Options for Inter process communication between Webservice and C#Application ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sagaert Johan
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Sagaert Johan

I want a webservice to get data from a c# application
To be more exact :i have a working c# video capture program(uses directX)
and i want the webservice to get the captured data if a webclient requests
an updated image snapshot.
Both the webservice and the c# run on the same PC.

I think its useless to try to implement the video capture in my webservice
directly becorse directX needs a window object for video preview.

What are the options , i know win32 had named pipes , but wat are the
options for .NET ?

will you just have ONE web client? I'd be surprised if you did.

How about creating a server component that everyone can access using
when the capture client is started, it subscribes to receive events from the
remoting server, and periodically uploads a new image to the remoting
server, who keeps it in cache (the most recent complete image, and a buffer
for an incoming new image).
The web service sends a request for the image to the remoting server, who
streams back the most recent complete image for sending to the client.

--- Nick