ORDER BY [Time] field not working right

  • Thread starter Thread starter Denny W. Jones
  • Start date Start date

Denny W. Jones


I've got a table with a date/time field in it. When I try tell Access to
sort on that field it doesn't sort correctly.

EventDesc EventDate EventStartTime
Families worship together until the children are dismissed for
Children's Church (ages 4-6th grade) 5/2/2004 8:30
Families worship tegether until the children are dismissed for
Children's Church (ages 4-6th grade) 5/2/2004 11:00
Meet at the Weeks Park Pavilion-SW Prky
Childcare will be provided at the church from 5:30-8:30 PM. 5/2/2004
Meets at "the edge" (shuttle provided) 5/2/2004 10:00

Why does it sort this way? "10:00" obviously comes before "18:00".

Any clues?

Are you attempting to sort in the report's sorting and grouping dialog? If
so, what is the expression?
Are you attempting to sort in the report's sorting and grouping dialog? If
so, what is the expression?

No - I'm attempting to sort the data in the query window.
Don't sort your query. Use the sorting and grouping dialog in the report