OT: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday for those of us living in the U.S.A.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin John Panzke
  • Start date Start date
why limit to living in U.S.A..
did you forget about the roops stationed over seas not to mention all other citizens that may be overseas.
(e-mail address removed)

OT: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday for those of us living in the U.S.A.
Well.. not a christian here..
but every celebration needs celebrating..

Happy Thanksgiving you guys..

Thanksgiving is NOT a Christian holiday. (thanks to Allah, thanks to Buddha, thanks to Baal, etc.)

| Well.. not a christian here..
| but every celebration needs celebrating..
| Happy Thanksgiving you guys..
| zax..
| | > Have a great Thanksgiving! Are you spending it with your family this
| > year?
| >
| > | >> OT: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday for those of us living in the U.S.A.
| >>
| >
| >
Thank you.
And a Thanksgiving Day prayer that next year we can give thanks for PEACE and prosperity for ALL
nations, religions, and ethnicities.

| Yes..Wikipedia confirms you..
| i stand corrected...
| Happy Thanksgiving to all guys :)
| zax..
| | > Thanksgiving is NOT a Christian holiday. (thanks to Allah, thanks to
| > Buddha, thanks to Baal, etc.)
| > FYI
| >
| > | > | Well.. not a christian here..
| > | but every celebration needs celebrating..
| > |
| > | Happy Thanksgiving you guys..
| > |
| > | zax..
| > |
| > | | > | > Have a great Thanksgiving! Are you spending it with your family this
| > | > year?
| > | >
| > | > | > | >> OT: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday for those of us living in the U.S.A.
| > | >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| >
| >
DCR said:
Thank you.
And a Thanksgiving Day prayer that next year we can
give thanks for PEACE and prosperity for ALL nations,
religions, and ethnicities.

Hey, how about us agnostics in particular and atheists in general? Can we
have a day or two off too? :-)
Yeah, you freaks too...
The United States 6 years ago WAS a county where one could believe, not believe or have sincere
But you should be thankful that FDR gave most of us Americans our only sure thing 4 day weekend.

| | > Thank you.
| > And a Thanksgiving Day prayer that next year we can
| > give thanks for PEACE and prosperity for ALL nations,
| > religions, and ethnicities.
| Hey, how about us agnostics in particular and atheists in general? Can we
| have a day or two off too? :-)
| --
| Alexander Suhovey
That's been my prayer for well over 40 years. Hopefully one day ALL
nations, religions, and ethnicities will get the message.
Depends on your definition of happy. You mean happy Hummer III don't you.
"Shop as an answer to 911. Shop and exhibit the same Shared Sacrifice that
was a groundswell in WWII in a fiasco that now has outlasted it. Happy
Holiday for those quintissential chickens who elitlely act as if nothing is
going on when predominantly from small towns in the USA ethnic minorities,
mainly black and hispanic children, mothers, fathers and grandmothers are
being shipped to Iraq some for the 5th tour in a stupid grab by the US
gluttons for oil in the Middle East just as Ted Koppel outlined in his
Discovery Special and on the pages of a small US newspaper from a small town
called the New York Times.

Whoops not a happy tgiving for these people:

Bombings Kill 144 in Baghdad Slum; Siege at Ministry
The bombings followed a siege by Sunni Arab insurgents against the
Shiite-run Health Ministry in the capital's deadliest sectarian attack since
the American-led invasion.

Happy Happy

These your homeboys Kev? Trying to make it impossible for the elderly to
get needed meds?
Uncle Bushie?

Drug Industry Is on Defensive as Power Shifts
Many drug company lobbyists concede that the House is likely to pass a bill
intended to drive down drug prices, but they are determined to block such
legislation in the Senate.

Senate Democrats Revive Demand for Classified Data
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are reviving demands for
classified documents that have been rebuffed or ignored.

I know what makes the Kev real happy.

Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader-to-be, has announced the new Senate
committee assignments. Here are the anticipated chairmanships. I wonder
what this does to so many years of blocking inquiries and oversight since it
moves one old man named Pat Roberts from Kansas right out of his chair
forever and for the rest of his arrogant life.

Agriculture: Tom Harkin (Iowa)
Appropriations: Robert Byrd (West Virginia)
Armed Services: Carl Levin (Michigan)
Banking: Chris Dodd (Connecticut)
Commerce: Daniel Inouye (Hawaii)
Energy: Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)
Environment and Public Works: Barbara Boxer (California)
Finance: Max Baucus (Montana)
Foreign Relations: Joe Biden (Delaware)
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions: Edward M. Kennedy (Massachusetts)
Homeland Security and Government Affairs: Joseph I. Lieberman (Connecticut)
Judiciary: Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Intelligence: Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia)
Budget: Kent Conrad (North Dakota)
Aging: Herb Kohl (Wisconsin)
Veterans: Daniel Akaka (Hawaii)
Rules: Dianne Feinstein (California)
Joint Economic: Charles Schumer (New York)
Indian Affairs: Byron Dorgan (North Dakota)
Small Business: John Kerry (Massachusetts)

Perhaps even more interesting are the committee assignments given to the
freshman senators. With high-profile issues like the war in Iraq and
terrorism, committees like Foreign Relations and Homeland Security can make
or break careers.

Sherrod Brown (Ohio): Agriculture, Banking, H.E.L.P., Veterans
Benjamin L. Cardin (Maryland): Environment/Public Works, Foreign Relations,
Judiciary, Budget, Small Business
Bob Casey Jr. (Pennsylvania): Agriculture, Banking, Foreign Relations,
Aging, Joint Economic
Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota): Agriculture, Commerce, Environment/Public Works,
Joint Economic
Claire McCaskill (Missouri): Armed Services, Commerce, Homeland, Aging,
Indian Affairs
Bernie Sanders (Vermont): Energy, Environment/Public Works, H.E.L.P., Budget
Jon Tester (Montana): Banking, Energy, Homeland, Veterans, Small Business,
Indian Affairs
James Webb (Virginia): Armed Services, Foreign Relations, Veterans, Joint
Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island): Environment/Public Works, Judiciary,
Intelligence, Budget, Aging

Senate committee chairmanships assigned
Pacific Business News (Honolulu) - November 15, 2006
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the incoming Senate Majority Leader, has
announced committee chairmanships for the coming session of Congress, and
Hawaii's senators got key positions as expected.

Sen. Daniel Inouye will be chairman of the Senate Commerce and
Transportation Committee, the panel that controls funding for the Honolulu
rail project as well as federal funds for highway repairs. Inouye said one
of his early priorities in the next session would be earthquake repair aid,
and control of transportation funding will make it easier to find money for
bridge repairs.

Inouye will be the senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee
after its chairman, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, and is expected to
lead the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. He also has been
assigned to the Senate Rules Committee. Reid said Tuesday that committee
seniority and subcommittee chairmanships will be formalized after meeting
with the new Republican minority leadership.

Sen. Dan Akaka will be chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and
will be a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The Veterans
Administration operates military medical offices on neighbor islands.

Akaka also will be the most senior member of the Senate Energy & Natural
Resources Committee after its chairman, Sen. Jeff Bingaman. He'll be one of
the more senior members of the Banking and Homeland Security & Governmental
Affairs Committees. Both Inouye and Akaka will be members of the Senate
Indian Affairs Committee.

House committee assignments still were to be determined, but here's what
will happen.

Put a fork in any of the current House Chairmen--they are history. Jerry
Lewis has a Christmas Indictment coming his way and I will enjoy that as he
Joins his fellow Republicans in a federal prison slab.

WASHINGTON -- Here is a list of House committees, the current Republican
chairperson and the senior Democrat in line to take over the chair:

