Optional parameter declaration and default values


Imran Aziz

Hello All,
I am new to C# , how can I delare parameters to a function as optional,
and also how are default values assigned ?

consider the function

public String myFunc(String thisisOptional, String OptWithDefaultValue)



Mark Rae

I am new to C# , how can I delare parameters to a function as optional,

You don't - you use overloads.

public string myFunc()
do something

public string myFunc(string thisisOptional)
do something with thisisOptional
string newString = myFunc();

Imran Aziz

I see, it means there is no way to declare optional function parameters in
C#, strange , no doubt I was not able to find it in the documentation :)

Thanks a lot.


Franco, Gustavo

You can't.

1) Overloads
public String myFunc()
myFunc(null, x //default value);

public String myFunc(String thisisOptional)
myFunc(thisisOptional, x //default value);

public String myFunc(String thisisOptional, String OptWithDefaultValue)
..... code here.

2) params object[] parameters like parameter in the method.

public String myFunc(params string[] parameters )
String thisisOptional = null;
String OptWithDefaultValue = defaultValue;

if (params.Lenght >= 2)
thisisOptional = parameters[0];
OptWithDefaultValue = parameters[1];
else if (params.Lenght == 1)
thisisOptional = parameters[0];

.... code here


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