Thanks for all the responses. One fellow had the disks and actually went to
the trouble of installing a 5 1/4 drive in his system to read them and send
them to me in zipped format. He even scanned the diskettes so I had images
of the paper labels. I must say I was extremely impressed with his attitude
and caring about getting me the diskettes. I would like to give him a big
thanks for his good deed. Thanks Larry.
This helpfulness of people on the internet has always impressed me. Myself,
I have been online since CompuServe in 1989 (1990?) as well as all the local
BBS back then. I have helped hundreds if not thousands of people myself
online in that time span and I guess all those good deeds have finally paid
back one more time.
If anyone needs them, I can email them to you. They are quite small zip
files. The originals were 360k 5 1/4 diskettes. The reply to address on
this is a good hotmail account, just put DOS Power Tools in the subject
header so it stands out against all the hotmail spam. If you don't get a
response, it may be filtered out so post on this thread.
BTW, I still have a 5 1/4 drive in my P3 733 system. It is a 1.2 mb drive
but I do have an original 360 k around. If you remember, 5 1/4 1.2 mb
drives formatting 360k diskettes in 360k mode made poor copies that had
problems reading in older 360k drives. Something to do with the much
smaller head and track created in 1.2 mb drives.
I have always kept a 5 1/4 drive in my systems. I have used it several
times in the past to migrate old diskettes to 3.5 for myself as well as
others. Of course it is not used as much now.
I remember one of my first games I downloaded, Commander Keen. That was
quite the game. I still install in on old PCs for people. I am not a gamer
today but back then I downloaded all the shareware games. Much easier to
play and run. The skill level today in the action games are just too much
as well as the hardware requirements. Oh well, back to solitaire ... that's
something I can handle....