[OT] Downloads from Simtel with Proxomitron

  • Thread starter Thread starter Colonel Blip
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Colonel Blip

Hopefully there are some Proxomitron users here <g>.

So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.
Hopefully there are some Proxomitron users here <g>.

So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.
I haven't tried it but what about putting it in your bypass list?
Should have mentioned, this is also in my bypass list:


Colonel Blip
(e-mail address removed)
Remove "nospam" when replying.

| Hopefully there are some Proxomitron users here <g>.
| So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
| by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
| another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.
| --
| Colonel Blip
| (e-mail address removed)
| Remove "nospam" when replying.
| __________________________________
Colonel said:
Hopefully there are some Proxomitron users here <g>.

So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.

I've had this kind of problem before. Trouble is that if you don't have
Proxo on bypass *before* you hit the problem page, Prox will cause *its*
modified page to be sitting in your browser cache. A normal Refresh,
with Prox bypassed, will "retrieve" this same ineffective page from
browser cache. Sometimes a "hard refresh" works (Ctl+F5 in IE) and
sometimes I've had to go to the extent of clearing my cache and even
closing down the browser & restarting. I'd like to know a bulletproof
way around this one myself.
Alan said:
browser cache. Sometimes a "hard refresh" works (Ctl+F5 in IE) and
sometimes I've had to go to the extent of clearing my cache and even
closing down the browser & restarting. I'd like to know a bulletproof
way around this one myself.

One way to fix the problems with Simtel could be to get the people who
design their web site to stop building such bad web pages.

Even if you bypass prox and get in you are faced with web pages that
are too wide, so you have to use horizontal scrolling to find things,
and the design is very strange and poor in many other ways.

Haven't these guys heard of clean and simple HTML?

Can't they use HTML-Tidy to check up on their work, if they are so
lousy at designing web pages? Couldn't they cut down on useless
graphics and make the site more logical and easier to find things in?

As it is now I just refuse to fetch anything from Simtel, programs
which are only available there could just as well be on Mars, just as
impossible to get them from there.

Vic, you seem to like simtel, feel free to forward this message to
them, I refuse to try to find an email address on their site.
Roger said:
One way to fix the problems with Simtel could be to get the people who
design their web site to stop building such bad web pages.

They wouldn't even have to look too far if they kept their archives from
yesteryear. The old site design they had worked admirably well - no
bells, no whistles, just worked.
Roger said:
One way to fix the problems with Simtel could be to get the people who
design their web site to stop building such bad web pages.

I assume that the design is intentional and that Simtel earn money
from referrers.
Proximitron blocks referrers IIRC.
As it turns out I am using AB so this approach does work. Now instead of
restarting proxmo I have to restart AB which is somewhat more convenient but
still a bit of an aggravation.

Trying the bypass before starting doesn't do the trick either.

Colonel Blip
(e-mail address removed)
Remove "nospam" when replying.

| In article <[email protected]>,
| (e-mail address removed) says...
| > Should have mentioned, this is also in my bypass list:
| >
| > [^/]++simtel.net/
| >
| >
| Yeah, now that I think of it, that won't work. Simtel goes out to
| different servers to get the files. You would have to bypass every one
| of those servers.
| What I do is use Avant Browser. There is a handy button to use/not use
| your proxy server. Very easy. There is also a similar function that can
| be had for IE using 3rd party freeware. Look for ProxyPal. It will
| install a button you can use on your toolbar to turn on/off your proxy.
On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 07:30:23 -0500, Colonel Blip wrote:

So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.

I couldn't recall having a problem with Simtel the few times I've used it.
So, I went just now to download and everything worked fine.

