You obviously do not have a clue as of what OP is talking about?
With image quality he (and almost all people) mean things like mip-map
levels, tex. filtering quality and so on.. Like using some drivers make some
textures look washed and blurred.
oh really so your saying that somewhere there is a image of what
the perfect screen should look like, and ALL will be in agreement?..
right! ok whatever. where is there a reference to mip-maps in the
original post?
Is it my imagination or with each new Cat. drivers is the FS2004
He asking from his imagination, is he seeing degradation, yep that's a
'in depth question that would definitely send me on a tangent of
100,000 $ word descriptions on the adjustments of video cards.
O Poster, do you know what a mip map level is? how about texture
filtering(which I mentioned)? Do you even care? it seems that FPS are
the main concern while maintaining 'image quality' ? He simply asked
about 'best image quality" at the end. and what driver versions, which
is hardly a 'Vidphile' question.
This is not a put down to the O Poster, so don't take it that way, if
you are really into the intricacies of video card adjustments.
I tried the game on my Mobility Radeon 9000 64mb, P4 2.53Ghz, 512
laptop few months back, and It played ok at 1024*768 setting with med-high
I think I was using catalyst 3.10 or 3.9 back then. Fps were in 25-40
Then you come back with a laptop reference, which is a far cry from
what a desktop user will experience, no matter what the driver
Yeah your right, your the only one that has the answers. ego better