OT but maybe you'll know


chris leeds

Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on something
right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll sit
down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can't
seem to get the fire lit.

If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please let me
know! I'm open to any suggestions!


The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

Joe Rohn

It happens to everyone Chris!

If it is before 5:00 PM try coffee.. after 5:00 PM try beer!

Seriously though..get up..take a walk..get your mind off of it..and before
you know it, what you want to do will all of a sudden come gushing in! If
you try to force it..you will probably end up staring off into space!

Well at least if you did that this morning you might have seen Venus cross
the sun! <g>


Well, I've been in that state for a year now............

----- chris leeds wrote: ----

Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on somethin
right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll si
down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click"
It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past th
artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can'
seem to get the fire lit

If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please let m
know! I'm open to any suggestions


The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all th
Please feel free to contact me here


Yah...happens all the time.

I find that rather than trying to write cohesive thoughts when blocked, I switch to random jottings accompanied by a few beers and a swim (not necessarily in that order). Seriously.


| Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on something
| right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll sit
| down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can't
| seem to get the fire lit.
| If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please let me
| know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --

Jim Buyens

For me, it helps to take a break and then return to the
problem in a different setting. For example, I think
about it in my easy chair rather than at the keyboard.

Or, you can look at someone else's table of contents. Not
to copy it verbatim, of course, but to decide with what
you like or dislike about it. Then, do something similar
or opposite.

If all else fails, just write *something*. If that means
starting in the middle or at the end of the problem
section, so be it. After you have something, it's often
easier to fill in the gaps.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

chris leeds

besides the good suggestions from you all I think the best thing was the
realization that I'm not the only one!

Thanks again.

Tom Gahagan

Hi Chris...

Yes.. it does happen to anyone that writes.....code, books, articles, music,

You've gotten a lot of excellent wisdom from others and I guess I would add
one more thing. Never stop believing in yourself!!! Keep speaking that....
"it will come".... and it will.

I am a composer of music and I find that some songs, works, etc just come
out and are done in just a little time. Other works take longer. Why? I've
not figured that out yet, but I have found that if I just keep believing in
my self and the original inspiration, it really does all come together.
Sometimes, in days, sometimes, even weeks later.... BUT IT DOES COME!!!!!!

Remember.... you are great!

Best to you....
Tom Gahagan



Ya know what? It works the same way with money. If you focus on making money, nuttin happens. If you focus on making something good, fun, whatever, something (maybe money) will come from it. --- "Build it and they will come.."?


| Hi Chris...
| Yes.. it does happen to anyone that writes.....code, books, articles, music,
| etc.
| You've gotten a lot of excellent wisdom from others and I guess I would add
| one more thing. Never stop believing in yourself!!! Keep speaking that....
| "it will come".... and it will.
| I am a composer of music and I find that some songs, works, etc just come
| out and are done in just a little time. Other works take longer. Why? I've
| not figured that out yet, but I have found that if I just keep believing in
| my self and the original inspiration, it really does all come together.
| Sometimes, in days, sometimes, even weeks later.... BUT IT DOES COME!!!!!!
| Remember.... you are great!
| Best to you....
| Tom Gahagan
| | > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on something
| > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll sit
| > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can't
| > seem to get the fire lit.
| >
| > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please let
| me
| > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| >
| > TIA
| >
| > --
| > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| the
| > spam.
| > Please feel free to contact me here:
| > http://nedp.net/contact/
| > --
| >
| >
| >
| >

chris leeds

I hope you're right crash because I've been working on a very cool thing for
FrontPage users for a couple of months now and while it's cool and I think
it'll be helpful to fp users, I'd sure like to get some dough for the time
and effort. ;-)

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

message Tom,

Ya know what? It works the same way with money. If you focus on making
money, nuttin happens. If you focus on making something good, fun, whatever,
something (maybe money) will come from it. --- "Build it and they will


| Hi Chris...
| Yes.. it does happen to anyone that writes.....code, books, articles,
| etc.
| You've gotten a lot of excellent wisdom from others and I guess I would
| one more thing. Never stop believing in yourself!!! Keep speaking that....
| "it will come".... and it will.
| I am a composer of music and I find that some songs, works, etc just come
| out and are done in just a little time. Other works take longer. Why? I've
| not figured that out yet, but I have found that if I just keep believing
| my self and the original inspiration, it really does all come together.
| Sometimes, in days, sometimes, even weeks later.... BUT IT DOES COME!!!!!!
| Remember.... you are great!
| Best to you....
| Tom Gahagan
| | > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on something
| > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll
| > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can't
| > seem to get the fire lit.
| >
| > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please
| me
| > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| >
| > TIA
| >
| > --
| > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| the
| > spam.
| > Please feel free to contact me here:
| > http://nedp.net/contact/
| > --
| >
| >
| >
| >


