Ben Taylor
Coming from VB, I've still not really grasped the way how
in C++ if function A wants to call function B, then
function B has to be before function A in the
compilation, and #includes that use the classes in others
rely on others have to be after them accordingly.
I've got three questions about this if I may,
1) When I create an MFC application by having a dialog
class and an application class (generated by the wizard)
as the first four files (CMyDlg.h, CMyDlg.cpp, CMyApp.h
and CMyApp.cpp) and I want to add another class,
CMyClass, which of the four wizard generated files I
mentioned should I #include it in normally? And do I also
have to include the CMyClass.cpp file - or if not, does
it know to pick this file up automatically for the
compilation of the implementation of CMyClass's functions?
2) I experienced strange behavior in VC++.net 2002 when I
wanted to have some #define statements that largely
related to an extra class I added, but would be needed a
bit by my CMainDlg class in its .cpp file aswell, and the
compiler would only accept it if I put them in the added
class's header file - how did it not work if they were
before all the #includes? What is the general rule for
how you should generally order and place the #include and
define statements if you are building an application that
has two main classes for the dialog and application
objects and lots of others, and you want to keep them in
separate files?
3) Where should global functions that some of the classes
might want to call be, and where should they be if those
global functions want to refer to objects that are
instantiated from classes that are defined in different
I'd be very thankful if somebody could give me an
explanation here as it's beginning to confuse me a bit
and making my project layout a bit messy as I just have
to keep moving them around till the compiler hasn't
got 'so-and-so not declared' beef.
Many thanks
Best wishes
Coming from VB, I've still not really grasped the way how
in C++ if function A wants to call function B, then
function B has to be before function A in the
compilation, and #includes that use the classes in others
rely on others have to be after them accordingly.
I've got three questions about this if I may,
1) When I create an MFC application by having a dialog
class and an application class (generated by the wizard)
as the first four files (CMyDlg.h, CMyDlg.cpp, CMyApp.h
and CMyApp.cpp) and I want to add another class,
CMyClass, which of the four wizard generated files I
mentioned should I #include it in normally? And do I also
have to include the CMyClass.cpp file - or if not, does
it know to pick this file up automatically for the
compilation of the implementation of CMyClass's functions?
2) I experienced strange behavior in VC++.net 2002 when I
wanted to have some #define statements that largely
related to an extra class I added, but would be needed a
bit by my CMainDlg class in its .cpp file aswell, and the
compiler would only accept it if I put them in the added
class's header file - how did it not work if they were
before all the #includes? What is the general rule for
how you should generally order and place the #include and
define statements if you are building an application that
has two main classes for the dialog and application
objects and lots of others, and you want to keep them in
separate files?
3) Where should global functions that some of the classes
might want to call be, and where should they be if those
global functions want to refer to objects that are
instantiated from classes that are defined in different
I'd be very thankful if somebody could give me an
explanation here as it's beginning to confuse me a bit
and making my project layout a bit messy as I just have
to keep moving them around till the compiler hasn't
got 'so-and-so not declared' beef.
Many thanks
Best wishes