order (bring to front / send to back) rectangles/text with an on click

  • Thread starter Thread starter JER
  • Start date Start date


In Access 200/2002 I would like to use one form component
(control button/text box) to, on click, cause a particular
other form component to move to the top of a stack of like
components and receive focus.

That way I can use one userform to hold more info.

any ideas on how to do that? I cannot find "bring to
front" as an option in properties or "on click"

Do not want to use tab controls ... need a different look
and feel.

IIRC, the Control that has the Focus will be automatically brought to front.
Thus all you need to do is to set the Focus to the Control that you want to
bring to the front.

Gave it a try:

Private Sub Box5_Click()
End Sub

most likely I didn't quite get it because it didn't
function as desired.

-----Original Message-----
IIRC, the Control that has the Focus will be
automatically brought to front.
Probably not the Click Event as after the code is executed the Click action
will send the Focus back to Box 5.

Try the GotFocus Event of Box5 (or a CommandButton). As soon as Box5 gets
the Focus, the Focus will be move to Box8 and Box8 will be on top.