bandwidth analysis tool
net/ipfw-graph Graphical overview of traffic going through your IPFW rules
net/iplog TCP/IP traffic logging tool
net/ipsorc A tool to create and send IP packets with a graphical GTK front-end
net/ipsvd Internet protocol service daemons
net/ipv6calc Convert, change and calculate with IPv6 addresses
net/ipv6socket_scrub Checks IPv6 portability of C source code
net/ipw A "whois" replacement that automatically queries several databases
net/irrtoolset A suite of routing policy tools to interact with the IRR
net/isc-dhcp3 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client and server code
net/isic IP Stack Integrity Checker
net/jabber Online presence and instant messaging server
net/jabber-aim Jabber User Directory module
net/jabber-conference Jabber Conferencing module
net/jabber-jud Jabber User Directory module
net/jabber-msn Jabber MSN-Transport module
net/jabber-yahoo Jabber Yahoo Transport module
net/jags JAGS - Just Another GTK+ Samba Client
net/jarl A Perl/Tk Jabber client
net/java-beepcore An implementation of BEEP core and BEEP mapping for TCP in Java
net/javadc Open source Java DirectConnect (TM) command-line client
net/jumpgate TCP connection forwarder
net/jwhois An improved WHOIS client capable of selecting server to query
net/kdenetwork3 Network-related programs and modules for KDE
net/kmerlin An IM (Instant Messenger) KDE client for the Microsoft MSN Network
net/kmess MSN Messenger Client for KDE3
net/kmldonkey KDE integration for MLDonkey eDonkey P2P client
net/konverse KDE Jabber Client
net/kopete KDE instant messaging system (ICQ, AIM, MSN, Jabber)
net/kpopup KDE program for sending and receiving MS Windows WinPopup messages
net/krdesktop KDE GUI for rdesktop and VNC
net/kxicq-devel Development snapshot of an ICQ client for KDE3
net/l2tpd An implementation of the layer two tunneling protocol
net/lam Local Area Multicomputer MPI implementation
net/lambdamoo The most commonly used program to run MOOs
net/ldapdiff A utility for patching LDAP directories using LDIF files
net/ldapsdk Mozilla LDAP sdk
net/lft Layer 4 Traceroute program
net/libconnect Tell programs to which IP-address they should bind
net/libdnet A simple interface to level networking routines
net/liberator Command line client to FreeNet Network
net/libfreenet Freenet library written in C
net/libicq Library to add ICQ communication support to your software
net/libicq2000 An opensource C++ library to support icq2000/2001 protocol
net/libnet A C library for creating IP packets
net/libnet-devel A C library for creating IP packets (development version)
net/libnids "Network monitoring library with TCP/IP reassembly"
net/libosip oSIP is an implementation of SIP
net/librsync Library for delta compression of streams
net/libsmi A library to access SMI MIB information
net/libsocket++ A C++ wrapper library to the sockets
net/libsocketcpp A C++ wrapper library to the sockets
net/libunp The networking library used in UNIX Network Programming Volume 1 2e
net/libunpipc The networking library used in UNIX Network Programming Volume 2 2e
net/libyahoo2 A C library that handles the new Yahoo! Messenger protocol
net/licq A popular ICQ-compatible plugin-based program
net/licq-console Ncurses-based console plugin for Licq
net/licq-jons-gtk-gui Jons GTK plugin for licq
net/licq-qt-gui Qt plugin for licq
net/limewire A Java based gnutella client
net/linc A library for writing networked servers & clients
net/linphone A web phone that supports SIP protocol
net/linpopup X11 port of WinPopup
net/linux-edonkey-gui-gtk Linux GTK GUI to eDonkey2000 'core' command line client
net/linux-edonkey-server A decentralized peer-to-peer file-sharing server (eDonkey2000 server)
net/linux-jigdo A tool designed to ease the distribution of very large files
net/linuxigd Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
net/liveMedia LIVE.COM Streaming Media
net/lla Perl-based LDAP log statistics generator
net/lmd A Load Monitor Daemon
net/lmule Port of eMule eDonkey P2P client using wxWindows class library
net/loadd A Load Balancing Daemon
net/magictun "An LD_PRELOAD module for transparent HTTPS proxy redirection"
net/maradns A DNS server implementation with focus on security and simplicity
net/mars_nwe Netware server emulator for Un*x systems
net/mbrowse An SNMP MIB Browser for X
net/merlinmon A curses app that displays the status of a Novatel CDPD modem device
net/micq Text-based ICQ implementation
net/mldonkey A OCAML client for eDonkey and Overnet peer-to-peer networks (core)
net/mldonkey-gui A OCAML/GTK GUI for the mldonkey peer-to-peer network client
net/mldonkey-perlreactor Automatically add links found in web pages to MLDonkey queue
net/mldonkey-serverspy MLDonkey Server Spy broadcasts your whereabouts on the eDonkey network
net/mldonkey-src A OCAML client for eDonkey and Overnet peer-to-peer networks
net/mldonkey-urlslave GTK+ enabled Perl script for adding ed2k:// links to MLDonkey
net/mmucl Powerful GUI MUD client written in TCL
net/mopd MOP Loader Daemon for netbooting DEC machines
net/mpd Multi-link PPP daemon based on netgraph(4)
net/mpich Message Passing Interface (MPI) Library
net/mrt Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit
net/mrtg The multi-router traffic grapher
net/msend A client and server for the RFC1312 message protocol
net/msntp A straightforward SNTP daemon/utility
net/mtr Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
net/mudix Ncurses-based MUD client with triggers, aliases, colors
net/mutella A command line Gnutella client
net/mydns DNS server designed to utilize the MySQL database
net/nagios Extremely powerful network monitoring system
net/nagios-plugins Plugins for nagios
net/naim Curses based AOL Instant Messager implementation
net/nam The UCB/LBNL Network Animator
net/napshare A GTK based Gnutella client
net/nast Nast is a packet sniffer
net/nat NetBIOS auditing tool
net/nbtscan NetBIOS name network scanner
net/nc Network aware cat
net/nc6 Netcat 6 is a netcat clone with IPv6 support
net/ncplib Client for Novell NetWare servers
net/nemesis Command-line UNIX network packet creation and injection suite
net/net-http A library for doing HTTP client-side programming in Guile
net/net-snmp An extendable SNMP implementation
net/net-snmp-tkmib An extendable SNMP implementation (tkmib part)
net/net-snmp4 An extendable SNMP implementation
net/netams Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
net/netatalk File and print server for AppleTalk networks
net/netboot Netboot with Packet or NDIS-2 drivers
net/netcat Simple utility which reads and writes data across network connections
net/netdude NETwork DUmp data Displayer and Editor for tcpdump tracefiles
net/netmap Make a graphical representation of the surounding network
net/netmask Tool for generating terse netmasks in several common formats
net/netpipes A group of shell utilities to connect programs to sockets
net/netqc Network Monitoring System based on Net-Snmp
net/netsaint Extremely powerful network monitoring system
net/netsaint-plugins Plugins for netsaint
net/netscript Portable/multi-platform lightweight tcp socket scripting
net/netsed Alters the contents of packets in real-time
net/netspeed_applet Applet that shows how much network traffic occurs on an interface
net/netspoc A Network Security Policy Compiler
net/nettest Performs client and server functions for timing data throughput
net/ngrep Network grep
net/ngrep-lib Easy packet filtering library based on ngrep
net/nic Nic is a set of small web-based network applications
net/nload Console application which monitors network traffic in real time
net/nocol Network/Service monitoring software
net/noip No-IP.com's dynamic DNS update client
net/nrpe Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
net/nrpep A netsaint addon for running plugins on remote hosts
net/ns The UCB/LBNL Network Simulator Version 2
net/nsc Netsaint Console monitor
net/nsd An authoratative only non-recursive high performance name server
net/nslint Perform consistency checks on DNS zone files
net/nsping "DNS \"ping\""
net/nss_ldap RFC 2307 NSS module
net/nstreams Analyses network traffic and produces ipfw rules to allow it
net/ntalk A console chat application written with ncurse
net/ntop Network monitoring tool with command line and web interfaces
net/ntp The Network Time Protocol Distribution
net/ntp-devel The Network Time Protocol Distribution
net/nttcp A client/server program for testing network performance
net/nylon A Unix SOCKS 4 and 5 proxy server
net/obnc OpenBSD's netcat: cleaner code, familiar interface, IPv6 support
net/ocaml-jabbr XML Messaging and Presence Protocol a.k.a. Jabber for Objective Caml
net/odsclient ODS Dynamic DNS Client
net/ohphone H323 Video Conferencing Program, compatible with NetMeeting
net/onenetd A single-server inetd
net/openam H323 Answer Machine
net/opendchub Unofficial Unix version of the Direct Connect Hub software
net/opengatekeeper H323 GateKeeper (MPL Licence) for OpenH323 OhPhone and NetMeeting
net/opengk Equivalence's H323 GateKeeper for OpenH323 OhPhone and NetMeeting
net/openh323 A H323 Video Conferencing library, used with OhPhone
net/openh323proxy Proxy for H323 Videoconferencing app (OhPhone,GnomeMeeting,NetMeeting)
net/openldap12 Open source LDAP client and server software
net/openldap20 Open source LDAP client and server software
net/openldap21 Open source LDAP client and server software
net/openmcu OpenMCU hosts a conference call for H323 Video Conferencing users
net/openslp Open-source implementation of the Service Location Protocol
net/openverse A visual chat program written in Tcl/Tk
net/oproute A tool for measuring general performance of the Internet
net/osrtspproxy The RTSP Proxy Kit is a reference implementation of an RTSP proxy
net/ossp-sa An abstraction library for the Unix socket API
net/p0f Passive OS fingerprinting tool
net/p5-Archie Perl5 module to make Archie queries via Prospero requests
net/p5-BIND-Conf_Parser Perl5 module to parse BIND 8 configuration files
net/p5-Cflow Analyze raw flow files written by cflowd (Cisco NetFlow data)
net/p5-DNS-Config DNS::Config is set of perl modules for name service configurations
net/p5-DNS-Zone DNS::Zone is set of perl modules for name service zone files
net/p5-EasyTCP Easily create TCP/IP clients and servers
net/p5-File-Rsync Perl convenience wrapper for the rsync(1) program
net/p5-Frontier-RPC Frontier::RPC implements UserLand Software's XML RPC
net/p5-Geo-IP Gets country name by IP or hostname
net/p5-Geo-IPfree Look up country from an IP Address
net/p5-IO-Interface Perl extension for access to network card configuration information
net/p5-IO-Socket-Multicast Perl module to send and receive multicast messages
net/p5-JUNOScript API to exchange information with Juniper Networks routers
net/p5-Mon A perl module that supports mon, a network and system monitoring daemon
net/p5-Net Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
net/p5-Net-AIM Perl extension for the AOL Instant Messenger TOC protocol
net/p5-Net-AOLIM Perl OO interface to the AOL Instant Messenger TOC client protocol
net/p5-Net-BGP4 Border Gateway Protocol version 4 speaker/listener library
net/p5-Net-CIDR Perl module to manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
net/p5-Net-DLookup Perform domain lookups on 2-letter and 3-letter TLDs
net/p5-Net-DNS Perl5 interface to the DNS resolver, and dymanic updates
net/p5-Net-DNS-SEC DNSSEC extensions to Net:

net/p5-Net-DNS-ZoneFile Perl extension to convert a zone file to a collection of RRs
net/p5-Net-Daemon Perl5 extension for portable daemons
net/p5-Net-Dict A simple client API for the DICT protocol
net/p5-Net-Divert A module to deal with divert(4) sockets
net/p5-Net-Finger A Perl implementation of a finger client
net/p5-Net-Google simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API
net/p5-Net-ICQ2000 A perl5 module for ICQv7 protocol realisation
net/p5-Net-IP Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
net/p5-Net-IPv4Addr Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses
net/p5-Net-IPv6Addr Perl extension for manipulating IPv6 addresses
net/p5-Net-Jabber Net::Jabber provide a Perl Developer access to the Jabber protocol
net/p5-Net-Netmask Perl module to parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks
net/p5-Net-ParseWhois Extendable perl5 module for parsing whois information
net/p5-Net-Patricia Perl module for fast IP address lookups
net/p5-Net-Pcap Interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library
net/p5-Net-Radius A perl module to manipulate RADIUS packets
net/p5-Net-RawIP A perl module to manipulate raw IP packets
net/p5-Net-RawSock Net::RawSock provides a base function to send raw IP packets from Perl
net/p5-Net-SCP Perl5 module to access and use scp protocol
net/p5-Net-SMPP Net::SMPP - pure Perl implementation of SMPP 3.4 over TCP
net/p5-Net-SNMP A perl module for SNMP... Net::SNMP
net/p5-Net-SNPP Net::SNPP - Perl Simple Network Pager Protocol Client
net/p5-Net-SSH Perl5 module to access and use ssh protocol
net/p5-Net-SSH-Perl Perl5 module implements both the SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
net/p5-Net-Server A configurable base class for writing internet servers in Perl
net/p5-Net-Services Provides a tied interface to the /etc/services file
net/p5-Net-TCLink A client library to for connecting to the TrustCommerce payment gateway
net/p5-Net-Telnet Perl5 module to access and use telnet protocol
net/p5-Net-Traceroute Perl module to parse traceroute(8)
net/p5-Net-Traceroute6 Perl module to parse traceroute6(8) output
net/p5-Net-Wake Send Wake On Lan (WOL) packets to power on computers
net/p5-Net-Whois A perl5 module to get information using the Whois protocol
net/p5-Net-Whois-RIPE Implementation of RIPE Whois
net/p5-Net-Whois-Raw Very simple Perl interface to query raw whois data
net/p5-Net-XWhois Whois Client Interface for Perl5
net/p5-Net-Z3950 A perl interface to the Z39.50 information retrieval protocol
net/p5-Net-Z3950-SimpleServer A Perl module for developing Z39.50 servers
net/p5-Net-ext Perl modules for using sockets
net/p5-NetAddr-IP Perl module for working with IP addresses and blocks thereof
net/p5-NetAddr-IP-Count NetAddr::IP::Count - Count hosts in named subnets
net/p5-NetPacket Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets at the protocol level
net/p5-POE-Component-RRDTool POE interface to Round Robin Database Tools
net/p5-PlRPC Perl module for writing RPC servers and clients
net/p5-RPC-XML XML-RPC client and server library for Perl
net/p5-ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP A ResourcePool wrapper for Net::LDAP
net/p5-ResourcePool-Resource-SOAP-Lite A ResourcePool wrapper for SOAP::Lite
net/p5-SNMP A perl5 module for interfacing with the CMU SNMP library
net/p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler A Perl MIB compiler supporting both SMIv1 and SMIv2
net/p5-SNMP-Util Perl modules to perform SNMP set,get,walk,next,walk_hash etc
net/p5-SNMP_Session A perl5 module providing rudimentary access to SNMPv1 and v2 agents
net/p5-SOAP Perl modules providing an API to the Simple Object Access Protocol
net/p5-SOAP-Lite SOAP::Lite - Client and server side SOAP implementation
net/p5-Socket6 Perl module to support getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo()
net/p5-Socks Perl5 module to communicate with socks v4 and v5 servers
net/p5-Spread-Session Perl OO wrapper for Spread messaging toolkit
net/p5-Telnet-Cisco Perl5 module to telnet to Cisco routers
net/p5-Tie-DNS Tie interface to p5-Net-DNS
net/p5-Tie-NetAddr-IP Tie::NetAddr::IP - Implements a Hash where the key is a subnet
net/p5-URI Perl5 interface to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) references
net/p5-XPC XML Procedure Call (XPC)
net/p5-perl-ldap A Client interface to LDAP servers
net/pancho Network devices management tool using TFTP and SNMP
net/papaya Graphical GTK mud client with plugin support
net/papaya-plugins Plugins for papaya, a graphical GTK mud client
net/passlogd Intercept and dump syslog remote log packets
net/pathchar LBNL Internet path characterization tool
net/pchar Sandia Internet path characterization tool
net/pcnfsd Sun PC NFS authentication and printing server
net/pdnsd Caching (permanently, writes to disk on exit) DNS proxy-server
net/pear-Net_SMTP PEAR class that provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol
net/pear-Net_Sieve PEAR class to handle talking to timsieved
net/pear-Net_Socket PEAR Network Socket Interface
net/pen A load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols
net/perldap Perl interface to LDAP
net/pfinger Highly configurable, secure and portable finger daemon
net/phex A Java multi platform and spyware free gnutella client
net/pim6dd PIM for IPv6 dense mode daemon
net/pim6sd PIM for IPv6 sparse mode daemon
net/pipsecd Simple IPSEC tunnel tool from Pierre Beyssac
net/plb A high-performance HTTP load balancer
net/pmacct Network tool to gather IP traffic information
net/pmf Padrone's Mud Frontend
net/poink Nosuid, secure ping like utility
net/poptop Windows 9x compatible PPTP (VPN) server
net/pork Console-based AIM client
net/portfwd A Port Forwarding Daemon
net/posadis "Domain Name Server (DNS) implementation"
net/powerdns An advanced DNS server with SQL backend
net/pppload Display the current throughput of a network device in a window
net/pppoa Run PPP over Alcatel's USB Speedtouch device
net/ppptraf A ncurses based PPP Traffic (bytes in/out) monitoring program
net/pptpclient PPTP client for establishing a VPN link with an NT server
net/ppxp A new and easy to use PPP software
net/proxy-suite The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security
net/psi A Qt-based Jabber client
net/pvm Parallel Virtual Machine libraries and environment
net/pvm++ A C++-Library for PVM
net/pxe PXE daemon, set up a boot menu for netbooting PXE enabled clients
net/py-adns A Python Interface to adns, the asynchronous DNS library
net/py-bittorrent A peer-to-peer tool for distributing files written in Python
net/py-dns DNS (Domain Name Service) library for Python
net/py-fngrab A replacement for the official Freenet Project's freenet_request
net/py-google Python wrapper for the Google web API
net/py-ipy A Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks
net/py-jabber A Python Jabber library
net/py-ldap1 An LDAP module for python
net/py-ldap2 An LDAP module for python, for OpenLDAP2
net/py-libnet Python module for the libnet packet construction library
net/py-medusa Asynchronous socket-based server framework for Python
net/py-pcap Python interface to LBL Packet Capture library (libpcap)
net/py-rrdpipe Portable Python module to access RRDTool files via pipes
net/py-rrdtool Python C extension module to access RRDtool files
net/py-rrdtool_lgpl Python interface to RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
net/py-rt Python Routeing Toolkit
net/py-smb SMB/CIFS library written in Python
net/py-snmp SNMP framework for Python
net/py-soap Python library that implements the SOAP 1.1
net/py-soapy SOAP/XML schema library for Python
net/py-spreadmodule A python extension module for the Spread group communcations package
net/py-xmlrpc A fast implementation of the xmlrpc spec for Python
net/py-xmlrpclib A Python implementation of the XML-RPC protocol
net/py-zsi A pure Python module that provides an implementation of SOAP 1.1
net/pygopherd Multiprotocol Information Server
net/pyslsk "Client for SoulSeek filesharing system"
net/qadsl Auto login/Keep-alive for Telia AB ADSL and COMHEM Cable internet
net/qtella A Gnutella client using Qt
net/queso Determine the remote OS using simple tcp packets
net/radiator Radiator Radius Server by Open System Consultants
net/radiusclient Client library and basic utilities for Radius authenticated login
net/radiusd-cistron A RADIUS-compliant remote authentication and accouting server
net/radreport Perl script for processing radius logs
net/radvd A Linux/BSD IPv6 router advertisement daemon
net/rancid Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
net/rboot A remote-boot solution for M$ operating systems
net/rdesktop RDP client for Windows NT Terminal Server
net/rdist6 A network file distribution/synchronisation utility
net/redir A tcp connection redirection utility
net/relay TCP proxy server with telnet, ftp, finger client wrappers
net/remarp An SNMP-based ARP watcher
net/rfbproxy A simple tool for recording VNC sessions
net/rinetd A simple TCP port redirector
net/ripetools RIPE's own version of whois, and a RIPE database tool
net/rmsg A network messaging system
net/rrdtool Round Robin Database Tools
net/rshell A front end for rsh(1) and rcp(1)
net/rsync A network file distribution/synchronization utility
net/ruby-dict A client-side implementation of the DICT protocol in Ruby
net/ruby-drb Distributed Ruby
net/ruby-gserver A Ruby module which provides generic-server facilities
net/ruby-icmp Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
net/ruby-jabber4r A Ruby library to connect to an existing Jabber account
net/ruby-ldap Ruby interface to LDAP API based on RFC1823
net/ruby-net-geoip A Ruby extension that wraps around libGeoIP
net/ruby-nis A Ruby library to use the NIS/YP API
net/ruby-pcap Ruby interface to LBL Packet Capture library (libpcap)
net/ruby-radius A Ruby module that provides an interface to the RADIUS protocol
net/ruby-romp The Ruby Object Message Proxy
net/ruby-snmp Ruby interface to UCD-SNMP library
net/ruby-soap Ruby library which implements SOAP 1.1
net/ruby-spread Ruby interface to the Spread library
net/ruby-tcpsocketpipe A Ruby library to create I/O pipes for TCP socket tunneling
net/ruby-tserver A Ruby library for writing a preforking server like Apache
net/ruby-xmlrpc Ruby interface to XML-RPC
net/rwhois The Internic referral whois server
net/samba A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
net/samba-devel A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
net/samba-tng A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
net/sambasentinel SambaSentinel is a gtk-frontend to smbstatus with additional features
net/samplicator Receives UDP datagrams and redistributes them to a set of receivers
net/satellite A system for tracking machines with dynamic IP addresses
net/scdp "Tool that sends CDP (CISCO Discovery Protocol) Packets"
net/scli A collection of SNMP command line management tools
net/scotty3 Network management extensions to tcl
net/sdl_net A small sample cross-platform networking library
net/sendfile Simple Asynchronous File Transfer Reference Implementation
net/sendip SendIP is a commandline tool to allow sending arbitrary IP packets
net/serveez A server framework
net/sharity-light An userland smbfs --- SMB to NFS protocols converter
net/silc-client Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) network client
net/silc-doc Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) documentation
net/silc-server Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) network server
net/simicq ICQ client which supports Version 8 of the ICQ protocol (ICQ 2001)
net/sing Tool for sending customized ICMP packets
net/sipcalc Sipcalc is an IP subnet calculator with IPv6 and CGI interface support
net/sleuth A tool for checking DNS zones
net/slirp A (C)SLIP/PPP emulator for users with shell accounts
net/slurm Slurm is a generic network load monitor
net/smbfs SMB/CIFS protocol and SMB/CIFS file system implementation
net/smm++ Graphical mudclient with mapper
net/smokeping Latency logging and graphing system
net/sniffit A packet sniffer program. For educational use
net/sntop Monitor status of network nodes using fping
net/socat A relay for bidirectional data transfer between two indep. data channels
net/socketbind Library to bind applications on multihomed machines to specefic IP address
net/socks5 SOCKS v5 application layer gateway and clients
net/spread The Spread Group Communication System, a network toolkit
net/ssldump SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
net/staticcharge A GTK client for the StaticCling dynamic DNS service
net/sting A tool that measures end-to-end TCP connection characteristics
net/stone Stone is a TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer
net/suckblow Two companion utilities for transferring data over a TCP socket
net/sup CMU's Software Update Protocol package
net/svnc VNC viewer for SVGAlib
net/tac_plus-libradius The
www.gazi.edu.tr tacacs+ Daemon with pam and libradius support
net/tac_plus4 The Cisco remote authentication/authorization/accounting server
net/tas Traffic accounting system
net/tcpcat "A simple utility for sending/receiving data over a TCP or a Unix-domain socket"
net/tcpdstat A tool for generating statistics from tcpdump (libpcap) files
net/tcpflow A tool for capturing data transmitted as part of TCP connections
net/tcpillust A graphical TCP connection analysis tool
net/tcpmssd A divert(4) daemon to correct requested receive segment size for TCP traffic
net/tcpreen A simple TCP session re-engineering tool
net/tcpreplay A tool to replay saved packet capture files
net/tcpsg A simple TCP port forwarder
net/tcpshow Decode tcpdump(1) output
net/tcpslice A tool for extracting portions of pcap files
net/tcpstat A program to report various network statistics
net/tcptrace A TCP dump file analysis tool
net/tcptraceroute A traceroute implementation using TCP packets
net/tcpview A Motif-based TCP/IP protocol analyzer
net/tdetect Utility for detecting traceroutes and reporting them via syslog
net/telnetx Telnet client with binary transfer protocols support
net/telserv A telnet server analogous to the unix talk command
net/tethereal An X11/GTK network analyzer/capture tool
net/thcrut Local network discovery tool
net/tightvnc Enhanced version of VNC
net/tik A Tcl/Tk based AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) Chat Client
net/tintin++ A client program to help playing muds
net/tintin++-devel "a client program specialized to help playing muds(devel version)"
net/tinyfugue A popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
net/tn3270 Full-screen remote login to IBM VM/CMS
net/tn5250 5250 Telnet protocol and Terminal
net/totd DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation
net/tptest Software suite for testing network throughput and Internet services
net/traceroute Version of 'traceroute' that shows the AS network number of each hop
net/trafd The BPF Traffic Collector
net/trafshow Full screen visualization of network traffic
net/tramp Transparent remote file access tool for emacsen
net/tramp-emacs20 Transparent remote file access tool for emacsen
net/tridiavnc Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
net/tsclient A GNOME 2 frontend for rdesktop
net/ttcp Benchmarking tool for analysing TCP and UDP performance
net/ttlscan A tcp based scanner, showing ttl responses
net/ttt Tele Traffic Tapper, a network traffic monitoring tool
net/tund IP over UDP tunnel with encryption
net/tvark GUI network monitoring tool, tied to a MySQL database
net/udptunnel Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
net/unison A user-level file synchronization tool
net/unix2tcp A connection forwarder that converts Unix sockets into TCP sockets
net/urlendec URL encoder and decoder
net/utftpd secure tftpd server with fine grained access and revision control
net/v6eval IPv6 Conformance Test Platform
net/vchat Client software for taking part in VChat conferences
net/vicq A text-based ICQ implementation
net/vnc Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
net/vomit Voice over misconfigured internet telephones
net/vtun Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping
net/wais A Wide Area Information Server
net/wakeonlan Sends magic packets to WOL enabled NIC to switch on the called PC
