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This 'I can' stuff is repeated so much that they
sound like an assembly line worker in the Petuna
catfood cannery with repetitive speach syndrome.
My dear, I'm the OWNER of that cat food company. And
it's called Pussy Delight. Petuna is our international
division, located in Thailand. All canning done by the
local Thais. (If you please.)
...if they really want to show the world how smart
and clever they are... then why can't they find a way
to stop Swen.
I was wondering why there's so many people bitching
about Swen on usenet... Sobig was bad, too, but there
wasn't this insane frenzy of rants.
Then, I read up on how Swen gets e-mail addys -- one
of the ways being via usenet...
- From what I've seen, because of spam, a good majority
of the more experienced usenetters either munge their
addys, or use fake ones.
Newbies usually DO NOT.
Also, those who go to the av groups (you are HERE) for
help because they've <snicker> already gotten a virus
or worm (usually by clicking on an attachment from an
unknown source, or via unsafe settings in Outlook or
Outlook Express) do not munge their e-mail addys,
Swen also extracts e-mail addys from the addressbooks
of people that have already been affected...
Now, who's going to be in the addressbooks of idiots?
So, who are all these screaming, ranting idiots on
usenet since the Swen outbreak?
The same people who don't RTFM.
The same people who are "too busy" to find out how to
use a computer.
And the very same people who think it's their ISP's
responsibility to be mommy and filter their e-mail.
(It's *not*. It's YOURS. Though I have no problem if
an ISP offers this as an *option*; as long as it's not
automatic. It's all 'bout privacy, ya know?)
You're not seeing too many complaints from the
regulars, here, about Swen -- are you? ;-)
I haven't gotten any at all. Of course, my usenet addy
has always been munged. (Years ago, before I ever made
my first post, I read up about usenet. Lurked several
groups, before I made a post. Got a feel for the
groups, the regulars, etc. etc. etc.)
Now, I *did* get about 1,500 copies of Sobig -- to an
addy at one of the domains I manage.
But, since I use an mail notifier with filters*, I
didn't see them after I set up the filters. (I know it
was about 1,500, because the program keeps a log.)
They were deleted directly off the server, so they
didn't take up any space. (I keep the notifier running
24/7. Yes, I have adsl, but I also kept it running
when I was on dial-up. At work, too... Checking for
new mail every five minutes.)
*Magic Mail Monitor (absolutely the best!)
(Open source, so it's freeware.)
Ya'll have a great day now..'k..??
Love ya, too.
The link to join my fan club* is over THERE -->
*Make sure to use a valid e-mail addy, when you apply
for membership. <snicker>
Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.
Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A
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