[The paragraph below is from the site and describes it. If you have a file extension
that is not on the list, you can send additons to them]. I've found it helpful to
form time to time.
Welcome to FILExt, the file extension source. FILExt is a detailed database of file
extensions and programs that use them. FILExt is not a general support site. A search
on the database here might very well result in multiple possibilities; it will be up
to you to determine which, if any, of these are the program/format you require
information about. To help, many of the links on this site will open a new browser
window so you have constant reference to the FILExt data.
[The paragraph below is from the site and describes it. If you have a file extension
that is not on the list, you can send additons to them]. I've found it helpful to
form time to time.
Welcome to FILExt, the file extension source. FILExt is a detailed database of file
extensions and programs that use them. FILExt is not a general support site. A search
on the database here might very well result in multiple possibilities; it will be up
to you to determine which, if any, of these are the program/format you require
information about. To help, many of the links on this site will open a new browser
window so you have constant reference to the FILExt data.