net/walker Recover zone file information from servers that use DNSSEC
net/whatmask Easily convert between three common subnet mask notations
net/wide-dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, WIDE Implementation
net/wmlj A dockapp that monitors your friends list at LiveJournal.com
net/wmnd Improved network monitoring dock app (with tons of features)
net/wmnet A network bandwidth monitor intended for the WindowMaker dock
net/wmnet2 A cool network monitor for WindowMaker
net/wmnetmon A host availability monitor intended for the WindowMaker dock
net/wmq3 Dockapp that query and display information on Quake 3 servers
net/wmwave Display 802.11 status in the WindowMaker Dock
net/wol Tool to wake up Wake-On-LAN compliant computers
net/wping A Web-based graphical ping log
net/xarchie X11 front-end program for the archie network search service
net/xbms Xbms, the unix streaming server for xbox mediaplayer
net/xbone A system for dynamic internet overlay deployment and management
net/xferstats Compiles information about file transfers from logfiles
net/xicq Xtropy's ICQ Client
net/xipdump Displays ip packets using X window
net/xipmsg A popup style message communication tool for X11
net/xisp A user-friendly X interface to pppd/chat
net/xmlrpc-c XML-RPC library for C and C++
net/xprobe ICMP active OS fingerprint scanner
net/xsmbrowser Tcl/Tk port of Windows' Network Neighborhood
net/xtraceroute 3D graphical version of the traceroute program
net/xwhois A GTK-based frontend to the whois service (RFC954)
net/yaz Z39.50/SR client and API library
net/yaz++ A C++ programmer's toolkit for the development of Z39.50v3 clients and servers
net/ymessenger Yahoo! Messenger - Instant messaging client
net/ysm Command line ICQ client with ICQ2000 and recoding support
net/ytalk A new "talk" that can talk to multiple parties at once
net/zebra Free RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, BGP4 route software (server/reflector)
net/zebra-server Z39.50/SR server software
net/ztelnet Telnet program with zmodem transfer
news/PicMonger An automated USENET (NNT) picture decoding client
news/atp A QWK message packet reader and composer for FreeBSD
news/aub Assemble usenet binaries
news/bgrab Binary Grabber - downloads binaries from newsgroups
news/c-nocem NoCeM for C News and INN
news/cleanfeed Spam filter for Usenet news servers
news/cleanscore A perl script to clean up your slrn score file
news/cnews An nntp server
news/crashmail CrashMail II FTN mail tosser
news/diablo A comprehensive newsfeeding and newsreading software package
news/dnews Commercial nntp server with enhancements over inn and cnews
news/fidogate Fido-Internet Gateway and Tosser
news/glitter A free GTK based binary downloader
news/gnus-emacs20 A popular newsreader for emacs20
news/grn A NNTP client for Gnome
news/gup Allows remote sites to change their newsgroup subscriptions
news/husky-base Common files for Husky Fidosoft Project
news/husky-bsopack Binkley-style outbound netmail packer
news/husky-fidoconf Configuration library for Husky Fidosoft Project
news/husky-hpt Highly Portable Tosser (full-featured FTN tosser)
news/husky-hptkill Area killing utility
news/husky-hptsqfix Fix message base
news/husky-hpucode Scan for UUE in message base
news/husky-htick FTN File ticker
news/husky-msged Msged/TE (full-featured FTN mail reader)
news/husky-nltools Nodelist tools
news/husky-smapi MSGAPI for Husky Fidosoft Project
news/husky-sqpack Message base packer
news/ifmail FidoNet(tm) support package for UN*X platform
news/ija An interactive command line frontend of Deja
news/inn InterNetNews -- the Internet meets Netnews
news/inn-stable InterNetNews -- the Internet meets Netnews
news/knews A threaded nntp newsreader for X
news/leafnode NNTP package for offline news caching and reading
news/leafnode+ Multi-user offline Usenet news package for small sites
news/mmail Offline BBS mail packet reader supporting QWK/OMEN/SOUP/OPX/BLUEWAVE
news/multisuck Multi-server/conn news suck
news/newscache NewsCache is a free cache server for USENET News
news/newsfetch Download news articles from NNTP server
news/newsfish Batch USENET news reader with filter capabilities
news/newsgrab Download and uudecode binary files from USENET using regexps
news/newspost Newspost is a full-featured USEnet binary autoposter
news/newsx A program to fetch news from and post news to a remote NNTP server
news/nget Auto-resuming command line nntp file grabber
news/nn Newsreader
news/nnap Nnap is a lightweight NNTP authentication proxy
news/nntp NNTP with NOV support
news/nntpbtr NNTP bulk transfer
news/nntpcache News caching/anti-spam/server-merging system
news/p5-Gateway Robomoderation and mail to news gatewaying toolkit
news/p5-NNTPClient Client interface to NNTP (RFC977)
news/p5-News-Article Object for handling Usenet articles in mail or news form
news/p5-News-Newsrc Manage newsrc files
news/pan Threaded GNOME newsreader based on Agent for Windows
news/pan2 Threaded GNOME 2 newsreader based on Agent for Windows
news/pgpmoose PGP Moose - signatures for moderated newsgroups
news/plor An alpha-release reader for reading SOUP and QWK packets
news/pyne An X11 offline Newsreader/Emailer
news/rkive A USENET newsgroup archiver
news/slnr A simplistic reader for SOUP (HDPF) mail and news packets
news/slrn SLang-based newsreader
news/slrnface Shows X-Faces from slrn in X11 terminal emulator
news/slurp Passive NNTP client to retrieve Usenet articles from a remote server
news/straw A desktop news aggregator for the GNOME 2 desktop
news/suck Receives/sends news to/from localhost via NNTP
news/suck-cnews Receives/sends news to/from localhost via NNTP
news/t-gnus I18N Gnus using SEMI, which provides MIME capabilities
news/t-gnus-emacs20 I18N Gnus using SEMI, which provides MIME capabilities
news/t-gnus-mule I18N Gnus using SEMI, which provides MIME capabilities
news/t-gnus-xemacs21-mule I18N Gnus using SEMI, which provides MIME capabilities
news/tin Easy-to-use threaded newsreader with NOV/NNTP support
news/trn Threaded Read News newsreader
news/trn4 Version 4.0 of the threaded readnews newsreader
news/ubh Perl script to download and decode binaries posted to Usenet
news/unpost Extract binary files from multi-segment uuencoded postings
news/xmitbin Posts or mails binary and sourcecode files intelligently
news/xrn Usenet News reader for the X Window System
news/yencode A free (GPL) encoder and decoder for the yEnc Usenet file format
palm/bibelot Formats and converts text documents into compressed PalmDoc .pdb files
palm/coldsync Synchronize a PalmPilot with a Unix workstation
palm/gnomepilot 3Com PalmPilot conduit system for GNOME
palm/gnomepilot-conduits Additional conduits for gnome-pilot
palm/gnomepilot-conduits2 Additional conduits for gnome-pilot2
palm/gnomepilot2 3Com PalmPilot conduit system for GNOME 2
palm/hdconv Converts HanDBase database to CSV, and vice versa
palm/iSiloXC Converts documents from text/html files or URLs to iSilo format
palm/imgvtopgm Palm Pilot Image Viewer to PGM Converter
palm/isilo Converts documents from text/HTML to iSilo format
palm/jfconv Converts JFile database to CSV, and vice versa
palm/jpilot Desktop Organizer Software for the Palm Pilot
palm/libmal A library encapsulating malsync
palm/makeztxt Command line utility to create GutenPalm's zTXT format databases
palm/malsync Sync to Mobile Application Link (MAL) compliant servers
palm/mdbconv Converts CSV to MobileDB database
palm/p5-Palm Perl 5 modules for reading and writing Palm database files
palm/palmos-sdk Palm OS SDK
palm/palmpower Disassembler and other tools for PalmOS binaries
palm/pilot-link PalmPilot communications utilities (backup/restore/install/debug/...)
palm/pilot_makedoc Converts text into the Doc format used by PalmPilots
palm/pilrc Resource compiler for Pilot applications
palm/plucker An offline HTML viewer for PalmOS devices
palm/pose Palm OS(R) Emulator
palm/ppmtoTbmp PPM to Pilot bitmap converter
palm/prc-tools Collection of tools supporting C and C++ programming for Palm OS
palm/romeo The Palm ROM Discombobulator
palm/sitescooper News site downloader for Palm computing devices
palm/syncal Synchronize your PalmPilot with ical
palm/syncmal A MAL plugin for jpilot, to synchronize with services like AvantGo
palm/txt2pdbdoc Converts plain text and HTML files to Palm Pilot Doc formats
picobsd/ssh-picobsd Secure shell client, server and remote copy (for picobsd)
portuguese/aspell Aspell with Portuguese dictionary
portuguese/frontpage-pt_BR Microsoft Frontpage Brazilian Web Administration
portuguese/ispell-pt_BR Ispell dictionary for brazilian portuguese
portuguese/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
portuguese/kde3-i18n-pt_BR Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
portuguese/ooodict-pt_BR Portuguese (Brasil) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
portuguese/ooodict-pt_PT Portuguese (Portugal) MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
portuguese/openoffice Editor texto/gráfico, banco de dados/planilha/navegador integrado
portuguese/staroffice52 Sistema integrado de processador de texto/planilha/e muito mais
portuguese/webalizer-pt_BR A web server log file analysis program
portuguese/webalizer-pt_PT A web server log file analysis program
print/a2ps-a4 Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer
print/a2ps-letter Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer
print/a2ps-letterdj Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer
print/abc2mtex Music TeX converter from "abc" to MusiXTeX format
print/abntex Both classes and styles for both LaTex and bibtex for ABNT rules
print/acrobatviewer Viewer for the PDF files written in Java(TM)
print/acroread View, distribute and print PDF documents
print/acroread-commfont Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 4.0 (for common files)
print/acroread4 View, distribute and print PDF documents
print/acroread5 View, distribute and print PDF documents
print/acroread5-commfont Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 5.0 (for common files)
print/adobe-cmaps Adobe CMap collection
print/afm Adobe Font Metrics
print/amspsfnt AMSFonts PostScript Fonts (Adobe Type 1 format)
print/apsfilter Magic print filter with file type recognition, print preview, duplex printing
print/asprint A simple browser to allow a user to print
print/auctex Integrated environment for writing LaTeX using GNU Emacs
print/axpoint XML Based Presentations
print/bibcard X11 interface for ediing BibTeX files
print/bibcursed A simple curses-based editor for BibTeX bibliography files
print/bibview Graphical interface for manipulating BibTeX bibliography databases
print/bjfilter360 Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ F360
print/bjfilter850 Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ F850
print/bjfilter850ug Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ F850 (supported BCI-6 inks)
print/bjfilter860 Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ F860
print/bjfilter870 Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ F870
print/bjfiltercom Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- Common files
print/bjfilters600 Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ S600
print/bjfilters630 Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ S630
print/bjfilters6300 Canon Bubble Jet Print Filter for Linux -- BJ S6300
print/c2ps-a4 A PostScript pretty-printer for C source
print/c2ps-letter A PostScript pretty-printer for C source
print/catdvi A DVI to text/plain translator
print/cdlabelgen Generate postscript for frontcards and traycards for CDs
print/cjk-lyx Document processor interfaced with LaTeX, with CJK support
print/clibpdf A library for creating PDF (Acrobat) files directly via C language programs
print/cmpsfont Computer Modern PostScript Fonts (Adobe Type 1 format)
print/cpp2latex Convert C++ source to a file you can input in an LaTeX-document
print/cups The Common UNIX Printing System: Metaport to install complete system
print/cups-base The Common UNIX Printing System: headers, libs, & daemons
print/cups-lpr The CUPS BSD and system V compatibility binaries (lp* commands)
print/cups-pstoraster GNU Postscript interpreter for CUPS printing to non-PS printers
print/detex Strips TeX/LaTeX codes from a file
print/dvi2tty A dvi-file previewer for text only devices
print/dvi2xx Convert dvi files to HP LaserJet or IBM 3812 format
print/dvipdfmx Dvipdfm with Asian languages by CID-keyed font technology support
print/dvips Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
print/dvips2ascii PostScript (created by dvips) to ascii converter
print/dviselect Extract pages from DVI files
print/enscript-a4 ASCII-to-PostScript filter
print/enscript-letter ASCII-to-PostScript filter
print/enscript-letterdj ASCII-to-PostScript filter
print/enscriptfonts More than 120 free- and share-ware fonts to extend enscript-1.5
print/envelope Command-line Postscript envelope printer
print/font2svg All font to svg-font converter
print/foomatic-db Foomatic database
print/freetype A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
print/freetype2 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
print/ft2demos Demo programs for FreeType2
print/gfontview An outline font viewer
print/ggv GNOME ghostscript viewer
print/ggv2 GNOME 2 ghostscript viewer
print/ghostscript-afpl AFPL Postscript interpreter version 7
print/ghostscript-afpl-nox11 AFPL Postscript interpreter version 7
print/ghostscript-gnu GNU Postscript interpreter
print/ghostscript-gnu-commfont GNU ghostscript with Japanese Font support
print/ghostscript-gnu-nox11 GNU Postscript interpreter
print/ghostview An X11 front-end for ghostscript, the GNU postscript previewer
print/gimp-print GIMP Print Printer Driver
print/gnomeprint Gnome print support library
print/gsfonts Fonts used by GNU Ghostscript
print/gtklp A gtk interface to cups
print/guitartex GuitarTeX converts the Chord format into "normal" LaTeX format
print/gv A PostScript and PDF previewer
print/hp2xx A HPGL to vector- and raster formats converter and previewer for X11
print/hpijs The drivers and support resources for the HP Inkjet Printers
print/html2latex Convert HTML document into LaTeX
print/html2ps-a4 HTML to PostScript converter
print/html2ps-letter HTML to PostScript converter
print/hugelatex LaTeX format files with large limits
print/hyperlatex Produce HTML and printed documents from LaTeX source
print/ifhp IFHP - A highly configurable print filter for LPRng
print/jadetex A TeX backend for Jade, for typesetting SGML documents
print/latex TeX macro package
print/latex2rtf Translator from LaTeX to RTF
print/latex2slides Produces a set of HTML/JPEG slides from a TeX or LaTeX source
print/lgrind Produce beautiful listings of source code with LaTeX
print/libgnomeprint Gnome print support library
print/libgnomeprint20 Gnome print support library
print/libijs C library that supports plugin printer driver for Ghostscript
print/lilypond The GNU music typesetter
print/lout LaTeX like document creation system with PostScript/PDF output
print/lprps-a4 PostScript printer filter package supporting a bidirectional serial channel
print/lprps-letter PostScript printer filter package supporting a bidirectional serial channel
print/lyx Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
print/magicfilter Customizable, extensible automatic printer filter
print/makeindex A general purpose, formatter-independent index processor
print/mgv A PostScript and PDF previewer
print/mp-a4 A PostScript printing util for ASCII files, email, USENET news articles, etc
print/mp-letter A PostScript printing util for ASCII files, email, USENET news articles, etc
print/mpage Print multiple pages per sheet of paper
print/musixtex A set of TeX macros to typeset music
print/muttprint Utility to print mail for most any mail client
print/nenscript A clone of the proprietary enscript program from Adobe Systems
print/offix-printer OffiX printer icon with support of DND protocol
print/p5-GnomePrint The Gnome Print module of Gtk-Perl
print/p5-PDFLib More OO interface to pdflib_pl.pm
print/p5-PostScript-Simple PostScript::Simple - Produce PostScript files from Perl
print/p5-Text-PDF A PDF manipulation module
print/panda A GPL PDF generation library
print/passivetex XSL FO processor, written in TeX
print/pcal PostScript calendar program
print/pclprint Utility for printing to HP (Laser,Desk)Jets using PCL rather than PS
print/pdflib A C library for dynamically generating PDF
print/pdflib-perl A C library for dynamically generating PDF
print/pdflib4 A C library for dynamically generating PDF
print/pdq A straightforward, flexible print subsystem
print/perlftlib Libraries to use the FreeType library from the perl language
print/pfaedit Type 1/TrueType/OpenType/bitmap font editor
print/pic2fig Pic format to fig format converter
print/pips2200 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-2200C
print/pips3000 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-3000C
print/pips3300 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-3300C
print/pips3500 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-3500C
print/pips670 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-670C
print/pips750_2000 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-750C PM-2000C
print/pips760 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-760C
print/pips770 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-770C
print/pips780 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-780C
print/pips800 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-800C
print/pips820 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-820C
print/pips880 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-880C
print/pips900 Photo Image Print System for Linux --- EPSON PM-900C
print/pkfonts118 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi and so on
print/pkfonts240 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi and so on
print/pkfonts300 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi and so on
print/pkfonts360 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi and so on
print/pkfonts400 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi and so on
print/pkfonts600 English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi and so on
print/pktrace Scalable PostScript (Type1) Fonts for MetaFont
print/pnm2ppa Convert PNM images to PPA for some HP printers
print/poster Resize a postscript image to print on larger media and/or multiple sheets
print/preview-latex LaTeX previewer on Emacs
print/pscal A utility for generating Postscript calendars
print/psmark Renders a vertical string on any PostScript document
print/pstotext A PostScript to Text converter
print/psutils-a4 Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
print/psutils-letter Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
print/pup A GTK+ printer setup and maintaining tool
print/py-fonttools An open source library for manipulating fonts, written in Python
print/py-freetype A Python wrapping of the FreeType 1.2 fonts rendering engine
print/py-reportlab Library to create PDF documents using the Python language
print/rlpr Send print jobs to lpd servers anywhere on a network
print/rprint Remote printing utility using a raw bidirectional tcp connection
print/rtf2latex A filter that converts RTF (MS Rich Text Format) into LaTeX
print/ruby-clibpdf A Ruby binding for ClibPDF
print/ruby-panda A Ruby extension library to access Panda
print/ruby-pdflib A Ruby extension library to access PDFlib
print/scribus A comprehensive desktop publishing program
print/sgf2tex Convert a Go game record in SGF format into TeX and provide fonts to make a dvi
print/t1utils Six utilities for manipulating t1 fonts
print/teTeX Thomas Esser's distribution of TeX & friends
print/tex TeX and METAFONT
print/tgif2tex Converting texts in figure by tgif to LaTeX commands
print/tr2latex Convert a document from troff to LaTeX
print/transfig Tools to convert Xfig's .fig files
print/trueprint Print program listings on postscript printer
print/ttf2pt1 True Type Font to Postscript Type 1 Converter
print/ttftot42 TrueType to Type42 font converter
print/txfonts Fontsets includes Adobe Times Roman for TeX users
print/txtbdf2ps Translator TXT + BDF to PS
print/virtualpaper Virtual Paper document storage and viewing software
print/wmlpq Print queue monitoring dockapp for Window Maker
print/wprint Mozilla/HtmlDoc/Netscape Postscript Filter
print/xdvi A DVI Previewer for the X Window System
print/xdvik DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X
print/xmbibtex A reference manager based on the BibTeX file format
print/xmltex A non-validating XML parser, written in TeX
print/xpp GUI print front-end for CUPS
print/xtem Tcl/Tk-based development menu (environment?) for TeX
print/xtexsh Tcl/Tk-based simple TeX interface
print/yatex Yet Another LaTeX mode and html mode on Emacs (for Emacs{19,20} and XEmacs{19,20})
print/yatex-mule Yet Another LaTeX mode and html mode on Emacs (for mule 2.3)
print/yatex-xemacs Yet Another LaTeX mode and html mode on Emacs (for XEmacs21)
print/yatex-xemacs-mule Yet Another LaTeX mode and html mode on Emacs (for XEmacs21-mule)
russian/X.language Setup X locale/nls/keyboard/fonts for russian language (koi8-r)
russian/apache13 The extremely popular Apache http server. Very fast, very clean
russian/apache13-modssl The Russian Apache webserver with SSL/TLS functionality
russian/aspell Aspell with Russian dictionary
russian/cyrproxy Cyrillic proxy for network protocols
russian/d1489 Cp866<->koi8-r and cp1251<->koi8-r decoders and font converter acc. to RFC1489
russian/elm.language Tune Elm with MIME for KOI8-R defaults
russian/fortuneru Fortunes in russian
russian/gd Graphics library for fast PNG creation (uses fonts in KOI8-R encoding)
russian/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
russian/koi8r-ps Add Russian (KOI8) fonts to your PostScript fonts collection
russian/ksocrat KSocrat is the simple English/Russian Russian/English dictionary
russian/messarge Tools to mantain UNIX mailboxes
russian/mtc Multifile text Encoding Converter 1.3
russian/ooodict-ru_RU Russian MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
russian/openoffice Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
russian/p5-Lingua-RU-Charset Perl extension for detecting and converting various russian character sets
russian/p5-XML-Parser-encodings Additional russian encodings for XML:

russian/p5-cyrillic Library for fast and easy cyrillic text manipulation
russian/pgp.language Russian language module for PGP
russian/pine.language Tune Pine for Russian (KOI8-R) defaults
russian/pscyr Cyrillic PostScript Type1 fonts for use with TeX
russian/rispell Russian (KOI8-R) dictionary for ISPELL
russian/rus-ispell New Russian dictionaries for ispell
russian/tac+ia The Cisco remote aaa server (inet-admins edition)
russian/wmcyrx The cyrillic keyboard layout manager for Window Maker
russian/xcode Auto detect encoding and convert to koi8, CP-1251 or cp866
russian/xcyrBGR The bulgarian cyrillic keyboard layout manager for X11
russian/xruskb A keyboard layout switcher and indicator
russian/xxkb An XKB keyboard layout switcher and indicator
science/bblimage A set of software tools for medical image processing
science/chemtool Draw organic molecules easily and store them
science/chemtool-devel Drawing organic molecules easily and store them (develop version)
science/clhep Object-oriented toolkit for particle physics applications by CERN
science/euler A program computes with real and complex numbers and matrices
science/flounder A quick way to visualize regularly spaced 4D data
science/gchempaint 2D chemical structures editor for GNOME 2
science/gchemutils C++ classes and Gtk2 widgets related to chemistry
science/gdis Display and manipulation of isolated molecules and periodic systems
science/ghemical Ghemical is a computational chemistry software package
science/glens OpenGL gravitational lens simulator
science/libctl Control Language Library
science/libsvm A library for Support Vector Machines
science/mayavi The MayaVi Data Visualizer
science/mmtk An Open Source program library for molecular simulation applications
science/mpb MIT Photonic-Bands
science/mpqc The massively parallel quantum computing library and program
science/mpqc-mpich The massively parallel quantum computing library and program
science/oases Ocean Acoustics and Seismic Exploration Synthesis
science/openbabel Chemistry file translation program
science/p5-Chemistry-Elements Perl extension for working with Chemical Elements
science/vis5d+ An OpenGL-based volumetric visualization program for scientific datasets
science/xloops-ginac A program calculating Feynman diagrams
science/xmakemol Molecule Viewer Program Based on Motif Widget
security/ADMsnmp SNMP audit scanner
security/aafid2 A distributed monitoring and intrusion detection system
security/acid Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) with Snort and MySQL
security/aescrypt "A command-line AES encryption/decryption suite"
security/aide A replacement and extension for Tripwire
security/altivore A publically disclosed (neither GPL nor open-source) ala Carnivore src
security/amap Application mapper
security/amavis-perl Mail Virus Scanner (uses external antivirus)
security/amavisd The daemonized version of amavis-perl
security/amavisd-new Performance-enhanced daemonized version of amavis-perl
security/apg "An automated password generator"
security/arirang Powerful webserver security scanner
security/audit Tools for remote and centralized audit data collection
security/authforce HTTP authentication brute forcer
security/avcheck A simple antivirus solution for a mail system
security/avmailgate AntiVir MailGate mail virusscanner
security/bcwipe BCWipe securely erase data from magnetic and solid-state memory
security/beecrypt BeeCrypt is an open source cryptography library
security/bfbtester A security tool for testing binaries for overflows
security/bjorb Secure TCP relay software with SSL
security/borzoi An Elliptic Curve Cryptography Library
security/botan A portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library
security/bro System for detecting Network Intruders in real-time
security/bubblegum Watch a file for changes
security/bugs Great cryptography library and sample programs
security/ca-roots A list of SSL CA root certificates
security/calife A lightweight alternative to sudo
security/ccrypt A command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams
security/cfs A cryptographic file system implemented as a user-space NFS server
security/cfv Utility to both test and create .sfv, .csv and md5sum files
security/checkpassword A simple password-checking interface
security/chkrootkit A tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
security/chrootuid A simple wrapper that combines chroot(8) and su(1) into one program
security/cksfv Create or manipulate Simple File Verification (SFV) checksum files
security/clamav Command line virus scanner using database from OpenAntiVirus
security/cops A system secureness checker
security/cp2fwb Checkpoint FW1 to Firewall Builder ruleset converter
security/crack The "Sensible" Unix Password Cracker
security/cracklib Password-checking library
security/crank CRyptANalysis toolKit
security/cryptopp A free C++ class library of Cryptographic Primitives
security/cryptplug A collection of plug-ins to cryptographic engines
security/cyrus-sasl RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
security/cyrus-sasl2 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
security/ddos_scan Scans for a limited set of distributed denial of service agents
security/didentd Modular RfC1423 (identd) server sending encrypted audit tokens.
