Hi. MVP Graham helped me with the first part of my "option
group" issue- I now have two option buttons: Member
(option1) and Affiliate(option2) Each are yes/no fields,
with an option group container, and code:
Me!Option2 = Not Me!Option1
Me!Option1 = Not Me!Option2.
If someone is a Member, I want MemberDate field required
and AffiliateDate non-enterable. If someone is an
Affiliate, I want AffiliateDate field requried and
MemberDate non-enterable. MemberDate and AffiliateDate
are Date/Time fields. Any suggestions? Thanks! Stephanie
group" issue- I now have two option buttons: Member
(option1) and Affiliate(option2) Each are yes/no fields,
with an option group container, and code:
Me!Option2 = Not Me!Option1
Me!Option1 = Not Me!Option2.
If someone is a Member, I want MemberDate field required
and AffiliateDate non-enterable. If someone is an
Affiliate, I want AffiliateDate field requried and
MemberDate non-enterable. MemberDate and AffiliateDate
are Date/Time fields. Any suggestions? Thanks! Stephanie