Soon after I set an external USB hard drive (a 200GB DiamondMax 10) to
"optmize for performance", it started to show problems (delayed write
failure) and stopped responding in the middle of a checkdisk.
After a restart, whenever I plugged it into a PC (even another PC), it
was recognized as new hardware, but sometimes it did not appear as a
drive unit, and still showed problems, even if it was set to "optimize
for quick removal".
The unit is brand new and it did not show any problem during the first
setup and formatting.
What does happen when I set a drive to "optimize for performance"?
Is something changed in its firmware?
Is something changed in its System Information Volume folder?
How can I be sure it's been reverted back to "optimize for quick
removal" status?
Thank you,
"optmize for performance", it started to show problems (delayed write
failure) and stopped responding in the middle of a checkdisk.
After a restart, whenever I plugged it into a PC (even another PC), it
was recognized as new hardware, but sometimes it did not appear as a
drive unit, and still showed problems, even if it was set to "optimize
for quick removal".
The unit is brand new and it did not show any problem during the first
setup and formatting.
What does happen when I set a drive to "optimize for performance"?
Is something changed in its firmware?
Is something changed in its System Information Volume folder?
How can I be sure it's been reverted back to "optimize for quick
removal" status?
Thank you,