security/digest MD5/SHA-1/RIPEMD-160 checksumming utility
security/dirmngr A client for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists
security/donkey An alternative for S/KEY's key command
security/drweb DrWeb antivirus suite
security/drweb-postfix Postfix message filter for virus processing through DrWeb daemon
security/drweb-sendmail Sendmail message filter for virus processing through DrWeb daemon
security/drwebd Satellite port to activate DrWeb daemon
security/dsniff Various sniffing utilities for penetration testing
security/fakebo A fake BackOrifice client emulator
security/fakeident Tool that replies with a standard answer to incoming identd requests
security/find-zlib Scans files for statically linked zlib (libz) code
security/find_ddos Scans a host filesystem for distributed denial of service programs
security/finger_mysql Threaded MySQL scanner
security/firewalk A network auditing tool
security/flawfinder Examines source code looking for security weaknesses
security/fpm Figaro's Password Manager, an app to securely store your passwords
security/fragroute A tool for intercepting, modifying and rewriting egress traffic
security/fragrouter Tool for testing network IDS implementations
security/freebsd-update Fetches and installs binary updates to FreeBSD
security/fressh A free rewritten implementation of the SSH communication protocol
security/fsh Fast remote command execution
security/ftimes A system baselining and evidence collection tool
security/ftpmap Identify remote FTP server software by fingerprinting
security/fuzz Tool for testing software by bombarding the program with random data
security/fwanalog A firewall log summarizer that uses Analog
security/fwbuilder Firewall Builder GUI for IPFilter
security/fwlogwatch A packet filter and firewall log analyzer
security/fwtk A toolkit used for building firewalls based on proxy services
security/gag A stacheldraht (DOS attack) agent detector
security/geheimnis "Shell for integrating PGP/GnuPG into KDE"
security/gnupg The GNU Privacy Guard
security/gnupg-idea IDEA extension module for gnupg (and RSA for demonstration)
security/gnutls GNU Transport Layer Security library
security/gpa This is a graphical frontend for the GNU Privacy Guard
security/gpasman A password manager that stores password information encrypted
security/gpgme A library to make access to GnuPG easier
security/gringotts GTK application to securely store sensitive data
security/gsfv Create or verify Simple File Verification (SFV) checksum files
security/gtk-knocker A simple and easy to use TCP only port scanner (GTK+ version)
security/gtkportscan A simple port scanner that prints out open ports
security/hackbot A host exploration tool and bannergrabber
security/hafiye Multi Platform Customizable TCP/IP Packet Sniffer
security/hashish A file and string hashing utility
security/heimdal A re-implementation of Kerberos V
security/hlfl High Level Firewall Language
security/hping Network auditing tool
security/ident2 An RFC1413 identification server which also supports random replies
security/identify Client side ident protocol daemon wrapper
security/ifd-devkit IFD Handler Developer's Kit for MUSCLE PC/SC Lite
security/ifd-gpr400 PC/SC Lite driver for Gemplus GPR400 PCMCIA Smart Card Readers
security/ike-scan VPN scanner and identifier
security/inflex Inbound/outbound antivirus e-mail scanner for sendmail servers
security/integrit A file integrity verification program
security/ipfmeta ipfmeta - use objects in IPfilter files
security/isakmpd OpenBSD IKE daemon
security/its4 Tool to scan C/C++ source for potential vulnerabilities
security/john Featureful Unix password cracker
security/keychain A user-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1)
security/keynote A Trust-Management System
security/keyprint Print S/Key keys on a piece of paper, twice the size of a credit card
security/kgpg A simple KDE frontend for GnuPG
security/knocker A simple and easy to use TCP only port scanner (Console version)
security/krb4 KTH Kerberos 4
security/krb5 An authentication system developed at MIT, successor to Kerberos IV
security/krb5-beta An authentication system developed at MIT, successor to Kerberos IV
security/kripp Lightweight network password sniffer
security/kssh KDE frontend to ssh
security/l0pht-watch A program to report on what goes on in /tmp
security/l0phtcrack L0pht Heavy Industries' cracker for SAMBA or Windows NT passwords
security/l5 File Integrity Assessment Tool
security/labrea Defense mechanism against CodeRed
security/lcrzo Lcrzo is a network library (used by Lcrzoex, network testing toolbox)
security/lcrzoex Lcrzoex contains over 300 functionnalities using network library lcrzo
security/libbf The Blowfish block cipher Library
security/libecc C++ Elliptic Curve Library
security/libfwbuilder Firewall Builder API
security/libgcrypt "General purpose crypto library based on code used in GnuPG"
security/libgringotts Library for encapsulating/safekeeping data in encrypted/compressed form
security/libidea IDEA block cipher library
security/libident A small library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
security/libksba "KSBA is an X.509 Library"
security/libmcrypt Multi-cipher cryptographic library (used in PHP3)
security/libparanoia Safe (in the mean of stack smashing) reincarnation of strcpy et al
security/libtasn1 ASN.1 structure parser library
security/liedentd An ident server which refuses to divulge security information
security/logcheck Auditing tool for system logs on Unix boxes
security/lsh A secure (encrypted) remote shell compatible with ssh 2.0
security/lxnb NetBus client
security/mac-robber A tool for listing Modify, Access, Create timestamps from files
security/makepasswd Random password generator
security/mcrypt Replacement for crypt(1)
security/mdcrack Bruteforce password MD5 hashes
security/mhash "Library provides an easy way to access strong hashes such as MD5 and SHA1"
security/mindterm-binary "A full vt220 compatible Java SSH-1 client (not only for websites)"
security/mussh A tool for easily running the same commands on multiple hosts
security/nbaudit NetBIOS Auditing Tool / Security Kit
security/nessus A security scanner: looks for vulnerabilities in a given network
security/nessus-devel A security scanner: looks for vulnerabilities in a given network
security/nessus-libnasl Nessus Attack Scripting Language
security/nessus-libnasl-devel Nessus Attack Scripting Language
security/nessus-libraries Libraries for Nessus, the security scanner
security/nessus-libraries-devel Libraries for Nessus, the security scanner
security/nessus-plugins Plugins for Nessus, the security scanner
security/nessus-plugins-devel Plugins for Nessus, the security scanner
security/nettle A low-level cryptographic library
security/newpg Prerelease package of GnuPG extensions for GnuPG 2.0
security/nmap Port scanning utility for large networks
security/nmapfe GUI frontend for the nmap scanning utility
security/nofgpg No One Fears GPG
security/nss A set of libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
security/ocaml-cryptokit A variety of cryptographic primitives for Objective Caml
security/oidentd Ident server that supports user-defined ident strings
security/oinkmaster Help you update your snort rules after each update
security/op Allow others to run commands as root (like sudo but different)
security/opencdk Open Crypto Development Kit
security/opensc ISO 7816 Smartcard API Library (OpenSSH Compatible)
security/openssh OpenBSD's secure shell client and server (remote login program)
security/openssh-askpass Graphical password applet for entering SSH passphrase
security/openssh-portable The portable version of OpenBSD's OpenSSH
security/openssl SSL and crypto library
security/openssl-beta SSL and crypto library
security/openvpn Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
security/outguess Steganographic tool
security/p5-Authen-Krb4 Perl extension for Kerberos 4
security/p5-Authen-Krb5 Perl extension for Kerberos 5
security/p5-Authen-PAM A Perl interface to the PAM library
security/p5-Authen-Radius A perl5 module to provide simple Radius client facilities
security/p5-Authen-SASL Perl5 module for SASL authentication
security/p5-Authen-Smb Perl extension to authenticate against an SMB server
security/p5-Authen-TacacsPlus A perl module that provides authentication using a tacacs+ server
security/p5-Authen-Ticket Perl module providing the framework for implementing a ticketing system
security/p5-Crypt-Blowfish Perl5 interface to the Blowfish encryption alogorithm
security/p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
security/p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
security/p5-Crypt-CBC Perl5 interface to Cipher Block Chaining with DES and IDEA
security/p5-Crypt-CipherSaber Perl module providing an OO interface to CipherSaber encryption
security/p5-Crypt-Cracklib Perl interface to Alec Muffet's cracklib library
security/p5-Crypt-Cryptix Perl5 interface to the Cryptix Crypto Library (Blowfish, DES and IDEA)
security/p5-Crypt-DES Perl5 interface to DES block cipher
security/p5-Crypt-DES_EDE3 Perl5 interface to a implementing 3-DES EDE encryption and decryption
security/p5-Crypt-DH Perl5 interface to a Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
security/p5-Crypt-DSA DSA signature and key generation
security/p5-Crypt-ECB Perl module implementing the ECB encryption algorithm
security/p5-Crypt-HCE_SHA Perl5 interface to one way hash chaining block cipher
security/p5-Crypt-IDEA Perl5 interface to IDEA block cipher
security/p5-Crypt-OTP Perl implementation of the One Time Pad (hence, OTP) encryption method
security/p5-Crypt-OpenPGP Pure-Perl OpenPGP-compatible PGP implementation
security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA Perl5 module to DSA signature verification using OpenSSL
security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA Perl5 module to RSA encode and decode strings using OpenSSL
security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random Perl5 interface to the OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator
security/p5-Crypt-PGPSimple Crypt:

GPSimple provides a simple object-oriented interface to PGP
security/p5-Crypt-PassGen Crypt:

assGen - Generate a random password that looks like a real word
security/p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5 Perl module that provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() function
security/p5-Crypt-Primes Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Applications
security/p5-Crypt-RC4 Perl implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm
security/p5-Crypt-RC5 Perl implementation of the RC5 encryption algorithm
security/p5-Crypt-RC6 Perl implementation of the RC6 encryption algorithm
security/p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160 RIPEMD-160 message digest algorithm
security/p5-Crypt-RSA RSA public-key cryptosystem
security/p5-Crypt-RandPasswd An implementation of the Automated Password Generator standard
security/p5-Crypt-Random Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator
security/p5-Crypt-Rijndael Perl module that implements the Rijndael cipher
security/p5-Crypt-SSLeay Perl5 interface to allow p5-libwww LWP to make https connections
security/p5-Crypt-Serpent Perl implementation of the Serpent encryption algorithm
security/p5-Crypt-Solitaire Solitaire encryption
security/p5-Crypt-TripleDES Perl module implementing the Triple-DES cipher
security/p5-Crypt-Twofish Perl module implementing the Twofish cipher
security/p5-Crypt-Twofish2 Perl implementation of the Twofish encryption algorithm
security/p5-Crypt-UnixCrypt Perl module implementing crypt(3) function
security/p5-Digest Modules that calculate message digests
security/p5-Digest-BubbleBabble Perl5 interface to a fingerprint in "bubble babble" format
security/p5-Digest-HMAC Perl5 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
security/p5-Digest-MD2 Perl5 interface to the MD2 message digest algorithm
security/p5-Digest-MD4 Perl5 interface to the MD4 message digest algorithm
security/p5-Digest-MD5 Perl5 interface to the MD5 algorithm
security/p5-Digest-Nilsimsa Perl version of Nilsimsa code
security/p5-Digest-SHA1 Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
security/p5-File-Scan Perl5 anti-virus file scanning package
security/p5-GnuPG-Interface Perl module for interfacing with GnuPG
security/p5-IO-Socket-SSL Perl5 interface to SSL sockets
security/p5-MD5 Perl5 interface to MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
security/p5-Net-SSLeay Perl5 interface to SSL
security/p5-PGP Perl5 module to work with PGP messages
security/p5-PGP-Sign Create detached PGP signatures for data
security/p5-SHA Perl5 interface to the SHA1 algorithm
security/p5-Safe-Hole Make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
security/p5-Tie-EncryptedHash Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields
security/pad A command-line utility to encrypt files
security/pam-mysql A pam module for authenticating with MySQL
security/pam-pgsql A pam module for authenticating with PostgreSQL
security/pam_alreadyloggedin PAM module based on whether a user is already logged in
security/pam_krb5 A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5
security/pam_ldap A pam module for authenticating with LDAP
security/pam_pop3 This module authenticates a user against a POP3 server
security/pam_pwdfile A pam module for authenticating with flat passwd files
security/pam_smb NetBIOS domain logon PAM module
security/pear-Auth PEAR authentication methods
security/pear-Auth_SASL PEAR abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
security/pear-Crypt_CBC PEAR class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module
security/pgp PGP MIT or International version - Public-Key encryption for the masses
security/pgp5 Public-Key encryption for the masses
security/pgp6 Public-Key encryption for the masses
security/pgpdump PGP packet visualizer
security/pgpgpg Wrapper for GnuPG to simulate PGP 2.6.x
security/pgpin PGP International version - improved for use in IN-CA
security/pidentd An RFC1413 identification server
security/pinentry A collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
security/pks PGP Public Key Server
security/pktsuckers Log contents of unwanted UDP packets and TCP connections
security/poc Program for managing passwords on smartcards
security/portscanner A simple and easy to use TCP port scanner
security/portsentry Port scan detection and active defense
security/ppgen Secure passphrase generator
security/proxytunnel Connects stdin and stdout to an origin server through an HTTPS proxy
security/pscan Security C code scanner for misuse of format strings
security/pwman Console password management application based on gpg(me)
security/py-amkCrypto Python cryptography modules
security/py-cryptkit A Cryptographic Toolkit for Python
security/py-fchksum find the checksum of files
security/py-gnupg Python module for GnuPG interface
security/py-m2crypto Python wrapper for OpenSSL
security/py-mcrypt A comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library
security/py-mhash Python mhash module
security/py-openssl Python interface to the OpenSSL library
security/py-posix1e Python module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs
security/py-pow Python OpenSSL Wrappers
security/py-pycrypto The Python Cryptography Toolkit
security/py-rijndael A pure python implementation of the Rijndael encryption algorithm
security/py-twofish Twofish cryptographic module for Python
security/qident Query a remote IDENT (RFC 1413) server
security/qtfw A GUI frontend for ipfw utility in FreeBSD
security/quintuple-agent Quintuple Agent is a program that stores secrets for you
security/racoon KAME racoon IKE daemon
security/radiusniff Sniffer for RADIUS traffic
security/rain Rain is a packeting tool used for testing system stability
security/rats Source code auditing tool
security/rc5pipe RC5 en-/decryption via UNIX pipes
security/rid Configurable remote distributed denial of service tool detector
security/rsaref Encryption/authentication library, RSA/MDX/DES
security/ruby-acl Ruby module to provide Access Control List checks
security/ruby-aes A Ruby extension library which implements AES (Rijndael) encryption
security/ruby-blowfish A Ruby interface to the Blowfish cipher
security/ruby-cast_256 A Ruby extension library which implements CAST-256 encryption
security/ruby-hmac A Ruby library which implements the HMAC algorithm
security/ruby-mcrypt A Ruby interface to the mcrypt library
security/ruby-openssl A Ruby module which wraps OpenSSL
security/ruby-pam Ruby extension to use PAM library
security/ruby-password A Ruby library to create, verify and manipulate passwords
security/ruby-tcpwrap TCP wrappers library for Ruby
security/saferpay A command line tool for online payment
security/safesh Authentication manager for OpenSSH (making secure auth easier)
security/saint Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool
security/samhain The Samhain Intrusion Detection System
security/scanssh Scanssh scans a subnet and reports the version of SSH installed
security/seahorse A front end for GnuPG
security/secpanel GUI for managing and running ssh and related utilities
security/sfs Self-Certifying File System: A secure global network file system
security/sha Simple file hash program utilizing SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
security/sig2dot GPG/PGP Keyring Graph Generator
security/siphon Passive host OS identifier using characteristics of sniffed traffic
security/skip Stateless IP layer security and encryption from Sun Microsystems
security/slurpie A passwd file cracker (supports distributed nodes)
security/slush A telnet-like application which uses a secure SSL channel
security/smtpscan A remote SMTP server version detector
security/smurflog A program to assist logging of smurf attacks
security/sniff Program to sniff logins and passwords
security/snort Lightweight network intrusion detection system
security/snort-rep A Snort reporting tool that can produce text or HTML from logs
security/snortsnarf Generate HTML report summaries from snort incident alerts
security/srm Secure rm, a utility which destroys file contents before unlinking
security/srp Secure Remote Password protocol library, TELNET, and FTP
security/ssh Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
security/ssh-gui A front-end for ssh which can open multiple xterms
security/ssh-multiadd Tool to add multiple ssh keys to the authentication agent
security/ssh2 Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
security/sslproxy Proxies non-SSL request over an SSL connection
security/sslsniffer SSLv3/TLS and SSLv2 sniffer
security/sslwrap Another SSL Wrapper application, which uses SSLEay/OpenSSL
security/sst A simple SSL tunneling tool (uses netcat)
security/stegdetect An automated tool for detecting steganographic content in jpegs
security/steghide "Steganography tool to hide data in binary files"
security/strobe Fast scatter/gather TCP port scanner
security/stunnel "SSL encryption wrapper for standard network daemons"
security/subweb SubWeb is a (reverse) proxy to inspect HTTP flows on the fly
security/sudo Allow others to run commands as root
security/super Allow others to run commands as root
security/swatch The Simple WATCHer and filter
security/tea-total Extremely small 128 bit private key based encryption/decryption system
security/termlog Monitor or log multiple system terminals synchronously (real-time)
security/tinc A Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
security/trinokiller Remotely kill trino nodes
security/tripwire File system security and verification program
security/tripwire-131 File system security and verification program
security/tripwire12 File system security and verification program
security/uvscan-dat AntiVirus DAT file for uvscan
security/vida Vida is a multi-datapipe handler
security/vlock Locks a terminal
security/vlog A curses based real-time logfile viewer esp. useful for ipflog
security/vncrypt Cryptographic disk driver for FreeBSD
security/vpnd VPN daemon offering transparent blowfish encryption between networks
security/vscan Evaluation version of a DOS/Windows/Linux file virus scanner
security/whisker A sophisticated CGI (in)security scanner
security/xinetd Replacement for inetd with better control and logging
security/xmlsec XML Security Library
security/xmlsec1 XML Security Library
security/xspy A utility for monitoring keystrokes on remote X servers
security/yafic Yet Another File Integrity Checker, similar to Tripwire
security/zebedee Encrypted, secure compressed TCP tunnel
security/zombiezapper "Send a terminate command to Trinoo/TFN/Stacheldracht DDoS agents"
shells/44bsd-csh The traditional 4.4BSD /bin/csh C-shell
shells/bash1 The GNU Borne Again Shell
shells/bash2 The GNU Bourne Again Shell
shells/es An extensible shell, derived from plan9's rc
shells/esh The "easy shell", a small shell with Lisp-like syntax
shells/fd A CUI-based file and directory management tool
shells/flash A ncurses-based restriction shell
shells/gscommander GNUstep simple unix command monitor
shells/ksh93 Official AT&T release of KornShell 93
shells/mudsh An "intelligent" game-like shell
shells/nologinmsg More functional native binary replacement for /sbin/nologin
shells/osh An implementation of the UNIX 6th Edition shell.
shells/pash A full-screen shell (commander GUI) for *nix.
shells/pdksh The Public Domain Korn Shell
shells/perlsh New shell made entirely out of a Perl script
shells/rc A unix incarnation of the plan9 shell
shells/sash A Stand-Alone shell combining many common utilities
shells/scponly A tiny shell that only permits scp and sftp
shells/tcsh An extended C-shell with many useful features
shells/vshnu New Visual Shell
shells/wapsh A system to allow remote shell logins via a WAP phone or web browser
shells/zsh The Z shell
shells/zsh+euc_hack The Z shell with EUC encoding support
shells/zsh-devel The Z shell (development version)
sysutils/3dm 3ware ATA RAID monitoring daemon and web server
sysutils/LPRng An Enhanced Printer Spooler
sysutils/LPRngTool Configuration Tool for LPRng
sysutils/Tee An enhanced version of tee(1)
sysutils/abck Manage intrusion attemps recorded in the system log
sysutils/acidlaunch An application launcher with simple XML-based configuration syntax
sysutils/afio Archiver & backup program w/ builtin compression
sysutils/ah-tty Ah-tty is an automatic helper for command prompts and shells
sysutils/and Auto Nice Daemon
sysutils/anteater A MTA log analyzer
sysutils/apcupsd A daemon for controlling APC UPS
sysutils/arson A KDE frontend for mkisofs and cdrecord
sysutils/asapm Laptop battery status display for X11
sysutils/ascpu CPU statistics monitor utility for XFree86
sysutils/asfsm File-system monitor for the AfterStep window manager
sysutils/asmem An AfterStep look-n-feel memory utilization monitor
sysutils/asmon A swallowable applet monitors the CPU usage, memory and swap, etc
sysutils/bacula The network backup solution
sysutils/barry A nice KDE frontend to the ports system
sysutils/battstat-applet A laptop battery monitor utility for the GNOME panel
sysutils/bchunk Converts .bin/.cue files to .iso/audio
sysutils/bkpupsd A simple UPS daemon for APC BK Pro(TM)
sysutils/blimitd Daemon to enforce login.conf limits
sysutils/bsdsar System Activity Reporter for FreeBSD
sysutils/bubblemon Bubblemon is a system CPU and memory load monitor for the GNOME panel
sysutils/bubblemon-dockapp X eye candy for displaying CPU and memory load in a dock
sysutils/cd-write A X11 based CD-burner
sysutils/cd9660_unicode A kernel driver for reading CD disks with non-English filenames
sysutils/cdbakeoven KDE frontend for cdrecord and mkisofs/mkhybrid
sysutils/cdrdao Record CD-R[W]s in disk-at-once mode
sysutils/cdroot Scripts to automate setting up a bootable CD-ROM based FreeBSD system
sysutils/cdrtools Cdrecord, mkisofs and several other programs to record CD-R[W]
sysutils/cfengine GNU cfengine - a systems administration tool for networks
sysutils/cfengine2 GNU cfengine - a systems administration tool for networks
sysutils/checkservice Checkservice is written to check the status of the services
sysutils/chgrep Fast string substitution across multiple files
sysutils/clockspeed Uses a hardware tick counter to compensate for deviant system clock
sysutils/cmdwatch Watches the output from a command at specified intervals
sysutils/colorize A robust log colorizer
sysutils/comconsole Setup your PC to use serial port COM1 as its console device
sysutils/consolehm Console based hardware monitor for FreeBSD
sysutils/contool Console tool for openlook
sysutils/copytape A program that is used to duplicate magtapes
sysutils/cotty Simple command-line pseudo terminal manager
sysutils/cpbk Backup Copy programm
sysutils/cpdup A comprehensive filesystem mirroring program
sysutils/cpuburn CPU/memory stress testing utilities
sysutils/crashme A tool to test an operating system's robustness
sysutils/cronolog A web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
sysutils/curly Generalize listed filenames to csh-extended glob patterns
sysutils/cvsweb-converters Create hyperlinks to cvsweb from cvs[up] output or FreeBSD commitlogs
sysutils/daemontools "Service monitoring and logging utilities by djb"
sysutils/daemontools53 Service monitoring and logging utilities by djb
sysutils/deleted Daemon for garbdge collection in directories with temporary files
sysutils/detach Start a process detached from a terminal
sysutils/di A disk information utility
sysutils/dim A directory lister which sorts the file list in 2D
sysutils/dirdiff A graphical diff tool
sysutils/diskcheckd Daemon to check for disk read errors
sysutils/diskusage Shows current user diskusage and sum in human-readable format
sysutils/doconfig Kernel "config" wrapper ala Digital Unix's doconfig
sysutils/du2ps Filter for converting output of du to PostScript file
sysutils/dump9660 Create an ISO 9660 image, possibly incrementally
sysutils/durep Utility for monitoring disk usage in a more visual way than du
sysutils/dvdtape Create DVD master filesystems on DLT media
sysutils/dwatch Dwatch - A Daemon Watcher
sysutils/e2fsprogs A set of utilities and library to manipulate an ext2 filesystem
sysutils/eject Utility for ejecting media from CD or optical disk drive
sysutils/enteruser Extensible script for adding new users
sysutils/extipl Partition-selectable boot loader for IBM-PC/AT compatibles
sysutils/fastest_cvsup Finds fastest CVSup server
sysutils/fastresolve Programs that process web logs to get DNS and domain ownership info
sysutils/fcron Fcron is a periodical command scheduler
sysutils/ffsrecov Recover files from a corrupt FFS
sysutils/file File - determine file type
sysutils/filedupe A utility for quickly finding duplicate files
sysutils/fileutils The GNU file utilities
sysutils/finfo Finfo displays potentially useful information about a file
sysutils/flasher Monitors log or mail files for writes, and flashes a keyboard LED
sysutils/flexbackup Perl-based flexible tape backup system that uses dump/afio/cpio/tar
sysutils/flock Assert/wait for advisory locks with flock(2)
sysutils/flog A small STDIN-to-file logger with support for log rotation
sysutils/fontedit Tools for creating and editing console (syscons) font files
sysutils/fonteditfs A Full Screen Syscons Font Editor
sysutils/fortunelock Locks a terminal while showing fortunes
sysutils/freesbie Yet another cool answer to the system-on-cd question
sysutils/fsck_ext2fs Ext2fs filesystem consistency check and interactive repair
sysutils/ftrace A file modification/creation watcher
sysutils/fvcool VCool for FreeBSD - Cooling software for AMD Athlon/Duron CPUs
sysutils/ganglia-monitor-core "Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon"
sysutils/gcombust A GTK+ frontend for mkisofs and cdrecord
sysutils/gconf-editor A gconf database editor for the GNOME 2.0 environment
sysutils/gfslicer A utility to split and join files
sysutils/gkrellflynn Flynn is a tiny system load meter for gkrellm
sysutils/gkrellm A GTK based system monitor
sysutils/gkrellm2 A GTK based system monitor
sysutils/gkrellmouse Mouse odometer plugin for GKrellM
sysutils/gkrellmwho A plugin that scrolls in a panel a list of currently logged on users
sysutils/glload Gl base load monitor
sysutils/gnome-pkgview Displays the version of GNOME 2 components installed
sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter Control center for GNOME project
sysutils/gnomecontrolcenter2 Control center for GNOME 2.0 project
sysutils/gnomefind Graphical version of the GNU "find" utility
sysutils/gnomesystemmonitor GNOME 2.0 system monitor program
sysutils/gok GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK)
sysutils/gpart Tries to recover lost partition tables and file systems
sysutils/grub GRand Unified Bootloader
sysutils/gtk-imonc A gtk based client to control an one disc fli4l router
sysutils/gtoaster Graphical cd cooking interface
sysutils/gtop GNOME system moniter program
sysutils/gupsc A free Gnome client for the Network UPS Tools
sysutils/hammerhead A webserver stressing tool
sysutils/healthd A daemon to monitor vital motherboard parameters
sysutils/httplog Apache log rollover program with strftime(3) filename support
sysutils/idled A daemon that logs out idle users and those users hogging resources
sysutils/installwatch A file creation/modification logger
sysutils/ipa IP accounting software
sysutils/ipsc An IP Subnet Calculator
sysutils/jailer Manage FreeBSD jail startup, shutdown and console
sysutils/jailutils Several utilies for managing jails
sysutils/kcpuload CPU meter for Kicker
sysutils/kdeadmin3 KDE applications related to system administration
sysutils/kdirstat A small KDE utility that sums up disk usage for direcory trees
sysutils/knutclient A visual client for UPS system NUT
sysutils/krename Very powerful batch file renamer for KDE3
sysutils/lavaps A lava lamp of currently running processes
sysutils/lcdproc A client/server suite for all kinds of nifty LCD devices
sysutils/lfm Last File Manager, a simple 'commander'-type file manager
sysutils/libchk A tool to check shared library links
sysutils/libretto-config Libretto BIOS Setting Program
sysutils/linneighborhood GTK+ gui for browsing and mounting SMB filesystems
sysutils/linux-acu Aironet Cisco Utilities for 802.11 wireless NIC's
sysutils/linux-e2fsprogs RPM of the a set of utilities and library to manipulate an ext2 filesystem
sysutils/lire Logfile analyse toolkit for multiple applications
sysutils/livecd Tool Set to create custom FreeBSD LiveCD
sysutils/lmmon Display information gathered from MB power management controller
sysutils/log_analysis A utility that extracts a summary of useful data from logs
sysutils/logmon An ncurses-based split window log monitoring program
sysutils/logrotate Daemon to rotate, compress, remove and mail system log files
sysutils/logtool Parse ASCII logfiles into ANSI, CSV, HTML formats
sysutils/lookat Lookat is a program to view Un*x text files and manual pages
sysutils/lsmlib A lib that creates a libxml2 tree w/ info. token on a *NIX filesystem
sysutils/lsof Lists information about open files (similar to fstat(1))
sysutils/ltrace Dynamic Library Tracer -- similar to strace, but it traces library calls
sysutils/maint System maintenance package written in Python and CSH
sysutils/manck Manual page consistency checker
sysutils/medusa GNOME filesystem indexer
sysutils/memtest Utility to test for faulty memory subsystem
sysutils/metalog Modern syslogd replacement with PCRE support
sysutils/mgeupsd monitor a state of MGE Pulsar UPS connected to RS-232 port
sysutils/mixer A startup/shutdown script to preserve mixer settings across reboots
sysutils/mkfile Create files suitable for use as swap files
sysutils/mkisofs Create iso9660/Rock Ridge/Joliet filesystems
sysutils/mksunbootcd Makes ISO images suitable to boot on sparc systems
sysutils/mktool Portable tools to manage processes and networked services
sysutils/monitord Service that restarts other standalone services if they terminate
sysutils/msyslog Flexible and easy to integrate syslog daemon
sysutils/multitail Tail multiple files on console with ncurses
sysutils/muse Shows memory usage data
sysutils/ndir A featureful directory lister
sysutils/no-login Refuse a login to a user, and make a note of it in syslog
sysutils/npadmin An SNMP based command line network printer management tool
sysutils/nut Network UPS Tools
sysutils/nwclient Network backup client to NetWorker servers
sysutils/nwclient602 Network backup client to NetWorker servers
sysutils/obliterate Securely delete file
sysutils/p5-File-Which Portable implementation of `which' in Perl
sysutils/p5-Filesys-DiskSpace Perl equivalent of statfs(2)
sysutils/p5-LJ-Cache Perl5 implementation of an LRU dictionary cache
sysutils/p5-LJ-TextMessage Perl5 interface to send text messages to phones/pagers
sysutils/p5-Quota Perl module that provides access to filesystem quotas
sysutils/p5-Schedule-At OS independent interface to the Unix 'at' command
sysutils/p5-Schedule-Cron Schedule::Cron - cron-like scheduler for Perl subroutines
sysutils/p5-Schedule-Match Handles and detects clash between pattern-based schedules
sysutils/p5-Stat-lsMode Stat::lsMode - format file modes like the ls -l command does
sysutils/p5-Sys-CpuLoad Perl5 module to retrieve CPU load averages
sysutils/p5-SyslogScan Perl5 routines to parse system logs
sysutils/p5-Tie-Syslog Tie a filehandle to Syslog
sysutils/p5-UPS-Nut Perl module for accessing Network UPS Tools' upsd
sysutils/p5-Unix-ConfigFile Perl modules that provides a simple interface to reading /etc files
sysutils/p5-Unix-Syslog Perl5 interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
sysutils/p5-User User - API for locating user information regardless of OS
sysutils/paicc Paint Changed Characters
sysutils/pdumpfs A daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
sysutils/pear-File PEAR common file and directory routines
sysutils/pear-Log PEAR logging utilities
sysutils/penv "Set the environment accoring to the current working directory"
sysutils/perf Xview-based system monitoring tool
sysutils/personality System configuration management utility to alter system personality
sysutils/pib GUI Ports Collection management tool
sysutils/pkg_remove Utility to uninstall packages
sysutils/pkg_tree Get a 'graphical' tree-overview of installed packages
sysutils/pkill NetBSD's pgrep and pkill: find or signal processes matching criteria
sysutils/plconfig Tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges
sysutils/pmap Detailed process memory display
sysutils/portupgrade FreeBSD ports/packages administration and management tool suite
sysutils/prips Prints IP subnet ranges by list or CIDR
sysutils/procmap Print the contents of a procfs map file
sysutils/pslist "A utility to view or send signals to processes with all their children"
sysutils/psmisc A port of the Linux pstree, killall and pidof commands
sysutils/pstack Retrieve process/core file stack traces
sysutils/pstree List processes as a tree
sysutils/pwgen A simple password generator
sysutils/pyfind A file-find utility for Gnome loosely modeled after the Windoze utility
sysutils/qlogtools Tools for processing logs from qmail and other packages
sysutils/qtpkg A Qt based package removal tool
sysutils/rclean Command-line rc.conf ordering and cleaning tool
sysutils/rdate Sets the clock of the local host to the time of another host
sysutils/readlink Dereference a symbolic link and print the name of the target
sysutils/rlogview A Ruby/GTK graphical log viewer for log4r
sysutils/rmonitor Remote system monitoring utility
sysutils/roottail Simple utility to tail files/logs to a root X window
sysutils/rotate log rotate
sysutils/rtty Multiuser "tip"/"cu" replacement with logging
sysutils/ruby-devel-logger A lightweight logging library for Ruby
sysutils/ruby-log4r A flexible logging library written in Ruby
sysutils/ruby-quota A Ruby library to manipulate filesystem quotas
sysutils/safecat "Safely write data to a directory using D. J. Bernstein's Maildir ideology"
sysutils/samefile Find files with identical contents
sysutils/sarah Syslog automated Rotation and Archive Handler
sysutils/sb16config Configuration utility for Granch SBNI16-SHDSL PCI modems
sysutils/sbniconfig Configurator for Granch SBNI12-xx adapters
sysutils/sdd Faster and improved version of dd
sysutils/service-config Utility to create and configure svscan service directories
sysutils/setcdboot Mark a file bootable within a DEC Alpha ISO-9660 image
sysutils/setquota Command line quota tools
sysutils/sformat Allows formatting/partitioning/analysis/repairing of SCSI disks
sysutils/shlock Create lock files for use in shell scripts
sysutils/sjog Userland daemon for Sony Vaio Jog Dial
sysutils/skill SuperKILL, kill or renice processes by pid, name, tty or uid
sysutils/slay Kills a login shell and process(es) of a user
sysutils/slmon S-Lang System Monitor
sysutils/sloth Slow down a process
sysutils/socket Create tcp socket and connect to stdin/out
sysutils/socklog Small and secure replacement for syslogd
sysutils/spinner Keep ssh and telnet connections from dropping due to inactivity
sysutils/srmt Schily's enhanced rmt implementation
sysutils/ssync A minimalistic tool for keeping filesystems in synchronization
sysutils/stat Print inode contents
sysutils/stmpclean Remove old files from temporary directories
sysutils/stow GNU version of Carnegie Mellon's "Depot" program
sysutils/stowES stow Enhancement Script
sysutils/su2 An enhanced su, allows users to su with own password + more
sysutils/symlinks Symbolic link maintenance utility
sysutils/synergy Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
sysutils/syslog-ng A powerfull syslogd replacement
sysutils/task The @stake Sleuth Kit for forensic analysis
sysutils/tcplist Lists tcp connections to/from local machine (+username on both sides)
sysutils/tdir Advanced file directory display utility
sysutils/thefish Gtk+/ncurses rc.conf editor/management tool
sysutils/ticker.app Ticker dockapp for Window Maker
sysutils/timelimit "Limit the absolute execution time of a process"
sysutils/tmpwatch A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed
sysutils/tree Display a tree-view of directories with optional color or HTML output
sysutils/ttyload Give a color-coded graph of load averages over time
sysutils/tua The Uucp Analyzer
sysutils/ucspi-tcp Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
sysutils/udesc_dump udesc_dump, showes USB descriptors
sysutils/unquote "Execute a command with safely quoted arguments"
sysutils/upsd APC Smart UPS Monitoring Daemon
sysutils/upsmon Basic UPS monitor for the APC SmartUPS devices
sysutils/uptimed Rob Kaper's uptime daemon
sysutils/userinfo Show information about local users
sysutils/userlist Prints a list of all usernames in /etc/passwd
sysutils/usermin Web-based interface for performing some user tasks
sysutils/uwatch Monitor user logins and logouts
sysutils/vcp Copy files in curses interface
sysutils/videogen A tool for calculating XFree86 modelines
sysutils/vobcopy Decrypts and copies DVD .vob files
sysutils/wait_on Enable shell scripts to monitor directories for new files
sysutils/webjob Download and execute a program over HTTP/HTTPS
sysutils/webmin Web-based interface for system administration for Unix
sysutils/whatpix Perl console application which finds, moves or deletes duplicate files
sysutils/whowatch Displays information in real time about users currently logged on
sysutils/wmapm Laptop battery status display for WindowMaker
sysutils/wmapmload APM battery status monitor dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
sysutils/wmavgload Another WindowMaker load gauge
sysutils/wmbattery Window Maker dockapp that displays info about your battery
sysutils/wmbluecpu A CPU monitoring dockapp
sysutils/wmcpuload An "lcd" dockapp for windowmaker, which displays the current cpuload
sysutils/wmcube Window Maker dockapp that displays cpu load and a realtime 3d object
sysutils/wmcube-gdk wmcube-gdk is a modified version of the dockapp wmCube
sysutils/wmfire Window Maker dock app showing load average as a flame
sysutils/wmflame A dockapp that shows the load average as a flame
sysutils/wmfsm Displays filesystem usage of mountpoints in a nice WindowMaker dockapp
sysutils/wmhm WindowMaker dockable hardware monitor for FreeBSD
sysutils/wminet Window Maker dockable inetd monitor
sysutils/wmlmmon WM dock app to display info from MB power management controllers
sysutils/wmlongrun A dockapp to monitor the LongRun(tm) status on Crusoe
sysutils/wmmemfree Memory and swap monitoring dockapp
sysutils/wmmemload An dockapp for windowmaker, which displays the current mem/swap usage
sysutils/wmmemmon Mem/Swap monitoring dockapp for WindowMaker
sysutils/wmmon WindowMaker dockable system load/performance monitor
sysutils/wmmount The freespace for Window Maker
sysutils/wmpccard PCcard monitor for FreeBSD + PAO
sysutils/wmshutdown Window Maker dock application to shutdown or reboot
sysutils/wmtop Windowmaker dock app to display top 3 CPU consuming processes
sysutils/wmzazof A simple dockapp that displays the uptime, free and used memory
sysutils/wots System log watch/alert utility, similar to swatch, written in Perl
sysutils/wtail Wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on several files at once
sysutils/x86info Utility to display information about the systems x86 processor(s)
sysutils/xapply Parallel Execution tool ala xargs/apply
sysutils/xbatt Laptop battery status display for X11
sysutils/xbattbar Simple battery meter
sysutils/xcdroast Another X11 frontend to mkisofs/cdrecord
sysutils/xcpustate System monitoring utility graphicaly showing cpu load and status
sysutils/xdu Graphically display output of du
sysutils/xfsm X File System Monitor
sysutils/xin Splits standard input and pipes into a command
sysutils/xloadface Network load monitor for X11
sysutils/xlogmaster Quick & easy monitoring of logfiles and devices
sysutils/xmbmon X/tty motherboard monitor for LM78/79, W8378x, AS99127F and VT82C686
sysutils/xosview A graphical performance meter
sysutils/xperfmon A graphical X11 system performance monitor
sysutils/xperfmon3 Xperfmon++ : A graphical X11 system performance monitor
sysutils/xstow Enhanced replacement for GNU stow written in C++
sysutils/xsu Xsu runs commands as root after prompting for the root password
sysutils/xsysinfo A system information display tool
sysutils/xsysstats A system information display tool
sysutils/xw X app to list current users logged into the system
sysutils/xwatch A Gtk-based program for watching files (e.g. logs) in a window
sysutils/xwipower Wave power level meter for wi(4)
sysutils/yawho Simple 'w'-like program; displays connection type and login shell PID
textproc/2bsd-diff 2.11BSD diff utility
textproc/aft A document preparation system using an Almost Free Text input format
textproc/agrep Approximate grep (fast approximate pattern-matching tool)
textproc/align Text column alignment filter
textproc/ant-xinclude-task XInclude task for Jakarta Ant
textproc/antiword An application to display Microsoft(tm) Word files
textproc/ascii2pdf A perl script to convert text files to PDF files
textproc/aspell Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
textproc/bedic-data Data (dictionary) files for the kbedic and cbedic ports
textproc/bibtex2html A collection of tools for searching BibTeX and translating from BibTeX to HTML
textproc/bidiv A bidirectional text filter
textproc/br-aspell Aspell with Breton dictionary
textproc/british-ispell An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
textproc/c2html C-language sources to HTML converter
textproc/ca-aspell Aspell with Catalan dictionary
textproc/carthage A parser and clean-up tool for SGML DTDs
textproc/catdoc Convert MS Word/Excel documents to plain ASCII or TeX. TK viewer included
textproc/cbedic An English-to-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-to-English dictionary
textproc/cdif Display word context diff
textproc/cdiff Diff readability enhancher for color terminals
textproc/chpp Non-intrusive full-featured text preprocessor
textproc/coco Code converter for any of Mule's code
textproc/cocoon 100% pure Java publishing framework servlet
textproc/code2html Sourcecode to HTML converter
textproc/cole A free C OLE library
textproc/cost SGML/XML application programming tool
textproc/crimson Implements the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
textproc/cs-aspell Aspell with Czech dictionary
textproc/cwtext Morse Code Generator
textproc/cy-aspell Aspell with Welsh dictionary
textproc/da-aspell Aspell with Danish dictionary
textproc/dadadodo Text processor which analyses text and generates random sentences
textproc/dico Interactive dictionary in french
textproc/dict Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC2229) client
textproc/dictfmt Formats a DICT protocol dictionary database
textproc/dictionary A dictionary client for Emacs
textproc/diff-mode.el A mode for viewing/editing context diffs in Emacsen
textproc/diffsplit Splits a unified diff into pieces which patch one file each
textproc/diffstat Makes a histogram summarizing "diff" output
textproc/diffutils The GNU diff utilities
textproc/docbook Meta-port for the different versions of the DocBook DTD
textproc/docbook-241 V2.4.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
textproc/docbook-300 V3.0 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
textproc/docbook-310 V3.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
textproc/docbook-400 V4.0 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
textproc/docbook-410 V4.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
textproc/docbook-sk XML version of the DocBook DTD version controlled for ScrollKeeper
textproc/docbook-tdg Norman Walsh's book "DocBook: The Definitive Guide"
textproc/docbook-to-man A DocBook SGML DTD into nroff/troff -man macros converter
textproc/docbook-xml XML version of the DocBook DTD
textproc/docbook-xsl XSL DocBook stylesheets
textproc/docbookide.el Emacs lisp modules for editing DocBook documents
textproc/doclifter Translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook
textproc/docproj The "meta-port" for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
textproc/docproj-jadetex The "meta-port" for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
textproc/docproj-nojadetex The "meta-port" for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
textproc/domc A light weight implementation of the DOM in ANSI C
textproc/dsssl-docbook-cygnus DocBook DSSSL stylesheets of Cygnus Slution
textproc/dsssl-docbook-modular DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD by Norman Walsh
textproc/dtd-catalogs SGML DTDs catalogs
textproc/dtd2relax DTD to RELAX converter for Java
textproc/dtdinst Converts DTDs to XML instance, in a specific or RELAX NG format
textproc/dtdparse Parse a DTD and produce an XML document that represents it
textproc/easydiff GNUstep graphical diff
textproc/el-aspell Aspell with Greek dictionary
textproc/eo-aspell Aspell with Esperanto dictionary
textproc/eruby Interprets Ruby code embedded in a text file like PHP/ePerl/ASP/JSP
textproc/es-aspell Aspell with Spanish dictionary
textproc/expat2 XML 1.0 parser written in C
textproc/fdp-tools A set of small utilities for the FreeBSD Documentation Projekt
textproc/filepp A generic file preprocessor
textproc/fist An emphatic message generator
textproc/fo-aspell Aspell with Faroese dictionary
textproc/fop Print formatter driven by XSL formatting
textproc/freegrep An implementation of grep(1) under a BSD-friendly license
textproc/galax Galax is a full-featured, fully compliant implementation of XQuery
textproc/gauche-sxml A port of Oleg Kiselyov's (S)XML utilities to Gauche
textproc/gdict Small program that finds definitions of arbitrary (english) words
textproc/gdome2 Gnome DOM Engine
textproc/glark Search text files for complex regular expressions
textproc/glimpse Text search engine
textproc/gmat O'Reilly's SGML formatting package.
