OT: how to get filenames only into notepad?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Kim
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Robert Kim

Hi, all. Hope nobody minds an off-topic post but I just don't know where
else to ask.

I have a CDR with many files on it. I need to copy only the filenames,
not the files themselves, into something like Notepad or MS Word. Is
there a way to do this? Or will I have to type out each filename
individually (ugh...)?


Robert said:
Hi, all. Hope nobody minds an off-topic post but I just don't know where
else to ask.

I have a CDR with many files on it. I need to copy only the filenames,
not the files themselves, into something like Notepad or MS Word. Is
there a way to do this? Or will I have to type out each filename
individually (ugh...)?

Hello Bob,

That's not in the least OT. Have a look here:


Path Copy is Pricelessware. A bit further down you'll see Karen's
Directory Printer which I use and like very much. Lots of easier ways to
do it than typing out each name. :)

Hi, all. Hope nobody minds an off-topic post but I just
don't know where else to ask.

I have a CDR with many files on it. I need to copy only
the filenames, not the files themselves, into something
like Notepad or MS Word. Is there a way to do this? Or
will I have to type out each filename individually



Which OS?
Can you use command, e.g.,
dir D:/s/b/a>WHATEVER.TXT

ms said:
Path Copy is great for a single file name, use it frequently. But how to copy all
the file names in a folder with it?

Same as you do with a single file whose path you want -- only your first
step is to multiple-select, instead of single select.
Thank you, Susan! Path Copy is great! Works like a charm!

To Path Dog and J, thank you also for your kind help!

Glad to help. Thanks for the feedback. :)

omega said:
Same as you do with a single file whose path you want -- only your first
step is to multiple-select, instead of single select.
Lots of choices in Setup on Path Copy. Sorry for being dense, but- multiple-select

Mike Sa
ms said:
omega wrote:
Lots of choices in Setup on Path Copy. Sorry for being dense, but- multiple-select

Just hilight all the files whose names you want to copy, right-click, then
use Path Copy as per normal. All the filenames of the selected files will be
copied to the clipboard.

Just hilight all the files whose names you want to copy, right-click, then
use Path Copy as per normal. All the filenames of the selected files will be
copied to the clipboard.

Thanks to Mike and John, that works fine. Path Copy, already in my context menu,
can now replace several utilities I was using to do the above function.

Mike Sa
Robert Kim said:
Hi, all. Hope nobody minds an off-topic post but I just don't know where
else to ask.

I have a CDR with many files on it. I need to copy only the filenames,
not the files themselves, into something like Notepad or MS Word. Is
there a way to do this? Or will I have to type out each filename
individually (ugh...)?



Take a look at RJH Extensions:


You can make a directory list as a text file or print it, in either case
with just file names or with details included. Also you can include
sub-folders if you wish. It can also add other facilities to your
right-click menu in Explorer.


Frank Bohan
¶ AArree yyoouu sseeiinngg ddoouubbllee??
Frank said:
Take a look at RJH Extensions:


You can make a directory list as a text file or print it, in either case
with just file names or with details included. Also you can include
sub-folders if you wish. It can also add other facilities to your
right-click menu in Explorer.


Frank Bohan
¶ AArree yyoouu sseeiinngg ddoouubbllee??
The dir command can do this. I wrote a batch file:

dir /b /ad>D:/zzz.txt
dir /b *.*>>D:/zzz.txt
start notepad D:/zzz.txt

Copy the batch file to the folder you want listed and run it.

John Hood
Web Site www.jhoodsoft.org
"The best home and business free software, no ads, no time limits, no
"No kidding."