Tried another source to download, not a upgrade source and got a
whole new set of numbers, ie below.
Reference file loaded:
Reference Number : 1R200 12.07.2003
I wonder what version this is?
The info you've posted above is about the reference file - that is
the reference file which comes with Ad-Aware 6.181, so it's pretty
likely you now have Ad-Aware 6.181. To find out for certain, click
the "i" in the upper right-hand corner.
I've just done a fresh install of 6.181. It had the reference file
you mention, 1R200 12.07.2003. Then I clicked update, and it found
and DLed 01R20427.07.2003, the file the OP got also. Install went
fine. Only bug was in their spelling.
"Update successfully downlodaded and installed."
All this happened at a little past 17:00 UTC, so I guess if the
servers were down, they were back up as of then. Once upon a time,
didn't the Ad-Aware updater module let the user specify which host to
connect with? If that's an option now, I cannot find it.
Here's a direct link to the reflist update - this link currently
works for me. Will do no good if you don't have 6.181, though.
Manual Installation: Unzip the archive, replace the existing file
and restart Ad-aware\Ad-watch. You can also use the webupdate
component implemented in Ad-aware to install this update.
I think they'd make an annoucement if they were doing away with the
free product, rather than just break its automagic updater.