textproc/gmetadom A Collection of DOM Implementations
textproc/gnomespell A GNOME/Bonobo component for spell checking
textproc/gnomespell-devel A GNOME/Bonobo component for spell checking
textproc/gpp The Generic Preprocessor
textproc/grap An implementation of Kernigan & Bentley's grap language
textproc/gsed The GNU stream editor
textproc/gtk-doc Code documentation system, originally for GTK+
textproc/gtkdiff A frontend program for diff(1) written for GNOME
textproc/gtkspell2 A GTK+ 2 spell checking component
textproc/gutenbook GTK+ based reader for Project Gutenberg Etexts
textproc/gutenmark Attractively formatting Project Gutenberg texts
textproc/gxditview An X11 based previewer for groff output
textproc/gxmlviewer An xmlviewer with a netscape plugin, and now a bonobo control as well
textproc/hevea Convert LaTeX to HTML
textproc/hs-haxml A collection of utilities for using Haskell and XML together
textproc/htdig A www indexing and searching system
textproc/html All W3C published SGML DTDs for HTML
textproc/html2fo HTML to xsl:fo converter
textproc/html2text Converts HTML documents into plain text
textproc/htmldoc Converts HTML to PDF and/or PostScript
textproc/htmlsection Insert section numbers in HTML and make a table of contents
textproc/htmltolatex HTML to LaTeX to PDF Converter
textproc/info2html Translate GNU info files into HTML pages
textproc/info_to_html Translate GNU info files into HTML pages
textproc/intltool Xml internationalization support for GNOME, and others
textproc/ipdf Creates indexed pdf documents from text files
textproc/isearch Text Search Engine by CNIDR
textproc/iso12083 SGML DTDs from the The Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group
textproc/iso8879 Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
textproc/ispell An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
textproc/it-aspell Aspell with Italian dictionary
textproc/jade An object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
textproc/java2html Java sources to HTML converter
textproc/javacc Compiler compiler for Java; includes tools for building syntax trees
textproc/jdictionary JDictionary - Platform independent, plugin based dictionary
textproc/jdictionary-int-eng JDictionary plugin: Interlingua-English dictionary
textproc/jing A RELAX NG validator in Java
textproc/jrefentry DocBook XML JRefEntry DTD
textproc/kbedic An English-to-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-to-English dictionary
textproc/kdiff3 A KDE3 graphical frontend for diff
textproc/l2a L2a - LaTeX to ASCII converter
textproc/lacheck A tool for finding common mistakes in LaTeX documents
textproc/latex2html Convert LaTeX documents to HTML
textproc/latte Simple language for marking up text in a very expressive way
textproc/liblrdf Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
textproc/libtre A lightweight fully POSIX compliant regexp matching library
textproc/libxml Xml parser library for GNOME
textproc/libxml++ XML API for C++
textproc/libxml2 Xml parser library for GNOME
textproc/libxode An XML library which wraps expat
textproc/libxslt The XSLT C library for GNOME
textproc/linux-libxml RPM of libxml
textproc/linuxdoc The Linuxdoc SGML DTD
textproc/ltxml XML Toolkit
textproc/makepatch Perl scripts to assist in the generation and application of patches
textproc/maketeidtd Generate customized TEI-DTDs
textproc/man2html Convert nroff(1) man pages to HTML
textproc/manued.el Emacs minor mode for manued proofreading method
textproc/meld GNOME 2 visual diff and merge tool
textproc/mgdiff A graphical front end to the Unix diff command
textproc/mguesser A tool for guessing a text's charset and language
textproc/mifluz C++ library to build and query a full text inverted index
textproc/minidom A minimal implementation of the Document Object Model
textproc/mkcatalog A maintainance utility for sgml catalog files
textproc/modlogan A modular log file analysis program
textproc/nfbtrans ASCII text to Grade Two braille translator
textproc/nicetext Convert files to pseudo-natural-language text and back again
textproc/nl-aspell Aspell with Dutch dictionary
textproc/nl-ispell An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
textproc/no-aspell Aspell with Norwegian dictionary
textproc/no-ispell An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
textproc/ocaml-pxp Validating XML parser for OCaml
textproc/ocaml-yaxpo Non-validating XML 1.0 + XMLNS processing suite for Objective Caml
textproc/openjade Object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
textproc/opensched A project scheduler
textproc/opensp This package is a collection of SGML/XML tools called OpenSP
textproc/orchard-c Innovative, lightweight API for event stream and tree views of XML
textproc/p5-Apache-ParseLog Perl5 module to parse Apache log files
textproc/p5-CSS-SAC SAC CSS (Simple API for CSS) parser
textproc/p5-Data-FormValidator Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based
textproc/p5-DelimMatch Perl extension to find regexp delimited strings with proper nesting
textproc/p5-FreeBSD-Ports Perl modules for parsing FreeBSD's Ports INDEX file
textproc/p5-HTML-Format A module to format HTML to text or PS
textproc/p5-LJ-SpellCheck HTML highlighting misspellings using ispell compatible program
textproc/p5-Lingua-Conjunction Convert Perl lists into linguistic conjunctions
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-AddressParse Perl module to manipulate geographical addresses
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Gender Inflect pronouns for gender
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Infinitive Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect Convert singular words to their plural form
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-MatchNames Smart matching for human names
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-NameCase Perl module to fix the case of people's names
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-NameParse Perl routines for manipulating a person's name
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Nickname Genealogical nickname matching (Liz=Beth)
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers Converts numeric values into their English string equivalents
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate Go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal ("3rd")
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence Module for splitting text into sentences
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Squeeze Shorten text to minimum syllables by using hash table
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Summarize A simple tool for summarizing bodies of English text
textproc/p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable Routine for estimating syllable count in words
textproc/p5-Lingua-Ident Statistical language identification
textproc/p5-Lingua-Ispell A Perl module that encapsulates access to the Ispell program.
textproc/p5-Lingua-Preferred Perl extension to choose a language
textproc/p5-MARC A module for manipulating bibliographic records in the USMARC format
textproc/p5-NetAddr-IP-Find Iterates over all IP addresses in a text similar to Email::Find
textproc/p5-Number-Format Perl extension for formatting numbers
textproc/p5-Orchard-Perl Perl interface to Orchard-C
textproc/p5-PDF-API2 'The Next Generation' of Text:
textproc/p5-PDF-Create A perl script to convert text files to PDF files
textproc/p5-Parse-Syslog Perl5 routines that present a simple interface to parse syslog files
textproc/p5-Pod-Constants Include constants from POD
textproc/p5-Pod-POM POD Object Model
textproc/p5-PodParser Modules to work with POD (Plain Old Documentation)
textproc/p5-RADIUS-UserFile Perl extension for manipulating a RADIUS users file
textproc/p5-RDF-Core An object oriented Perl modules for handling tasks related to RDF
textproc/p5-RDF-Notation3 RDF Notation3 parser
textproc/p5-RDFStore Perl API for RDF Storage
textproc/p5-Regexp-Common Regexp::Common - Provide commonly requested regular expressions
textproc/p5-SVG Perl extension for generating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents
textproc/p5-Search-Saryer Perl interface to the Sary library
textproc/p5-Sort-ArbBiLex Perl module to make sort functions for arbitrary sort orders
textproc/p5-Sort-Fields Perl module to sort lines containing delimited fields
textproc/p5-Sort-PolySort General rules-based sorting of lists
textproc/p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel Get information from Excel file
textproc/p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file
textproc/p5-String-Scanf Emulates the sscanf() of the C stdio library
textproc/p5-String-ShellQuote Perl module for quote strings for passing through the shell
textproc/p5-String-ShowDiff Perl extension to help visualize differences between strings
textproc/p5-String-Strip Perl extension for fast, commonly used, string operations
textproc/p5-TeX-Hyphen Hyphenate words using TeX's patterns
textproc/p5-Text-Autoformat Automatic and manual text wrapping and reformating formatting
textproc/p5-Text-Balanced Text::Balanced - extract delimited text sequences from strings
textproc/p5-Text-Bind Bind Perl structures to text files
textproc/p5-Text-CSV Composition and decomposition of comma-separated values
textproc/p5-Text-CSV_XS Composition and decomposition of comma-separated values
textproc/p5-Text-Diff Text:
iff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
textproc/p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone Phonetic encoding of words
textproc/p5-Text-EtText A simple plain-text to HTML converter
textproc/p5-Text-FillIn A class implementing a fill-in template
textproc/p5-Text-Filter Base class for objects that can read and write text lines
textproc/p5-Text-Filter-Chain Chains multiple Text::Filter objects and runs them in sequence
textproc/p5-Text-FixedLength Parse and create fixed length field records
textproc/p5-Text-FixedLength-Extra Various niceties for p5-Text-FixedLength lovers
textproc/p5-Text-Flowchart ASCII Flowchart maker
textproc/p5-Text-Format Various subroutines to format text
textproc/p5-Text-FormatTable Renders simple tables as text
textproc/p5-Text-Graphics A text graphics rendering toolkit
textproc/p5-Text-Metaphone A modern soundex: phonetic encoding of words
textproc/p5-Text-Query Query processing framework
textproc/p5-Text-Quoted Text::Quoted - Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
textproc/p5-Text-Reflow Perl module for reflowing text files
textproc/p5-Text-Reform Manual text wrapping and reformatting
textproc/p5-Text-Repository A simple way to manage text without mixing it with Perl
textproc/p5-Text-Shellwords This is a thin wrapper around the shellwords.pl package
textproc/p5-Text-SimpleTemplate Yet another Perl module for template processing
textproc/p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
textproc/p5-Text-Template Expand template text with embedded Perl
textproc/p5-Text-Tmpl Templating system perl library
textproc/p5-Text-Wrapper Simple word wrapping routine
textproc/p5-Tk-XMLViewer Tk::XMLViewer - Tk widget to display XML
textproc/p5-Tree-Nary Perl implementation of N-ary search trees
textproc/p5-URI-Find Perl module to find URIs in arbitrary text
textproc/p5-WDDX Perl module to parse WDDX Packets
textproc/p5-XML-Catalog Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers
textproc/p5-XML-DBMS Perl port of Java package XML-DBMS v1.0
textproc/p5-XML-DOM Perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures
textproc/p5-XML-DT Perl module for down translation of XML to strings
textproc/p5-XML-Directory Returns a content of directory as XML
textproc/p5-XML-Dumper Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
textproc/p5-XML-Encoding A perl module for parsing XML encoding maps
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-Base Base class for XML::Filter modules
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-BufferText Filter to put all characters() in one event
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-DetectWS A PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-Reindent Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-SAX1toSAX2 Convert SAX1 events to SAX2
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-SAXT Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-XInclude XInclude as a SAX Filter
textproc/p5-XML-Filter-XSLT XSLT as a SAX Filter
textproc/p5-XML-Generator-DBI Generate SAX events from SQL queries
textproc/p5-XML-Grove Perl-style XML objects
textproc/p5-XML-Handler-Trees PerlSAX handlers for building tree structures
textproc/p5-XML-Handler-YAWriter Yet another Perl SAX XML Writer
textproc/p5-XML-LibRSVG Interface to GNOME's librsvg
textproc/p5-XML-LibXML Interface to Gnome libxml2 library
textproc/p5-XML-LibXML-Common Routines and Constants common for XML::LibXML and XML::GDOME
textproc/p5-XML-LibXSLT Perl interface to the GNOME XSLT library
textproc/p5-XML-NamespaceSupport A simple generic namespace support class
textproc/p5-XML-Node Perl5 module to extend and simplify XML:
textproc/p5-XML-Parser Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
textproc/p5-XML-Quote XML quote/dequote functions
textproc/p5-XML-RSS Perl extension to manage RDF Site Summary (RSS) files
textproc/p5-XML-RegExp Regular expressions for XML tokens
textproc/p5-XML-SAX Simple API for XML
textproc/p5-XML-SAX-Base Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
textproc/p5-XML-SAX-Expat Simple API for XML
textproc/p5-XML-SAX-Machines Manage collections of SAX processors
textproc/p5-XML-SAX-Simple SAX version of XML::Simple
textproc/p5-XML-SAX-Writer SAX2 XML Writer
textproc/p5-XML-SAXDriver-Sablotron Perl SAX driver for the Sablotron XSLT
textproc/p5-XML-Sablotron A Perl interface to the Sablotron XSLT processor
textproc/p5-XML-Schematron Perl implementation of the Schematron
textproc/p5-XML-Simple Trivial API for reading and writing XML (esp config files)
textproc/p5-XML-SimpleObject API for accessing the structure of an XML document
textproc/p5-XML-Stream XML::Stream provides you with access to XML Stream
textproc/p5-XML-TreeBuilder Perl module to make XML document trees
textproc/p5-XML-Twig Process huge XML documents by chunks via a tree interface
textproc/p5-XML-Writer A simple Perl module for writing XML documents
textproc/p5-XML-XPath Modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statements
textproc/p5-XML-XQL Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
textproc/p5-XML-XSH This is xsh - an XML Editing Shell
textproc/p5-XML-XSLT XML::XSLT - A perl module for processing XSLT
textproc/p5-XML-XUpdate-LibXML Simple implementation of XUpdate format based on and XML::LibXML
textproc/p5-YAML "YAML implementation in Perl"
textproc/p5-dTemplate A powerful template handling logic with advanced features
textproc/p5-libxml Collection of Perl5 modules for working with XML
textproc/p5-podlators Modules to convert and parse POD (Plain Old Documentation)
textproc/p5-xmltv Set of programs to process TV (tvguide) listings in XML format
textproc/par Paragraph reformatter for email
textproc/pardiff Parallelizing diff Filter, converts diff output to paralleled format
textproc/pdftohtml A command-line tool for converting pdf-files into html
textproc/perl2html Perl sources to HTML converter
textproc/pl-aspell Aspell with Polish dictionary
textproc/pocketreader Siemens PocketReader
textproc/prosper Prosper is a LaTeX class for writing transparencies
textproc/py-4suite A collection of Python tools for XML processing and object database management
textproc/py-HyperText Lightweight HTML/XHTML generator for Python
textproc/py-asv An extensible Python module to parse simple text file formats like CSV
textproc/py-csv A Python module to parse or write comma-separated value (CSV) files
textproc/py-docutils Python Documentation Utilities
textproc/py-dsv A Python module to parse or write delimeter-separated (e.g. CSV) files
textproc/py-expat Python interface to the Expat XML parser
textproc/py-jaxml A Python module to generate XML easily
textproc/py-ltxml Python bindings to the LT XML toolkit
textproc/py-martel A parser generator for regular languages, written in Python
textproc/py-rdflib A Python library for RDF manipulation
textproc/py-rxp Fast validating XML parser for Python
textproc/py-sgrep Python wrappers for Sgrep
textproc/py-trex Python implementation of Tree Regular Expressions for XML (TREX)
textproc/py-wordnet Python Interface to WordNet
textproc/py-xml The Python XML package, including parser, SAX, DOM, and Expat
textproc/py-xmltools High level xml tools for Python
textproc/py2html Python Highlighter for HTML
textproc/pybook A Project Gutenberg e-texts reader
textproc/rand Utility to display files or streams in random order
textproc/raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
textproc/redland A high-level interface for RDF
textproc/replaceit A light replacement to the combination of sed/awk/grep/head/tail
textproc/resume XML Resume library
textproc/rman Reverse compile man pages from formatted form
textproc/ro-aspell Aspell with Romanian dictionary
textproc/roap Region Oriented Ascii Processor
textproc/rot Rotates a file so that lines become columns and vice versa
textproc/rotix A program to generate rotational obfuscations
textproc/rtf2htm A command-line converter from RTF (Rich Text) to HTML
textproc/rtfreader A portable application/ms-rtf parser
textproc/rubber A wrapper for LaTeX and friends
textproc/ruby-amatch A Ruby library for approximate string matching and searching
textproc/ruby-amrita An HTML/XHTML template library for Ruby
textproc/ruby-csv Ruby library to parse or generate data in CSV format
textproc/ruby-format Perl like formats for Ruby
textproc/ruby-formvalidator A Ruby module to validate data coming in from HTML forms
textproc/ruby-gdome A Ruby extension that wraps around gdome2
textproc/ruby-html-fillinform A Ruby library that automatically inserts form data into HTML
textproc/ruby-html-parser HTML-parser package for Ruby
textproc/ruby-html-template A Ruby library to use HTML as a template file from CGI scripts
textproc/ruby-htmlcompact A Ruby library to compact an HTML document by reducing whitespaces
textproc/ruby-htmlrepair A Ruby library to repair unclosed tags in an HTML document
textproc/ruby-htmlsplit A Ruby library to split an HTML document into tags and contents
textproc/ruby-libxml A friendly API to libxml for Ruby
textproc/ruby-libxslt A developer friendly libxslt binding for Ruby
textproc/ruby-mwdom DOM level2 module, XMLWriter and XHTMLWriter for Ruby
textproc/ruby-nqxml A pure Ruby implementasion of a non-validating XML processor
textproc/ruby-qt2xml Qt2 xml extension for Ruby
textproc/ruby-raspell A Ruby interface binding to aspell
textproc/ruby-rd-mode.el An Emacs lisp module for editing RD files
textproc/ruby-rdoc Documentation from Ruby source files
textproc/ruby-rdtool RD to HTML/man/etc. converter (RD is to Ruby as POD is to Perl)
textproc/ruby-rexml A pure Ruby XML processor inspired by the Electric XML for Java
textproc/ruby-rss Ruby library for parsing, creating, downloading, and caching RSS
textproc/ruby-rss.alt Ruby library for handling RSS (alternative impl.)
textproc/ruby-sablot Ruby interface to the Sablotron XSLT processor
textproc/ruby-sary A Ruby interface to the Sary library
textproc/ruby-spreadsheet-excel A Ruby module to generate Microsoft Excel compatible files
textproc/ruby-text-format Text::Format for Ruby
textproc/ruby-xmlconfigfile A Ruby module for easy handling of XML configuration files
textproc/ruby-xmlparser Ruby module to access James Clark's XML Parser ToolKit ("expat")
textproc/ruby-xmlscan High-performance non-validating XML parser written in 100% pure Ruby
textproc/ruby-xmlscan-old Pure Ruby XML/HTML scanner and XPath processor/compiler modules
textproc/ruby-xslt An XSLT processor in pure Ruby
textproc/ruby-xtemplate A lightweight XML template engine for Ruby
textproc/rxp A validating XML parser written in C
textproc/sablotron XML toolkit implementing XSLT 1.0, XPath 1.0 and DOM Level2
textproc/sarep Command-line search and replace tool; written in Perl; handles regexps
textproc/sary A suffix array library and tools, which provide fast full-text search
textproc/saxon An XSLT processor for Java
textproc/scr2txt Converts the output of "vidcontrol -p" to text
textproc/scrollkeeper An Open Document Cataloging Project
textproc/sdf Simple Document Format - "author-friendly" mark-up system
textproc/sdocbook-xml "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD
textproc/se-ispell Swedish dictionary for ispell
textproc/sed_inplace A modified version of the sed(1) which can do in-place editing of files
textproc/sgmlformat Generates groff and HTML from linuxdoc and docbook SGML documents
textproc/sgmls SGML parser
textproc/sgmltools Generates various output formats from DocBook SGML documents
textproc/sgmltools-lite Generates various output formats from DocBook SGML documents
textproc/sgrep A `grep' for structured text like SGML and HTML
textproc/sk-aspell Aspell with Slovak dictionary
textproc/smartdoc XML utility to create various documents
textproc/smartdoc-devel XML utility to create various documents(devel version)
textproc/source-highlight C/C++ and Java sources to HTML converter
textproc/sp An object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management
textproc/spell A GNU implementation of the UNIX spell utility using Ispell
textproc/spellutils Programs used to isolate some parts or texts before spell-checking
textproc/sv-aspell Aspell with Swedish dictionary
textproc/tclExpat The TCL interface to Expat library
textproc/tdtd.el An emacs major mode for editing SGML and XML DTDs
textproc/tei-guidelines-p3 TEI's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
textproc/tei-guidelines-p4 TEI's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
textproc/tei-lite SGML version of the TEI-Lite DTD
textproc/tei-p3 DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative
textproc/tei-p4 DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative
textproc/tei-xlite XML version of the TEI-Lite DTD
textproc/tei-xsl-fo XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to XSL Formatting Objects
textproc/tei-xsl-html XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to HTML
textproc/tex2im Converts LaTeX formulas into high resolution pixmap graphics
textproc/texi2db Converts a Texinfo file into DocBook XML
textproc/texi2html "Texinfo to HTML converter"
textproc/textutils GNU text utilities
textproc/tkdiff A Tk frontend for diff(1)
textproc/tnef2txt A portable application/ms-tnef parser
textproc/tth A TeX to HTML translator
textproc/txt2html Convert raw text to something with a little HTML formatting
textproc/txt2man Converts flat ASCII text to man page format
textproc/txt2tags Utility to turn simply formatted text into markup (e.g., HTML)
textproc/ua-ispell Ukrainian (KOI8-U) dictionary for ISPELL
textproc/unroff A programmable troff translator with backend for HTML
textproc/unrtf A converter from RTF to several formats, including HTML and LaTeX
textproc/urlview URL extractor/launcher
textproc/wdiff Display word differences between text files
textproc/whitespace.el Emacs mode which detects and cleans up whitespace in source code
textproc/word2x Converter from MS Word to text, HTML or LaTeX
textproc/wordnet Dictionaries and thesauri with devel. libraries (C, TCL) and browsers
textproc/wv A library and executables which allow access to Microsoft Word files
textproc/xerces-c Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a subset of C++
textproc/xerces-c2 Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project
textproc/xerces-j XML parser for Java
textproc/xhtml W3C's XHTML DTD
textproc/xincluder Java-based XInclude processors
textproc/xlhtml Utilities converting Excel and PowerPoint files to HTML and text
textproc/xls2xml A utility for converting MS Excel files to XML
textproc/xmerl A library for XML processing in Erlang
textproc/xml-i18n-tools Xml internationalization support for GNOME, and others
textproc/xml-lite.el A simple XML-editing for GNU Emacs
textproc/xml2rfc A tool to create RFCs and related documents from XML, as per RFC2629
textproc/xml4j XML for Java parser
textproc/xmlada An XML parsing library for Ada 95
textproc/xmlcharent XML character entities
textproc/xmlenc Light-weight XML encoding library for Java
textproc/xmlindent A XML stream reformatter
textproc/xmlpp XML Parser and Validator
textproc/xmlppm XML-Conscious PPM Compression
textproc/xmlwrapp A modern style C++ library for working with XML data
textproc/xp An XML parser written in Java
textproc/xslide.el Emacs major mode for editing XSL stylesheets
textproc/xslint XSL(T) stylesheet checker
textproc/xt XSL Transformations (XSLT) implementation in Java
textproc/xxdiff QT interface to view/merge differences between 2 or 3 files
textproc/y2l Yacc-to-Latex pretty printer/convertor
textproc/yodl An easy to use but powerful document formatting/preparation language
ukrainian/aspell Aspell with Ukrainian dictionaries
ukrainian/gd A graphics library for fast image creation with KOI8-U support
ukrainian/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
ukrainian/monacofonts A collection of 5 "fixed" fonts for X11 from www.brama.com
ukrainian/ooodict-uk_UA Ukrainian MySpell dictionary for OpenOffice.org
ukrainian/pine.language Tune Pine for Ukrainian (KOI8-U) defaults
ukrainian/webalizer A web server log file analysis program
vietnamese/kde3-i18n Localized messages and documentation for KDE3
vietnamese/libviet VIQR<->VISCII conversion and VISCII ctype-like routines
vietnamese/unicode-uhoai Unicode TrueType Font with UHoai Vietnamese encoding
vietnamese/vi2vn Perl script to convert VIQR encoding to other Vietnamese encodings.
