Simplest example: say I did want to look for "WinZIP" and download a trial
version. I can find the official website and download it. But what about
more obscure files? What if there is no official website? I may find the
obscure file with a search engine, but how do I check to make sure I was
actually getting the real thing, or the right version? Sure, if it's a
DotNet compile I can see, but how about a mechanism that is independent of
DotNet, applicable to any file, that requires no alteration? Enter a central
authority, much like ICANN, coupled with exiting search engines. Files would
be registered with a unique identifier and a hash code. With a such a
service, I could just type the file name and sort the search hit results by
registered file creation date, number of sites where it's available, ID of
the original registrant, etc, and have automatic validation on download. You
could have any software with an auto-update feature just like Microsoft's,
without any need for any particular dedicated website or file format. I'm
sure you can think of a host of practical issues, but I don't think the idea
is completely unworkable.
Now, more of a stretch. What if we forget about files and talk about
concepts. Think about every concept in the book, from crop circles to
pottery. Everything, independently of language. Give everything you can
think of a GUID. Forget about how you associate these concepts to one
another, categorize them usefully, or manage them for a user. It's huge, can
be done, has been done, but it's not important. A web site administrator
could search through this GUID database, find the concept he was looking for
(in Russian, English, whatever), and select the GUID's he thinks his website
has relevance to, and post these GUID's in a manifest, maybe in web page
headers, maybe as direct markups to sections of text or pictures or any
other file (see how this is a superset of the previous example?). Sure,
you'd get abuses and bad links just like now. But imagine the improvement in
accuracy for all the good search hits if this became widely adopted. Imagine
the birth of a new language-independent Framework - not in code, but in
human knowledge.
Ok... so you've assigned a GUID to current page? Did it
include the dynamic ad on display at the moment you assigned the GUI, the
textual content or some other combination? Tomorrow when the page is
different do they submit a request for a new GUID or just update their
metadata information?
So when I press "send" is this message assigned a GUID automatically or do I
fill something out first explaining the contents so that searching is
Does the metadata on "crop circles" and "communicating with the dead" list
it under "science" or "scam" and who decides? If it is the guy
communicating with the dead how is this considered "authoritative"?
If we can obtain software, (and fonts) and articles and such currently what
is it your GUID gets me other than a 16-byte identifier of course? When I
tell somebody "buy WinZip" are you thinking I might suggest the purchase of
F9168C5E-CEB2-4faa-B6BF-329BF39FB1E5 instead? What if that version has been
replaced or the link that your database contains is simply out of date?
I think your idea of cataloging everything is interesting ... or should I
say is F9168C5E-CEB2-4faa-B6BF-329BF39GA1D6 and when you click on that the
definition of "interesting" shows up in your browser...
and D7 would
have it in Spanish, and D8 would have it in French, etc., etc.
Bob... what are you talking about?