Orange broadband customers

Doesn't surprise me, alhough to be fair most BB suppliers seem to have the occasional glitch. It's the way they go about fixing things that really annoys me. Forcing customers to use an 0870 number to be told the BB is down is just adding insult to injury. After the problems I had recently with the Orange mobile service and I certainly won't be renewing my contract with them at the end of the year.

In three and a half years plus, only downtime I've ever had with my ISP was from 2am to 6am when local BT exchange done some maintenance.

Zen.Co.Uk are good. Really.

The old adage really does apply - pay peanuts, get monkeys :)

Or something like that... ;)

PS: My mobile phone is with Orange, contract runs out in December. They keep phoning me up, trying to sell me a new contract and their Broadband service.

I tell them it's rubbish and then to go forth and multiply :)

They charge me £2.55 a month for not paying by direct debit. This annoys me. It annoys me a great deal. Bye bye Orange, it was a mostly Ok 10 years but you've gone all to crap.