Order property

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I cannot seem to get the Order property to make any sense to me. The
inadequate Help file on it seem to tell me that I should just be able to
put in the name of the field I want to sort on, and we should be good to
go. Nice, except that it doesn't seem to work that way. Any suggestions?


I hesitated responding to this, if the answer does not
work for you, you may want to repost your question to get
a better answer. But I had the same problem on forms.

What I did was in properties of the form, click to the far
right of the Record Source to make my form into a query
based form. I was then able to select all feilds, and
sort the fields in the fashion I would in a queryu.

Hope this helps,
You need to set the form's OrderByOn property to true as well.

It would be more efficient to create a query, and sort the form's records,
there, but this example uses the property to sort the form in its Open

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.OrderBy = "[NameOfYourFieldHere]"
Me.OrderByOn = True
End Sub
In other words, what you're both saying is that this property in the
property sheet is largely worthless. There is a better, easier way to do
it, and they don't even have an OrderByOn property in the sheet.

Ok - I just thought it might be an easier way than doing a query, for
something so small. Guess not. Thanks!
