Windows XP OS licencing ??


Sep 30, 2005
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Was on this site ,

and they allow you to add upgrades to the standard build . One of the options is to add a OS . Looking at the options I noticed that along with buying say XP Home or XP Pro you could ,

" Send us your XP Key to install XP Pro £23 "

So are they saying that if I buy a pc and send them my XP PRO key that I have for my pc at home that they would be able to install XP Pro on the new pc . Would that be legal and would that let the Xp Pro installed on the new pc update from Microsoft legally ?? If thats the case how is that possible . I thought that once you bought a copy of XP it was tied to the pc you installed it on . I'm confused . :o
Send us your XP key and we will ...
Basically, they are supplying you with a PC with NO operating system, but, if you have your own Shop bought Boxed version of XP, they will install it for you. They don't need your CD, just the Licence Key.

As we have stated here before, fixing your PC without an XP CD is easy, if, you can 'borrow' someone else's CD ... the Licence key for your PC cannot be used on another system ... If you change PCs, as many of us have, as long as XP is no longer installed on the original PC, you may re-install on another PC.

This usually only applies to the Shop Bought Version of XP, OEM XP CDs have a different Licence where that copy of the OS is supposedly tied to that MB/PC ... read your EULA, or get an OS systems lawyer to read it for you. ;)

Don't forget, you do not own your Windows OS, you merely have a licence to use it ... Microsoft have been very clever in that there are several different licensing agreements ... you ticking the box to say you have read & agree to that said licence amputates your legs on what you can do with your OS. :D


I have never bought a Boxed version of Windows, I always buy OEM ... it is far cheaper ... I do not and cannot condone breaking MS's Licencing agreements ... you can still move your copy to another PC, providing it is only installed on ONE PC, you will have to phone MS to get another Key ... inconvenient, yes, but they are not after me as I am NOT pirating their OS.

Thats a very clear answer and gave me a lot of info that I only had a vague incling of previously . Thanks a lot mucks . :D
Abarbarian said:
Thats a very clear answer and gave me a lot of info that I only had a vague incling of previously . Thanks a lot mucks . :D

We recently purchased a Media Center from Pc Option.

Very nice machine, was a bit sceptical about buying online but these guys sold us a good system. We never had the option of buying without an OS...

I never knew you could buy from companies without an OS..?

Enjoyed reading the post thanks!