I'm trying to call a stored procedure adding parameters by specifying
their names. I used to do this in VB with the NamedParameters option
on a recordset I believe. If someone could tell me how to do this i
would be very gratefull.
Anyway while I was trying some stuff out to get this to work I found
this weird behavior. I have a stored procedure that combines two
varchar2 variables and returns it in a third. I called it from .NET
like this.
OracleCommand wCom = new OracleCommand();
wCom.CommandText = "begin test(
ne, :two, :three ); end;";
wCom.Parameters.Add( "two", "2" );
wCom.Parameters.Add( "one", "1" );
wCom.Parameters.Add( "three", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 200 );
wCom.Parameters["three"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
wCom.Connection = wCon;
Console.WriteLine( wCom.Parameters["three"].Value );
I expexted to get "12" back, but instead I got "21". Why are these
parameters positional instead of named? Is this something specific to
their names. I used to do this in VB with the NamedParameters option
on a recordset I believe. If someone could tell me how to do this i
would be very gratefull.
Anyway while I was trying some stuff out to get this to work I found
this weird behavior. I have a stored procedure that combines two
varchar2 variables and returns it in a third. I called it from .NET
like this.
OracleCommand wCom = new OracleCommand();
wCom.CommandText = "begin test(

wCom.Parameters.Add( "two", "2" );
wCom.Parameters.Add( "one", "1" );
wCom.Parameters.Add( "three", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 200 );
wCom.Parameters["three"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
wCom.Connection = wCon;
Console.WriteLine( wCom.Parameters["three"].Value );
I expexted to get "12" back, but instead I got "21". Why are these
parameters positional instead of named? Is this something specific to