vietnamese/vis2u VISCII->Unicode conversion
vietnamese/vn7to8 Converts between 7-bit Vietnamese VIQR and 8-bit VISCII formats
vietnamese/vnconvert Converts Vietnamese text files between popular formats
vietnamese/vnelvis A vi clone that speaks Vietnamese
vietnamese/vnless A pager utility that speaks Vietnamese
vietnamese/vnlpr Shell script and set of fonts to print Vietnamese text on PostScript printer
vietnamese/vnpstext Converts 8-bit VISCII Vietnamese text into PostScript
vietnamese/vnroff Converts Vietnamese VIQR text into troff format
vietnamese/vnterm An xterm that speaks Vietnamese
vietnamese/vntex teTeX Vietnamese language + font support
vietnamese/vnxfonts X fonts for displaying Vietnamese
www/Mosaic A World Wide Web browser
www/WebMagick Image Web Generator - recursively build HTMLs, imagemaps, thumbnails
www/abcache A tool to cache applications written in PHP
www/adzap Filter out animated ad banners from web pages
www/adzapper A filtering proxy that can block ads from being displayed
www/amaya The W3C's testbed web editor/browser
www/amyc Display the contents of your Netscape cache
www/analog An extremely fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
www/aolserver A multithreaded web server with embedded TCL interpreter
www/apache-contrib Third-party modules contributed to the Apache HTTP server project
www/apache-jserv Loadable servlet module for apache
www/apache13 The extremely popular Apache http server. Very fast, very clean
www/apache13+ipv6 The extremely popular Apache http server. Very fast, very clean
www/apache13-fp The Apache webserver with MS Frontpage Module
www/apache13-modssl The Apache 1.3 webserver with SSL/TLS functionality
www/apache13-ssl Apache-SSL: Apache secure webserver integrating OpenSSL
www/apache2 Version 2 of the extremely popular Apache http server
www/arena Experimental HTML 3 browser, supports math and style sheets
www/aria Yet another download tool
www/ashe A simple HTML editor
www/asp2php Converts ASP scripts to PHP
www/aswedit An easy to use HTML and text editor
www/august HTML editor for the experienced Web author
www/auth_ldap Apache module to authenticate against an LDAP directory
www/awstats Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics
www/bacon Quick, easy-to-read, web statistics program
www/beonex Open-source browser, HTML editor, mail and news client
www/bins Tool to generate HTML photo albums with XML support
www/bk2site Transforms Netscape bookmarks into a Yahoo-like website
www/bkmrkconv Netscape bookmarks.html converter
www/bluefish HTML editor designed for the experienced web designer
www/bluefish-devel HTML editor designed for the experienced web designer
www/bmsync A bookmark converter and synchronizer for NN, KDE and MSIE
www/boa High performance single-tasking web server
www/bozohttpd The bozotic HTTP server
www/cadaver Commandline client for DAV
www/calamaris A perl script to produce statistics out of Squid log files
www/caudium10 A free webserver which is based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base
www/cgi-lib ANSI C Library for CGI Programming
www/cgi-lib.pl De facto standard library for creating CGI in perl
www/cgic ANSI C library for CGI programming
www/cgicc A C++ class library for writing CGI applications
www/cgichk A web site vulnerability scanner
www/cgihtml "Library that simplifies the task of writing CGI programs in C"
www/cgiparse C library to parse CGI Forms
www/cgiwrap Securely execute ~user CGI scripts
www/checkbot A WWW link verifier, similar like momspider
www/cheetah GTK+ based light-weight web browser
www/cherokee Cherokee is an extremely fast and tiny web server
www/chimera X/Athena World-Wide Web client
www/chimera2 X/Athena World-Wide Web client - Wilbur (HTML3.2) compliant
www/chtml Chunked HTML templating engine
www/comclear "A history cleaner for Netscape Navigator and Communicator"
www/crawl A small, efficient web crawler with advanced features
www/css-mode.el A CSS(Cascade Style Sheet) editing mode for Emacsen
www/dansguardian A fast, simple web content filter for Squid proxy servers
www/dansguardian-devel A fast, simple web content filter for Squid proxy servers
www/decss Strip cascading style sheets from webpages
www/demoroniser Correct moronic and gratuitously incompatible HTML from MS applications
www/dhttpd Minimal secure webserver. Fast and efficient, no cgi-bin support
www/dillo A fast, small graphical Web browser built upon GTK+
www/eldav.el An interface to WebDAV servers for Emacs
www/elinks Elinks - links text WWW browser with enhancements
www/emacs-w3m Simple front-end to w3m for emacs21
www/emacs-w3m-emacs20 Simple front-end to w3m for emacs20
www/emacs-w3m-xemacs21-mule Simple front-end to w3m for xemacs21-mule
www/encompass A lightweight web browser for the Gnome Desktop Environment
www/epiphany An extremely lightweight and simple web browser for GNOME 2
www/erwn Simple (at the moment) html editor based on GTK+
www/evg Create index pages in HTML for photo galleries
www/fcgi FastCGI Development Kit
www/fhttpd C++-based FTP/HTTP server that supports modules
www/flashplugin An implementation of Macromedia Flash plugin for Netscape
www/flashplugin-mozilla A GPL standalone Flash (TM) plugin for Mozilla web browser
www/flashplugin-mozilla-devel A GPL standalone Flash (TM) plugin for Mozilla web browser
www/flashpluginwrapper A wrapper allowing use of linux-flashplugin with native mozilla
www/flood Profile-driven HTTP load tester
www/frontpage Microsoft Frontpage 2002 Extensions
www/frontpage-ar Microsoft Frontpage Arabic Web Administration
www/frontpage-de Microsoft Frontpage German Web Administration
www/frontpage-es Microsoft Frontpage Spanish Web Administration
www/frontpage-fr Microsoft Frontpage French Web Administration
www/frontpage-he Microsoft Frontpage Hebrew Web Administration
www/frontpage-it Microsoft Frontpage Italian Web Administration
www/frontpage-ja Microsoft Frontpage Japanese Web Administration
www/frontpage-ko Microsoft Frontpage Korean Web Administration
www/frontpage-nl Microsoft Frontpage Dutch Web Administration
www/frontpage-sv Microsoft Frontpage Swedish Web Administration
www/frontpage-th Microsoft Frontpage Thai Web Administration
www/frontpage-zh Microsoft Frontpage Chinese Web Administration
www/fxhtml Server side extension to HTML eliminating the need for CGI scripts
www/g-gcl Sample counter scripts for Graphic Counter Language
www/galeon A GNOME Web browser based on gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine)
www/galeon2 A GNOME 2 Web browser based on gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine)
www/gallery Gallery is a slick web based photo album written using PHP
www/geeklog GeekLog is a web content magagement system
www/glibwww A library for people wanting to use libwww with gtk/gnome
www/gn Gopher and http server
www/gnuinfo CGI program to convert GNU .info files into html
www/gnujsp GNU implementation of Sun's Java Server Pages
www/grail An extensible Internet browser written entirely in Python
www/gtkhtml Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
www/gtkhtml3 Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
www/guile-www Guile modules for WWW interaction
www/harvest Collect information from all over the Internet
www/horde2 A common code-base used by Horde applications, written in PHP
www/hotjava Sun's Hotjava web browser
www/htdump A tool to retrieve WWW data
www/html2hdml An i-mode HTML to EZweb HDML converter
www/html2wml A CGI that can do on-the-fly HTML to WML conversion
www/htmlobject HTML Document Object
www/htmlpp A Perl script to allow easy creation of HTML from template files
www/http-analyze A fast Log-Analyzer for web servers
www/http_load Multiprocessing http performance test client
www/httperf A tool for measuring webserver performance
www/httpgrabber HTTP network traffic grabber and extractor
www/httptunnel Tunnel a tcp/ip connection through a http/tcp/ip connection
www/httrack Easy-to-use offline browser utility and website copier
www/hydra A high performance multi-threaded web server
www/hypermail A program to generate a cross-referenced HTML mail archive
www/igal A static html image gallery generator for *nix
www/indexme Links files into a HTML index for viewing and easy overview
www/interchange RedHat's database-enabled e-commerce server
www/jakarta-jmeter Functional behaviour load and performance test application
www/jakarta-tomcat3 Open-source Java web server by Apache, stable 3.x branch
www/jakarta-tomcat4 Open-source Java web server by Apache, stable 4.0.x branch
www/jakarta-tomcat41 Open-source Java web server by Apache, stable 4.1.x branch
www/jdresolve A IP addresse to hostname program for httpd log files
www/jesred A redirector for Squid
www/jetty Extensible Java HTTP Server
www/jonah Jonah is a portal and content collection system
www/junkbuster An HTTP proxy server that eliminates ads
www/kannel WAP / SMS Gateway
www/knowledgekit A mechanism for the automatic creation and maintenance of Knowledge Bases
www/larbin A powerful HTTP crawler with an easy interface
www/libghttp GNOME http client library
www/libgtkhtml Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
www/libwww The W3C Reference Library
www/links Lynx-like text WWW browser
www/links1 Lynx-like text WWW browser
www/linux-beonex Browser, HTML editor, mail and news client for use with Linux plugins
www/linux-flashplugin The official Macromedia Flash Player for Linux Netscape and Opera
www/linux-flashplugin6 The official Macromedia Flash Player for Linux Mozilla and Netscape 6+
www/linux-lesstif-ns Clone of the Motif library mostly for linux-netscape4
www/linux-mozilla Browser, HTML editor, MUA and newsreader for use with Linux plugins
www/linux-opera A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser
www/linux-opera7 A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser
www/linux-phoenix Web browser branched from Mozilla
www/logtools Useful tools to deal with CLF files (Common Log File format)
www/lws Lightweight threaded HTTP/HTTPS web server based on libpdel(3)
www/lynx A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client
www/lynx-current A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client
www/lynx-ssl A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client with SSL support
www/man2web Convert man pages to HTML
www/mapedit A WWW authoring tool to create clickable maps
www/mathopd A very small, yet very fast HTTP server
www/mdw A utility to check the MD5 sum of a webpage
www/mergelog A tool to merge and sort by date http log files
www/mgstat Produce graphs from mod_gzip log files
www/mhonarc WWW front end for mail archives
www/micro_httpd An extremely small web server
www/middleman Middleman is a robust proxy server
www/mini_httpd Small HTTP server with support for GET, HEAD, POST, CGI, SSL, IPv6
www/mmosaic Web browser based on Mosaic, but with many modernizations
www/mnogosearch Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
www/mod_access_identd Apache module to supply access control based on ident reply
www/mod_access_referer An Apache module that provides access control based on Referer HTTP header
www/mod_auth_any Apache module to use any command line program to authenticate a user
www/mod_auth_external Enables the use of external mechanisms for user authentication
www/mod_auth_kerb An Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
www/mod_auth_mysql Allows users to use MySQL databases for user authentication
www/mod_auth_mysql_another Allows users to use MySQL databases for user authentication
www/mod_auth_pam Allows users to use PAM modules for user authentication
www/mod_auth_pgsql Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
www/mod_auth_pwcheck Apache module for user authentication via Cyrus pwcheck daemon
www/mod_backhand Apache module that allows seamless redirection and load balancing of HTTP requests
www/mod_bf A brainf*ck module for Apache
www/mod_blosxom Apache module to build the extremely lightweight Weblog environment
www/mod_blowchunks Apache module for rejecting and logging chunked requests
www/mod_bunzip2 Apache module for server-side decompression of bzip2 files
www/mod_cgi_debug Apache module to make debugging server-side scripts easier
www/mod_color Apache module that provides syntax coloring for various languages
www/mod_csacek Charset recoding module for Apache
www/mod_cvs A module that makes Apache CVS aware
www/mod_dav An Apache module that provides DAV capabilities
www/mod_dtcl Embeds a TCL8 interpreter in the Apache server
www/mod_extract_forwarded An Apache module that can make proxied requests appear with client IP
www/mod_fastcgi A fast-cgi module for Apache
www/mod_filter Filter output from other modules inside of Apache
www/mod_frontpage Improved mod_frontpage for Apache, as APXS installation
www/mod_geoip An Apache module that provides the country code of the client's IP
www/mod_gzip An Internet Content Acceleration module for Apache
www/mod_hosts_access Apache module that makes Apache respect hosts.allow and hosts.deny
www/mod_index_rss Apache module to provides RSS output for directories
www/mod_jk Apache module for Tomcat 3
www/mod_layout Apache module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
www/mod_limitipconn Limit the number of simultaneous connections from a single client IP address
www/mod_log_mysql Allows Apache to log to a MySQL database
www/mod_mp3 Apache module to allow MP3 streaming
www/mod_mylo An Apache module to make Apache log to MySQL
www/mod_mysqluserdir An Apache module to make Apache get userdirs from MySQL
www/mod_pcgi2 Persistent CGI module for Apache and Zope
www/mod_perl Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache server
www/mod_perl2 Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache2 server
www/mod_php3 PHP3 module for Apache
www/mod_php4 PHP4 module for Apache
www/mod_proxy_add_forward Apache module that adds a client IP header to outgoing proxy requests
www/mod_put An Apache module that provides PUT and DELETE methods
www/mod_python Apache module for integrating Python
www/mod_python3 Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter within the server
www/mod_roaming An Apache module that works as a Netscape Roaming Access server
www/mod_roaming2 An Apache module that works as a Netscape Roaming Access server
www/mod_ruby An Apache module that embeds Ruby interpreter within
www/mod_scgi Apache module that implements the client side of the SCGI protocol
www/mod_sed An apache module that embeds a copy of the sed(1) command
www/mod_sequester Apache module that controls access to the website using secure info
www/mod_snake A library to easily create flexible Apache modules
www/mod_sqlinclude An Apache module implementing config inclusion from MySQL databases
www/mod_throttle An Apache module that provides bandwidth & request throttling
www/mod_ticket Apache module for a digitally signed ticket in URL
www/mod_trigger Apache module to launch triggers if certain actions occur
www/mod_tsunami Apache module which dynamically limits a site's slot usage
www/mod_v2h A mass virtual hosting module for Apache with support
www/mod_watch An Apache module to monitor bandwidth usage, for use with MRTG etc
www/mod_zap An Apache module that provides Z39.50 access through WWW
www/moinmoin A Python CGI clone of WikiWiki
www/momspider WWW Spider for multi-owner maintenance
www/mozilla The open source, standards compliant web browser
www/mozilla-devel The open source, standards compliant web browser
www/mozilla-devel-gtk2 The open source, standards compliant web browser
www/mozilla-embedded The embeddable component of mozilla communicator web-surfboard
www/mozilla-embedded-devel The embeddable component of mozilla communicator web-surfboard
www/mozilla-embedded-vendor The embeddable component of mozilla communicator web-surfboard
www/mozilla-gtk2 The open source, standards compliant web browser
www/mozilla-headers Header files for mozilla communicator web-surfboard
www/mozilla-headers-devel Header files for mozilla communicator web-surfboard
www/mozilla-headers-vendor Header files for mozilla communicator web-surfboard
www/mozilla-vendor The open source, standards compliant web browser
www/mplayer-plugin A Mozilla plugin for the MPlayer media player
www/nd A simple command line interface for WebDAV (RFC2518) server
www/neon An HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
www/neowebscript Embeds a TCL8 interpreter in the Apache server
www/netraider Fast, small, free and nice web browser for Unix
www/netrik A text web browser, very ambitious, in active development
www/netscape-remote Utility to pass commands to running netscape process
www/netscape-wrapper Netscape wrapper to avoid multiple invocation and more
www/netscape48-communicator Netscape ver 4 communicator web-surfboard
www/netscape48-navigator Linux Netscape navigator web-surfboard
www/netscape7 Linux Netscape suite
www/notftp An easy to use Web to FTP gateway written in PHP
www/npc An animated web counter
www/nscache Netscape cache browser
www/nspostgres A driver to access PostgreSQL databases from Aolserver
www/ocaml-net OCaml modules for Internet applications
www/ocaml-wdialog Advanced system to create dialog-centric web applications
www/oops A caching web proxy server
www/openvrml VRML97 runtime and browser ("lookat")
www/opera A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser
www/orion Orion Application Server
www/p5-Apache-ASP Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl
www/p5-Apache-AddHostPath Perl interface for transforming a requested URI based on host/port
www/p5-Apache-Admin-Config A perl module to manipulate Apache configuration files
www/p5-Apache-AntiSpam AntiSpam filter for web pages
www/p5-Apache-Archive Perl module that creates a menu to allow perusal of tarball contents
www/p5-Apache-AuthCookie A perl module to provide custom forms for reauthentication
www/p5-Apache-AuthTicket Perl modules that implement a cookie-based authentication system
www/p5-Apache-AuthenCache Perl module that implements authentication caching
www/p5-Apache-AuthenURL Apache/mod_perl module to handle auth against external URLs
www/p5-Apache-AutoIndex A perl module that can completely replace mod_dir and mod_autoindex
www/p5-Apache-ConfigFile Apache::ConfigFile - Parse Apache style httpd.conf configuration files
www/p5-Apache-DBI DBI persistent connection, authentication and authorization
www/p5-Apache-DumpHeaders Watches HTTP transactions under mod_perl, looking at the headers
www/p5-Apache-Filter Perl module to alter the output of previous handlers
www/p5-Apache-Gallery Apache::Gallery - mod_perl handler to create an image gallery
www/p5-Apache-Icon A perl module that provides an interface for looking up icon images
www/p5-Apache-Language A perl module that provides language-aware object hashes
www/p5-Apache-MP3 MP3 browsing and streaming under mod_perl and Apache
www/p5-Apache-NNTPGateway A NNTP interface for mod_perl enabled Apache web server
www/p5-Apache-PageKit MVCC web framework using mod_perl, XML and HTML::Template
www/p5-Apache-Peek A perl5 data debugging tool for the XS programmer
www/p5-Apache-Radius A perl5 module for providing RADIUS authentication in Apache+mod_perl
www/p5-Apache-Reload Reload changed modules
www/p5-Apache-SSI Apache::SSI - Implement Server Side Includes in Perl
www/p5-Apache-Session A persistence framework for session data
www/p5-Apache-Session-PHP Glue Apache::Session with PHP::Session
www/p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem Apache::Session extension that store session in shared memory
www/p5-Apache-SubProcess Forking and executing subprocesses from mod_perl
www/p5-ApacheBench Perl module for HTTP benchmarking
www/p5-AxKit XML Delivery Toolkit for Apache/Perl
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Cookie An XSP library for setting and getting HTTP cookies
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-ESQL An Extended SQL taglib for AxKit eXtensible Server Pages
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Exception Exceptions taglib for eXtensible Server Pages plugin for AxKit
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-IfParam Equivalent of XSP Param taglib, but conditional plugin for AxKit
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Param A namespace wrapper for accessing HTTP request paramaters
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-PerForm XSP Taglib for making complex forms easy
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Sendmail Simple SMTP mailer tag library for AxKit eXtesible Server Pages.
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Util XSP util: taglib plugin for AxKit
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-WebUtils Plugin for AxKit that provide utilities for building XSP web apps
www/p5-Bundle-Slash A bundle to install all modules used for Slash
www/p5-Bundle-Sledge A bundle to install all modules used for Sledge
www/p5-CGI-Application Perl module intended to make it easier to create reusable web apps
www/p5-CGI-ArgChecker Perl module implementing a cgi interface to String::Checker
www/p5-CGI-Cache Perl extension to cache output of time-intensive CGI scripts
www/p5-CGI-FastTemplate Perl module for manage templates and parses templates
www/p5-CGI-Minimal Extremely lightweight CGI processing package
www/p5-CGI-Session Perl extension for persistent session management
www/p5-CGI-SpeedyCGI Speed up perl CGI scripts by running them persistently
www/p5-CGI-XMLApplication Object Oriented Interface for CGI Script Applications
www/p5-CGI-modules Modules for perl5, for use in writing CGI scripts
www/p5-CGI.pm Simple Common Gateway Interface Class for Perl
www/p5-CGI_Lite Perl5 module to process and decode WWW form information
www/p5-FAQ-OMatic Perl API to manipulate FAQ-O-Matics
www/p5-FastCGI Modules for perl5, for enabling FastCGI support in CGI scripts
www/p5-GtkHTML The Gtk HTML module of Gtk-Perl
www/p5-HTML Perl5 module for writing HTML documents
www/p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple HTML::CalendarMonthSimple - Perl Module for Generating HTML Calendars
www/p5-HTML-Clean Cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
www/p5-HTML-Element-Extended An extended interface to HTML::Tree's HTML::Element class
www/p5-HTML-Embperl A module to allow embedded perl in HTML documents
www/p5-HTML-FillInForm Perl5 module for auto-filling HTML form fields from previous values
www/p5-HTML-FromText Mark up text as HTML
www/p5-HTML-Mason High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
www/p5-HTML-Navigation Perl module for creating generic HTML navigation bars
www/p5-HTML-Pager Perl module for handling CGI HTML paging of arbitrary data
www/p5-HTML-Parser Perl5 module for parse HTML tag
www/p5-HTML-QuickCheck A simple and fast HTML syntax checking package for perl 4 and perl 5
www/p5-HTML-SimpleParse HTML::SimpleParse - a bare-bones HTML parser
www/p5-HTML-StickyQuery Add sticky QUERY_STRING to a tag href attributes
www/p5-HTML-Stream Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
www/p5-HTML-Summary Produces summaries from the textual content of web pages
www/p5-HTML-Table Generate HTML tables for CGI scripts
www/p5-HTML-TableExtract Extract text contained in tables within an HTML document
www/p5-HTML-TableLayout Layout manager for CGI-based web applications
www/p5-HTML-Tagset Some useful data table in parsing HTML
www/p5-HTML-Template Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
www/p5-HTML-Template-Expr Perl module to use HTML Templates which allows expressions
www/p5-HTML-Tree A collection of modules to manupulate HTML syntax trees
www/p5-HTML-Webmake A simple perl based website content management system
www/p5-HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers Implements an HTML widget with multiple layers
www/p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect Determine the Web browser, version, OS from an HTTP user agent string
www/p5-HTTP-DAV Perl interface to the gnome ghttp library
www/p5-HTTP-GHTTP Perl interface to the gnome ghttp library
www/p5-HTTP-MobileAgent An HTTP mobile user agent string parser for Perl
www/p5-HTTP-WebTest Tests remote URLs or local web files
www/p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter Perl module to filter entries out of an httpd log
www/p5-HTTPD-Tools Perl5 module for a HTTP server authentication class
www/p5-PHP-Session Read / write PHP session files
www/p5-ParallelUA Perl5 Parallel LWP User Agent for WWW access
www/p5-Sledge A pure perl, pluggable, lightweight web application framework
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-CacheContent A Sledge plug-in that generates and serves cached content
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Download A Sledge plug-in that works around browser bugs with file downloading
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Dumper A Sledge plug-in that automatically calls Data:
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-HTML2HDML A Sledge plug-in that invokes html2hdml for EZweb WAP/1.0 clients
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-Log A Sledge plug-in that adds Log:
ispatch::Config on
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-NoCache A Sledge plug-in that outputs HTTP no-cache headers
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-SaveUpload A Sledge plug-in that copes with cross-device link errors in uploading
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-ScratchPad A Sledge plug-in that provides temporary data buffers
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-SessionAutoCleanup A Sledge plug-in that automatically cleans up old sessions
www/p5-Sledge-Plugin-XSLT A Sledge plug-in that adds XSLT:
ispatch::Config on
www/p5-Sledge-SessionManager-CookieStore A Sledge extension that stores session data to HTTP cookies
www/p5-Sledge-Template-Expr A Sledge extension that uses HTML::Template::Expr as template engine
www/p5-Template-Toolkit Extensive Toolkit for template processing
www/p5-URI-Sequin Extract information from the URLs of Search-Engines
www/p5-WWW-Automate A perl5 module to automate interaction with websites
www/p5-WWW-Babelfish Perl interface to obtain translations from the babelfish server
www/p5-WWW-IMDb Perl interface to query the Internet Movie Database(IMDb)
www/p5-WWW-Link Maintain information about the state of links
www/p5-WWW-Mechanize This module is to help you automate interaction with a website
www/p5-WWW-Robot WWW::Robot - configurable web traversal engine
www/p5-WWW-Search A perl5 module for WWW searches
www/p5-WWW-Search-AltaVista Perl WWW::Search class for searching AltaVista
www/p5-WWW-Search-Google Perl WWW::Search class for searching Google
www/p5-libapreq Generic Apache Request Library
www/p5-libservlet Servlet API for Perl
www/p5-libwww Perl5 library for WWW access
www/peacock A GUI-based HTML Editor for GTK+/GNOME
www/pgdriver A driver for AOLserver to PostgreSQL connectivity
www/phoenix Phoenix is a fast, low-overhead browser from the Mozilla project
www/php-dyn A PHP Extension to help debugging a PHP script
www/php-screw A PHP script encryption tool
www/php-templates A template framework for PHP
www/phpSysInfo A php script that displays info about the host being accessed
www/phpbb A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
www/phpnuke An automated website package to distribute and manage content
www/plone A user friendly implementation of the CMF written on top of ZOPE
www/plugger A multimedia front-end plugin for Mozilla or Opera
www/postnuke An automated website package to distribute and manage content
www/pound Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTP(S) frontend for web servers
www/privoxy Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
www/publicfile A secure, read-only, anonymous HTTP/FTP server
www/py-HTMLgen A Python library for the generation of HTML documents
www/py-albatross Python toolkit for developing highly stateful web applications
www/py-fcgi Python FastCGI interface library
www/py-scgi Python server implementation of the Simple Common Gateway Protocol
www/py-websvcs Web service libraries includes SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, etc
www/pyweblib Yet another web programming framework for Python
www/qdecoder CGI library for C/C++ language programming
www/quanta Comprehensive html/website development environment.
