But this does not accomplish what I am trying to do with TRANSLATE. I have a table with hundreds of thousands of text strings. I want to use the TRANSLATE command to convert the non-alphabetic characters to a space and then trim the text so I can group the alphabetic text strings
----- Michel Walsh wrote: ----
I would rather use an inner join
Table1 ' tabl
Id, Description ' field
0 zer
1 on
2 tw
3 three ' dat
SELECT a.*. Table1.Descriptio
FROM a INNER OIN table1 on a.id = table1.i
The advantage is that anyone can add data, or change it, in table1
while with constants written in the SQL code requires, for even the mos
basic maintenance, an access to the SQL code.... and if everyone has t
modify your SQL code, who is responsible for it, at the end? No, data i
table, not in code, is definitively better for everyone, imho, and usin
lists of constants in code is to be avoided.... But if you still prefe
having those constants in your code
SELECT CHOOSE( a.id, "one", "two", "three", "four" ) A
SWITCH( condition1, value1, condition2, value2, condition3, value3
true, defaultValue) As LikeACas
with SWITCH behaving like a CASE statement, and CHOOSE selection th
argument accordingly to the integer value of its first argument
Hoping it may help
Vanderghast, Access MV
jp said:
Does anyone know whether there is a SQL command in Access that i
equivalent to Oracle's TRANSLATE command? What is the command and th