trust me grasshopper
and if you need a marketing guy lemme know ;-)

| I hope you're right crash because I've been working on a very cool thing for
| FrontPage users for a couple of months now and while it's cool and I think
| it'll be helpful to fp users, I'd sure like to get some dough for the time
| and effort. ;-)
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --
| message | Tom,
| Ya know what? It works the same way with money. If you focus on making
| money, nuttin happens. If you focus on making something good, fun, whatever,
| something (maybe money) will come from it. --- "Build it and they will
| come.."?
| R.
| | | Hi Chris...
| |
| | Yes.. it does happen to anyone that writes.....code, books, articles,
| music,
| | etc.
| |
| | You've gotten a lot of excellent wisdom from others and I guess I would
| add
| | one more thing. Never stop believing in yourself!!! Keep speaking that....
| | "it will come".... and it will.
| |
| | I am a composer of music and I find that some songs, works, etc just come
| | out and are done in just a little time. Other works take longer. Why? I've
| | not figured that out yet, but I have found that if I just keep believing
| in
| | my self and the original inspiration, it really does all come together.
| | Sometimes, in days, sometimes, even weeks later.... BUT IT DOES COME!!!!!!
| |
| | Remember.... you are great!
| |
| | Best to you....
| | Tom Gahagan
| |
| | | | > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on something
| | > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll
| sit
| | > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| | > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| | > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can't
| | > seem to get the fire lit.
| | >
| | > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please
| let
| | me
| | > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| | >
| | > TIA
| | >
| | > --
| | > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| | the
| | > spam.
| | > Please feel free to contact me here:
| | > http://nedp.net/contact/
| | > --
| | >
| | >
| | >
| | >
| |
| |

Wally S

This always works: Just start writing anything at all, even total nonsense.
Don't wait for the brilliant idea to hit you. Just write, write, write, and
it will come.

The journalistic approach: Write one sentence that completely sums up what
you want to say and then expand on that one sentence. That's the way news
articles are written, and once you've got that one sentence, your article is
on its way.

Wally S

Tom Gahagan


My website is as much about the community I live in as it is about my
business. I find that many people appreciate that and it helps me get their

This last fall I went to all our local football games (high school football
is a BIG deal in Georgia!) and took photo's that I posted on a web page. The
town loved it and it helped make me some money. Not a lot mind you..... but
some and the p.r. it did for my company I never could have paid for.

Best to you.....
Tom Gahagan

message Tom,

Ya know what? It works the same way with money. If you focus on making
money, nuttin happens. If you focus on making something good, fun, whatever,
something (maybe money) will come from it. --- "Build it and they will


| Hi Chris...
| Yes.. it does happen to anyone that writes.....code, books, articles,
| etc.
| You've gotten a lot of excellent wisdom from others and I guess I would
| one more thing. Never stop believing in yourself!!! Keep speaking that....
| "it will come".... and it will.
| I am a composer of music and I find that some songs, works, etc just come
| out and are done in just a little time. Other works take longer. Why? I've
| not figured that out yet, but I have found that if I just keep believing
| my self and the original inspiration, it really does all come together.
| Sometimes, in days, sometimes, even weeks later.... BUT IT DOES COME!!!!!!
| Remember.... you are great!
| Best to you....
| Tom Gahagan
| | > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on something
| > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll
| > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can't
| > seem to get the fire lit.
| >
| > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please
| me
| > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| >
| > TIA
| >
| > --
| > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| the
| > spam.
| > Please feel free to contact me here:
| > http://nedp.net/contact/
| > --
| >
| >
| >
| >

chris leeds

oddly enough at my daughter's closing day at school I was complaining to
another parent. he told me what he does is go out and cut the little league
field for a few hours getting tired, dirty, and bored. then go straight to
the computer and dig in. realizing the nice environment the computer is in
with the air conditioning and lack of physical stress is so much better and
more comfortable than the situation he just finished the ideas start to flow
or at least appreciation for how easy the "real job" is will push you over
the edge.

I didn't believe him but lacking any other untried idea I did it. it worked
and I got about 2 days worth of work done in about 3 hours. go figure!