www/quixote A framework for developing web applications in Python
www/reportmagic A web site statistics post-processor for Analog
www/retawq An interactive, multi-threaded web browser for text terminals
www/roundup An Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers
www/roxen The Roxen WebServer 2.1
www/rt2 RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
www/rt3 RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
www/ruboard A web based discussion board
www/ruby-borges A web application framework for Ruby that allows linear programming
www/ruby-div A web application server using dRuby and ERB2
www/ruby-fcgi FastCGI library for Ruby
www/ruby-google A Ruby interface to Google's SOAP-driven Web API
www/ruby-http-access A Ruby library to access the Internet via HTTP
www/ruby-mnogosearch A Ruby binding to mnoGoSearch
www/ruby-nora A rich set of Ruby libraries for Web applications
www/ruby-tmpl An online/offline templating system a la eRuby/ERb
www/ruby-webrick An HTTP server toolkit for Ruby
www/ruby-webunit A Ruby API for automated unit testing of web sites
www/sarg Squid log analyzer and HTML report generator
www/scout A utility to harvest URLs from a given start point
www/screem Nice GNOME/GTK-based HTML editor
www/sidplug A Commodore 64 psid audio plugin for Mozilla or Opera
www/sitecopy Maintains remote websites, uses FTP or WebDAV to sync up with local copy
www/skipstone Web browser that uses the mozilla-embedded renderer
www/slash Slash-Like Automatic Storytelling Homepage system
www/smarty The PHP compiling template engine
www/smb2www Windows Network client that is accessible through a web browser
www/smb_auth A proxy authentication module against an SMB server
www/snarf Another small command-line URL (http/ftp/gopher/finger) fetcher
www/squid The successful WWW proxy cache and accelerator
www/squid24 The successful WWW proxy cache and accelerator
www/squidclients Generate a summary of client usage from a Squid log
www/squidguard A fast redirector for squid
www/squidpurge Powerful object purging utility for the Squid web proxy cache
www/squidtimes Generates a report of average transfer times of Squid cache
www/squirm A fast & configurable redirector for the Squid
www/squishdot A web-based news publishing and discussion product for Zope
www/ssserver Adds the search capability to a Web site
www/surfraw Command line interface to popular WWW search engines
www/swiggle "Swiggle is a commandline web image gallery generator"
www/swish++ Simple Web Indexing System for Humans: C++ version
www/swish-e Simple web indexing for humans - enhanced
www/tclhttpd An http-server implemented in TCL
www/thttpd Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
www/thumbnail_index Make an HTML index file for a bunch of images
www/tidy Fixes and tidies up HTML files
www/tidy-devel Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML
www/tidy-lib Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML (with shared lib)
www/tinyproxy A small, efficient HTTP proxy server
www/transproxy Transparent HTTP proxy for ipfw's fwd rule (or IPFILTER's ipnat command)
www/turck-mmcache An opcode cache for PHP with encoder and loader
www/twhttpd Secure HTTP Proxy
www/twig Web Based Email Client and Scheduler
www/twiki A flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration platform
www/udmsearch Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
www/ump Unix MIDI Plugin based on TiMidity++
www/viewml An open source web browser targeted at the embedded platforms
www/w3 WWW browser based on emacs/mule
www/w3-4 WWW browser based on emacs/mule
www/w3c-httpd WWW server from the W3 Consortium (W3C)
www/w3m A pager/text-based WWW browser
www/w3m-img A pager/text-based WWW browser with inline image support
www/w3m-m17n A pager/text-based WWW browser with multilingualization support
www/w3mir All-purpose HTTP copying and mirroring tool
www/waccess Quick-N-Dirty Web Access Log Analyzer
www/wb0 Web browser for svgalib which can show pictures
www/wcol A prefetching proxy server for WWW
www/web2ldap Python-based WWW gateway to LDAP servers
www/web500gw HTTP gateway to LDAP-based directories
www/webalizer A web server log file analysis program
www/webcheck View structure of a web site, get a list of problems like broken links
www/webcopy A Web Mirroring Program
www/webcrawl Download web sites without user interaction by following links
www/webfs A simple http server for static content
www/webglimpse WWW interface to Glimpse search engine
www/weblint HTML validator and sanity checker
www/webredirect Small web server serving "301 Moved Permanently" only
www/webresolve Webresolve resolves IP addresses to host names in web log files
www/webstone World wide web server benchmarking
www/webstone-ssl World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
www/wml Website META Language, webdesign toolkit for HTML generation
www/wmnetselect WindowMaker Netscape launcher to display urls from X selection
www/wsmake Software for production and maintenance of web sites
www/www6to4 Lightweight http proxy to help IPv4 only browsers
www/wwwcount Access counter, clock and date for WWW pages
www/wwwoffle A caching proxy server for HTTP and FTP designed for dial-up hosts
www/wwwstat Webserver logfile analysis package
www/wyvern Simple/powerful/lightweight/secure/embed-able HTTP server
www/xist An XML-based extensible HTML generator
www/xitami A fast, portable multithreaded web server
www/xpath2rss HTML to RSS converter
www/xswallow A general-purpose, user-configurable plugin for Netscape
www/znavigator A Zope product to simplify the construction of navigation bars
www/zope An object-based web application platform
www/zope-cmf The Zope Content Management Framework (CMF)
www/zope-cmfforum A forum for ZOPE CMF with file attachments
www/zope-guf A roll-your-own user folder product for Zope
www/zope-zmysqlda MySQL Database Adapter for the Zope web application framework
www/zope-zpt Zope Page Templates separate design and logic in Zope applications
www/zope-zwiki A WikiWikiWeb product for Zope
x11-clocks/abclock Clock for X that displays hours and minutes in an analog fashion
x11-clocks/asclock Afterstep clock with some language extentions
x11-clocks/asclock-gtk New flavor of asclock (GTK version)
x11-clocks/asclock-xlib New flavor of asclock
x11-clocks/astime Time/Date applet for WindowMaker
x11-clocks/bbdate A tool made for Blackbox that displays the date in a decorated window
x11-clocks/bclock A round, analog X11 clock with bezier curve hands
x11-clocks/dclock A 7-segment digital clock with optional military time and alarm
x11-clocks/emiclock Hyper-animated face analog clock for X11
x11-clocks/eyeclock A clock with eyes following the mouse pointer
x11-clocks/glclock OpenGL Spinning pocketwatch demo and benchmark utility
x11-clocks/kdetoys3 Small applications for KDE
x11-clocks/mlclock Clock for mlvwm window manager
x11-clocks/mouseclock Display the current time using the X root cursor
x11-clocks/pclock Simple analog clock program for the Window Maker dock
x11-clocks/rclock Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification
x11-clocks/sanduhr An alarm clock for GNOME desktop designed as a sand-glass
x11-clocks/swisswatch A Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance
x11-clocks/t3d Clock using flying balls to display the time
x11-clocks/tclock Transparent analog clock for x11
x11-clocks/washerdryer A dockapp that keeps track of the loads in your washer and dryer
x11-clocks/wmblueclock Simple dockable clock application
x11-clocks/wmcalclock Another Window Maker calendar/clock dockapp
x11-clocks/wmclock A dockable clock applet for Windowmaker
x11-clocks/wmclockmon A digital clock dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
x11-clocks/wmdate Date app for the WindowMaker dock
x11-clocks/wmfishtime A time/date applet for WindowMaker with fishes swimming around
x11-clocks/wmfuzzy A fuzzy clock WindowMaker dockapp
x11-clocks/wmitime A clock dockapp that shows the date, time, and internet time
x11-clocks/wmtime Time/Date applet for WindowMaker
x11-clocks/wmtimer Multi-Function timer dockapp for WindowMaker
x11-clocks/wmtz Dockapp that displays the time in different time zones
x11-clocks/xalarm An X based alarm clock
x11-clocks/xdaliclock A rather neat animated clock
x11-clocks/xmms-alarm Alarm timer plugin for the X Multimedia System
x11-clocks/xtimer A simple digital timer for X11
x11-clocks/xtu Transparent analog clock for X11
x11-clocks/zclock A simple but powerful clock applet for GNOME
x11-fm/apotheke A CVS view for Nautilus
x11-fm/asfiles X11 file manager. Dockable in WindowMaker
x11-fm/binder A file manager on X window with TkStep
x11-fm/cfm Quick Perl/Tk file manager with support for regular expressions
x11-fm/dfm OS/2 - like Desktop-File-Manager for X Window System
x11-fm/endeavour A graphical file manager and image viewer aimed towards new users
x11-fm/ezfm EZWGL-based file manager for X Window System
x11-fm/file_menu_applet A small GNOME panel application which creates a file manager
x11-fm/filerunner Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk
x11-fm/fsv 3D filesystem visualizer
x11-fm/gentoo Gtk+ based, file manager inspired by DirectoryOpus
x11-fm/gnome-commander File manager for Gnome
x11-fm/mtoolsfm A graphical frontend to mtools
x11-fm/nautilus GNOME file manager and graphical shell developed by Eazel
x11-fm/nautilus2 GNOME file manager and graphical shell developed by Eazel
x11-fm/offix-files File bar from OffiX
x11-fm/rox-filer A simple and easy to use graphical file manager
x11-fm/rox-mime-editor MIME type editor for the ROX desktop
x11-fm/rox-session A session manager for the ROX desktop
x11-fm/systemg UNIX File Manager based on the design of the Macintosh System 7
x11-fm/tkdesk A graphical, highly configurable and powerful file manager
x11-fm/twander A Better Filesystem Browser
x11-fm/vide Simple Gtk+ based filemanager with vi keybindings
x11-fm/worker X11 File Manager based on Directory Opus
x11-fm/workplace File manager and launcher
x11-fm/x-files A nice Tk-based filemanager
x11-fm/xcruise Navigate through a three-dimensional view of a file system
x11-fm/xdiskusage Show where disk space is taken up
x11-fm/xfm The X File Manager
x11-fm/xnc File manager for X Window
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-font100dpi XFree86-4 bitmap 100 dpi fonts
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-font75dpi XFree86-4 bitmap 75 dpi fonts
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontCyrillic XFree86-4 Cyrillic fonts
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontDefaultBitmaps XFree86-4 default bitmap fonts
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontEncodings XFree86-4 font encoding files
x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable XFree86-4 scalable fonts
x11-fonts/Xft A client-sided font API for X applications
x11-fonts/Xg UNICODE fonts for use with 9term and sam
x11-fonts/artwiz-fonts A set of free fonts for X11 desktops
x11-fonts/bdfresize A tool for resizing BDF format font
x11-fonts/bitmap-fonts Bitmap font, (6x12, 7x14, 8x16, 12x24) dots bitmap font
x11-fonts/bitstream-vera Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
x11-fonts/cyr-rfx Cyrillic X11 bitmap fonts from CYR-RFX project
x11-fonts/etlfonts X11 supplemental fonts
x11-fonts/fontconfig An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
x11-fonts/fontilus A font view for Nautilus
x11-fonts/freefonts A collection of ATM fonts (not all free) from the CICA archives
x11-fonts/geminifonts Ukrainian KOI8 fonts for X11R6 (koi8-u)
x11-fonts/getbdf Convert any X server font to .bdf format
x11-fonts/gfe GTK+-based .bdf font editor for X
x11-fonts/intlfonts Free X11 fonts for all characters that Emacs can handle
x11-fonts/jmk-x11-fonts Jim Knoble's font package for X
x11-fonts/lfpfonts-fix Fixed width fonts from the Linux Font Project
x11-fonts/lfpfonts-var Variable width fonts from the Linux Font Project
x11-fonts/mkbold Perl script to make BDF font bold
x11-fonts/mkfontalias Python script to make fonts.alias files for X
x11-fonts/mkitalic Perl script to make BDF font italic
x11-fonts/mozilla-fonts Web fonts for Netscape/Mozilla
x11-fonts/nexfontsel A neXtaw based replacement for xfontsel
x11-fonts/nucleus Another font package for X
x11-fonts/p5-Font-AFM An interface to Adobe font metrics files
x11-fonts/p5-Font-TTF Perl module for TrueType font hacking
x11-fonts/p5-type1inst A script that helps install Postscript fonts in X Window System
x11-fonts/pcf2bdf Convert X font from PCF to BDF
x11-fonts/sgifonts Fonts from the SGI ProPack 1.4 for Linux
x11-fonts/sharefonts A collection of shareware ATM fonts from the CICA archives
x11-fonts/terminus-font Terminus Font - a clean fixed width font
x11-fonts/tkfont A Tk based replacement for xfontsel
x11-fonts/ttmkfdir Create fonts.scale file for use with TrueType font server
x11-fonts/urwfonts Another font package for X
x11-fonts/urwfonts-ttf Unicode TrueType fonts from URW extended by Valek Filippov
x11-fonts/webfonts TrueType core fonts for the Web
x11-fonts/xfed A program that will let you edit X fonts (.bdf files)
x11-fonts/xfontselector X Font Selector
x11-fonts/xmbdfed A Motif tool for editing X11 bitmap fonts
x11-servers/XFree86-4-FontServer XFree86-4 font server
x11-servers/XFree86-4-NestServer XFree86-4 nested X server
x11-servers/XFree86-4-PrintServer XFree86-4 print server
x11-servers/XFree86-4-Server XFree86-4 X server and related programs
x11-servers/XFree86-4-VirtualFramebufferServer XFree86-4 virtual framebuffer server
x11-servers/Xfstt A TrueType font server for X11
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-3DLabs A X True Type Server for SVGA Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-8514 A X True Type Server for 8514 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-AGX A X True Type Server for AGX Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-I128 A X True Type Server for I128 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-Mach32 A X True Type Server for Mach32 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-Mach64 A X True Type Server for Mach64 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-Mach8 A X True Type Server for Mach8 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-Mono A X True Type Server for Mono Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-P9000 A X True Type Server for P9000 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-S3 A X True Type Server for S3 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-S3V A X True Type Server for S3V Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-SVGA A X True Type Server for SVGA Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-VGA16 A X True Type Server for VGA16 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-W32 A X True Type Server for W32 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-common Common files for X True Type Servers
x11-servers/XttXF86srv-xfs A X True Type Font Server
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-EGC A X True Type Server for X98 EGC Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-GA968 A X True Type Server for X98 GA968 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-GANBWAP A X True Type Server for X98 GANBWAP Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-MGA A X True Type Server for X98 MGA Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-NEC480 A X True Type Server for X98 NEC480 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-NECS3 A X True Type Server for X98 NECS3 Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-NKVNEC A X True Type Server for X98 NKVNEC Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-PWLB A X True Type Server for X98 PWLB Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-PWSKB A X True Type Server for X98 PWSKB Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-SVGA A X True Type Server for X98 SVGA Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-TGUI A X True Type Server for X98 TGUI Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-WABEP A X True Type Server for X98 WABEP Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-WABS A X True Type Server for X98 WABS Graphics Cards
x11-servers/XttXF98srv-WSNA A X True Type Server for X98 WSNA Graphics Cards
x11-servers/driglide Libraries to support 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5/Banshee with the DRI
x11-servers/x2vnc A program to link multiple X and VNC servers together
x11-servers/x2x A program to link multiple X servers together
x11-toolkits/Motif-dummy Motif dummy package
x11-toolkits/Xaw3d A 3-D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif
x11-toolkits/at-spi An Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
x11-toolkits/bakery A C++ Application Framework for use with Gnome--
x11-toolkits/blt A Tk extension (with shared libs)
x11-toolkits/buffy A GTK theme engine looking like SGI enhanced Motif (aka Roxy)
x11-toolkits/bwidget A high-level widget set for Tcl/Tk
x11-toolkits/clean-theme-gtk The Clean GTK theme engine
x11-toolkits/colorstep A theme engine based on GtkStep and Step-pastel
x11-toolkits/easygtk A wrapper library for GTK+ which provides simplified GUI API
x11-toolkits/eazel-themes A nice GTK+ and Sawfish themes created by Eazel
x11-toolkits/eel Generally useful classes and extensions to GNOME
x11-toolkits/eel2 Generally useful classes and extensions to GNOME
x11-toolkits/engradient A GTK+ engine-gradient theme based off of the IceGradient theme
x11-toolkits/fl_editor Text Editor Widgets for the Fast Light ToolKit
x11-toolkits/fltk C++ graphical user interface for X
x11-toolkits/flvw Virtual Widgets for the Fast Light ToolKit
x11-toolkits/fox Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/fox-devel Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/fox-xunicode FOX with Unicode support
x11-toolkits/freeglut An alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library
x11-toolkits/gail An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GTK+ widgets
x11-toolkits/gal A collection of widgets taken from GNOME gnumeric and evolution
x11-toolkits/gal2 A collection of widgets taken from GNOME 2 gnumeric
x11-toolkits/gauche-gtk GTK2 binding for Gauche
x11-toolkits/gdl A components intended to be shared between GNOME development tools
x11-toolkits/geramik A Keramik KDE styled theme for GTK
x11-toolkits/gevas GTK+ bindings for Evas canvas library
x11-toolkits/gnome-- A powerful C++ binding for the GNOME libraries
x11-toolkits/gnome-look A GTK theme engine designed to look nice with the GNOME desktop environment
x11-toolkits/gnome-themes A collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2 designed for accessibility
x11-toolkits/gnustep-back GNUstep GUI backend
x11-toolkits/gnustep-gui GNUstep GUI library
x11-toolkits/gnustep-xdps GNUstep GUI backend
x11-toolkits/gob A preprocessor for making GTK+ objects with inline C
x11-toolkits/gtk-- C++ wrapper for gtk, a x11 graphics library
x11-toolkits/gtk--2 C++ wrapper for gtk, a x11 graphics library
x11-toolkits/gtk-Mac2-theme GTK+ engine theme based on the look of MacOS
x11-toolkits/gtk-aqualightblue-theme A port of the GTK+ AquaLightBlue theme to GTK+ 2.0
x11-toolkits/gtk-bluecurve-theme Bluecurve unified-look theme for GTK1 and GTK2 from RedHat 8.0
x11-toolkits/gtk-cleanice-engine A simplistic GTK+ 2.x theme engine
x11-toolkits/gtk-engines Theme engine for gtk+ toolkits
x11-toolkits/gtk-engines-collection The "meta-port" for the collection of several GTK+ theme engines
x11-toolkits/gtk-engines2 Theme engine for the gtk+-2.0 toolkit
x11-toolkits/gtk-flat-theme A GTK+ theme engine which gives GTK+ a flattened appearance
x11-toolkits/gtk-flat-theme2 A port of the Flat GTK+ engine to GTK+ 2.0
x11-toolkits/gtk-qn-x11-theme The QN-X11 GTK theme engine
x11-toolkits/gtk-qnxtheme QNX-inspired theme for GTK1 and GTK2
x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp Gtk+ and GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
x11-toolkits/gtk-thinice-engine A simple, clean theme engine
x11-toolkits/gtk-xfce-engine An XFCE engine for GTK 2.0
x11-toolkits/gtk-zenith-theme The Zenith GTK theme engine
x11-toolkits/gtk12 Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
x11-toolkits/gtk12-apireference API reference for the Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
x11-toolkits/gtk20 Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable version)
x11-toolkits/gtk20-apireference API reference for the Gimp Toolkit v2.0 for X11 GUI
x11-toolkits/gtkada Gtk binding for Ada
x11-toolkits/gtkbe BeOS look-alike GTK+ theme engine
x11-toolkits/gtkdatabox Display large amounts of numerical data fast and easy
x11-toolkits/gtkextra A useful widget set complementary to GTK+
x11-toolkits/gtkextra-- A C++ wrappers for GtkExtra, for use with Gtk--
x11-toolkits/gtkglarea An OpenGL widget for the GTK+ GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/gtkglarea-- GtkGLArea-- is a wrapper for the GtkGLArea widget
x11-toolkits/gtkglarea2 An OpenGL widget for the GTK+2 GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/gtkglext An OpenGL extension to GTK
x11-toolkits/gtkglextmm C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt
x11-toolkits/gtkmathview A GTK Widget to Render MathML Documents
x11-toolkits/gtkscintilla A wrapper for the Scintilla editing component
x11-toolkits/gtksourceview A text widget that adds syntax highlighting to the GtkTextView widget
x11-toolkits/gtkstep A theme module to make GTK+ look like the NeXTSTEP(tm) interface
x11-toolkits/gtkstep-pastel Theme engine based on GtkStep to make GTK+ look nicier
x11-toolkits/gtoolkit Obj-C wrapper for gtk, a x11 graphics library
x11-toolkits/guile-gnome Guile binding library for GNOME
x11-toolkits/guile-gobject Guile bindings for core GNOME 2 libraries
x11-toolkits/guile-gtk Guile binding library for GTK+
x11-toolkits/hs-frantk A GUI library for Haskell on top of Tcl-Tk
x11-toolkits/hs-gtk+hs A GTK+ Binding for Haskell
x11-toolkits/icegradient A GTK+ gradient theme engine based on ThinIce
x11-toolkits/itk [incr Tk] (A.K.A. "itk")
x11-toolkits/iv InterViews: A toolkit from Stanford University and Silicon Graphics
x11-toolkits/iwidgets [incr Widgets] (A.K.A. "iwidgets")
x11-toolkits/jx A C++ application framework and widget library for X11
x11-toolkits/lesstif API compatible clone of the Motif toolkit
x11-toolkits/libbonoboui GUI frontend to the libbonobo component of GNOME2
x11-toolkits/libgail-gnome An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GNOME widgets
x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui Gnome print support library
x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui20 Gnome print support library
x11-toolkits/libgnomeui Libraries for the GNOME GUI, a GNU desktop environment
x11-toolkits/libgtkeditor A source code editor widget for GTK+
x11-toolkits/libj2dplot A 2D plotting library for the JX toolkit
x11-toolkits/libjparser An additional library for the JX widget library
x11-toolkits/libjsearch An additional library for the JX widget library
x11-toolkits/libjtoolbar An additional library for the JX widget library
x11-toolkits/libjtree An additional library for the JX widget library
x11-toolkits/libwnck Library used for writing pagers and taskslists
