I mostly lurk here, but I must say the recent threads concerning Babya
software have been hilariously entertaining. Fussy seems to be the Ed Wood
of programmers -- no talent, but lots of optimism. Based on his (I'm
assuming it's a he) replies, I get the impression English might not be his
native language. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if Earth is even his native
planet. He's like the classic MIBs from UFO mythology -- doesn't quite get
our customs or vernacular, no concept of sarcasm when it's directed his way.
.. .
I finally strolled around to his website out of morbid curiosity. I was
laughing so hard, the tears were rolling down my face. Ever been to a party
thrown by the local misfit and when you got there you realized that YOU were
it. That's kinda what it's like to visit his site. Lots of invitations to
sign on as a member, but based on the empty forums I don't think he has many
takers. Software "reviews", forums, etc on the site are all written by him
as if he were a second person.
In one of the few forums with posts I read:
"I'm Crazy! This stuff is no good
I is sorry for postng all my mesges abut my sofware....I know it no
good....pleeze make fun of me....I expect it...."
It's a post by Fussy to himself. Is this a cry for help? Weird.
Googling on Babya software, it seems that most reviews that appear anywhere
are also written by A.A. himself.
I'm not sure what to make of this guy -- is he a masochist, delusional,
naive. . .? Whatever he is, he's half the reason I come to this n.g. In a
perverse way, he brightens up my day. My problems seem suddenly trivial when
I read about him.
A.A., you might not be much of a programmer or webmaster, but you got heart
kid. . . However remember the maxim:
Winners never quit.
Quitters never win.
But those who never quit and never win are just stupid.
Know when to fold 'em. . .
software have been hilariously entertaining. Fussy seems to be the Ed Wood
of programmers -- no talent, but lots of optimism. Based on his (I'm
assuming it's a he) replies, I get the impression English might not be his
native language. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if Earth is even his native
planet. He's like the classic MIBs from UFO mythology -- doesn't quite get
our customs or vernacular, no concept of sarcasm when it's directed his way.
.. .
I finally strolled around to his website out of morbid curiosity. I was
laughing so hard, the tears were rolling down my face. Ever been to a party
thrown by the local misfit and when you got there you realized that YOU were
it. That's kinda what it's like to visit his site. Lots of invitations to
sign on as a member, but based on the empty forums I don't think he has many
takers. Software "reviews", forums, etc on the site are all written by him
as if he were a second person.
In one of the few forums with posts I read:
"I'm Crazy! This stuff is no good
I is sorry for postng all my mesges abut my sofware....I know it no
good....pleeze make fun of me....I expect it...."
It's a post by Fussy to himself. Is this a cry for help? Weird.
Googling on Babya software, it seems that most reviews that appear anywhere
are also written by A.A. himself.
I'm not sure what to make of this guy -- is he a masochist, delusional,
naive. . .? Whatever he is, he's half the reason I come to this n.g. In a
perverse way, he brightens up my day. My problems seem suddenly trivial when
I read about him.
A.A., you might not be much of a programmer or webmaster, but you got heart
kid. . . However remember the maxim:
Winners never quit.
Quitters never win.
But those who never quit and never win are just stupid.
Know when to fold 'em. . .