e.t. and dct wrote in <
[email protected]>:
Ok here is my opinion - and some friendly advice:
Use telling subject line, say like "Ram manager for XP -opinions
wanted" and "Spyware remover for XP - opinions wanted" or something
like that (you don't have to use "freeware" in the subject line, goes
without saying when asking in alt.comp.freeware

from: <
"The subject line of an article is there to enable a person with
a limited amount of time to decide whether or not to read your
article. Tell people what the article is about before they read
Also - if you want opinions on two quite different program types, lik
Ram Managers and Spyware removers, I think it is better to post two
separate request. This way it will make it easier for others
interested in either ram managers or spyware removers to follow the
thread(s) - and contribute if so.
Now to your questions:
1) ram managers, none.
2) Spyware removers
all those listed here, use all:
In addition I suggest you use Winpatrol (the free version) or a
similar startup monitoring utility
to alert you (and allow you to reject/deny) when some programs (good
and bad) try to inject them self in the various Windows run keys to
auto load/run when Windows starts.
All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen