OT Black CRT monitors 17inch

  • Thread starter Thread starter Figurt
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Hello there, I know this post is offtopic, but seeming as I need some
advice, and the monitor newsgroups are completely deserted I thought that
this newsgroup was less OT than others.. sorry if u dont agree

Ok my problem is that im building a pc and the specification is all black
(got the case and everything) was going to go with a tft, but no, the
customer is adamant, that it is a black 17" crt or tft, hes also would
prefer on a Trinitron. the budget for the monitor is £150, and I dont really
want to go over £200
and if its a tft £300 (this seems unrealistic, so im tending towards crt)
it should do 1280 x 1024 85hz
on my short list I have the iiyama 413, and the NEC 750SB
the shortlist seems really small due to the fact that most companies dont
make their top range monitors in black
was thinking a IBM p77..but woah, Price
hope you can help with the shortlist, and I apologise once again for the
fact that its an OT post

Thank you
SpeckledLemon said:
Sometimes it's good to be picky, but I don't know if you'll find a decent
Trinitron OR Diamondtron monitor for that price.
Yeah it is good to be picky, to choose my 19" monitor i chose an iiyama pro
454, for approx £300 which is roughly £75 expensiver than most 19"! i
believe £150-£200 i can find a perfect monitor (besides Eizo lol)
and a can of black http://tinyurl.com/8td2

: : > Sometimes it's good to be picky, but I don't know if you'll find a
: > Trinitron OR Diamondtron monitor for that price.
: Yeah it is good to be picky, to choose my 19" monitor i chose an iiyama
: 454, for approx £300 which is roughly £75 expensiver than most 19"! i
: believe £150-£200 i can find a perfect monitor (besides Eizo lol)
Amir Facade said:
and a can of black http://tinyurl.com/8td2

: : > Sometimes it's good to be picky, but I don't know if you'll find a
: > Trinitron OR Diamondtron monitor for that price.
: Yeah it is good to be picky, to choose my 19" monitor i chose an iiyama
: 454, for approx £300 which is roughly £75 expensiver than most 19"! i
: believe £150-£200 i can find a perfect monitor (besides Eizo lol)
I think the moral is that Figurt should take a little more care detailing
the specifications and quoting prices for building PCs in the future! ;-)

I think the moral is that Figurt should take a little more care detailing
the specifications and quoting prices for building PCs in the future! ;-)

Didnt say that i will get you a £300 tft, i said u tell me what you want and
i;ll get it, plus small subcharge for building
i have got him to push the tft budget to £400
i think the real moral of the is that Partickp should really stop assuming!
And, while I couldn't give a monkey's about your bad grammar and spelling, I
consider it extremely rude to misspell other people's names.

Hey there patrickp (I checked it twice!) I apologise for the misspelling of
your name, and to be honest, im just a bit peeved, I dont seem to have any
real options with this display problem, didnt mean to take my frustrations
on you. I do apologise, because it seems like I hurt your feelings..and I
didnt intend for that
Figurt said:
Hey there patrickp (I checked it twice!) I apologise for the misspelling of
your name, and to be honest, im just a bit peeved, I dont seem to have any
real options with this display problem, didnt mean to take my frustrations
on you. I do apologise, because it seems like I hurt your feelings..and I
didnt intend for that
No problem, Figurt; I don't think I was being any more considerate than you
were! Just feeling tired.

Does seem like you have a bit of a problem - but I think the real problem is
not finding more monitors that may not exist, but putting that across to
your client! Bottom line is, I doubt he's going to get a better deal
anywhere else than from you.
