"Det is in mijn idee essentieel niet goed om essenties van een programma
niet onderhoudbaar te maken"
This is indeed true for my current job position , but if you write
deployable applications for a commercial company , you do not want that
people can easily see your code constructs
ofcourse it can be reverse engineerd by just simply looking at the program ,
but you want it to make them as hard as you possibly can .
To show you what it mean here is a noce article that covers the topic it is
in C# but it can be applyed the same way in VB or in fact anny .Net language
or java
ofcourse in a development team strong documentation of what you exactly have
done to protect you work is verry essential here
I used Dan Appleman`s obfuscator when i worked for a commercial company ,
it is well documented and it is verry cheap ( you only needed to buy dan`s
e-book at that time )
a team of 4 developers from a customer of ours in Germany who were verry
sceptic about it have tryed to reverse engineer the product we made .
They were unable to get in our database ( wich was our main Goal ) and could
only show minor fractions of the thousands of lines of code the project
holded ( this were coders who new our business )
With VB6 they had also tried but came with nothing at all
"Het is in mijn idee essentieel niet goed om essenties van een programma
niet onderhoudbaar te maken"
then invented someone babelfish ( analogy decompiler )
"It is in my idea essential not well not make natures of a programme
and although it is not 100% what you wrote annyone with a litle fantasy can
now understand what you have said in dutch
in my opinion the same thing happens when you use a decompiler
This discussion brings back memmory`s of a discussion i once started about a
database that we needed to protect from the concurency , it seems that 99%
of the people active here do not write commercial programs that are released
to end users in a concurent market .
I am happy i have now joined those lucky ones who don`t have to bother about
security of there intelectual rights , ( as i now write inhouse production
software ) as i know from experience how hard this is in .Net from that
point of view Visual studio .Net was a giant leap backwards to VS 6
ofcourse the database part is solved with SQL server annywhere , if you need
a good starting point about this i would recomend Biill Vaughn`s E-Book
Hope to have given some ideas for anyone in desperate need to protect what
is theres