With VB 6 I used this piece of code:
dim adoCmd as new Adodb.Command
dim adoParm as new Adodb.Parameter
with adoCmd
.commandText = "OurComp.SaveWidget"
.commandType = adCmdStoredProc
Set adoParm = .CreateParameter("FirstParam", adChar, adParmInput,
Len(pStrFirst), pStrFirst)
.parameters.append adoParm
Set adoParm = .CreateParameter("SecondParam", adChar, adParmInput,
Len(pStrSecond), pStrSecond)
.parameters.append adoParm
end with
What would the corresponding code be for ado.net ?
dim adoCmd as new Adodb.Command
dim adoParm as new Adodb.Parameter
with adoCmd
.commandText = "OurComp.SaveWidget"
.commandType = adCmdStoredProc
Set adoParm = .CreateParameter("FirstParam", adChar, adParmInput,
Len(pStrFirst), pStrFirst)
.parameters.append adoParm
Set adoParm = .CreateParameter("SecondParam", adChar, adParmInput,
Len(pStrSecond), pStrSecond)
.parameters.append adoParm
end with
What would the corresponding code be for ado.net ?