- Simtel is not in my Bypass list or any other list
- I have a strong set of Proxo Filters (38 Web Filters Enabled, 14 Header
Filters Enabled)
- I have a (minimal) Hosts File enabled and DNSKong (with 1300 block
entries) and Kerio Firewall (with a 200 or so IP blocks) running
- Both DNSKong and Kerio block akamai and tribalfusion servers, which
Simtel uses during page loads (probably images and ads)
- I use a cookie blocker with Simtel and third-party cookies blocked
- None of my software blocks the servers used when the actual download
- During the actual download (I used two different download sites -
Virginia, USA & California, USA), servers used were "mirrors.blue.aol.com"
and "gatekeeper.dec.com"
- The "View It!" link (for viewing screen shots) on the download page was
disabled by my Proxo filters because it uses Javascript to open the window

Even considering all the above, I was able to download from Simtel, as I
said, without a hitch. Sorry I can't be more helpful right now, but at
least knowing others can download from Simtel with Proxo and other
privacy/security software running might lead you to search for a solution
in which Proxo itself is not the primary cause, or the sole cause.

Thanks for reading.
Colonel said:
Hopefully there are some Proxomitron users here <g>.
So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.

Bypass it *before* you get to the site.
I have - doesn't make a difference.

Colonel Blip
(e-mail address removed)
Remove "nospam" when replying.

| Colonel Blip wrote:
| > Hopefully there are some Proxomitron users here <g>.
| > So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
| > by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
| > another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.
| Bypass it *before* you get to the site.
| --
| Blinky Linux RU 297263
| Spam: The Boulder Pledge http://snurl.com/boulder
| All In The Family http://snurl.com/familything
They wouldn't even have to look too far if they kept their archives from
yesteryear. The old site design they had worked admirably well - no
bells, no whistles, just worked.

And if we had, we wouldn't be here. There was no business model at all,
no way to make money, no way to stay alive.

We had to change to survive.

How much money did you send us? Yeah .. thought so.

David Kirschbaum
Archivist, Simtel.Net
Too wide for your particular settings, perhaps. Tough: go to a standard
browser and a standard window size and you won't have that problem.

Our layout is designed to display what we need to display, not what you
want to show.

And it isn't HTML, it's PHP. And it was handed to us "as is" by a
subcontractor, who then left. Yeah, yeah, I know, I don't need to hear
it. I've just had to work with that stuff that he left behind for the
past three years.

Programs are not difficult to get from there .. presuming you're willing
to go through our web pages to get them (and not steal them without
paying a lousy page visit).

But nothing's static. Things have been changing all along. Things'll
change again.

David Kirschbaum
Archivist, Simtel.Net
Squire said:
Too wide for your particular settings, perhaps. Tough: go to a
standard browser and a standard window size and you won't have that


I trust that this means that whoever codes your pages writes them for IE
only and, say, a maximized window and 1024x768 resolution and you've
thus decreed the rest of the world should fall into jackboot step with

The world doesn't work that way.
Our layout is designed to display what we need to display, not what
you want to show.

So people will go elsewhere, where they're accomodated. No problem
here, but it's no wonder you're having trouble making money (as you
implied with the change-or-fold statement).
And it isn't HTML, it's PHP. And it was handed to us "as is" by a

It's HTML when it gets to our browsers.
Squire Toad said:
And if we had, we wouldn't be here. There was no business model at all,
no way to make money, no way to stay alive.

We had to change to survive.

How much money did you send us? Yeah .. thought so.

David Kirschbaum
Archivist, Simtel.Net

Yeah, well, the full page ad you get along the way is too much. Bye forever!

So far the only way I have found to download from www.simtel.net is
by shutting down Proxo - simply bypassing does not work. Is there
another way to d/l without shutting proxo down? Thanks.

Check your settings, I have Proxo, and I'm downloading a file right
now, no problem. It may be redirects or a Javscript that you have
Terry said:
Roger Johansson wrote:
I assume that the design is intentional and that Simtel earn money
from referrers.
Proximitron blocks referrers IIRC.

It does if you've enabled that feature. Click it on; click it off. As
needed. (And I don't mean bypassing Proxo. The referrer block, like
its other filters, is individualy set or unset.)
Funny, but I don't have this problem. I've been tweaking the filters for
some time, so perhaps there's something in there, but it definately is not
in my bypass list, and I can download fine.

Same here.
I know .. I just saw it the other day and immediately complained ..
errrr suggested it was perhaps a bit much.