need help please.
I need to know how to wright a formula that will say if a number is
11 or less than another number.
cell a1 has 734 and cell a2 has 735 ( these numbers will change at
times) but I need to know how to tell if the lower cell a2 is 11 or
less than the cell up from it a1. Does this make sense?
This don't work for me =if(a2<=11a1,"x")
need help please.
I need to know how to wright a formula that will say if a number is
11 or less than another number.
cell a1 has 734 and cell a2 has 735 ( these numbers will change at
times) but I need to know how to tell if the lower cell a2 is 11 or
less than the cell up from it a1. Does this make sense?
This don't work for me =if(a2<=11a1,"x")