I shouldn't even have to ask, but my tech is building me a new computer at
the moment and thought he was doing me a favour by putting Norton 2005 on
it. I am really hedging on that.
I am using WinME which Norton does not work with at all......plus the fact
that I dumped Norton some 5 years ago after getting 3 viruses because I had
a defective copy.
I have used EZ Trust ever since.......but is there some good reason for
putting Norton on my new XP machine? None that I know of, but thought I had
better ask. Perhaps I will see if he has Nod.
I am so excited about this coz I am picking out all the hardware with the
help of my MVP buddies and *Willy the Wonder Tech*......grin. I never ever
thought I would have to make so many damned decisions......on ditzy stuff
like case colour (got black & silver)......hey, got to get with it!!
Wireless keyboard and mouse, or regular......and so on.
But I know from being on this group for eons that Norton is one SOB to
remove......and I recall it seems to have a lot of Live Update problems. So
any info would be appreciated.
PS......Art, it really isn't all that expensive. Willy is doing a super job
for me. I do have my own copy of XP Home, so that saves on cost. Not
getting a new monitor or router at this point. Willy said to hold off until
I needed or wanted them. Took me 5 years to find this man.....he is so
damned honest......not to mention extremely good.
the moment and thought he was doing me a favour by putting Norton 2005 on
it. I am really hedging on that.
I am using WinME which Norton does not work with at all......plus the fact
that I dumped Norton some 5 years ago after getting 3 viruses because I had
a defective copy.
I have used EZ Trust ever since.......but is there some good reason for
putting Norton on my new XP machine? None that I know of, but thought I had
better ask. Perhaps I will see if he has Nod.
I am so excited about this coz I am picking out all the hardware with the
help of my MVP buddies and *Willy the Wonder Tech*......grin. I never ever
thought I would have to make so many damned decisions......on ditzy stuff
like case colour (got black & silver)......hey, got to get with it!!
Wireless keyboard and mouse, or regular......and so on.
But I know from being on this group for eons that Norton is one SOB to
remove......and I recall it seems to have a lot of Live Update problems. So
any info would be appreciated.
PS......Art, it really isn't all that expensive. Willy is doing a super job
for me. I do have my own copy of XP Home, so that saves on cost. Not
getting a new monitor or router at this point. Willy said to hold off until
I needed or wanted them. Took me 5 years to find this man.....he is so
damned honest......not to mention extremely good.