The problem with that is that I need to receive asynchronous messages.
If I have to do it with ODP then I have to query the DB, which it will spend
DB resources, client Resources, and also if the client don't do it very
often then will be delays between the data inside DB and the client itself.
For that AQ is perfect for that, where you can subscribe to be listening for
a message when them arrives.
So, far what I'm starting to see it can be done using OO4O (Oracle Objects
for Ole) but it is a COM object to be used from VB6, basically for sure I'll
be able to use it on .Net, but I'll have to keep two open connections to DB,
OO4O and ODP also keeping two different styles to access to DB.
It is much better if I can do it everything from ODP, but it doesn't support