Organizing Contacts in Outlook 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hartman's
  • Start date Start date


I have customer that originally had Outlook 2000. They
had all their vendors filed in different folders in My
Contacts. This allowed total segragation of their vendors
and made it very easy to send email and respond and reply
to emails.. Thus when they wanted to send a message or
reply to a message all they needed to do was Click on the
ADRESS Tab in the new blank or reply email. That would
next open up the listing in the address book... under
Outlook 2000 it kept the folders catigorized for their
selection by group heading and then it would open up and
allow the user to then pick a name from the group...i.e.
CONCRETE VENDORS opened up to only businesses that had
only been listed in the CONCRETE VENDORS FOLDER...Thus the
customer/user did not have to go through all the contacts
listed until they found the one they wanted to us.
OUTLOOK 2003 does not appear like it will allow this
control.....Any ideas on how to achieve what my customer
is needing to do???
I'm no expert but it sounds like you need use the
categories field and then simply sort on that field.
Doubt it. Probably just needs to enable each subfolder as an e-mail address
book in its properties.

-----Original Message-----
Doubt it. Probably just needs to enable each subfolder as an e-mail address
book in its properties.
Russ Valentine
I'm no expert but it sounds like you need use the
categories field and then simply sort on that field.

R click > Properties
It's right there on the Outlook Address Book Tab.
Russ Valentine
hartman's said:

-----Original Message-----
Doubt it. Probably just needs to enable each subfolder as an e-mail address
book in its properties.
Russ Valentine
I'm no expert but it sounds like you need use the
categories field and then simply sort on that field.

-----Original Message-----
I have customer that originally had Outlook 2000. They
had all their vendors filed in different folders in My
Contacts. This allowed total segragation of their
and made it very easy to send email and respond and
to emails.. Thus when they wanted to send a message or
reply to a message all they needed to do was Click on
ADRESS Tab in the new blank or reply email. That would
next open up the listing in the address book... under
Outlook 2000 it kept the folders catigorized for their
selection by group heading and then it would open up and
allow the user to then pick a name from the group...i.e.
CONCRETE VENDORS opened up to only businesses that had
only been listed in the CONCRETE VENDORS FOLDER...Thus
customer/user did not have to go through all the
listed until they found the one they wanted to us.
OUTLOOK 2003 does not appear like it will allow this
control.....Any ideas on how to achieve what my customer
is needing to do???

Got it! Thanks, I found it right after I sent question
back.. JIM

-----Original Message-----
R click > Properties
It's right there on the Outlook Address Book Tab.
Russ Valentine

-----Original Message-----
Doubt it. Probably just needs to enable each subfolder
an e-mail address
book in its properties.
Russ Valentine
I'm no expert but it sounds like you need use the
categories field and then simply sort on that field.

-----Original Message-----
I have customer that originally had Outlook 2000. They
had all their vendors filed in different folders in My
Contacts. This allowed total segragation of their
and made it very easy to send email and respond and
to emails.. Thus when they wanted to send a message or
reply to a message all they needed to do was Click on
ADRESS Tab in the new blank or reply email. That would
next open up the listing in the address book... under
Outlook 2000 it kept the folders catigorized for their
selection by group heading and then it would open up and
allow the user to then pick a name from the group...i.e.
CONCRETE VENDORS opened up to only businesses that had
only been listed in the CONCRETE VENDORS FOLDER...Thus
customer/user did not have to go through all the
listed until they found the one they wanted to us.
OUTLOOK 2003 does not appear like it will allow this
control.....Any ideas on how to achieve what my customer
is needing to do???

