original settings



when trying to start windows mail; i inadvertently deleted Window Mail and
added my current email information. Can someone please tell me what the
Window Mail default info is??? I can't windows mail to work to get things

Gary VanderMolen

I don't really understand what you are asking. Did you delete the
Windows Mail shortcut and you want to know how to get back?

Windows Mail does not come with a pre-configured email account.
You will have to set up your own account using the directions from
your email provider. If you need help with that, tell us who your email
provider is.


when i tried to open email acct; i inadvertently deleted the directory for
window mail as well as any info that was under "mail". i am not too bright

Gary VanderMolen

Not sure what you mean by "deleted the directory".
Did you delete all the files in C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\ ?
I did not think that was possible.
If you click on Start, All Programs, is Windows Mail listed as one of
the programs?


when you go to window mail and click on Tools/account, you get window that
shows "Mail" and "directory service". sorry i got you confused due to my
misspeaking i should have said directory service previously. i don't know
what to show under directory service. Right now it is currently showing
"Verisign Internet directory service" but i have no idea where it came from.


For me, clicking on Tools, then Accounts shows nothing under Directory
Service, and I've never made any effort to change this.

Look here and decide if it's even something you need:


Gary VanderMolen

Directory Service is normally not used for anything except for those
on a corporate network. You can safely delete any entries there.

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