Administration of federal farm, forestry, nutrition and rural development
Current chair is Bob Goodlatte of Virginia.
Ranking Democrat is Collin Peterson of Minnesota.
Jurisdiction over government spending legislation for each department and
Current chair is Jerry Lewis of California.
Ranking Democrat is David Obey of Wisconsin.
Armed Services
Responsibility for all matters regarding the military.
Current chair is Duncan Hunter of California.
Ranking Democrat is Ike Skelton of Missouri.
Control over setting the federal budget.
Current chair is Jim Nussle of Iowa.
Ranking Democrat is John Spratt, Jr. of South Carolina.
Education and the Workforce
Jurisdiction over education and labor.
Current chair is Howard McKeon of California.
Ranking Democrat is George Miller of California.
Energy and Commerce
Promotion of commerce and oversight of telecommunications, consumer
protection, food and drug safety.
Current chair is Joe Barton of Texas.
Ranking Democrat is John Dingell of Michigan.
Financial Services
Oversight of financial service industry and federal service regulators.
Current chair is Michael Oxley of Ohio.
Ranking Democrat is Barney Frank of Massachusetts.
Government Reform
Oversight of government spending.
Current chair is Tom Davis of Virginia.
Ranking Democrat is Henry Waxman of California.
Homeland Security
Oversight of the federal Department of Homeland Security and help in setting
policies for the nation's war against terrorism.
Current chair is Peter King of New York.
Ranking Democrat is Bennie Thompson of Mississippi.
House Administration
Oversight of federal elections and House administrative business.
Current chair is Vernon Elhers of Michigan.
Ranking Democrat is Juanita Millender-McDonald of California.
International Relations
Jurisdiction over U.S. relations with foreign countries.
Current chair is Henry Hyde of Illinois.
Ranking Democrat is Tom Lantos of California.
Jurisdiction over civil liberties, immigration and constitutional
Current chair is Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin.
Ranking Democrat is John Conyers of Michigan.
Jurisdiction over resources including fisheries, forest reserves and mining
Current chair is Richard Pombo of California.
Ranking Democrat is Nick Rahall of West Virginia.
Establishment of rules for House votes and debates.
Current chair is David Dreier of California.
Ranking Democrat is Louise Slaughter of New York.
Jurisdiction over non-defense scientific research and development.
Current chair is Sherwood Boehlert of New York.
Ranking Democrat is Bart Gordon of Tennessee.
Small Business
Assistance and protection for small businesses.
Current chair is Donald Manzullo of Illinois.
Ranking Democrat is Nydia Velazquez of New York.
Standards of Official Conduct
Oversight of ethics issues.
Current chair is Doc Hastings of Washington.
Ranking Democrat is Howard Berman of California.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Jurisdiction over public transportation.
Current chair is Don Young of Alaska.
Ranking Democrat is James Oberstar of Minnesota.
Veterans' Affairs
Jurisdiction over armed services veterans' issues.
Current chair is Steve Buyer of Indiana.
Ranking Democrat is Lane Evans of Illinois.
Ways and Means
Jurisdiction over taxes, Social Security, Medicare and economic policies.
Current chair is Bill Thomas of California.
Ranking Democrat is Charles Rangel of New York.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Oversight of intelligence agencies.
Current chair is Peter Hoekstra of Michigan.
Ranking Democrat is Jane Harman of California.

But Harmon is likely to be one exception here and will not ascend to the
Chairmanship of her current committee--Intelligence. It's called Politics.
You mean the troops who are losing their lives for no reason at the direction of huge chickens who wouldn't dare serve or send any of their family don't you?

My count in the US Senate is two sons. Webb newly there after Maccacowitz crashed and burned the blowhard from Virginia called Allen LOL gone forever from politics and McCain who has the goofiest rubber stamp ideas ever that will go no where.

Congress sons and daughters in Iraq zero.

Republican sons and daughters very few.

What I see Mikey is a whole lot of lipservice by SUV drivers.

What is going to make butts move is the focus now on a draft and who is really going there and dying. It's minorities mainly black and Hispanic from very small towns in the US.

Recruitment is way down. Deployment of grandmothers and grandfathrs and fathers and mothers in the guard is now on its 5th go round. It's the nasty secret in the closet no one has wanted to talk about but that's going to change.

There is no reason that if people don't want to forget the troops they can't join them. Instead elite predominantly affluent Americans are making sure no one in there family goes near where those troops are in droves.

Who controls Iraq with 135000 American troopos there? That's right IRAN.

Who controls Afghanistan with thousands of Americans and others there and dying--the Taliban.

The American government's grip on it---worse than a Vista boot with Ntloader and Ntdetect.com and HAL.dll goin south.

When do you leave Mikey?


why limit to living in U.S.A..
did you forget about the roops stationed over seas not to mention all other citizens that may be overseas.
(e-mail address removed)

OT: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday for those of us living in the U.S.A.
zaxon said:
Well.. not a christian here..
but every celebration needs celebrating..

Happy Thanksgiving you guys..


What does being a christian have to do with Thanksgiving? It's not a
religious holiday of any kind, it is to celebrate when the pilgrims and
natives were working together, sharing skills and other things to assist
the pilgrims with learning to live in the new world.