Order Backup Disks from Dell - for Free?

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I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Dell Customers can now request a set of backup discs containing the factory-installed operating system as well as the device drivers and utilities specific to your system.

* Requests are limited to one (1) set of backup discs per system purchased.
* The backup discs requested must match the operating system that was factory installed on the original order.

Please note that Dell will provide you the most up to date Resource disc available, containing the latest drivers and diagnostic tools currently being shipped on new systems. Due to the frequent updates, this Resource disc may not have all the drivers needed for your specific system, especially if it is over one (1) year old.

Additional Drivers and Downloads for your system can be found at http://support.dell.com/support/downloads.

If you are considering an operating system reinstall, please click here for an alternative, Restored with Dell™ PC Restore by Symantec™ in Microsoft® Windows® XP.

To proceed with requesting these backup discs, please fill out the request form below and click Submit to continue.



Why the Dellhell don't they just give you the bloody disks to start with. :rolleyes:

I guess they want to keep rack of their customers. I bought a Dell system 2 years ago and sold it within a couple of months to a friend. NOw if he wants the disks i'm not sure he will be able to get them unless I gave him all of my details and customer number

Oh dear lol
muckshifter said:
Dell Customers can now request a set of backup discs containing the factory-installed operating system as well as the device drivers and utilities specific to your system.

* Requests are limited to one (1) set of backup discs per system purchased.
* The backup discs requested must match the operating system that was factory installed on the original order.

Please note that Dell will provide you the most up to date Resource disc available, containing the latest drivers and diagnostic tools currently being shipped on new systems. Due to the frequent updates, this Resource disc may not have all the drivers needed for your specific system, especially if it is over one (1) year old.

Additional Drivers and Downloads for your system can be found at http://support.dell.com/support/downloads.

If you are considering an operating system reinstall, please click here for an alternative, Restored with Dell™ PC Restore by Symantec™ in Microsoft® Windows® XP.

To proceed with requesting these backup discs, please fill out the request form below and click Submit to continue.



Why the Dellhell don't they just give you the bloody disks to start with. :rolleyes:


don,t worry they did,nt give me my windows xp disc.

Got it free in the end from them.
Something that may be worth doing is pressing CTRL+F11 on bootup if you need to re-install windows on a Dell. It sticks it back to a fresh install of Windows (like when you first got it) - it will remove EVERYTHING though, so use the CD's if you need to reinstall and keep data :)

Probably worth getting the CD's anyway if you don't already get them :thumb:
Dell Backup Discs

I went to the link above for the discs, but it appears to be USA only. I live in France but have a totally UK system with Qwerty keyboard, so would want to order the discs from Dell UK. Can you point me in the right direction to order as I cannot find a link on either Dell UK or Dell Fr sites.
As you say - why didn't them send out the discs initially!!
Happy New Year to all as this is my first post.
Many thanks, michael555, will get in touch with Dell by land line.
Happy New Year!
Just got a new Dell and it came with all the disks, a friend of mine bought a Dell too a couple of years ago and he got all the disks too with his PC. Doesn't everone get at least the OP and drivers on disks with the PC when they buy it? Or are you talking about if you loose the disks.

Cheers Lee.
the discs they usually supply you with are 1 for drivers and 1 is a restore disc and not a proper copy of windows
My friend deffinately had a full copy of XP because i deleted the extra partition on his PC that contained all the restore files and used it to do a fresh install of XP without all the other crap that dell put on the machines. I just checked my disc and thats a proper Vista install disc too :) Dell maybe have changed there policy on shipping operating systems on discs with PCs now after getting fed up of people requesting them lol. I know it was like you said Me_2001 on my last PC though, it had a restore disc but if you deleted the files on a seperate partition of the hard drive the disc was useless, that was a Packard Bell from PC world.... Hey i didnt know any better then it was my first proper PC :P lol

Cheers Lee.
Awesome news!! I wonder if people can load the operating system on a non dell pc?
Or will the software will read the disk directory for Dell indentifying OS ? Surely they will not
block non dell pc's since some people have replaced/upgraded hard drives over time
and the Dell OS will not be on the PC.
Do you mean oem version with dell.

Yes these will work on other pc but will need a keycode.
yes, the oem version operatng system. I have the key codes on the side of the tower.

I'm not sure where my disks are so a second copy would be nice. Thanks.
I may have a spare version back up on cd-r

OEM version from dell.

You can have it for free.
Sure Micheal I'll take it if I don't get a disk from Dell. I filled out the order form Monday. If I don't get a disk or email response from Dell, I'll take the xp disk. How much do you want for shipping ? Thanks.
Having enough trouble getting the rig I ordered, never mind backup discs :(
BigTDawg said:
Sure Micheal I'll take it if I don't get a disk from Dell. I filled out the order form Monday. If I don't get a disk or email response from Dell, I'll take the xp disk. How much do you want for shipping ? Thanks.

do it for free should,nt cost much less than 50p.

I will try and find my back up dell disc, if not are you ok with a cd-r version i made?
Sure that's okay if you can't find the back up disk. I tried to send a private message with my mailing address, I have not been a member long enough to have full privledges. If you can send a private message then I can resend my
mailing address or just send me an email to javatrader at charter dot net& I'll email my info. Thank you!!!
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