Thanks All!


good! now I see that my lawn needs mowing...want some more inspiration?

| oddly enough at my daughter's closing day at school I was complaining to
| another parent. he told me what he does is go out and cut the little league
| field for a few hours getting tired, dirty, and bored. then go straight to
| the computer and dig in. realizing the nice environment the computer is in
| with the air conditioning and lack of physical stress is so much better and
| more comfortable than the situation he just finished the ideas start to flow
| or at least appreciation for how easy the "real job" is will push you over
| the edge.
| I didn't believe him but lacking any other untried idea I did it. it worked
| and I got about 2 days worth of work done in about 3 hours. go figure!
| Thanks All!
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --
| | > This always works: Just start writing anything at all, even total
| nonsense.
| > Don't wait for the brilliant idea to hit you. Just write, write, write,
| and
| > it will come.
| >
| > The journalistic approach: Write one sentence that completely sums up what
| > you want to say and then expand on that one sentence. That's the way news
| > articles are written, and once you've got that one sentence, your article
| is
| > on its way.
| >
| > Wally S
| >
| >
| > | > > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on something
| > > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll
| sit
| > > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| > > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| > > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just can't
| > > seem to get the fire lit.
| > >
| > > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please
| let
| > me
| > > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| > >
| > > TIA
| > >
| > > --
| > > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| > the
| > > spam.
| > > Please feel free to contact me here:
| > > http://nedp.net/contact/
| > > --
| > >
| > >
| > >
| > >
| >
| >

chris leeds

I'd do the lawn but not the trip out there. ;-)

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

message good! now I see that my lawn needs mowing...want some more inspiration?

| oddly enough at my daughter's closing day at school I was complaining to
| another parent. he told me what he does is go out and cut the little
| field for a few hours getting tired, dirty, and bored. then go straight
| the computer and dig in. realizing the nice environment the computer is
| with the air conditioning and lack of physical stress is so much better
| more comfortable than the situation he just finished the ideas start to
| or at least appreciation for how easy the "real job" is will push you over
| the edge.
| I didn't believe him but lacking any other untried idea I did it. it
| and I got about 2 days worth of work done in about 3 hours. go figure!
| Thanks All!
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --
| | > This always works: Just start writing anything at all, even total
| nonsense.
| > Don't wait for the brilliant idea to hit you. Just write, write, write,
| and
| > it will come.
| >
| > The journalistic approach: Write one sentence that completely sums up
| > you want to say and then expand on that one sentence. That's the way
| > articles are written, and once you've got that one sentence, your
| is
| > on its way.
| >
| > Wally S
| >
| >
| > | > > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on
| > > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll
| sit
| > > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| > > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| > > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just
| > > seem to get the fire lit.
| > >
| > > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please
| let
| > me
| > > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| > >
| > > TIA
| > >
| > > --
| > > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of
| > the
| > > spam.
| > > Please feel free to contact me here:
| > > http://nedp.net/contact/
| > > --
| > >
| > >
| > >
| > >
| >
| >


talkin about writers block...i need to rename my company...i've been blocked on coming up with new name now for 3 &&%(*&% weeks.

| I'd do the lawn but not the trip out there. ;-)
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --
| message | good! now I see that my lawn needs mowing...want some more inspiration?
| :)
| | | oddly enough at my daughter's closing day at school I was complaining to
| | another parent. he told me what he does is go out and cut the little
| league
| | field for a few hours getting tired, dirty, and bored. then go straight
| to
| | the computer and dig in. realizing the nice environment the computer is
| in
| | with the air conditioning and lack of physical stress is so much better
| and
| | more comfortable than the situation he just finished the ideas start to
| flow
| | or at least appreciation for how easy the "real job" is will push you over
| | the edge.
| |
| | I didn't believe him but lacking any other untried idea I did it. it
| worked
| | and I got about 2 days worth of work done in about 3 hours. go figure!
| |
| | Thanks All!
| |
| | --
| | The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| the
| | spam.
| | Please feel free to contact me here:
| | http://nedp.net/contact/
| | --
| |
| |
| | | | > This always works: Just start writing anything at all, even total
| | nonsense.
| | > Don't wait for the brilliant idea to hit you. Just write, write, write,
| | and
| | > it will come.
| | >
| | > The journalistic approach: Write one sentence that completely sums up
| what
| | > you want to say and then expand on that one sentence. That's the way
| news
| | > articles are written, and once you've got that one sentence, your
| article
| | is
| | > on its way.
| | >
| | > Wally S
| | >
| | >
| | > | | > > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on
| something
| | > > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling. I'll
| | sit
| | > > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| | > > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past the
| | > > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just
| can't
| | > > seem to get the fire lit.
| | > >
| | > > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution please
| | let
| | > me
| | > > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| | > >
| | > > TIA
| | > >
| | > > --
| | > > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of
| all
| | > the
| | > > spam.
| | > > Please feel free to contact me here:
| | > > http://nedp.net/contact/
| | > > --
| | > >
| | > >
| | > >
| | > >
| | >
| | >
| |
| |

chris leeds

what kind of stuff does this company do and why do you have to rename it?

