m.marien said:
You using 929MB memory? Those HT processors use a lot of memory !!!
No more so than a non-HT processor. Its the OS
and the apps that determine the memory usage. And
just look at the big numbers for the handles, threads,
and processes he's got running - all of which need RAM.
Running XP and a bunch of apps on a dual Xeon - with HT
enabled - uses no more RAM than running XP and those
same apps on a dual Opteron system. The Opty dualie
will be dispatching its threads to two physical processors
instead of to 4 virtual processors, but that is about
the only difference from a RAM usage standpoint - and that
doesn't affect the amount of RAM used, just how it is
I gave an old quad PPro system to a friend just before Christmas.
(Someone gave my two non-working Compaq servers - two cpus each
even though the motherboards were 4-way. I made one good
machine out of all the parts.)
Only 512 MB of RAM, but he likes it so much that he says he uses
it more than his single cpu 1 GHz P3 system. He's running NT4
Server on it because it was already installed on both of the
original machines, he doesn't want to try Linux, and he can't
afford to buy a copy of W2K server.