Orcs Must Die 2


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
The sequel to Orcs Must Die was released a couple of days ago (for £11.99 on Steam) - it's a cross between a FPS and Tower Defence

You’ve tossed, burned and sliced them by the thousands – now orcs must die more than ever before! Grab a friend and slay orcs in untold numbers in this sequel to the 2011 AIAS Strategy Game of the Year from Robot Entertainment. Leap back into the fray as a powerful War Mage or crafty Sorceress.

I've downloaded it this evening and played a few levels. It's just as fun as the first one, but has lots of extra traps, a new character and most importantly a co-op mode (which I've not yet tried). If you like tower defence, this is a fun little game :thumb:.
From what I've heard one of the background tracks seems to be almost the same as a song from Beauty and the Beast, so that's all I think of when I hear you playing it :p

This is the song from Beauty and the Beast (starts at about 25 seconds in)