OT : But Help ME


chris leeds

I've just gotten around to adding a local network. I had one going a while
back but had to replace the other computer.
I've got the two remaining computers all hooked up but it seems like the
network won't allow the computers to access each other if zone alarm is
running on both computers. If I shut it off on either computer everything
is fine.
the problem is this:
I feel a little funny about going "bare back" on the computer. Is it OK to
do this? I see in some of the windows configuration dialog boxes for the
network there's a checkbox like; "protect this computer from incoming
internet...." Is that good enough to keep stuff like those stupid worms that
creep in like mydoom, etc. out?
any help would be appreciated.

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

Steve Easton

I don't use firewalls in the office
( 4 machines networked via a NAT router with DSL access )
or at home.
( 2 machines networked via a workgroup hub with DSL access )

However I would recommend getting a NAT router. They make excellent

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer
However, you might consider getting using a NAT router

Jack Brewster


It's been awhile since I've used ZA, but I recall that there are some
advanced options to allow connections from other computers, either based on
IP or subnet.

Crash Gordon

Add your local computer to the allowed zones.

| I've just gotten around to adding a local network. I had one going a while
| back but had to replace the other computer.
| I've got the two remaining computers all hooked up but it seems like the
| network won't allow the computers to access each other if zone alarm is
| running on both computers. If I shut it off on either computer everything
| is fine.
| the problem is this:
| I feel a little funny about going "bare back" on the computer. Is it OK to
| do this? I see in some of the windows configuration dialog boxes for the
| network there's a checkbox like; "protect this computer from incoming
| internet...." Is that good enough to keep stuff like those stupid worms that
| creep in like mydoom, etc. out?
| any help would be appreciated.
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --

chris leeds

got a router. it's crusty old piece of junk though. ;-)

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

chris leeds

bingo! that was it. I guess the feature must have cropped up with the ZA
upgrade. I never had to mess with it in the past but that did it!

chris leeds

you think like Jack. That's not a bad thing. ;-)

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

Add your local computer to the allowed zones.

| I've just gotten around to adding a local network. I had one going a
| back but had to replace the other computer.
| I've got the two remaining computers all hooked up but it seems like the
| network won't allow the computers to access each other if zone alarm is
| running on both computers. If I shut it off on either computer everything
| is fine.
| the problem is this:
| I feel a little funny about going "bare back" on the computer. Is it OK
| do this? I see in some of the windows configuration dialog boxes for the
| network there's a checkbox like; "protect this computer from incoming
| internet...." Is that good enough to keep stuff like those stupid worms
| creep in like mydoom, etc. out?
| any help would be appreciated.
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --

Crash Gordon

Donations gratefully accepted.
Preferred rate of exchange: 1 Krispy Kreme per 15 min service time.



Steve Easton

Get a NAT router ( Network Address Translation )
It logs on to your DSL modem for you and basically maintains a 24/7
Another great feature is that all machines on the network have independent
internet access.

Just make sure you change the default password for the router when you set
it up because the whole world knows what the default is.


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer

chris leeds

everyone in the world but me. ;-)
Does this come in a wired or wireless. I guess the NAT isn't a brand but a
sorry for the stupidity, I'm not a network guy.

Steve Easton

You can get either wired or wireless.
If you go wireless, make darn sure you give it new and hard to hack
password, or your neighbors will be on the internet with your router.

A good brand name is Linksys and iirc Belkin is another.

I have a wired Linksys. iirc I got it on sale for $40.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer

Jack Brewster

I have an SMC Barricade that's about two years old. One of the reasons I
purchased it was that it had a built in print server that turns any printer
with a parallel port into a network printer. Of course, a few months later
I purchased a USB only printer so I don't make much use of that feature now.
:) (Newer models are availalbe that have USB printer support.) Overall
I've been quite happy with it.

I know that some Linksys routers have replaceable antennaes which allow you
to increase your gain to improve reception.

Crash Gordon

get a switch

| got a router. it's crusty old piece of junk though. ;-)
| --
| The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
| spam.
| Please feel free to contact me here:
| http://nedp.net/contact/
| --
| message | > chris:
| > are you on broadband or dsl? I would recommend a router.
| >
| > --
| >
| > ~ Kathleen Anderson
| > Microsoft FrontPage MVP
| > Spider Web Woman Designs
| > http://www.spiderwebwoman.com/resources/
| >
| >
| > > I've just gotten around to adding a local network. I had one going a
| > > while back but had to replace the other computer.
| > > I've got the two remaining computers all hooked up but it seems like
| > > the network won't allow the computers to access each other if zone
| > > alarm is running on both computers. If I shut it off on either
| > > computer everything is fine.
| > > the problem is this:
| > > I feel a little funny about going "bare back" on the computer. Is it
| > > OK to do this? I see in some of the windows configuration dialog
| > > boxes for the network there's a checkbox like; "protect this computer
| > > from incoming internet...." Is that good enough to keep stuff like
| > > those stupid worms that creep in like mydoom, etc. out?
| > > any help would be appreciated.
| > >
| > > --
| > > The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of
| > > all the spam.
| > > Please feel free to contact me here:
| > > http://nedp.net/contact/

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