Robin Scott
1. I have added an option button. It is Surgery Yes (this option is numbered
23) or Surgery NO (this option is numbered 24).
2. B8 is the cell number.
3. I have formatted another cell with the formula =IF(B8=1,"Surgery
YES","Surgery NO") per the instructions of Microsoft.
4. However, even if I change to the number 23 or the number 24 following the
= sign, the anwer is always Surgery NO even if I toggle between both of the
5. I would appreciate your help concerning this issue. I am trying to make
the formula cause the answer to be the dotted option.
23) or Surgery NO (this option is numbered 24).
2. B8 is the cell number.
3. I have formatted another cell with the formula =IF(B8=1,"Surgery
YES","Surgery NO") per the instructions of Microsoft.
4. However, even if I change to the number 23 or the number 24 following the
= sign, the anwer is always Surgery NO even if I toggle between both of the
5. I would appreciate your help concerning this issue. I am trying to make
the formula cause the answer to be the dotted option.