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

message talkin about writers block...i need to rename my company...i've been blocked
on coming up with new name now for 3 &&%(*&% weeks.

| I'd do the lawn but not the trip out there. ;-)
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --
| message | good! now I see that my lawn needs mowing...want some more inspiration?
| :)
| | | oddly enough at my daughter's closing day at school I was complaining to
| | another parent. he told me what he does is go out and cut the little
| league
| | field for a few hours getting tired, dirty, and bored. then go straight
| to
| | the computer and dig in. realizing the nice environment the computer is
| in
| | with the air conditioning and lack of physical stress is so much better
| and
| | more comfortable than the situation he just finished the ideas start to
| flow
| | or at least appreciation for how easy the "real job" is will push you
| | the edge.
| |
| | I didn't believe him but lacking any other untried idea I did it. it
| worked
| | and I got about 2 days worth of work done in about 3 hours. go figure!
| |
| | Thanks All!
| |
| | --
| | The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| the
| | spam.
| | Please feel free to contact me here:
| | http://nedp.net/contact/
| | --
| |
| |
| | | | > This always works: Just start writing anything at all, even total
| | nonsense.
| | > Don't wait for the brilliant idea to hit you. Just write, write,
| | and
| | > it will come.
| | >
| | > The journalistic approach: Write one sentence that completely sums up
| what
| | > you want to say and then expand on that one sentence. That's the way
| news
| | > articles are written, and once you've got that one sentence, your
| article
| | is
| | > on its way.
| | >
| | > Wally S
| | >
| | >
| | > | | > > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on
| something
| | > > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling.
| | sit
| | > > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| | > > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past
| | > > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just
| can't
| | > > seem to get the fire lit.
| | > >
| | > > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution
| | let
| | > me
| | > > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| | > >
| | > > TIA
| | > >
| | > > --
| | > > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of
| all
| | > the
| | > > spam.
| | > > Please feel free to contact me here:
| | > > http://nedp.net/contact/
| | > > --
| | > >
| | > >
| | > >
| | > >
| | >
| | >
| |
| |


use my real email address when you have some time.

| what kind of stuff does this company do and why do you have to rename it?
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --
| message | talkin about writers block...i need to rename my company...i've been blocked
| on coming up with new name now for 3 &&%(*&% weeks.
| | | I'd do the lawn but not the trip out there. ;-)
| |
| | --
| | The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| the
| | spam.
| | Please feel free to contact me here:
| | http://nedp.net/contact/
| | --
| |
| |
| | message | | good! now I see that my lawn needs mowing...want some more inspiration?
| | :)
| |
| |
| | | | | oddly enough at my daughter's closing day at school I was complaining to
| | | another parent. he told me what he does is go out and cut the little
| | league
| | | field for a few hours getting tired, dirty, and bored. then go straight
| | to
| | | the computer and dig in. realizing the nice environment the computer is
| | in
| | | with the air conditioning and lack of physical stress is so much better
| | and
| | | more comfortable than the situation he just finished the ideas start to
| | flow
| | | or at least appreciation for how easy the "real job" is will push you
| over
| | | the edge.
| | |
| | | I didn't believe him but lacking any other untried idea I did it. it
| | worked
| | | and I got about 2 days worth of work done in about 3 hours. go figure!
| | |
| | | Thanks All!
| | |
| | | --
| | | The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| | the
| | | spam.
| | | Please feel free to contact me here:
| | | http://nedp.net/contact/
| | | --
| | |
| | |
| | | | | | > This always works: Just start writing anything at all, even total
| | | nonsense.
| | | > Don't wait for the brilliant idea to hit you. Just write, write,
| write,
| | | and
| | | > it will come.
| | | >
| | | > The journalistic approach: Write one sentence that completely sums up
| | what
| | | > you want to say and then expand on that one sentence. That's the way
| | news
| | | > articles are written, and once you've got that one sentence, your
| | article
| | | is
| | | > on its way.
| | | >
| | | > Wally S
| | | >
| | | >
| | | > | | | > > Did any of you guys ever get "writers block"? I'm working on
| | something
| | | > > right now that I just can't seem to get the second 1/2 rolling.
| I'll
| | | sit
| | | > > down and be ready to dig in and I just don't "click".
| | | > > It's not anything that I've never done before and it's really past
| the
| | | > > artistic state and just in the final "shake down" phase but I just
| | can't
| | | > > seem to get the fire lit.
| | | > >
| | | > > If any of you have suffered the same fate and found a solution
| please
| | | let
| | | > me
| | | > > know! I'm open to any suggestions!
| | | > >
| | | > > TIA
| | | > >
| | | > > --
| | | > > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of
| | all
| | | > the
| | | > > spam.
| | | > > Please feel free to contact me here:
| | | > > http://nedp.net/contact/
| | | > > --
| | | > >
| | | > >
| | | > >
| | | > >
| | | >
| | | >
| | |
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