emma middlebrook
can see that ordering of execution on the db of
inserts/updates/deletes must necessarily follow in the same order that
those operations are done 'in code'.
But I don't understand the example in the following quote from the
help topic "Updating the Database with a DataAdapter and the DataSet"
.... :
"In many circumstances, the order in which changes made through the
DataSet are sent to the data source is important. For example, if a
primary key value for an existing row is updated, and a new row has
been added with the new primary key value, it is important to process
the update before the insert."
It doesn't seem to make sense. How can you add a new row with the same
primary key? It might just be a typo - if we replace "a new row has
been added with the new primary key value" with "a new row has been
added with the old primary key value" it's all clear I think.
Just confirmation needed please that I haven't misread the thing and
so made a mistaken correction.
Emma Middlebrook
(e-mail address removed)

inserts/updates/deletes must necessarily follow in the same order that
those operations are done 'in code'.
But I don't understand the example in the following quote from the
help topic "Updating the Database with a DataAdapter and the DataSet"
.... :
"In many circumstances, the order in which changes made through the
DataSet are sent to the data source is important. For example, if a
primary key value for an existing row is updated, and a new row has
been added with the new primary key value, it is important to process
the update before the insert."
It doesn't seem to make sense. How can you add a new row with the same
primary key? It might just be a typo - if we replace "a new row has
been added with the new primary key value" with "a new row has been
added with the old primary key value" it's all clear I think.
Just confirmation needed please that I haven't misread the thing and
so made a mistaken correction.
Emma Middlebrook
(e-mail address removed)