More info:
The more persistent and prevalent error msg I'm seeing
is "PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments ". I
have all of two params to the SP, one in, one out. In is
varchar(20), out is Char(3). Maybe it is a type mismatch
thing, no success so far. By the way, another SP which is
very similar, I can call with the OleDb provider, but not
with OracleClient!! It succeeds using the odd {} syntax,
not the params.add approach.
The more persistent and prevalent error msg I'm seeing
is "PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments ". I
have all of two params to the SP, one in, one out. In is
varchar(20), out is Char(3). Maybe it is a type mismatch
thing, no success so far. By the way, another SP which is
very similar, I can call with the OleDb provider, but not
with OracleClient!! It succeeds using the odd {} syntax,
not the params.add approach.