x11-toolkits/libzvt Library components for Zed's Virtual Terminal
x11-toolkits/linux-gtk RPM of the Gtk lib
x11-toolkits/linux-openmotif Motif toolkit Linux libraries
x11-toolkits/mesgui Make a simple GUI under OpenGL
x11-toolkits/movingmotif Display scientific data as dynamic plot
x11-toolkits/mowitz This is the Mowitz ("More widgets") library
x11-toolkits/neXtaw Athena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
x11-toolkits/notif2 The Notif2 GTK theme engine following the new Motif look and feel
x11-toolkits/ocaml-lablgtk An Objective Caml interface to gtk+
x11-toolkits/open-motif Motif X11 Toolkit (industry standard GUI (IEEE 1295))
x11-toolkits/p5-GdkImlib The Imlib module of Gtk-Perl
x11-toolkits/p5-GdkPixbuf The Pixbuf module of Gtk-Perl
x11-toolkits/p5-Glade The Glade interface files of Gtk-Perl
x11-toolkits/p5-Gnome The main Gnome module of Gtk-Perl
x11-toolkits/p5-GnomeApplet The Gnome Applet module of Gtk-Perl
x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk The base module of Gtk-Perl
x11-toolkits/p5-GtkXmHTML The HTML widget module of Gtk-Perl
x11-toolkits/p5-Prima An extensible Perl toolkit for multi-platform GUI development
x11-toolkits/p5-Tcl-Tk Perl5 module to access to Tk via the Tcl extension
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk A re-port of a perl5 interface to Tk8.0p2
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-Autoscroll Tk::Autoscroll - space invaders-like scrolling
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-ColourChooser Perl/Tk module providing a Colour selection dialogue box
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-Date Tk:
ate - a date/time widget for perl/Tk
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-Enscript Tk::Enscript - a text-to-postscript converter using Tk::Canvas
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-FileDialog Tk::FileDialog - A file selector dialog for perl/Tk
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-GBARR Some collection of Tk Widgets
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-Getopt User configuration window for Tk with interface to Getopt::Long
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-HistEntry Tk::HistEntry - Entry widget with history capability
x11-toolkits/p5-Tk-TableMatrix Table/matrix extension to perl/tk for displaying table formatted data
x11-toolkits/panel-- A powerful C++ binding for the GNOME panel libraries
x11-toolkits/pango An open-source framework for the layout and rendering of i18n text
x11-toolkits/paragui Cross-platform high-level application framework and GUI library
x11-toolkits/php-gtk An extension to use gtk in PHP-applications
x11-toolkits/plib A portable library for joystick/sound/OpenGL GUI/3D math
x11-toolkits/pmw High-level compound graphics widgets for Python
x11-toolkits/py-anygui Generic GUI-creation front-end for Python
x11-toolkits/py-gnome A set of Python bindings for GNOME
x11-toolkits/py-gnome2 A set of Python bindings for GNOME 2
x11-toolkits/py-gtk A set of Python bindings for GTK
x11-toolkits/py-gtk2 A set of Python bindings for GTK
x11-toolkits/py-gtkextra GtkExtra Python Language Bindings
x11-toolkits/py-gtkglext Python binding for GtkGLExt
x11-toolkits/py-gtkscintilla A Python bindings for gtkscintilla library
x11-toolkits/py-kde Python Bindings for KDE
x11-toolkits/py-qt Python Bindings for Qt
x11-toolkits/py-tkinter Python bindings to the Tk widget set
x11-toolkits/py-wxPython Python bindings for the wxWindows/GTK GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/py-xlib X11 library for Python
x11-toolkits/qt-bluecurve-theme Bluecurve unified-look theme for QT3 from RedHat 8.0
x11-toolkits/qt145 A C++ X GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/qt2-static A C++ X GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/qt23 A C++ X GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/qt31 A C++ X GUI toolkit
x11-toolkits/qwt Qwt widget library for technical purposes
x11-toolkits/rep-gtk GTK+ binding for rep Lisp interpreter
x11-toolkits/rep-gtk2 GTK+ binding for rep Lisp interpreter
x11-toolkits/ruby-fltk A Ruby extension module to use FLTK
x11-toolkits/ruby-fox Ruby extension module to use FOX, aka FXRuby
x11-toolkits/ruby-gtk Ruby binding for GTK+
x11-toolkits/ruby-gtk2 Ruby binding for GTK+2
x11-toolkits/ruby-pango Ruby binding for Pango
x11-toolkits/ruby-qt2 Qt2 extension for Ruby
x11-toolkits/ruby-qt2canvas Qt2 canvas extension for Ruby
x11-toolkits/ruby-qt2iconview Qt2 iconview extension for Ruby
x11-toolkits/ruby-qt2table Qt2 table extension for Ruby
x11-toolkits/ruby-tk Ruby interface to the Tk widget set
x11-toolkits/scintilla A full-featured free source code editing component for GTK+
x11-toolkits/sdl_gui A Graphical User Interface library for SDL
x11-toolkits/slingshot Supplemental Libraries to extend Xview
x11-toolkits/thinice A clean-looking GTK Theme Engine
x11-toolkits/tix An extension to the Tk toolkit
x11-toolkits/tk80 Graphical toolkit for TCL
x11-toolkits/tk82 Graphical toolkit for TCL
x11-toolkits/tk83 Graphical toolkit for TCL
x11-toolkits/tk84 Graphical toolkit for TCL
x11-toolkits/tkstep80 The Tk toolkit with a NeXTSTEP look and more
x11-toolkits/v A C++ GUI development framework for X11 and Microsoft Windows
x11-toolkits/vdk C++ wrapper for GTK+ toolkit
x11-toolkits/vdkbuilder A general ide tool for GTK+/VDK
x11-toolkits/viewkit ViewKit workalike from Hungry Programmers
x11-toolkits/viewklass C++ Framework for Motif
x11-toolkits/vte Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
x11-toolkits/whistlerk A GTK theme engine inspired by the Windows Whistler
x11-toolkits/wmapp A DockApp Graphics Library
x11-toolkits/wxgtk The wxWindows GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
x11-toolkits/wxgtk-devel The wxWindows GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (unstable version)
x11-toolkits/wxgtk-docs wxWindows documentation in HTML
x11-toolkits/xbae A Motif-based widget which displays a grid of cells as a spreadsheet
x11-toolkits/xclasses C++ layout library for X
x11-toolkits/xenophilia Xenophilia theme module to make GTK+ look nicer
x11-toolkits/xenostep A GTK+ theme engine based on the Xenophilia and Interface engines
x11-toolkits/xforms A graphical user interface toolkit for X Window System
x11-toolkits/xg Windows(tm) controls - like widget set for Motif(tm)
x11-toolkits/xmhtml A Motif widget set for displaying HTML 3.2 documents
x11-toolkits/xview X Window-System-based Visual/Integrated Environment for Workstations
x11-toolkits/xview-clients OpenLook applications and man pages
x11-wm/9menu A simple menu patterened after plan9
x11-wm/9wm An 8 1/2-like Window Manager for X
x11-wm/aewm ICCCM-compliant window manager based on 9wm
x11-wm/aewm++ The C++ version of aewm
x11-wm/afterstep Window manager originally based on the Bowman NeXTSTEP clone
x11-wm/afterstep-i18n The NeXTSTEP clone window manager with Fontset support
x11-wm/afterstep-stable A stable version of the AfterStep window manager
x11-wm/ahwm An X11 window manager
x11-wm/alloywm Has title bars, shading, resizing, automatic placement, window list
x11-wm/amaterus A GTK+ window manager
x11-wm/amiwm A window manager that makes your desktop look like an Amiga(TM)
x11-wm/bbapm APM monitor for the Blackbox slit
x11-wm/bbconf Configurator for the Blackbox window manager
x11-wm/bbkeys A keygrabber for the Blackbox window manager
x11-wm/bbpager A pager for the Blackbox window manager
x11-wm/bbrun A Run box for Blackbox
x11-wm/blackbox A small and fast window manager for X11R6
x11-wm/blwm Portuguese derivative of qvwm, simplified to conserve resources
x11-wm/boxtools Style tools for the blackbox family of window managers
x11-wm/clementine Has title bars, iconizing, and styles (unstable)
x11-wm/ctwm An extension to twm, with support for multiple virtual screens, etc
x11-wm/e16utils Standalone menu and keybinding editors for enlightment 0.16
x11-wm/enlightenment A very artistic X window manager
x11-wm/epplets A collection of Enlightenment dock applications
x11-wm/evilwm Minimalist window manager based on 9wm
x11-wm/fbdesk A Fluxbox utility to create and manage icons on the desktop
x11-wm/fluxbox A small and fast window manager based on BlackBox
x11-wm/fluxconf Fluxconf is a configuration program for the fluxbox window manager
x11-wm/flwm The Fast Light Window Manager
x11-wm/fvwm The fvwm window manager
x11-wm/fvwm-themes Themes for the Fvwm2 window manager
x11-wm/fvwm2 Popular virtual window manager for X
x11-wm/fvwm2-devel Popular virtual window manager for X
x11-wm/fvwm2-i18n Internationalized fvwm version 2, a window manager for X
x11-wm/fvwm95 Win95 lookalike version of the fvwm2 window manager
x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n Win95 lookalike fvwm2 window manager with an I18N patch
x11-wm/gnome2wmaker Inserts the GNOME menu into the WindowMaker menu
x11-wm/golem Small window manager with themes and plugins
x11-wm/gwm Generic Window Manager
x11-wm/hackedbox Hackedbox is a small and fast window manager based on Blackbox
x11-wm/icemc QT-based menu editor for IceWM
x11-wm/icepref A small graphical configuration utility for the Ice Window Manager
x11-wm/icewm Window Manager designed for speed, usability and consistency
x11-wm/ion A window manager with a text-editorish, keyboard friendly interface
x11-wm/jewel Window manager based on aewm++
x11-wm/kappdock A dock-like applet for KDE3
x11-wm/kde-icontheme-crystal Crystal icon theme for KDE3
x11-wm/kdeartwork3 Additional themes, sounds, wallpapers and window styles for KDE
x11-wm/larswm Tiling Window Manager for X
x11-wm/libdockapp Standard library for Window Maker dock apps
x11-wm/libepplet Library for building enlightenment dock applications
x11-wm/lwm A lightweight window manager
x11-wm/matchbox Window manager suitable for low-resolution screens
x11-wm/metacity A window manager for the adult in you
x11-wm/metacity-setup A graphical configurator tool for the metacity window manager
x11-wm/mkultra A lightweight native KWin style for KDE3
x11-wm/mlvwm Macintosh like window manager for X11
x11-wm/mosfet-liquid A High Performance Liquid KDE style engine
x11-wm/novawm A window manager for X, developed with speed, size, and style in mind
x11-wm/olvwm OpenLook Virtual Window manager
x11-wm/openbox Derived from, and similar to, Blackbox
x11-wm/oroborus A small and simple GNOME-compatible window manager
x11-wm/pager A pager for sawfish without GNOME
x11-wm/pekwm A windowmanager based on aewm++
x11-wm/phluid a window manager that emphasizes efficiency, speed, and beauty
x11-wm/piewm A tvtwm with pie (circular) menus
x11-wm/plwm A window manager construction kit
x11-wm/pwm A lightweight window manager with emphasis on usability
x11-wm/qinx A QNX Photon like window decoration and widget style for KDE
x11-wm/qlwm Qt-based window manager
x11-wm/qnxstyle A QNX style/theme for KDE3
x11-wm/qvwm Windows 95/98/NT like window manager for X11
x11-wm/ratmenu A simple menu patterened for use with ratpoison
x11-wm/ratpoison Simple window manager with no fat library dependencies
x11-wm/sapphire Small window manager
x11-wm/sapphire-themes Themes for sapphire
x11-wm/sawfish Lisp configurable window manager
x11-wm/sawfish2 Lisp configurable window manager
x11-wm/scwm Scheme configurable window manager
x11-wm/spager A pager for sawfish without GNOME
x11-wm/swm Window manager for low-memory systems, with title bars and shading
x11-wm/toolbox A blackbox style configuration utility
x11-wm/tvtwm Twm with a virtual desktop
x11-wm/ude Small, fast, compact windowmanager
x11-wm/uwm X11R3 window manager
x11-wm/vtwm Twm with a virtual desktop and optional Motif-like features
x11-wm/w9wm A hack of 9wm to give virtual screens
x11-wm/waimea An X11 window manager designed for maximum efficiency
x11-wm/wampager A mini pager for the waimea window manager
x11-wm/windowlab A small window manager for X11
x11-wm/windowmaker GNUStep-compliant NeXTStep window manager clone
x11-wm/wm2 A very simple window manager for X
x11-wm/wmakerconf A configuration tool for Window Maker
x11-wm/wmanager X11 window manager selector
x11-wm/wmg Small GTK-based GNOME-compliant window manager
x11-wm/wmthemeinstall A neat theme manager for WindowMaker
x11-wm/wmx Extended version of wm2 - A simple window manager for X
x11-wm/xfce CDE like desktop with GTK
x11-wm/xfwm4 Gtk-2.0 based window manager part of the XFCE project
x11-wm/xwmm A simple utility managing multiple Window Managers with Qt
x11-wm/yawm Has title bars, iconizing, maximizing, taskbar, placement, clock
x11/9term An X11 program which emulates a plan9 window
x11/XFree86 X11R6.3/XFree86 core distribution
x11/XFree86-4 X11/XFree86 core distribution (complete, using mini/meta-ports)
x11/XFree86-4-clients XFree86-4 client programs and related files
x11/XFree86-4-documents XFree86-4 documentation
x11/XFree86-4-libraries XFree86-4 libraries and headers
x11/XFree86-4-manuals XFree86-4 man pages
x11/XFree86-aoutlibs XFree86 a.out compatibility libraries
x11/XFree86-contrib XFree86 contrib programs
x11/accessx Customise accessibility features for X
x11/aterm A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
x11/bgrot A program to handle your X background to prevent boredom
x11/blast Blast blows holes through windows
x11/bricons Quick start up utility for applications on an X display
x11/buttonbox Xlib-based application launcher
x11/cnslock A visual indicator of the states of the three "lock" buttons
x11/decurs A GTK+ based program that lets you edit you XFree86 mouse cursors
x11/deskmenu X11 application launcher
x11/dgs A display ghostscript system
x11/dxpc Compressing X protocol proxy designed to support X11 over slow links
x11/dynamag Magnifying utility which updates continuously
x11/ebuttons A simple epplet that contains several buttons used to launch programs
x11/ecore A core event abstraction library
x11/efancylauncher A flexible and easily configurable button bar for Enlightenment
x11/electricsheep A nice distributed screensaver
x11/emu A terminal emulator for the X Window System
x11/erun A simple epplet for launching arbitrary programs
x11/eterm X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm
x11/eweather Weather epplet for Enlightenment similar to wmWeather
x11/fbsd-icons Collection of icons related to the FreeBSD project
x11/finder A small program that creates a finder bar on your Gnome system
x11/fspanel Tiny panel listing opened windows for gnome-compliant WM
x11/gbackground Gnome Panel applet to change the background on the desktop
x11/gdkxft An anti-aliased font support for gtk+
x11/gdm GNOME version of xdm display manager
x11/gdm2 GNOME 2.0 version of xdm display manager
x11/gmessage Gtk+ clone of xmessage. displays a given text in a X11 window
x11/gmrun A customizable program to run programs, with tab-completion
x11/gnoclip A simple workspace switcher for gnome environment
x11/gnome The "meta-port" for the GNOME integrated X11 desktop
x11/gnome-fifth-toe The "meta-port" for the GNOME "Fifth-Toe" extra package set
x11/gnome-swallow Applet that swallows any X11 application into the GNOME 2 panel
x11/gnome2 The "meta-port" for the GNOME 2 integrated X11 desktop
x11/gnome2-fifth-toe The "meta-port" for the GNOME 2 "Fifth-Toe" extra package set
x11/gnomeapplets Applets components for the Gnome Desktop Environment
x11/gnomeapplets2 Applets components for the Gnome 2.0 Desktop Environment
x11/gnomecore Core component for the Gnome Desktop Environment
x11/gnomedesktop Additional UI API for GNOME 2
x11/gnomelibs Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
x11/gnomemag GNOME screen magnifier
x11/gnomepanel Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop
x11/gnomeres_applet A GNOME applet for changing display modes
x11/gnomesession Session component for the GNOME 2 desktop
x11/gnometerminal Terminal component for the GNOME 2.0 Desktop
x11/gromit "GRaphics Over Miscellaneous Objects (Gromit)"
x11/gswitchit_applet A simple keyboard state indicator and switcher for GNOME Desktop
x11/gtk-theme-switch A command line tool for switching GTK+ themes
x11/gvid Gnome applet to change video resolution
x11/gxset GTK frontend for xset(1)
x11/gyroscope HTML color picker written using GTK
x11/idesk Place launch icons directly on your desktop
x11/imwheel Utility to translate mouse wheel actions into X keyboard events
x11/kb2mb2 Redirect any key to second mouse button
x11/kde3 The "meta-port" for KDE
x11/kdebase3 This package provides the basic applications for the KDE system
x11/kdelibs3 This is the base set of libraries needed by KDE programs
x11/keylaunch An X utility for binding commands to a hot key
x11/kgamma "KDE Control Center module for gamma calibration/correction of XFree86"
x11/libcapplet A library for writing custom applets for GNOME Control Center
x11/libdnd Drag and drop library
x11/libgnome Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
x11/libpanel A library for writing custom applets for GNOME Panel
x11/libsx Simple X11 library
x11/libxklavier An utility library to make XKB stuff easier
x11/linux-gnomelibs RPM of gnome-libs
x11/linux-xalf Linux X11 Application Launch Feedback
x11/login.app Nice looking login interface to your favorite X-Server
x11/lupe Real-time magnifying glass for X11
x11/mgapdesk Matrox Powerdesk for *nix
x11/mlterm Multilingual X11 terminal emulator
x11/multi-gnome-terminal Gnome tabbed terminal emulator
x11/nvidia-driver NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
x11/offix-clipboard X clipboard with support of DND protocol
x11/offix-execute Files executor from OffiX
x11/oooqs "Quick launcher for Open Office"
x11/p5-X11-Protocol Perl module that provides an interface roughly equivalent to Xlib
x11/peeper View an area of the screen at a certain magnification
x11/portoseguro Launch applications by clicking on an icon bar
x11/powershell PowerShell is a terminal emulator for the X11 Window System
x11/props The OpenLook props application
x11/qrash Animated musical demo for X11
x11/rox-wallpaper Wallpaper management tool for the ROX desktop
x11/ruby-X11 A fully reflective X11 client library for Ruby
x11/ruby-gnome A set of Ruby bindings for GNOME
x11/ruby-gnome-all The "meta-port" for Ruby/GNOME
x11/ruby-gnome2 A set of Ruby bindings for GNOME2
x11/ruby-gnome2-all The "meta-port" for Ruby/GNOME2
x11/ruby-panel-applet A Ruby binding for GNOME panel-applet library
x11/rxvt A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
x11/rxvt-devel A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
x11/settitle A program for setting the title of terminal emulator windows
x11/startup-notification Library that supports startup notification spec from freedesktop.org
x11/stockticker_applet An applet that displays stock quotes in the Gnome panel
x11/sxpc The Simple X Protocol Compressor
x11/temperature.app A dockable WindowMaker applet which displays the local temperature
x11/tkgoodstuff TkGoodstuff module for fvwm2 window manager - requires XPM and fvwm2
x11/twin A Textmode WINdow environment
x11/tycoon A nifty set of desktop apps, including floating buttons
x11/vdesk Command-line utility for setting up and using virtual desktops
x11/wdm WINGs Display Manager; an xdm replacement
x11/wmappl An application launcher dockapp similar to wmbutton
x11/wmbutton A dockapp that displays 9 buttons to run apps of your choice
x11/wmcliphist Clipboard history management dockapp for Window Maker
x11/wmdrawer A dockapp which provides a drawer to launch applications
x11/wmfstatus General purpose LCD display for the WindowMaker dock
x11/wmmatrix A DockApp that runs a version of the xmatrix screenhack
x11/wmmenu A popup menu of icons that launch programs for the WindowMaker dock
x11/wmoldmenu2new Script to convert WindowMaker RootMenu menus to new PropList format
x11/wrapper Wrapper for XFree86-4 server
x11/wscan A 802.11 wireless visual signal strength meter
x11/wterm A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
x11/x3270 3270 Terminal emulator
x11/xalf X11 Application Launch Feedback
x11/xaniroc Animate your root-cursor
x11/xantfarm Ant hill simulation on X11 root window
x11/xautolock Used to activate xlock after a user defined time of inactivity
x11/xautomation Control X from the command line for scripts
x11/xballoon Balloons move on root window
x11/xbanner Make your XDM login screen look beautiful
x11/xbindkeys Allows you to launch shell commands under X with your keyboard
x11/xbindkeys_config An easy to use gtk program for configuring Xbindkeys
x11/xcb A tool for managing x11 cut-buffers
x11/xclip An interface to X selections ("the clipboard") from the command line
x11/xcmd Xcmd is a front-end for starting programs under X11
x11/xco Display X11 color names and colors
x11/xcoloredit Find colour values by graphical colour mixing
x11/xcolors Display all (ok, most of) the colors in the universe
x11/xcolorsel X utility to translate rgb values into X color names
x11/xcut Manipulate X cut buffers from the commandline
x11/xdialog A drop in replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs
x11/xdtm A graphical shell for the X Window System
x11/xfedor A .bdf fonts/.xbm bitmaps/.xpm colored pixmaps/mouse cursor editor
x11/xfishtank Make fish swim in the background of your screen
x11/xfree86_xkb_xml A little set of XML files useful for dealing with XKB rules
x11/xgrab An X11 image grabber
x11/xkbctrl Display and manipulate XKB keyboard controls from the commandline
x11/xkbset Manage various XKB features of X Window
x11/xkeycaps Graphically display and edit the keyboard mapping
x11/xkeywrap Record, repeat, and play key sequence from keyboard
x11/xloadimage X11 Image Loading Utility
x11/xlockmore Like XLock session locker/screen saver, but just more
x11/xlogout Simple logout button
x11/xlupe Magnifying glass for X. like xmag but with continously updates
x11/xmangekyou A kaleidoscope on X
x11/xmascot Moving mascot on your X11 screen
x11/xmold Mold spreading over your X11 screen
x11/xmon Raw X11 protocol analyser
x11/xmotd A message-of-the-day browser for X11 and dumb-terminals
x11/xmove Pseudoserver to support mobile X11 clients
x11/xmsg The X11R4 version of xmessage updated for X11R5 and renamed
x11/xmx An X protocol multiplexor
x11/xnee X events recorder and player
x11/xprompt Displays a dialog box and prompts user for text
x11/xrootconsole Writes any log live onto the background
x11/xscreensaver Save your screen while you entertain your cat
x11/xscreensaver-gnome Save your screen while you entertain your cat (for GNOME users)
x11/xsel Access X selection from command line
x11/xskyroot Realtime sky drawer for X root window
x11/xsnow Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop
x11/xstarroll Letters fly to far, far, far away
x11/xstroke Fullscreen gesture recognition
x11/xtacy An X11 trippy color-cycling toy
x11/xtattr A tool for changing xterm attributes
x11/xtermset Dynamically change some settings of an xterm
x11/xtestpicture Create a full-screen image to adjust your monitor
x11/xtoolwait Tool startup utility for X11
x11/xtset utility to set title on an xterm
x11/xvattr Getting and setting Xv attributes
x11/xvkbd "A virtual keyboard for X applications"
x11/xwatchwin Watch a window on another X server
x11/xwit X interface tool
x11/xzoom Magnify, rotate, mirror the image on the X screen
x11/yelp A help browser for GNOME 2.0 desktop
x11/zenity Display GNOME dialogs from the command line