You can't really organize the address book but you can organize the contacts
folder. We don't recommend using separate folders, but rather use categories
and custom views to group contacts.
Thank you Diane,
If I understand you, I cannot group contacts but I can assign a category to
each in order to group them under a specific category. Is that right. ie
friends, family,acquaintances etc. Then can I send a e-mail to that category
in a mass mailing?
correct. We call that a dynamic distribution list. You *can* create standard
distribution lists too - but dynamic ones tend to be easier, especially if
people come and go or change addresses often. Look on the New button for
Distribution list to make a standard DL.
Thanks Diane,
So if I go to the New button and then Distribution list, I then can
customize the various distribution lists. Is that right? If I would like to
not have people on the list know they are one of many geting the letter how
can I illiminate the list of other people so it will seem more personal ?