Randy K.
I have a function with 6 required parameter and several optional parameters
and am having problems with either getting: "invalid use of Null" errors or
Missing errors once in function.
For Example:
Function test(p1 as string, p2 as integer,etc, optional p7 as
string,optional p8 as currency, etc)
When I call the function I use:
call test1(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) if I don't need to set any optional values.
With this I get "invalid use of Null"
If I removed the type of variable (making them variant) in the function,
then it starts into the function, but I have if-thens setup to create a
string for a SQL statement and when it comes to the first if-then, it bombs
and if I hover over the parameter list, all the optionals show "missing"
instead of Null.
What is the ideal way to setup and use a function like this?
and am having problems with either getting: "invalid use of Null" errors or
Missing errors once in function.
For Example:
Function test(p1 as string, p2 as integer,etc, optional p7 as
string,optional p8 as currency, etc)
When I call the function I use:
call test1(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) if I don't need to set any optional values.
With this I get "invalid use of Null"
If I removed the type of variable (making them variant) in the function,
then it starts into the function, but I have if-thens setup to create a
string for a SQL statement and when it comes to the first if-then, it bombs
and if I hover over the parameter list, all the optionals show "missing"
instead of Null.
What is the ideal way to setup and use a function like this?