Camel Software
Recently I worked on a project where we brought in a Microsoft employee to
help us. He and I were trying to do a "quick fix" on a server that contained
an entire dotnet application, and he showed me an option that you could put
into a file (I can't remember if it was a .aspx file or a Web.config file)
that would allow us to test the change without re-compiling.
I can't find where I wrote down the option to use, could someone else tell
me what it is? I've searched the documentation, but apparently I'm not
looking in the right places. I have some vague memory of it having something
to do with this line:
<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Console.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="BackupConsole.WebForm1" %>
Recently I worked on a project where we brought in a Microsoft employee to
help us. He and I were trying to do a "quick fix" on a server that contained
an entire dotnet application, and he showed me an option that you could put
into a file (I can't remember if it was a .aspx file or a Web.config file)
that would allow us to test the change without re-compiling.
I can't find where I wrote down the option to use, could someone else tell
me what it is? I've searched the documentation, but apparently I'm not
looking in the right places. I have some vague memory of it having something
to do with this line:
<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Console.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="BackupConsole.WebForm1" %>