Optik - Ice

Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
Its not my web site but my mates web site. Its been running for a month and hardly any members have joined - 39 all told. How can he (we) draw more members into his site?
monkeyman, I've removed the URL from the post as it is close to spamming - however feel free to add it to your profile if people are interested to check it out.

The best way to get members to join a forum is to get some good content on the main site - its taken 5 years for this site to get there so it does take time! Telling your friends about it is always a good way to build a few members, but beyond that you have to draw them in from the content on your site with interesting discussions :)

There is a very good forum which has a section on how to promote your site and optimise it for visitors : www.sitepointforums.com. I've learnt lots from there over the years!
Yeah sorry about that URL posting Ian, I wasn't sure if it was allowd here!

Thanks for the info.

GO to my profile for the URL or simply type in 'optik - ice' into a search engine if you want to vitit/become a member of this site.
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