Is there a special plug-in or any other additional
software patches needed to use the organizational charts
in powerpoint?
software patches needed to use the organizational charts
in powerpoint?
Is there a special plug-in or any other additional
software patches needed to use the organizational charts
in powerpoint?
Is there a special plug-in or any other additional
software patches needed to use the organizational charts
in powerpoint
2000. I upgraded my office to 2003. When I open the chart, I received theI have a similar problem. I have a organisation chart created in Office
specifically?Is there something I need to do to allow them to use the feature
sure org chart was included. They have the feature and-----Original Message----- cannot use the
organization chart feature. the feature
I'm not positive, but I think that Org Chart was one of the optional install
features; that is, it wasn't included in a default Office install.
Try re-running setup on one of the computers and choose Custom rather than
Typical install; see if you can add Org Chart to their setup that way.
If that's not it, please supply more info. Why can't the users use the
feature? Is it that it's not even there on the menu or that they get error
messages when they try to use it or ...?
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com
I have tried to reinstall using the custom setup to make
I can use the org chart feature being the administrator
but my users cannot use it. This is the only feature I
have found that the users cannot use. I have given my
users full control of the Office directory where it is
installed on the hard drive. Does the org chart function
call on another directory that my users will need full
control access over?