You're incorrect. VGA devices are true 640x480 resolution, period. They can
be told to pixel-double an application to help it look right, but if you
don't have that on, your app *will* be 1/4 size. You can put more on a Form
though since the display isn't physically bigger, the items have to be
physically smaller to do that.
The general "benefit" of VGA for these devices is that you have twice as
many pixels in the same physical space, allowing for smoother and more crisp
display of graphics.
Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
Not neccessarily, a 640x480 screen could hold more controls than a
I've tried the Orientation Aware Control (OAC) from MS Mobile Software
Factory. There you create your control layout for different resolution and
orientations by changing the form factor and rotating, giving you a number
of different layouts, much like you do when localizing your normal form
changing it's language. The downside is that you have to put a extra
ontop of your form, something I find quite unnecessary.
I come from C and C++, when there still wasn't much graphical design tools
out there. You made all your designing from dynamic code instead, which
meant you had full control of the layout. Now we have much better support
for designing your GUI, but there are limitations, and when you hit such
limitations you either have to go back to managing the GUI dynamically or
mix of the two.
I only wonder if the features of the OAC will be implemented into a
form in the future. Are there any limitations to why it couldn't?
/ Peter
VGA devices only allow more on the screen if the devices truly support
the VGA resolution without scaling, but this is not the case. Devices
like the imate jasjar do not represent a true VGA screen because they
scale things up to twice the QVGA size to maintain the item size ratio
with the physical screen size. Otherwise things like fonts would be 1
quarter of the size they are on a QVGA device. Therefore, what fits on
the QVGA screen adapts to fit the VGA screen for the scaled up fonts,
effectively making the layout of items look the same on the VGA screen
as it did on the QVGA screen. This would be a different story if you
were talking about VGA screens that are actually physically 4 times
larger the QVGA screens, but that's not the scenario here since
devices keep their VGA screens to roughly the same physical dimensions
as a QVGA screen.