Original thought


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
No its not the computer from the HitchHikers Guide but a new way of communicating on the web .



Extract below,
I was trying to decide what made a channel consistently enjoyable. A common factor in my favorite hangouts seemed to be a focus on original and unpredictable content on each line. It didn’t necessarily need to be useful, just interesting. I started trying to think of ways to encourage this.

And then I had an idea — what if you were only allowed to say sentences that had never been said before, ever? A bot with access to the full channel logs could kick you out when you repeated something that had already been said. There would be no “all your base are belong to us”, no “lol”, no “asl”, no “there are no girls on the internet”. No “I know rite”, no “hi everyone”, no “morning sucks.” Just thoughtful, full sentences.
Abarbarian said:
what if you were only allowed to say sentences that had never been said before, ever? Just thoughtful, full sentences.

I wish to state that I am in total concord with the aforementioned proclamation by the correspondent above, namely Mr. Abarbarian. I am of the opinion that that it is an exemplary recommendation and should be pursued by all associates of Privy Enumerator Critique, otherwise referred to as PCR.

How's that for a sentence that's not been used before on PCR? :p
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nivrip said:
I wish to state that I am total concord with the aforementioned proclamation by the correspondent above, namely Mr. Abarbarian. I am of the opinion that that it is an exemplary recommendation and should be pursued by all associates of Privy Enumerator Critique, otherwise referred to as PCR.

How's that for a sentence that's not been used before on PCR? :p

Take a time out as you used the phrase " I am " twice but the rest of the sentence is very good .

I must endeavour to be cognisant of the contents of the original post before I attempt to concoct a witty reply. I did not appreciate the fact that small phrases were excluded as well as whole sentences. I shall essay to be certain that, in future, I will not repeat any part of the text.

Better? ;)